HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-19, Page 9tricknow Seatlacito Wethie$day, M*th 19, 1986,--Page • • • 1. 1 • 5,4 ... • . • •••••'-- •MixilAAAi VA; ..',. • ' `.1 ,,,,,`i• _.",,OLucknow s ,' i'Pevei„::6,' „.,i' t°:.'rive:'.'(n'.6 Brad'M1aYwt11I3•goa1 .ihis two games 0nteo1iscoring Stre:,#3'7Cli:g:tleiStpingo41sfel 14e1e,w00tee:astheycefe"ted,tiver, to r,- (: : ,: .- ' ; '• . '. '', O 'Iliii'WaS the, deciding game of a''bst:Of' three ,Splayoff. ' 'Without, this exceptional • d :haett-• Ifint°eier,0111:,ba4enoeceaekiinTsoeiv**et.hrtetiy,nou9tu:p.,11a_.;Y11..7"d:7',:a•7401P,,./.6u- t. :-,!„' ., r.lr,i!' : Bs ,,1aSt minute of 016,-ganl,- liq',was „..-.,aife'd i) y :pennis,---pat..k,, .Therel')yereen •Vi,...-'. t1. e int.oii,6Lucknow ,, ,,,,,,-,, ,,,ii• o, ..., ,,,,.„ Mir' .assistS aecredi'te*'4'.te, '''tltad.'s g041.,.,..,4,, •, tee-,,te '-'''';'-‘,i' '''Crich and/ - one' 'to "Peteri,':,-,, Neufeld ' '' atitp10:s.,pla3i6djiofliyettP.* March. On ' c Lucknow was. Aiie , ::-'--.0,:btietinica'hy i,c‘, he43;ii'ug .,--- ..'-for -- -''tio-,ge'clOt14,00nse:•, .• i. , ...- .... 0 fe1 ita e trig results . • ... • Ladles Thiirsday, from. Joy.....Jojpos.,: 24‘....,04ptiapooi:viron had the high triple Of 672., • . • • Games over 200 werefrom: Joy Jurjers.."2.46;Joanne,Hodgins,,227, 221; Wendy Ritchie. 32; Marg WiIson, 212; Janet Guntcr. 213; Wilnia Elliott, 222; ad Dianne Wall. 212. 217, 243. standings:Ta1, , Crepe g'371i 1u. °i4 65;°n76P*ster°'7I;Line °'37;k71* an.bwedlareh1: Thesinglewassc°°dbja Gunte.r..26.Q.andtheh!tiPe Judi wet: frornJanet Tyler. ,2oar 206; Judi de Boer, 202. •Bctty. Stanley. 204. ings:'„crepe,24 ton 2, 78; Polyester 3, 74; .Linen .r,14 e Hodgins 221; nadaimont in. .Toui:iv g!'Year elni r am rest . ' . 14, 'ace" ;77 4 b. 20:b�wjed Mareh 16 'adic had the high of 244 n2ii.h tripk' vent to ag2ib Tyler,• over 200 wce from Jean " tineMcDonald, 224; 4; Dos 18; Marg Wilson. 1‘,/iarie5cOtti 201; Marj.McMurraY 201; Joanne;13pk. „ . ;'0,:f'. and Diannc Watt. 206., Ladies 7:00 p.m. playoffs aflR�ss the high Single I f•z° ..171.471; 1 • ft,' .,. 1 1 1.$ 4;7 3'4 Last ,Saturday, March8 the ' Lucknow 13antains travelled to flarrigOrt to take part . , , ;'• in the HarristonMinto. Cup Tournament. The local lads were bound and determined , to still ,stiii,, he playing in the tournament towards 'the; end ofthe,. Week, when the , ampionship games would ," be , played., • with a solictteam,effortizthe_sittiport of cheerleading girls from Lucknow and also a •*couple of the HarriStoniirlS, the boys were '• ' nGt denied;tlie gory of Winning the C-I)D division. ,,,4r._ , . The team. opened p ,Ine tournament •, against -`, a -.: big, 'strong : Listowel., team. , Lucknow'ill goals by „ ., , scored three itcimheaSrieisn' tmbeurfiraryst period with ... Kirk LiVingston and ;Wayne Nivens, and assists going to Brad, Murray. and Harvey ert., Listowel scored one. In the SecOnd period,: Lucknow again outscored Listowel three .gOals to one. s S c ,lr i ngf°r Lucknow • '* '' 74l, .,*ad'Murray *tih two and Keii1e°1:gwitl4ssitsg°i:g to eiirios:MurraY'seattGbsOn, Keit , t • C ampbell, MattRi0;.ji1nsioott.ad kilsLivingston.,i t:e tiid:period Listowel outscored Ltckjvhreeoak t.. two Scoring for LuekreWvere Kevindooiig and,Sarn Murray, assistedbyDave - „ .• . 1 „ Schuler.; Grialteii er was Johnatha• who played '''steady garne in the Wothe game , n . , ..,„ , on „ game 1 y g, n:Nels�n' to ar s e n amst rie chib:t out,„„as the - started. oth S.-gP k garti- b e eileTetlitlisng gatn. it, e • - lose to end arid neither team 7 The. seconderik run aWay,Wit :three. "•.algo goals past the 0r ..„-ing rfor ' ,,I, ort . ''''' urra 14 . two and ' eY.,..,,i - , . i-;' assistsh'‘ to Scott Gibson ah , ,,T ett., e t period saw the gameialiite physicafa ' Hai -.ton start d to be 'ine tcustrated. But that didn't botherue now, eyjust went out and scored '., ,eMore goals, to Murray, eve- e , a,, Svvtlierel-4urrradY , cool them , cl,o,,w • with , assists going to Kirk Livingston, , ,. VVayne Nivens arid Harvey 'Kikkert. Harriston did 'manage to Score three dines late in the game to end up with Lucknow winning' 7 3 This Meant that,4414A Ow would advance to the championshiP' gime 'on Thursday afternoon against the powerful C team froni Arthur . , :oin Winners of the recent draw sprilasored by rhe Lackriow Figure Skating club to raise funds were:” quilt, Vreci Vassella; afghan, Rod' MacLennan ,aild Simpson won ,ttie Care Bear a hardTahnre'cisneflow was etter:te s hitting' hockey , „ scoring any more d°a k w t w Itarriston outscore Luc no hr g�ais to Lu 0 eoi big o CIC ,,,e:,t,4i,io$,„oth two and,°S,-,.15ts` , 11,', I4enOi.ft;,-.gala„11, d Sa'il. '' „l'''''1nr!'*k.-,„,' e,t ii''''' '' period litiit'., of, penaltl" 2 , e '..i'.h,':•''i.:4ea".,i18W,,i.pc-,..n p i61i.1iaie::1tthcy:tl ,,cr;iiisi0t:4)„goa!t:, to zi:114,g44ig0itig,;nriih4 ii ,...",.- • nd:Cfriflthe game. -Scoring was '' urra withto and assists went'to 17 . - am e start. This, e, .0'ieti„ s' and , ir - „,- unt and a. one -ga --,,ead in he '' „•,.‘i' V , '•, -1 ' .'!"nglei9w5a.s roiled by ,dY0oble . ti ucekriow 'scilru:d°rit'co-`,Pula; for 'the tourrie • ,., , ,s1.1 Jerry VanderKlijaiie with kt0 arrigt ' - e 355. , a s • : .„.;. "i; '•..4fg• s v-, igh ad the high e triple ..;•••77:P.:}Y''''''-'•1:'-'11,''.2;:...1''::V.I.P'7'.'i ":2i1,:';';''';'1. ...4: : lia:Sli ' Allani:119:F 4• GanesY , i ,,i‘ i, , „ c fi: t .; 1., ,t , n . . * . , : , l4i,s,f„,,f;,it2t.i'.,n?;'e'',li,...::,Y!'-'1::,r.,,,,,:r,,,:,.v.Y,h:,.'rt''4'..'.19.,,rt9.e..,,;,st..:,7.,--:,.,.::..,,,,22,'i,:if,f,:t,)61;,..';.;..:..,':,.,. "''fi5"-I'''''''' 'er.0,''-- .. ::04*p.,,..., , 201, Ron 223 1:11yi,k0t:ii,',TY::,.„1:,omPf.. Dorothy ''."--` i et.t,0 .... ' . ,.. , . _ :,49.g': .„,,..P'.::$11l7g:1:i'',',..'''''"„'„ , Stc ,..i7 c40.;:t..);.:',",'____ - HIS.(46pto!'... McDonald, 2 . ,,-0Ke .s, arb , RI, e:::::, , itt',',''''.,Y. ,, ,...4 4 ,... ',..6:15ii-in;;7:•"1-',...:a'•:'';',": Squirrels`.....,'..-,:-..,:' , r.,„,..`...'.;.. .,.,,,,.. , „" t; '',":•':'''''''2•,.151'. ':;::''':''''4,H.1,..'„!r,'.,i'.. A,' s-,,, , ,-' e,''i"- Kangaroos,'' 4.ri,, tort ha h single o - 12 arid a ouble of 359 meat InPionshP. They hit tile ice with h tit rearan.a gleam in t..eir eyes as eY Were.4 t. about to be denied this da which was - L& ecimitig The powerful Arthur team Was Strong but they weren't' strong enough to hold off the' LtlektioviibbYs. 'They `did Manage' 't°, • keepLtleltnoW scoreless in the !irst Period but the-seOnd period LitcknoW senred the, l°nair3ty'egy9il ,1tilcitYertra‘1: Murray, assistd by Fr. The third. period 'saw Lucknow continu- ousiy pounding..pthe Arthur: goalie with shots s they round their' target h two • ' Playoffs more goals by Harvey- Kikkert and Wayne ut before the Thursday game, Lueknow Nivens,"with assists going to am 14 a • took on Flarnston on ednesday afternoon,. -and Kirk Livngston. Arthur did manage to the frst-game of atwo out of three series playoff round. This game showed that Ltieknow *as either a bit over ..confident or., flarriston was more determined not to lost this game. The battle began aS Lucknow opened the scoring early by Brad Murray assisted by Wayne Niven';. " The rest of the firstperiod" scoreOf(: atbetweensiid' 'el,heapads ,l °. f craigiwWtoPlTYeanutstandi14g gatueboldiugArtiurooe This gave Lucknow a 3'''lvcaryandthe (DJ) filnPl°tishl ,ihis,was 1oILg awaited cham?°n1hipfor these boys. specilthankstromcoah Harvey Liv ingSten and rnanager DuncanCan)bel • Team-poins and standings: Geida's Pansies 3; 72;2:Grace's Daffodils 3, ' 71; f:Ananaels,s"HTYaiettpl 112, s 24, Man' s now- iriots 5, :0i; ats5, en citni44,,.,,ed last week: Ladies high Gerda de Jong withsg 226 le and 351 double. filkdoSsIaxed .•M ens high single was wlled by Haink viith a'. score ti of 320. gh • tri pio• Gary mcbanes with 608 Men 200 and overw6 Hank artem nk er , 32° 228.; ; Art 13urrows 266 Gar- McInnes Ron 'tivic()niiin '214; Bob Campbell, it; and Fraser MaelCintion, 201. Ladies high was Gerdi 4e Jong with Single Sr of 255, 203 and a triple of 620. omitted last week Was Eva B°It's 441' Pines 7, 108; tva's Spruce 5, 87; Doris's filtriS 4, 79; Ann's Ma.ples 2, 74; Grace's„ Team *Ants and stndings: Mary's Oaks 0, ,73' Il . nnah's Cedars 3, 6 „' • , , , , . . , 77a.