The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-12, Page 9• Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 12, 196—Page 9 -^% • There's lots of action around the net as St. Joseph's Camino** School from .11(1ngsbiridge played a floor hockey match against Sacred Heart School from Wingham during * zone floor hockey tournament Played at St./Joseph's Scheel Clinton on March 5 St. School from Goderich niso participated in the day.long amt. " " [Alan Illiett Oats) •-,r r$4, 44402:. Pee Wee Bs beat Ripley Lucknow travelled to Ripley for an after- noon game. Lucknow 5, Ripley 4 Lucknow started off scoring late in first period with a goal from Marvin Kikkert assisted by Matthew Sproul. Ripley's Paul McDonald scored on.a pass from D. Moore. Score was 1-1 at end of first period. Lucknow really came alive in the second period and scored three in succession all within one minute. .Marksmen were Richard Brindley unassisted from the blue line; Paul Sandy from Steven Rintoul; and Dennis Johnston unassisted. This made the score 4-1 in Lucknow's favor at the end of the second period. Ripley, determined not to be out done came out in the third period and scored three in a row; John Kelly from Mark Broer; Mark Broer from John Kelly and Mike Anenburg from Mike Geddes. Lucknow realized tithe was running .oitt on them and finally with for-. minutes 'left to play and a.4-4 tie, Stanley Kikkert netted the vvinnitig goal on assists from Paul • . • Sandy, and Steven Rintoui. Lucknow .played a good game with guys playing differentliosItics but they realiz- ed :they have to keep up the pressure or Iead can easily.disappeat on them. / 1 • • „ „ • • :it • Local Pee Wees continue winning ways • Playing at home on Monday," March 3, the Lucknow Pee Wees took on Tiverton in the second game of their group playoffs. The two teams played a close first period with Lucknow leading 3 - 2, then Lucknow scored four straight goals to head 7 - 2 early_ in the third period, but Tiverton through persistance scored the last three goals. Final score Lucknow 7, Tiverton 5. Scoring for Lucknow were Mike Vander- velde with two goals, Shawn Stanley two goals and one assist, Brad Murray one goal and one assist, Peter Neufeld one goal, Adrian Rau one goal, Jamie Jolitiston.three assists, Dale Priestap two assists and Russell &Mon one assist. The third and deciding game was scheduled to be played on Thursday night' in Tiverton but had to be postponed until Monday, March 10 because of bad weather. The bad weather caused games in the Goderich Young Canada tournament to be re -scheduled also with Lucknow -playing two games on Sunday, March. 9. Lucknow 10 Henan 2 In the first game played at 8:30 afni. Lucknow blasted Henn!! 10 - 2. Hensall scored the first goal of the game and kored • a weird goal in the third period, when puck bounced off Russe.11 Sutton's neck into the net. However, it was Lucknow all the way with Brad Murray scoring siX goals, Rod Crich one goal, and three assists, Adrian Rau and Dennis Park each one goal and one assist, Peter Neufeld one goal, and Derek Turner, Justin Murray and RusSeil Sutton with two assists each. In the second game Brad Murray Atoms lose to Hanover in Port The Lucknow Atom A team won their first -playoff round defeating Teeswater once more for the third time in a three out Lucknow 6 Teeswater 1 • Matt. Drennan opened the scoring assisted by Vince Stieldend. Warren'And. rew scored two goals assisted by Ray .Dalton and Rob Crich. Justin, Murray scored twice, 'one assisted by Tom Chilton and one unassisted. Terry Stanley scored the last goal making it a 6 • 1 game Lucknow. The team will face Paisley for . their next •rOun 4 •% , LucknoWt Winghilan, 2 Lucknow also won anexhibition :game Wirikham last TueSday with a score Sthe Of - loci:mow was not . wearing their usual sweaters the Writer, cannot say who got the goals as their numbers were different and bad not been changed on the sheet. This ganie against Witigham was One of the best played games of hockey this year. The Lucknow Atom As competed at the • Port Elgin tourney this weekend and came close to winning, but lost to'Hanover 111 the final game. • , Lucknow 4.. PalmerSton 2 They won their first game against PainiersIorr With a- score of 4 - 2.• Justin Murray got the hat trick assisted on two goals- by Rob Crich and on one by • Donnie Cuillerier. Rob Crich also scored assisted by Justin Murray. It was a great effort put out by Murray. • Lucknow 8 - Arthur The team wept on to win their 'second • game against Arthur with a score of 8 • 7. • continued his scoring. wizardy getting seven goals. Paul Helm got his first shut out of the season as Lucknow blanked Brussels 9 - 0. Luclutow . Brussels.° The game had an unusual 'twist when with less than two minutes left in the third period, Brad Murray was penalized for an illegal stick (too much curve on the blade). He had scored '13 goals with this 'atick. Other scorers for Lucknow were *Rod Crich one goal and one assist, Chris Stevenson one -goal, and Justin Murray, one assist. Lucknow's next game in the Young Canada Week tournament in Goderich is scheduled for Friday: March 14 at 4:20' p.m. tn tourney • It was another great personal effort by Justin Murray as he scored five of the eight goals. It was a very exciting game as Arthur kept corning back to tie it up. instill Murray seared the first two goals for Lucknow, unassistel and assisted by .! Terry Stanley. ,Chris Stevenson scored the third assisted by Justin Murray. Terry Stanley scored the fourth goal with a nice effort. Justin Murray followed with three more goals assisted on two Chris Steven- son. The final and winning goal: was scored by Clint Murray and 'Matt Drentian. Hanover Lucknow 1 The team went on to meet Hanover which they lost, by a score of 8 - I. Justin Murray scored Lucknow's lone • goal assisted by 'Clint Murray. It was a great day forJustin Murray as he racked np nine - goals for his efforts, • LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 16 Stmday School 9:45 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. • Rev. Warren McDougall B.A.M. Div. Nursery and junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOMF. Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 1000 psi CLEANER QUIET3-PISTON PUMP FOR PROVEN RELIABILITY $1495 FAR"*' PRICE • — .610d01.310,. • . CSAAPproitid- 'END LISEReertificate required 't • EPP.4 QUALITY EXCEPTIONAL VALUE MIg 1.14 WAy FR A "FREE" . DeMonstration • Cliffs Plumbing Heating Ltd. LUCKNOW 528.3913_ IIIITION COMMERCIAL BUILDING in Lucknow, 'showing good return on investinent, now offered at a greatly reduced' price. Full Partiell4rs on request. 437 'ACRES between Lucknow. and Wing - ham, 85 workable, excellent brick house, • barn., sit up for hogs • 17 ACRES ,highway, west of 'Wifigliain, 3 bedroom house, steel barn 28 x 52. 10 ACRES near Teeswater with goad house, steel sided barn 45 x 65, equipped with farrowing crates. 15 YEAR OLD BUNGALOW on a lot • 165x165, livingroom, diningroom, large kitchen, walk in basement, new carpets. 3 ACRE PROPERTY St. Helens, housie' excellent throughout, steel workshop 24 x 32, fully insulated and finished inside, creek at back of property. HANDSOME BRICK HOUSE in Lucknow with new family room, inground -POOL change house, other outstanding featur- es. I8!4 ACRES near Lucknow, newer bungalow, with finished, basetnent,r at- tached garage,. 20 x 40 horse barn. T. LIWcit°"ljf*C'14?1C!" lCliti:S! INGL: 111:7 S in t MS 14 -1,1CtroEyoltSt. w/V!,011011*,,,04-51-3:015 • B• ronA144,fiSicTINATcE 14