The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-26, Page 13LnclmpwietatltntueI ednetidabl Fehictitatiy 20 1 The third and fourth meeting of the Whitechurch" Six : Milkateers Were held Feb.- 21 at Mrs,. Elliott's: at 4..p.ms The girls opened with the pledge. The rollcall was ,,answered,` by six girls and Members •voted for the club name. There- . were LD :,. names •. to choose from and members . decided ons Whitechurch Six Milkateers. They also decided on book ;• it Boyers Mrs Elliott discussed The Big Cheese, making cheese, classification of cheese, processed cheese, cooking with :cleese ' • cheese tips, buying and storing cheese, , and cheese tools ..and home- activities for meeting 3She also demonstrated, whole wheat pancakes and maple butter, Mrs, Wardrop discussed a bit of,Bit .of Culture,.' cultured dairy produets :itn the kitchen,; cream•off the top, butter, buying and stetting bitter; ,dairy products versus dairy substitutes and !home activities ffor ' meeting'.` four. She, also demonstrated Cheese souffle. Alison Wardrop demon- strated "' mini, cheesecakes with cherry sauce ;Karen! .Elliott. demonstratedrb •vegetables. The next , meeting will til arch $ at Mrs. Wardrop's _;home at : ,9 S. Elliotf -listed' the, supplies that would e needed +sk t 7 pail. the members went to Barry , Elliott'sbard to seethe milking' and testing of milk. The members to pancakes and maple minx cheesecakes.1 and they also tastE meeting 'closed, r. and IV and :Breida 'weekend: with f,... at Victor - Emerson Mrs Gertrude Ti Sunday .visited' t ` in and calle' Emerson. Miss Ruth Ann Cox has taken her `birth, namO, Joan Elizabeth Wright, legally as Mier name. She works, on, a.Blackfvot Indian ,Reservation with Children., h' ' Mr. and Catharinesand Mr's,: 'Eldon°,Emerson of f , St. visited Saturday evening with Mr.and Vrs.drl Orland Irvin • Mr. and Mrs.: .,Eldon .Emerson •, o Catharines were SaturdayCallers on ridMElro`Laidawf M- tSrt :.:. Mr. and .Mrs. ,Alan'Falconer.' have their lious,;0 for, ss ale o n to sell ita nd move to Goderich where he is employe d 'Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft were Ronald,Beecroft, Shaun! ed t utter, ch ese so'ni eta 'e xxt rE Peo e rtl�y 1 1 un cheeses: in :;of r. and lin s ViC and Heather and friend Christi` Hunter, ' Shanxon and Stacey Worth and Ken Sim** Mon,: all of Winghaim . On Saturda evening a birthday • party ''Was held at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Angus: `Falconer for `Tim Falconer, Mrs.. Alan Falcon r, algid Mrs. Wesley ''Tiffin: • Presentthe above folks and 11/441'.. • ' and 'Mfrs` Kevin Falcotter and 'Jackie Alan Fats" oner spent the 'weekend r'in fioront on museum business. The communitY is PPY : ha: 10 learn that. Don Caesar returned ` -,Task twee from • Hospital, London much improved . r health On ;S:alt41r 'BQers.a .-.Logan ,on askhel wtnnb ling Fa F, om Clint ;'were the >nei4 0 rs. Walter Elliott unday with Mr, and 'wen . Sound .;where 1 as a manager., odeI ,and .- arena. r� Mrs. David David has 'annus} and Lauren unday with herparen Laidlaw on,vx tt rdo aidla� perati :ea i ;dulcet Into gran visited recently with Elroy o is recovering from,,,,,surgery s Gordc ichnond her •.mot Campbell an ill •spent the Mrs. "Norma:` ou Feb i .at'$tl a ;7aders es G aifilt "j ITh"e ca� i ate` time to'think� and area�d>in Mission' workr:,.bcgins with '. arr .� you u�►a s. den by, Mrs Norms, Rintoul Scrifi" e reading,was St Johns 15: 1.= 17 grid t+e meditation was Beauty. Box^ by lvtrs Norma" Falconer.' 'Mrs.' `Jean,' Tiin gave a reading Day of:'Love: Mrs. Jean RCosi :read 'Treasurers. Mrs. Agnes Gaunt told of receiving, a g , g letter from Ruth Ann Cox legally assuming her; own name and;;workin�( with the Native '• 'Indians. ' '`"Mrs. Norma Rintoul .gave•the topic LoYe. Rollcall. was a verse' with, Love.' packing -a, a g. bale° in t e; fall for-Goodwi wa iscussed. h s . , ,,: The Meeting a closed with prayer by Mrs. Norma Rintottl' On Feb. 13`16 Ladies and one child niet at the home of Mts." Donald Hackett for ; the regular meeting `of Trinity C .':'Mrs Blake Alton` called the meeting to order, witha reading entitled A Dell is no bell till' your ring'' it. The devotions°were led by Mrs. Warren;.. Zinn opening the :, meditation with two readings, St. Valentine and Love. All sang O Love thatwill not_ let :: me go Thi Scripture lesson wasfrom various, St. John passages.- 'A .story, on, Always• a Samaria a was read. All joined to sing Love Divine,' loves excelling. rs., Zinn closed with poem entitled, Love is a• Gift :.of Grad. The rollcall wasp ais�vvered with a =prover 10 ?r `-I3ehind .the Veil,' is:•ti c °fourth .til nerd ,. Series t Libra! at jreairs �"'h stla1 ;ether: an religio �othcts of tlae iirs ative sand `th the w rd Love "Mrs -Cliff Kilpatrick ;gave 'two readings entitled The, Month 'of- F'ebruary and To My Valcntine.:Mrs, Blake `.:Alton, lett in < ra er:: Mrs Jim Hunter. ave p Y g a readingentitled''Take a Journey of Love... Mrs. Don Alton and Mrs. Larry;Wilkins gavethet l'dy.book in the forrn,of.a,filni .on ,t enative; n ians,. Members, are reminded ' to keep `clippings Out -Of the newspaper: for thae scrapbobse ;keook . The service of the least coin ws d The Bib {study was conducted•by Mts. ester Ha tett;.on the Trinity Mrs. -Blake an ;on u"need the coming events. yr n J "us the very thought of Thee at'the'close®: A social hour un That s the: difrere ice betweenari 1 dustria1 Growth i:ui Guaranteed In`vestmest Certificates over, the past 1 ye' That s right, based on maximum atiiival RRSP cont l $ 'S OOO investri eiit w industrial Growth"'run ` �o x1i - $228.451) n ore than e same iiav • coniposed' of 5-year:'GIC5 Sma11 wonder: inc�usttaal Growth Fund`s Ion ternai er e tional. I(Aver.ige.artanuJl compound,rates of ret 3 Y' 'y 113.%.' al% LS' ears-14.J/o 3 tiers 21, ,1 L.7r: ..43%� ti I CilreCt Tt'Su t'O ,s:th�. 1 f the-.coiiscrvati`c:'but `rowt� t.rtc mei�t philosophy of ltilaLkef,it 1•in i racial Corpora c� 3; t ris +r to reducing the stress,- and it creasiitig tlz tui i RRSRtesttng C�i1I orWrite for�detth1s; odayi • at Looking both ways to rriana, e you. d like to'reduce the stress ati rewards of; my RESP investin; legs 7'heRRSP'AnaswerBoo k NA Nit: n DDRESS Yies- Skutt rt t u'n? r 1.' IE?�si. ,./ty �Cr;ma le qtly I� �rt�s� titti, the National Film. - shown at the Luckno will be screened , ta' For two ' thong'ii woinen have gatherer orders, from the I)ese' century to, the • co sisters `of . the 1980sy om?':2ritt1ls Ti personal enrichnie at" and satls �Xc►n tib; s^E following an' ordered life of seclusion an, prayer. 4tkiers read iia the origins, of their church a mandate to work for ;change; for an end' to racism, °sekismt, and ° coo ono Sion $ilts a ' ldwide climate . fro! evolved. >G�lt urnentary: of .. nuns es alae has Shan! There is no adnissaoa eha Bill 011fillav Collect Calls Accept!