HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-12, Page 18Psige 18—Lucknow Undue!, Wednesday, Match 12, 1986 Attention Farmers! OPP officer shows aram9 ...112 esmso mamas cgs* miezim =mem 4160813 .84{612 =EMI eves= Immo *wasp mum nano A. For sale =2.9 1.1.1. COSI= (5.555 MIMI IMOD (=WI CM= IMEte, 41=1.923 fiS.e9 MEM WS= MF # 33 17 RUN GRAIN DRILL with grass seed box, $1400 or best offer; also J D 161/29 BWF winged disc; also 4230 JD tractor with cab, air quad range, dual remotes, radio. Phone 357-2957. —10,11 ROUND BALES OF HAY, first and second cut; straw. Phone 395-3245 Holyrood area. —11 TWO BEEF COWS with calves at side. Approximately one month old. Phone 524- 9898. —1 x LIMOUSIN BULL for sale, 88 % ROP - High Index, 20 months - very quiet. Jim Roe 519-366-9949. —10,11 BOOK YOUR PRIDE Com Grass Seed °Sorghum & Global Canola CALL SANDY McEWAN 395-2410 NOW PIOMER, Seed Corn Alfalfa Soyabeans Sila Bac 1177 Bruce Raynard R.R. # 1 LUCKNOW 528-3502 C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY - barbecue pigs, ruptures, rhinitis,' poor doers, any size; also sows and boars fit to butcher,. Call 335-3151. —48-5xtf E. Farm services BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT. Barn ,clean- ers; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8' to 15 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile. Cow and calf tie stalls.. Loose housing. Bunk feeders, ventilation equipment, hog confinement, Ritchie heated water bowls. Farrowing crates. Weaner decks. Plastic slates and also farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johns R. R. 3, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-539,. -.-42tfar LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., R. R. No. 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed, and grain handling require- ments call 395-5286 or see* us in Aniberley. We handle everything - almost. —42tfar • F. .For rent Men*, werree• mom Om= MA6/ 2111011141 OM, 11011M111101101 .11111111 Ma/ ... • 100 ACRES:FARM LAND for rent -Phone. 5297888. —51tf 32 ACRES CROP GAM? ,for rent, Kinloss. Township. Phone. 3262f84Ojtx 80 ACRES. 4T14 CONCESSIW �f We' Wawariosh ToWiiship,---'1Phone , 29t7183.1 • +romarp. • Worm& Check Clasified Se Deanna Scott opened the March meeting of the Purple Grove Women's Institute on Wednesday, Mar. 5 at Janet Farrell's. Humour was given by Alma Gillies, Marilyn Reid, Anne McCosh and Tiny Robertson. Janet Farrell read the scripture. The convenor Isabel Stanley introduced the guest speaker, Constable Lloyd from Walkerton O.P.P. who showed two films on Streetproofing your Children and answered questions from the members present. Fran Farrell thanked the speaker. The roll call was "A law I would like to see changed". The District Directors' meeting will be held in Bervie on Mar. 25. Donald and Sandra Forster were Satur- day night supper guests of Roy and Maureen Collins. Welcome home to Marion Emerson from a winter holiday in Ormand Beach; Florida and to Ian and Sheri Elliott, also home from holidays in Florida. on street proofing Francis and Irene Boyle visited on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Boyle in Petrolia. Ken and Thelma Robertson and Dorothy Collins visited Don and Tiny Robertson on Tuesday. The big snowstorm on Friday gave school children an extra day . of March Break holidays. Don and Annie McCosh, Dick McCosh, An- nie Colwell, Ian and Shari Elliott were Sun- day supper guests with John and Joyce Far- rell and family. Donna Jean and Douglas Forster are spending a few days: with Evan and Margaret Keith at South Kinloss. Marion and Bob Emerson visited on Fri- day with Don and Tiny Robertson. Happy birthday to John and Teresa Far- rell and Jon Elliott. PURPLE Sympathy is extended to the Cliffe family on the passing of Ken Cliffe whose funeral was held on Saturday. Teresa Farrell had supper on Thursday with Francis and Irene Boyle. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Henderson of Ex- eter were Sunday visitors with Don and Tiny Robertson. Don and Anne McCosh, Florence Kirkpatrick and Annie Jo Scott visited recently with Margaret Scott. Gladys Arnold celebrated her birthday on, Saturday and visited Lloyd Arnold. Marjorie Thompson spent last •week visiting in London and Chatham. Francis Frederick Thompson On Sunday., March 2, '1986, Frank F. Thompson passed away at 'Kincardine and District General Hospital after a lengthy il- lness in his. 73rd year. He was born on the 10th Concession of Kinloss Township on December 28, 1913, youngest son of Frederick H. Thompson and Frances G. Bell. He received his education at S.S. No. 3 Kinloss, Teeswater Continuation and Ripley High School. On August 27, 1938, he married Cora Ethel Wall and they farmed on the Kinloss farm until. August 1, 1962. Frank served as the Treasurer of Kinloss Township from'February 1949 until Jul; 1962. In August 1962 he was appointed Secretary -Manager of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. at Dungannon assisted by his wife, Cora until December 31, 1978, when they retired to Kincardine. Throughout his life, Frank was always ac- tive and interested in community affairs and was a member of the Kincardine:United Church. - He is survived by his .wife Cora, one son Ronald F. Thompson and his wife Jean of Wingham, three daughters COrabelle (Mrs. Art Danahy) of Kincardine, Bernice:Glenn of Dungannon and Joanne (Mrs.. Stephen Whitney) of Sarnia, one sister, Mrs. Grace Alton of Willowdale. He is also survived and loved by 13 grandchildren. He was predeceased by his parents and two brothers Herbert G. (Bert) of Brantford and Harold H. of Kincardine. Funeral service was held at Davey- Linklater Funeral Home on Tuesday, March 4, 1986, and conducted by Rev. Dr. Norman 'Perry and assisted by Rev. Clarence Me- Clenaghan, a family friend. Spring interment at Kincardine Cemetery. Pallbearers were Norman Ross, Donald P. MacKay, K.K. Dawson, Jack Connell, Grant Eckenswiller and Verne Inglis. Adam [Addle] MacAdam Adam (Addie) MacAdam of Goderich died at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on Friday, March 7,1986 at the age of 88. •He sailed for many years and was a rural mail carrier for R.R. 3 for 23 years. He was also a member of Knox Presbyterian Chur- ch. Born in Ashfield Township on October 7, , 1897; he, Was a son of the late Joseph MacAdam. and Johanna MacDonald. He. married Evelyn MacDonald who predeceas- ed him. - He is survived by a son, Donald Bert and his wife, Janice of Goderich. He is also sur- vived by a sister, Margaret, Mrs, Christopher Brownlee, three grandchildren, Ian Bert MacAdam, Debra Lyn. Abbott and David William MacAdam and five great grandchildren. He was predeceased by three sisters, Bea, Mrs. William Joslin; Kate, Mrs. Richard Oke and Ruth, Mrs. Thomas Campbell and two brothers, Neil and James. The funeral and committal services were held at the McCallum Funeral Home at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 9,1()36, conducted by Rev. G.L. Royal. Burial in Maitland Cemetery. Shellalorralpe Campbell Sheila Lorraine Campbell of 529 Inglis Street in •LucknOw died in Wingham hospital on Sunday, March 9. She was 75. Mrs. Campbell was born in Lucknow Township on May 14, 1910. She is survived • by one daughter Gwen, also of 529 Inglis Street. ' • She was buried in South Kinloss Cemetery. MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home was in charge of the . arrangements. Boel family returns frorn holidays in Sunshine State Sympathy is extended to, Leonard and Violet Brindley and family on the death of Violet's mother, Luella Gow, on Saturday morning in Goderich. FuneraL ar- rangements were in charge of the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth. Dan and Mary Ellen Boel, Jason and Justin have returned from their Florida 528-203i vacation to .some pretty stormy weather. Elden- Culbert is a patient in University hospital London, Room 19, 4th floor, undergoing a series of tests. His many friends wish him the best and hope to see . • . grandchild, Adarn Paul Byers, son. of Paul and Mary Byers. The service was held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Lloyd and Doris Hodges and Keith and Irene Make left Saturday for Biscotasing in Northern Ontario. There were 15 tables in play at the seniors weekly -euchre.' High man was John An- drews. Low man was Lloyd Walters. There • was'a tie betweetalary Stewart and Louise Brindley for high lady with Mary. winning the cut. Low lady's Bard was won by Cora • Sherwood and Helen Stothers; There were 33 tables at the last Dungan- • now Agricultural Society euchre tourna- ment. First place winners were Connie. and Murray Nesbitt, second Brian Draper and Ray Brown, and third Reg Brindley: Draw winners were Ralph Curran, Loretta Doher- ty and Gorden Maelionia Ft A MC 0 him home soon. Jack and Marion, Smith were-in,Stratford on Sunday for the baptism of their 22nd • 11 AGH REAL ESTATE & lNSURA.CE LTD • FARMS 100 ACRES with barn, W1/2 Lot 20, concession. 14, West W.Rwanosh Townihip. 50 ACRE Ashfield farm, bank barn, upright silo, $75,000. BROILER FARM, 12,500 quota. 4 bedroom, 75 acres, Kinloss Township. KINLOSS, 150 acre dairy, 70 tie ups, pipeline, stable cleaner, 2 imp. sheds, large automatic feeder ,barn, 4 bedroom home, inground swimming pool and another 100 acres available. 218 LEVEL ACRES, 4 bedroom brick, 41 acres hardwood bush, give us an offer. kINLO5S. TOWNSHIP, 100 acres, 22 acres hardwood bush, 55 workable, $45,000. KINLOSS, 100 acre hog farm, 85 workable, 3 bedroom bore, large barn, 2 sheds, 9 1-2 per cent finaneing, asking $85,000. KINLOSS MR, 100 acres, 94 workable, 68 acres wheat; barn. Asking $72,000, • III 7 UNIT APARTMENT building, Luektufw, excellent return on inveStment. LUCK.NOVV.1 bedroom h&ite*, Iow down payment, mortgageltf10%. Asking $32,000. LUCKNONY, -1 'storey, 3.:Veitr,Olintr drive, attached, gaitage. "'silo deck, asking. $3000./ '• THREE BEDROOM brick' kohl* new family Oorit," 7 iicre4 new drilled well, 20x30 barn. Asking $48.500. W ORKSIIOP and 4 bedroom hoine roniAt* :-t6Yaied172- baths including.wbirlpool tub; heated- garage; 44' x 44'; payed, roa - 01-3 $ 6 YEA110th brick bnngaleW, 1 acre loto paved road' and drive; 3 he‘otn,whirlpool. bath. central vaeutim, too many extras to Mention', ' :FRASER MailKINNON BAillEtY-14cDONAGII A r MacKINNO 528,3013 • 528,382 395. Nature art show • being held in Durhitrn March 4" -and 'cOntinuing through to Mitch "28, the Durham Art •.Gallery in to -operation with the S,augeen • „field Naturalists will present the Sixth : oriVit Nature 'Art $howy,"„;, in'theitist,' The subject of alt entries •• iniist be tliejnattitil environment Of Grey and- -Broee 'eritinties, After fulfiiiiiig that basic t,equireinent, however, the show is open to all manner and Medium ofartistic endeavour. Painting and photography is: t always strongly represented at the show,. " but all. manner of decorative arts will also • •.• ' be entered. a