HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-19, Page 8Page 8—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 1986 THE P NIN 4: CT NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF Al ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield has passed By-law 54986 on the 18th day of February, 1986, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. And take notice that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Ashfield, not later than the 26th day of March 1986, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and Key Maps showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies is provided below. The complete by-law is available for inspection at the Township Office during regular office hours. DATED at the Township of Ashfield this 18th day of February, 1986. Mr. Donald Simpson Clerk -Treasurer Township of Ashfield R.R.#3 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3X9 Phone: 519-395-2753 The explanation and purpose of this by-law is to regulate the use of lands and the character, Location, and use of buildings and structures, and to prohibit certain buildings and structures in various defined areas of the Township of Ashfield. The zoning by-law implements the Ashfield Township Secondary Plan and provides for specific land use regulations to ensure that the policies of the Secondary Plan are realized. A summary of the contents of the by-law are as follows: Section 1 - presents the administrative details, a summary table of the Zones, Symbols and Section Numbers. Section 2 - [Definitions] - provides terms used for reference, to specify the meaning of the terms used in the by-law. There are also diagrams which explain lot and building terms. Section 3 - General Provisions - This section applies to all lands in the Township of Ashfield. It deals with such issues as non -complying uses, non -conforming uses, parking requirements, planting strips, etc. Sections 4 through 27 - Land Use Zones - present the various land use zones. It is in these sections that the various uses of land are given and the various provisions governing the use of land are presented. Section 28 - Separation Distance Tables - This section includes the formulas and tables for calculating the minimum separation distances in agricultural areas. Schedule "A" - The schedule consists of an Index map and numerous detailed key maps which cover the entire Township. On these key maps are found the land use zones which correspond to Sections 4 through 27 of the text of the by-law. This by-law applies to all lands within the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield as shown on the map below. • L /north TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD ADDITIONAL INFORMA purposes, to all indicated • •l ! 1 • ISI V., IN .1POP1MMW `.1 _ Jt 114,1511)4 111 P.. , 1 1 14 13 12 •j 4 -1 TION: Copies of the by-law have been sent, for information owners of property and tenants in the Township of Ashfield, as on the latest revised assessment roll. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Blyth Festival rano ..H.....ces 12tH season of Canadian plays "A A truly rich and exciting season of Canadian plays" - that's how Artistic Director Katherine Kaszas sums, up the Blyth Festival's 12th season. There will be three premieres, a Canadian classic, and the return of Cake -walk which was so popular in 1984. The season opens on June 20 with the premiere of Another Season's Promise. The Purves' have farmed their lands for four geneations but now they risk losing everything to the bank. Written by Anne Chislett (award-winning author of Quiet in the Land and The Tomorrow Box) and Keith Roulston (Blyth resident and author of McGillicuddy's Lost Weekend and His Own Boss among others), Promise is a moving look at the human cost of farm bankruptcies. There will be two previews for Promise on June 18 and 19. Drift by Toronto -born playwright Rex Deverell is a powerful portrait of an exotically beautiful young woman who immigrates to Canada and marries a local farm boy. Set in the Depression and seen through the eyes of a writer from the next generation, Drift is a touching and funny play. In 1984 Prairie Theatre Exchange in Winnipeg produced Drift, under the direc- tion of Katherine Kaszas - a production that was described by the Winnipeg Sun's Morley Walker as 'the best play I've ever seen'. A bittersweet comedy about two elderly women, Gone to Glory by Suzanne Finlay, premieres on July 15. Winnie and Lulu live in a ramshackle cabin in the interior of British Columbia and eke out a meagre existence on welfare and pensions. The two women maintain a feisty front, but their lives are haunted by old sorrows which the conventions of their time have forbidden them to share. American -born Ms Finlay emigrated to Canada in 1952. She has worked as a professional actress, play editor for MGM, play agent for such notables as Noel Coward and Samuel Beckett, script supervisor for The Beach- combers, and author of numerous TV shows and the play Monkeyshines current- ly on tour in Ontario. The stage premiere of Kenneth Dyba's Lilly, Alta. opens on July 22. When two lovers attempt to free themselves from the obsessive matriarch who rules over the small town of Lilly, Alberta, they unlease a chain of events which forever alters this small Prairie town. This is an unusual and imaginative play, underscored with music and punctuated by the comic antics of the town's highly eccentric inhabitants. Lilly, Alta. was originally produced as a radio play on CBC's Festival Theatre. Kenneth Dyba has worked as a director and actor, and adapted and translated Lorca's Yerma; a novel, Sister Roxy, was published in 1973. Another Season's Promise, Drift, Gone to Glory, and Lilly, Alta. will play in repertory through to Aug. 23. On Aug. 26 Cake -walk by Colleen Curran returns to the Blyth Festival stage to close the season. Five unlikely contestants at a cake -baking contest find themselves get- ting more than they bargained for when someone sets out to sabotage the entries. This comedy was premiered at the Blyth Festival in 1984 and proved very popular with audiences here. (Regulars to the Blyth Festival will remember Ms Curran's hilarious comedy, Moose County, which played to packed houses last summer.) Cake -walk will be touring Southwestern Ontario, and perhaps farther afield, follow- ing its run at the Blyth Festival. The 1986 season blends music, comedy and drama, plus the usual 'extras' for which the Blyth Festival has become so well-known: country lunches and suppers, art gallery exhibitions, country fairs, craft fairs, playwrights' workshops, Gourmet Dinner, and much, much more. Season brochures, containing full details of the plays and ticket order information, will be available mid-March. Special voucher packs are on sale now, giving savings of up to 30 per cent over the regular ticket prices for this summer. The box office .will be open for single ticket sales after May 16. For more information, or to have your named added to the mailing list, please contact the box office at 519-523-9300/9225, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN (R.R.S.P.) PAYING AS HIGH AS ALSO PAYING AS HIGH AS 1O%% ON 1 YEAR ANNUAL COMPOUNDING DEADLINE FOR R.R.S.P. CONTRIBUTIONS IS MARCH 1, 1986 Top interest rates through s uch Trust Companies as VICTORIA & GREY - STANDARD - CORONET - FIRST CITY - MUNICIPAL CREDIT FONCIER - WELLINGTON - PREMIER All companies members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation RATES QUOTED AS OF FEB. 17, 1986 ROD McDONAGH Box 250 LUCKNOW 528-3423