HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-26, Page 18Page 18—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 26, 1986 le Grove Bible Study group meet at Stewart home • The Purple Grove Bible Study Group met •on Tuesday at the home of Minerva Stewart with a fine attendance. • Evelyn Henderson of Kincardine was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gillis. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh, Marjorie Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Harris were Wednes- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie •Lowery, on the Lake Shore Road. Marjorie Thompson, Rossie Willets, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks, Katherine Collins, Wanda Gawley, were Saturday night visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coiling. Congratulations to Ethel Gawley who celebrated tier birthday on Feb. 16. Some of her supper guests were. Frances Elliott, Isabel Brooks, Chris Robertson, Audrey MacDonald, Anne McCosh, Wanda Gawley, Kay •Collins and Janet and Stewart Needham. Visiting with Fran and Jim Farrell, on Friday and Saturday were Fran's sister Irene West, Joshua and Nathan of Stratford. Stefani MacDonald spent Friday night with Rachel and Jessica Van Rooyen. Mr, and Mrs. Gray Lotter, Gabe and Adam of Seaforth spent some time visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacDonald Sunday afternoon. Sunday supper , guestwith Catherine Scott *ere Angela and Bruce Watke. and Rhonda from Hanover- , Ryai and Andrew Doupe from Kincardine visited with Norval and Isabel Stanley the weekend. Wilma Sutton, attended the Agricultural Convention, held In the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, as a, representative from the Fall Fair Board. Others representing Ripley at this convention were Marjorie MacDonald, • Thelma Godfrey, Bertha Scott, George and Barbara Messenger and Jean Anne Smetzer, who went as the Ripley Fall Fair Queen. Visiting with Wilda, and Harvey Thomp- son Sunday afternoon were Margaret and Stuart Lane of Kinlough. Visiting at the home of Olive and Alvin Ir- win in Lucknow were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson also visited with Viola and William Stanley of Lucknow, Martha MacIver and Marjorie Mid- dlekamp visited with May Waver, on the occasion of her 93rd birthday; in Maitland Manor Nursing Horne, Goderich. Rhonda Ribey and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ribey of Port Elgin visited with, Martha MacIver. Together they visited Pinecrest Lodge in Lucknow. • Sympathy is extended to the farnilrof the late Mrs. Lyold Arnold. . ,. • .. • ARTICLES FOR SALE _ ... ' BUILDINGS Factory liquidation of in -stock in- ventory Widths 307120% Height4, 10:22 :ft. 411 priced for immediate sale. Buy:now, take" spr- ing delivery. Gulf Steel 1-416-828-6262.---0.9 $ CHEAP FOR CASH $ All steel quonset bglicliags never erected, -ship anywhere. 40!x 100 for '9,999. Also 26 x 28, 35 x 36, 46 x80 and 40 x 60 straighrwall (416) 699-6151.--Q-9 . , . , STEEL BUILDINGS 4 only Quonset models. Order cancelled, immediate delivery: First come, first served. 25X44', 40X52', 46X04', 55K160' 'complete with large sliding doors. Call t011free Miracle Span Steel buildings 1-800-387- 4932.--0-9 SWIMMING P0015. Factory outlet has a limited number of, 1985 models left at excellent 'say, ', , ings. Don't buy until yoi4compare us: Nobody beats our prices we guaranteel,-Call 1-(416)52a- 6467 or 1(613)547-6434 foi(cletails.-49 • ,, CLEAR SWEET WATER! Atlast; New Technology •eliminates Rusty... Sp -telly— ' Bad Tasting .., , Water,'bacteria; staining, cherniCalgandMore. C.S.A. approved: Proven in over 12;006 in- stallations. Only49 cents/day ta own and operate. Ask about our FREE' 6 -MONTH TRIAL ' OFFER. Bad water can :be, your profits worst enemy. Your property and, life is, much more valuable When Your water supply is. good. Clear .._., Sweet Water... It's your Right!' Call now 1-800- -268-2656 ' (24 'hrs.) or 1-(416)624-4344. AZTEC. -0-9 • ' ' ' ', Attention FARMERS.- We manufacture )1310Wer Units for Maple Syrup .Evaporators. $500 ,per unit: Elmfra Sheet Metal,. RR 3, Wallenstein, Oriti.,N0i3.2S0 (510),669-I170.t--;.09,•.,1,..--. ,.... ' - • . OENkY-4011,I.E.R".Trail rnark::,..f.:Otentte4. - -Wrap ilpennies #4#4.,..dinip,,,.qiio);ieoLloickl‘„,ono, •• 'e4iiii,..!Icipae rAirat) ; all; 'Wes free bank Wriia- perS.,OnlY $8.95 Postpaid. (Please add 63 Conti 1.900. Two for $.:1,0(Please,,oad $1 .12 tax). Send ccheque Or,;MP,.-49..Permy4toller Products, P:O. Box 405, Fort Erie, L1A 5s11,-'4:0 ,4;.`„;,;•:,`".x:, i ,r,.`.:71'.' ,, 1..STEEL OuTernOd,s ¼ price , sale. :Buy one ''.building at regular price & get double length for '- :.,50 ' more. PhonePioneer Sales Dept. collectt,,(41447111-I5B5 far WO: -7-0-9 NORTHERN FOOD,TREES,,Olitffashiotied apples - " ' ' shrubs,' 61'6 • ' : pear, :apricot,- nut , trees, ev reops, see'diii*P, tut:Ili:0.064d'. delivery. Reasonable. prices,,.Catalog $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. A601401tki 'Orlf-Kok461•-',"4-14 f • - • ;, ,.' .- USED / 461,4'',. Nov Steel adjustable shelving. palletkaCking; storage 'cabinets:, Lovers New ancl0Sed,'264Adelaide St. S', London, (519)681- 2254. manday.:Friday,94;, SatUrcloy'9=12.-0-9i'' ;',:,,;. ',..f, '.::.. .,.. 4 ,,•,, ,•.s...,.. ; .,,,' ,,, , ,,, ',',4,i'i,_,...,,...-,4,' LIVESTOCK ' ,. CANADA'S Purebred Poultry Headquarters! 150 varieties, chicks - 25 breeds, OtAgo'citiek. , turkeys, guineas, pheaSantS, ..qed River, Hat- , ., ,. . ,., . cheries, ox 362, Morris, Manitoba., ROG 'TKO. March - June. Phone .1-8450.065-0433; :Viper. Mastercard. ----0-9 , . . '' ; , ..8ABY CHICKS. 12 varietieS tO choOse.1 rom Itl• 'eluding heavy Meat • tyPes ,eind ccipOns. 'Ship-. rnent by,ponel,,po-6,t or, Ro, iiroort. send, for,oricp list Bonnie'; Chick Hatchery;,Box- 154, EirnirCr, N36 246 (519)09.25,61.--,-04, __ _ _____. . , ' .• .. • WOULD YQUtIKE to correspond With unattach. TRAVEL - ,•••, • .' ed Christian -people in Canada and U.S. with • BED & BREAKFAST in British Columbia. 'Plan your Expo Holiday now Double accommoda- tion with breakfast' $45. 23 minutesto Expo. Write Royal City Bed and Breakfast, 628 Tenth Street, New Westminster, B.C. V3M 3Z8. (604) 521-5733.-0-9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PROSPEROUS Men's and ladies .clothing store. Large 4 -bedroom aparinOrifiipOoirSYRenfreW County:touriSt village: Information write The, • •• Egcinville,,•Ledaer, Box .3IO Eganvifle, Ont.KOJ: HELP WANTED • , - TRAIN 46 be- onlkluttionoori Train, for a JcIE, with object being companionship. Write Ashgrove, P.9• Box 205, Chase, B.C. VOE IMO. Phone (604)679-8513.-04 AUCTION SALES .ONTARIO'S Largest Farin, Machinery Consign- , meet (Sales conducted second,tridpy,e9t1., Month); Approx. 150 175 :tractors plus all types of farm ,i,equiprnent,'.'-ConsigriMents welcome. For more information Call (519)-424- 9t?iii-8.*:6):ckr'-ir ' 4 (!41994--04241°96,!..• 'Proprietors H EDUCATIONAL', a 'Future— with Tri -County • i :cassette!,anctbook• cOurge.4 !'reribilable: Kitchener- 720 b King' E.,.,,(519) ; 743-' 1;1009,,!,' 40 cf4.• *09tipflek'oPtriioteobcfbRer,4i1:4;;:u6ce- and big profits ',Hundreds have lear4nect,by.,tftis: Truck Driver :Training., .16.13 search aisiitance: 5011, . Brantford 30a Cop:lin-no, E., (50) 756- method. 'Total cost of ',.cetIrSe 49'95 'Plus A5- ? 0223.-0-9 ,i,.. . • .. '.:ipos .ag.e:an an ling- Make che,aae,„.pay2aieto Large Ottawa 6464z(PtiifikG4O: '°U0k115PV4.lUCIP°'S%Vi0$;174- 139 PANY requires immeaio*oBind46fAvi.46oii6i,Attats*lp,L3 • operator. Successful applicant should have full working knowledge of BAUMFOLPERS tm FREE: 198.6 d4'o:,)e Pstudy-at-home , t ''''.ig,:rtii-.nyi.eCOr • ''.:',. , '..'. „ . • . puterized cutters; ' ' 'am ..'.5 -Station ::' Wieners. . respondence,'P'Pltgrq'thtii:ses,'''fbr':'1#7411.066i" corn-..,:Aircpnciitianing, Book - • Fulftinie position with a very competitive corn- ,ikeepingy,s;Busitiess...',C,Ornetalogyi' Electronics, pensation:: Mart including 'profii sharing. The" ' ' Legal/Medical Secretar;yr".SychOlagy*TraVef,. company is located in one of:the main recrea- Otantan,(5A)'263 'Adeldide;:."4;1NeSt-.TOrdnif':i.-1- ..., . tional areas of Ontario With ekcellentiaunting,, , '''' fishinganclother,oUtdoar:iaartS.. Apply to Ken .. .80!:),:168') 121:79f;.-9,': . , •--- , •• : ,..: , 1 .•..., = •r: : -", Watts, PerfornitincePtinting041 ii!'.0.,Box.,158.,- -.', Smiths Falls: K7A 4I1: (613) 28375650.-0:Thi' ' ,,,,BK0A0 ',A!si'••APPTICMER; -84 ' hours , •of -in-, •• StruCtibn.Next class April 5th to 12th. For irafor- UPHOLSTERERS. '.WANTED'fFialltirrie, year-round - rnatitioon contact '- rle0in(519), 469-3036. (519) 537-2115 Southwestern Ont. School of' work. 10,000 ma... shaplaCeited in Barrie 0 t Auc Must Q.:Box:145, Inner1cip, Ont.: N0J1MQ.--0-9 overlooking the. lake. Earn:, top woij,. have10 years nairiirriurneXperrence;i,,Storre s ;. L4RIW1. Phone14(7,1405i9)!17;2461!57'2fIi: '`. ,-,;°,7Prx)11e. °n. -t, cii.1° :OpholIeting, ,.. 4 , •' .BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY'' P. ''' '' ' . +,'..."‘ ,..46. 'ian..... ....L......... tr'::".•........, '7 2 1,_. See " * f U "' c TV 7'36 4trieraday 0i/ening,: ' Februcuit 24th?Seasart'sFragrance Consultants . earn Hundreds saving others , Thous 31 • Rellias,,,World's FltieSt,FrOgrantes:Spettal,$366 , .- , retail:kit $99. ftft0D-'38?-?75,----v-9 , ,.„ •EASY- MONEY! e?itrci mon,y'qs a li oil time ' •' Regal 'representotwe. ' For your Free gift . i .0.01.i3Bue';'; write Regal, 939 tglintanAVeritie E. ' ' Dept: 768, Toronto : MAG''. 21:6.-0-9 _ 'SERVICES OFFERED ,z-- PARAAERS'heiperiencing financial difficulties. There may be ways of solving your problems that you are not aware of. For furthel," infornOci- , tion contact SY1-Mor Financial C()nsultants (519) 449-2809.L-049 • • • , . now' tor tapi•61•II7ie poillfrner)t tirnes ov'jiluble to process 1985 fax retUrriS. ,in,:yoUr;horne:). SULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St, E., london, N5V 'ear round hoIpriq farinr,'rs:for ciw'r• Ve LEGAL WILL.'Wyer 'Prepared.' ,Easy ,•iii- structioris. IzALSTi::°,114', 5017 n ield _0 a -`•• • • - • • • • .• • r 2 . A 1 L'E'*S GALORE: 96,s ,and. Thousands of members (anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. C - II, •to I r€ -e 1 -300- 263963,Hc.urs N ' till 8 ri 0-9 'EARN MONEY, $cive Marley! Learn inCeirrie.t9?(„, iii-01areitiop--by Correspondence. , For free brochure no. obligation. ' Write U & R Tax Sellaoft 1345 . Perribliici Hwy Winnipeg Manitoba ; • , a - • , „ , , MISCELLANEOUS • • • ...°• FARMERS ,WANTED -h tax ,:' or are ,..not' , using allthe'ttaX. brenlis , CIVO . us day!, A pain tire nti-Jirnes available to process 1985 tax returns, in'. your horrie.'"PARM BUSINESS:CONSULTANTS,-2199 • Oxford St, E. ,.LOriden, N5V 2Z9icaii‘folt,,freent - 800t365-109.2. 'in business ,year -raund;helpi rig formers for over 34 years. ---0:416 LOTTO PLAYERS! VVirisystern/One guarantees Latta profits.'" Tested, proven, sirriPle forrnula 'carries complete for only $4.95. Winter,: Nor- thwest, 71 -1497 V2‘ Quer, West: Toronto i MOR 1A3. Quanti,discounts;---9tf •maw eft ems 1.1.• aim': map ,tion. smi• iimme mos mom The Only way to ge • YOUR • , Actin 2,..5IF1,1tIOn homes i :iflCafl�dafor • 659 ;.. $ „00 • • or in 1,241,807 hortios,,,' I • Oiltttlrio , „• oa I Piti‘ett` apt:,Rlanki,t CkesHei1 Ad by one of .our n,iiptu stAlfisd i1!I; Viliorit•at yeirr,neireit 0II1por fer,dotolIC L',' ' (uCkriz°44 --28-1822 I God524,1614r7 • -kincitediii0.396.2063 Cllnton 482,3443 Watkerton 8811f00 toatorth 527'0240 Mitdt1611, 1484.0431, am or* ow. dowt:iirilt, • Seven wonten perform skit On Feb. 18 a meeting of the Dungannon UCVV was held at the home :of Willetta McWhinney at 1.30 p.m. -, the program was led by Helen Dawson and started with a reading from Matthew 28, verses 1 - 8. Devotion was given in fOrm of a skit The sign of the Cross and was play acted by seven ladies. Hymns 298 verse 3, 605 verse 3, 100. verses font 4,4d five, and 104 verse four. were read, - Helen then read from Matthew 46 verses 24 -• 28, after which she read how Jesus was able lo 'bear ° Cross with God's help. A prayer was - offered and all repeated the Lord's Prayer. Collection followed and was dedicated. Nora Saunders reported on the West - 4 e Minster weekend which - she attended last spring. The theme was our experiment a sacrifice. R�lIcall was answered by a Bible '-iterse with Love in it. Minutes Were readAnd adopted. Corre- • • pot:if:thee was dealt 'with ind! thank . you ,. cardswereread. An invitation was recely- ed to attend the' Huron Perth Presbyterial , Stratford United church as was one anniversary of Hensall United. Automation was given on the Westrnin- ° sterWeekend and Alma §chool, for Women. • Seminars likiThbe held at the University Of Waterloo in June. Roberta Linskill was to • purchase Material, for a quilt _Someof the ladies were appointed to take part in the World Day of Prayer service to be held at the Dungannon United Church'on March 7. It was announced that: there' Will be a box social held at the: church for the women of the four point charge. - • The meeting 'closed with the benediction and a, lovely lunch • was enjoyed. birthday lesv rpeeeGvt irnnosyiodndasareet yi d,orroosarnb06s;jrnn, ,Ldwwtayw oehi rot, tteiiphntse, hshaw:v0Eoeenaifrdevin:wai, td.oenoisfal; tin,,aj,it...,oanswoon,dha:ncdantrvvircehtdicito,a)iae'ars6Hnbtliegeog,sannit..,h;Ytoddie.ofrille.,nmtRprgesawilt!alloctlyihrtidn'gSx-,,, is y Ss nhoitP sinet'Unioversti Les at1d Vera wh r to Th arnii e tter hea trict n°sP h for v f iticgeent. Harveyyioteeidt:110;:shaaef, nr ae.11f,tbua: LondonWral;te°bttet.tibidetdrtiset idtuntesaani iyiabttliePrvv: ereaeh, Feb, ago vhp.igtnat t°2:wSt°11:11e,eg. ttervn, asbtednite. Purves. atet ito irteaw,tkrenhsSass, t3n S6' Hall, ° the mond WIL' Be Alfbee41 witvieoqrt!ts0.1), 114s and e