HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-12, Page 20Page 20—Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 1986 528-2822 Deadline m Mon. at 12 noon 1. Articles for sale SLABS OF HARDWOOD by the load, approximately 8 cords, delivered. Phone 357-2838 or 529-7642 early morning or after 8 p.m. —7,8,9 FOUR 13" SNOW TIRES, in good condition. Phone 529-7436. —7x CAST IRON PARLOR STOVE with heat ex- changer, used only 2 winters, good condi- tion; Lennox oil furnace, with 200 gal. oil tank, both in good condition. Phone 528- 2620. —6,7 FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER, 3 years old, only used 4 months, excellent condition, asking $400. Call 395-3467. If no answer during day call after 6:30 p.m. —6,7 SELECTION OF USED OIL FURNACES, ideal for shop, cottage or home; various years and models; also used Lakewood wood stove. Call Cliff's Plumbing and Heating, 528-3913. —6,7 APPLES - FARM FRESH, Ida Reds, North- ern Spys, Fancy and C Grade. Andrew's Orchard, '/Z miles South of Lucknow. Phone 529-7508. —50tf BUSINESS CARDS, STAG AND DOE TICK- ETS, rubber stamps, decals, wedding sta- tionery, magnetic signs, office supplies, specialty advertising - pens, key tags, etc. Larry Cowan, Lucknow, 528-2730. —48tf TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. —40tf PICKUP TRUCK CAP for sale, will fit small pickup. Asking $225.00. Phone 395-3749. —7,8 MICROFURNACE - Cut high spring heating costs with an effective selective zone heater. Demonstration and trials available on request. Phone 395-5010. 7-10 WRINGER WASHER, dryer, freezer and store shelving. Phone Holyrood Store, 395- 5062. —7ar 3. Articles for rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East of Kincardine on #9 highway. 395-2685. —42tfar 4. Articles wanted WANTED TO BUY old wicker doll carriage and related items. Phone 368-5247. —7,8 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1973 PONTIAC 2 DOOR, 62,000 miles, $800 firm. Carl Bale 528-2104. —7,8 6. Pets REGISTERED COLLIES FOR SALE - one Tri Male 17 months; one Sable female 14 months; one Blue Merle female 5 months. Call after 6 p.m. 529-7879. —7 It Will Be Music To Your Ears When You Tune In To the. Best Buys in the Classifieds. 7. Real estate for sale FARM FOR SALE - 3 miles south of Ripley, 150 acres, 122 acres black loam, workable and drained, balance in bush; large barn, also pig barn, 2 machinery sheds, large 2 storey farm house. Owners retiring. Asking $135,000.00. Phone 395-5175. —7,8,9 FARM FOR SALE Huron County, E-'/2 Lot 35, Concession 13, East Wawanosh Township. 5 km west of Wingham. 100 acres approximately 78 workable. Stone house, bank barn and shed. Asking 595,000. Contact Stephen Wright, Farm Credit Corporation, Box 155, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2. Telephone No. [519] 524-8381. Refer to File No. 40981-581. 9. Accommodation to rent MODERN APARTMENT for rent, carpeted throughout, possession first of April. Phone 529-7888. —6tf TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, at Glennhaven Apartments on Inglis Street, available February 1. Phone 529-7030. --ltf 12. Help wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" licence. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800-265-1260. —41 tfar SUNSTAR POULTRY SERVICE has full or part-time employment, night work catching chickens, travelling involved, transportation supplied, for fit and hard working people, chance for advancement to foreman avail- able. Call Mr. Clinton, 392-8192. —5tf BABYSITTER IN LUCKNOW to look after 4 year old during days and 6 year old after school. Hours approximately 8:30 to 6:30, 3 days a week. Reply to Box 614, Lucknow, with hourly rate expected, name, phone number and any previous job experience. Job to last until the end of September approximately. —7 BEAUTY CONSTULTANT. What would you do with an extra $100 a week? That's waht you would be earning a couple of nights a week. No investment. Training provided. For more information phone 524-4920 after 6 p.m. —7,8 C:411Position Available jFOR A PERSON WITH A T MINIMUM 3 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN BOTH HARD & SOFT LANDSCAPING Apply in writing to: HURON LANDSCAPING Box 429, LUCKNOW, Ont. NOG 2H0 HAIR DESIGN Josef Winter requires an experien- ced hair stylist. Applications will be kept strictly confidential. Call for interview or apply in person. 411 East St., Goderich 524-4781 12. Help wanted APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Monday, March 3 for a person to count dogs and issue dog tags for the year 1986, in the 'Township of Ashfield. Donald M. Simpson, R. R. # 3, Goderich, N7A 3X9 Clerk -Treasurer. —7,8ar OUTREACH WORKER at the Women's House of Bruce County A new Half-time position to work as part of the Rural Transportation, Public Education and Support Home Network. The position involves counselling at the Centre and outreach counselling, ad- vocacy and community development. The successful applicant must be able to work flexible hours, have coun- selling training and/or related experien- ce and community development skills. Salary Range: $8,500. - $9,500. Reply In writing by Feb. 21, 1986 to: Lydia Kidd Executive Director Women's House of Bruce County P.O. Box 82 Kincardine, Ont. NOG 2G0 18. Services available RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hogs, Cattle, Lambs Mondays. Beef and Pork sold by the '/e, 1/2 or whole. Homemade Sausages our speciality. OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. SATURDAYS 7 A.M. TILL NOON AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licens- ed Auctioneers, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392-6170. --42tfar I)0N THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service. Tower and antenna instal- lations, refrigeration service, satellite sys- tems, sale and service. Ripley, 395-3466. —42tf DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Open Weekends by Appointment 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of BERNADETTE CLELAND late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of December, 1985, must be filed with the undersigned on or before February 19, 1986; thereafter the Executrix of the Estate will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated January 13, 1986. Mrs. Margaret Cleland, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2110. —5,6,7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Kenneth Lorne McNee, late of the Village of Dungannon, in the County of Huron'. All persons having claims against the Estate of Kenneth Lorne McNee, late of the Village of Dungannon, in the County of Huron, who died April 29, 1985, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 26th day of February, '986, after which date the Estate will be listributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have given notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice. DATED at Goderich, this 28th day of January, 1986. NORMAN B. PICKELL Barrister and Solicitor 58 South Street P.O. Box 430 GODERICH, Ontario Solicitor for the Estate —6,7,8 18. Services available REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SER- VICE - rebuilt appliances; cash for your used appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946. --4tf PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICE. Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-887-9062. --42tf HORST Feige D.T. GODERICH 511 West Street Neustadt (S19) 665-7818 Goderich (519) 524-6688 No Charge 1-800-265-1415