HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-19, Page 21r • , ”sr maw ezmz maw, map*, Oils4; maialrr =is= seeroaa 0,442n awgilap Oarge ram= walla 19. Notice to creditors POW . 114141,1101.110 ologros Iwo amp amp Maim,NIPS eassea cop= avilisq, moat NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND "OTHERS All dahlia against the estate of DAVID LOUIS KRAEMER late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died onor about the 8th day of January,. 1986, must be filed with the undersigned on or before March 5, 1986; thereafter,' the Executrix of the estate will distribute theassets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which .the undersignedthen has notice. Dated February 4, 1986. Mrs, Jean Kraemer, Executrix, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHT, Barrister ' and Solicitor, Box 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2H0. —7,8,9 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE.OF Kenneth Lorne McNeer late of th Village e of Diin annon, ; in ,the' h 8 .g County of .Huron, ' • All. persons having claims against,,the Estate . of Kenneth.. Lorne -McNee, late of the Village of Dungannon, in the County of Huron, who died April 29, 1985,,arerequired to file -Proof of same with'"the undersigned on or before the. 26th: day, of February, '.986, after 'which date. the Estate will be .. listributed. with regard onlytothe claims of which the under- signed shall then have given-notice:and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of 'whose claim she , shall • not then have • notice. } DATED at Goderich,t}is28th 'day of January, 1986. • • NORMAN B. PICKELL.• Barrister and Solicitor.. ry 58. South Street fl Box ,430 x ' �:OI ER CN.; ,Ontario ,licit i** folr"the"Es `-=6',7,8 31. Cards ; of thanks, • TAYLOR Sincere thank thanksyou to all who remembered -me With cards, visits, treats and flowers. while' was in Wingham Hospital.- Also to those who nook care -of Me on 2nd floor. °-Catlierie • =GRAND I would like to thank all the .good people of -Lucknow for the 'disinterested: congratula-: :tions they offered tae on the occasion of my windfall. Margaret. Legrand 32. Corning events comso warn emmile Emir *.asst,sailm aomp Mon mane swim, ar...ra mama wow Ems • • LUCKNOW & DISTRICT DROP IN CEN TRE Meets each Monday and Friday, 2 e 4 p.m. Everyone welcome. ---43tf EUCHRE TOURNAMENT Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Saturday, February 22o Registration -1 - 2,p.m. Euchre commences at 2 p.m. Admission $3.00 each. Prizes $50, $40, $30. Lunch and special contest. —7,8 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY . The family of Leslie and Vera Purves invite you to an open houseon the occasion of their parents 60th wedding anniversary, on Saturday, February 22, from 2 - 4 p.m. at the Anglican Church '-Hall. Best., wishes of iy- EXPECTANT ?ANT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County ;Heath Unit invites you to attend the :'.Expectant Parent. Education Classes being. held' at R.N.A.. School, Wingham,r Ontario. commencing Thursday, March. 13, 1986 - The next series of classes' will begin the week, of September '8, 1986. For pre -registration, or further information, please call the Health Unit .office' at 357,2264. -=8,9,10a1- WOMEN*S.H AL Ssums,, Tuesday, FebruaryLucknow Town Hall, (upstairsi for. women 30+. Film and discussion. Admission freer For more. information call S28-3436. Sponsored ..: by the Bruce County Health, Unit. —8x --' .L. CKNOW LL LE GION LUCKNOW PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST At the ''Legion,. Friday, February:21, 8 p.m.' Everyone welcome. Free admission-: --8ar .REGULAR MEETING Of the Lucknow :Agrtouitural , Socie on Tuesday,, Feb. 25 at the Coimniunity Centre at.8:30 4. Michel Marc nate r.A • ST. PATRICK 811A ' C Keep Saturday, .M401;22'00 . at Lucknow Com1numty entre . xt week's paper 8 o be el etails HUMAN ELAAOI S Abri R�1RALzLIViNG Sponsored by Centralia College,, OMAI; and iCanada`Manpower.=`Getting Rid of the Rural' Stereotype with Keith Roulston and Bev Brown, Wednesday, February Lucknow Community Centre.. Free admis- sion. If you require further: information contact Diane Jotik s 395-5827 or Mary Ellen Rimmelzwaan 395-5874. °-8: • • x Sincere thanks to friends, , neighbours and relatives for cards, flowers, 'treats and calls while;I was, in hospital. Specialthanks to Cortin, nurses ; and staff on : 2nd floor,. of Wingham and District ;Hospital for their excellent care while I was there. It was veiny much appreciatedL Harry Ca. Lnelmow Scut nel, Wedriimday, Febrility 19, 1986—Pscall Nwitrammommssmormagamaramostammir Attention Farmers! =ON weisoi,gcousra 4.14014 Wang Wig: "Rip' sicorrapies lempoi A. For sale FARMHAND 8.15 mix mill w,lth aser feeder and 17 ft. unloading auger : FzcelleJnt condition,. Phone _395-3303, R --7,8x. F V.A Demo.NH849'Bal'er New NH353 Mix New NH795 Spreader New DionBoxes New Viking 51-i Electric New Landine'59 New Hardi Sprayers Demo Marten Bole ••WFE 51904 Row NH 970 Spreader • NH 355 Mix MI • jl.., WFE 13704 WD Dein, NH L779 Skid Mill Mill H.P. Trader.. March Rack printer and • $ Ne10,140der Stem` L Feb, discotunt20'% .discount Arpil discount;10./k . Gote - ,Sav`e ' 134913. , 6,3336. 20,611, 4000. 2,Ass. '. 1.4,464. 15•'/.• . ` 1,100:• Just " Cs.o 4.04.0. 12.00'4. 10,000. . In . •. , FEBRUARY. MARC# PA�t�'S SPECIA,1� ABordr rsover$100.00 y CASH , .. I- �': � ., a ,:$•, , _ .. 'DISCOUNT FEBRUARY- cE SPECIAL all ICI A sire n • .Eros P up:.. .�. Y 00.00w- e *orders ove 5 w, a. LY . p ( ' $WA`sh2=4i3;1s��423 Ti�•1n)VS1xl401x " Aftor*8 ahs '2 4,1 Ron . ,or3,�li4.042 (aOlj ; !iMANTE °wTO BUY . barbecui ruptttres,'rl initis •poor, doers:, ani > sown and'boars fit .to'Butcher:''" T`+' x t' i Livestlk mom Nina M . sap. limp sow ipos• t'ucarrowctria`rsna SPECIAt. BRED .��..�QSALE WEDNESDAY, FEB , Y 26 at appro 1 mately 2:30 p.m. OVER 100 BEEF COWS 70 BEEF CROSS: COWS from one consignor all . bred Umonslne 20 HEREFORD CROSS COW$ from .. • another consignor • N "E . BR1`NDLEY 529.76.25 or 529-7,970 ILL TAKING CONSIGNMENTS, MEN`t'S NT. rm` seitii s um. .ism::.:..iii4.0.• swim "ma imisa"111.10.4"..10:416. "MO enta 48.0 0.11.0 PIMP Nom ammo wpm LY N ' LO RY F R �' •, A M SYSTEIVI..LTi)., R It No. 1WKineardi e:,� Ontario- or.S: all. your manure, "feed, and grain handling re'�uire ments call 395.5286 or. see' us .in ,�nberle ., y We 'handle everytig almost.-*-42tfar BERGSTABLE': EQUIPMENT. 'B rn a clean- ers manure/pimps;m;vertical, horizontal; 8' to .1S P• VC' or S,B T duc:01le. ;Cow wind calf � f. N 'he stalts,.;a L h. rn , vose Qus ButonWo% ecfers ventilation rkequipment, l confinement - ' Ritc ie° heated „water bowls. Fnrroatr` ng , crates r ;ea �e lecks Plastic s slate;+ '", Ye ,,on'tact Lloy`,d<Johnston ario. h hone 395 5▪ 390 1 $1S On 9.78 ;FI RM ;LAND for ren •Models frota'31/�, to a h.p for every • size, Borden: •Pre seosor� Sade -;Bowe tO% pias rZerlFurrower an ere Mereh tp Ord r risaw in t 046 110 staring doltvory. :234we'll ac id you -4 f't Croy-BIItc' t+ lo01A . TRACTOR A : s. 34244 PEAL ESTATE 80 1",SUR,c,%r E LTD AROILER, FARM, 12,500 quota. 4 bedroom, ,75 wares, Kinloss Township. , KIILOSS 150 acre dairy, 70 'tie ups, pipeline, stable cleaner, 2, ,imp,sheds, large automatic feeder�bar'n, ,4,''bedroom home, inground swirnniin i�°ool and- 'r'100 g p +s acres available.,+ ' ' 100. ACRES,.10..:,SOLD,' 3, Kinloss Twp. 210 `'LEV , AC .11 , : A bedro+r m brick, 41 ages hardwood•Y bush,. give us an ;offer. FARROW TO''FJNIS -1,20#;111-:'t l'wor ble acres, 9 bedroom home, ' paved r lad, Il`Ilvi�OSS 2 storey.;.brtek beef' barns ;1; acre lan, d $38, 900. KINLOSS TOWNSH1F .400' acres : 22: acres harcvirood 0.0a6.,:-,5,$' ,w, orkable, S4s,tltl(. KINf,OSS 100 arae hog fat*, 85`workable, 3 bedrgornhorne, large'bam,,2 sheds, 91-2 per .,cent.financing,. asking $85 000. KINLOSS:.';TW!`'. ,' 100 acres, .94 workable, 68 .acres wheat;, harm Asking' 572,000. 7 UNIT 'APARTMENT building, ;Lucknow, excels eat return,on investment. UCKNOW, 3 bedroom hoine, low down payment, mortgage at 103/4, Asking $32,000. .UCKNOW, 1. storey,' . 3 ~bedroom, paved "drive, attached garage, sun deck, asking $38,000 JUST LIST3oo ED . bedr :.. r , . fireplace, sun deck. Asking -'only $22, BEDROOM brick home,'.attaeh cd garage, 7 acres, new drilled well paved driveway • an road, 40'x40' barn; Askirigl$45,000. • ,W omcs OP sand 4 .horn, newly n novated; 2,;,baths inducting wliir'ipool tub; hated kg = . W e 44' . x 44';, paved • d. Asking $36,0000.4 6 H 010 Orli* k blrngalca%v,1 hal; mad :On th cent; al .v` i e 1�"ir�n►n ARRY McDONA ;A MacKINIST( 0 3