The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-26, Page 7>ac
y,. 001 r 2'6 104. ---Page
Ex -erase', Yes I've been involved in
exercise and more. than just bending my
aria as sortie would suggest. •
S rnetiines ,t find, exercise ;a real pain •
;and one of the worst parts is all, the
hrcksters out there :selling .member
ships to clubs, doing more research to
develop more kinds of sloes than is -put
into finding a safe alternative energy, at
leastother than human .energy. •
And`of course there's the other type.
of pain, the pain that an out of shape
body forced to-do things; it doesn't want
to feels. The sort of pain that forces your
mind,."'"filled' with '700 intentions and
willpower, to take i t ck ofyyour situation
and start whispering' " that it's 'time to
Usually I van resist this insidious
whispering but sometimes' I find my
mind putting forth an argument that,
will brook no.'resistance. Prather
gentle persuasion l can bow deal'w Eth
oaf course, : when : y Mind
stopping my ";body, my: Noddy t
inl the
inaction a line idea which.shout .be
acted "uponhr ,
When •my mind is bellowing thayt .i
• should stop, and immediat'ely,-there's,'`
usually .•a, . , :reason Sonietiirries
inapirekaby, beer comrnercia
which .show sots of younrg, healthy Men
,and wo nengiving-their all to the sport
they2've chosen and cooling,:after with a:
rejuvenating ;brew.
Theproblein is. that some
..have the rejuvenating brew the
before"nid guilt a id a val.
•riViidtidition :the riextr day;
to; run forgive; ki{lanieter
Thesereomnercials suggest
or• two'' after..: a work out •ha.
develop a strange race ,of hurt
*Ore,' rc'.valent in #lie ':finales
I the editor:
I was very fortunate last wee
of the teacher -chaperones,
teac.,'her Mr Williarn-'McKeon, an'd .parent
Mrs. Karen Johnstone, aceompanyinp`our.
Grade 7 'classes froiri Lucknow. Central
Putilie School #o the;'Bruce'County Gutdoc r
Education Centre near Wiarton:,,
using' our three-day stay . at .this very
ve gat
lads mit
which they. wo hard, get" a lot of ,.
exercis .for their legs" and a goad work •
out o the cardio,vasenlar•system Then,..
they ,head to .,;sornelody�''s house .or a
convenient dri'nldng • establishment _to
pot, their bodiesback into perspective
with alcohol and cigarettes.
The characteristics of:these individh
.als are the ability to .run,:skate, ski for:.
miles carryings 12 or sometimes 24 beers
converted into'.a confortable roll around ,.
• the gut. I know mine's a friend that's
always there;:
But at: the same time hely heart ratetis
an unusually slow 56 beats;a zninai ye
to rziy running, another consequence of -
beer commercial life` style: living,
Another; thing about the exercise Ido ..
rurnning„I,,, that :; is .though; • `some rriy
choose 'tc. «al it staggering when 1 li'ity
• the fear° kilometer mark iso l at
for njuries. I''ve beeii spared b
axnd�; ori fact, -found ;out . re, en
runnsing isn't so, ,goo s e I pu.
' Darren, hate {r ii
friend who's > eeri, a" x ner for. yeah
When I.asked why,.
is one Of the .mors
exercise Within Si rho tris• about
per cent of those starting. to run, give it.
e .to itiatiries,
r h because through ,some
e loo at�ru as being b,oring;I
r ,to.en oy it, ""isi about exclusive
et i g tit ,end
!r a hock y:game in.
N) ''AGFF,r4o7+R`W its'
1,t11Er. r4�`l
J•If. ,ri
that r -tuns
i s to do
rc i
Y .SEri4✓, TOP/
B, t, L t,00tA.
fft THE
oecial learning.,centre, all of our students
ere':a credit to their parents, and to their ,.
The excellent teaching staff of Mr. Peter,,
Middleton ;ark 1 Mr, . Bob -Campbell,. filed'
our,. moments 'with crow shoeing, cross-
country skiing, :lake and bush studies,
xnal-survival :games' an other ,bra n
stretching activities. The students cheer .;.
cooks, choreboys and ,cleaners,
comfortable dories" and kitcl en -thein g
areas, They even discovered that dish
washing is fun'
l `was proud ,to be -;a part of such a<'fine
group; and just thought I'd like to pass' our
Compliments on to the students,' Thank
carried out their assigned`. 'duti
To the editor
Our Christirias Seat Campaign is now
drawing : to a close and l:.would like tri
express my appreciation those who so'
generously' donated to it,
There will be more than 500„0 iaew
cases of lung diseasediagnosed in Canada.
;this year-,JWith the. "siuppdrt of the com-
• •
rioted Passau
s�ity we- can ' increase
i�ledical :research and also for
and ..evepragram wil•l
Thank .you to al) who" supported us.
ours sincerely, � h'
avidWall, President
Conley, and' People and Places' Katrina
Abbott, Jason ' iumphrey and Megan,"
wing' ro�r
'lid"cal i onal
tri theloc41,
Tc. , the . editor:
The' Lticknow,, Branch Library Advisory : ti
onanlittee`, would like -to, thank the co, nn .
triunity for its support of .a new,. program '
held,'this past fail and, ii•vinter.'
The first, , session of. the Junior- Trivial
'urs lit blob, supervised by . Lorna Quay,
wound ilp Fc h". 11.; This coat) for ctikld en ,
$' i years of age has'.been meeting since
ti er and the winners in the various
cf►�tes`received their prizes,
iJ e 11i winners w �t`e .the team of Chris
• Boyd Jason tepee, and Tech,
nology m Robert
Conley.; Nat are WO eell ti and
. Rob Crick, Chad and
'cabbies - Chris Steve risbp,and Lisa rattan
Art . oliogazer, Alt eta cry t prissy:
Thanksto. the pt"ie donors -.who' were.
Haiti's G oceteria, Four Favorites Things,
crionagh Insurance Agency. E.Iu y'5
. urger Bar, WilIits'M'l"ire: errri e I,ucknow
, at, ,•;-arid Dry Gads, air sew Pools,
nlarhill and Super Scoop, a.nd Luckne
The next.playing session starts ffarch 3
at ,3:45 p.rpn. at the I. ckr ow Library; • .All ,.
children b& twcel the ages ri 4 -are
welcome tri come ,play.. Junior Trivia!
'ursuii On rhfirst, and. third M jr'ilays.
Frau Me fir#
[ E V.). " ` '.DAs " ;
is+ eta $#l.00 per perdu lad v ce of Brit
at Buffy`a Burger}, Lt ekirnw gi
ar icy K(nsrnen + eml eat . No mino r!
p eerie l Or 00