HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-02-05, Page 12Page 12--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 5, 19 UCW meeting sees case of Pornography on Trial The first general meeting of the Lucknow UCW was held Jan. 23 in the -church parlour. The leadership division was in charge of the program. Mrs. George McBride as chairman opened the meeting with some meaningful quotes pertaining to a new year. Hymn 40 was sung. Mrs. Harvey Houston was pianist. Mrs. Robert Finlay read Scripture from Psalm 34 and Mrs. Glen Walden from First Peter, chapter 1, after which hymn 571 was sung. The offering was received by Mrs. Eldon Bradley and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie and dedicated by Mrs. Stuart MacGillivray. Mrs. Eldon Bradley made comments on the subject pornography prior to the pres- entation of the court case, Pornography on Trial. She told of the higher courts of the church studying .this matter and that local churches were asked to do the same. She referred us to articles in `February's Chatelaine, and the Observer, April, 1984 and March 1983. The trial centres on a small town in Saskatchewan where pornographic liter& ture is being sold from a back room in a variety store. Mrs. George McBride., dressed as judge, conducted the trial in a very capable manner: She called on the various wit- nesses, such as the store keeper, Mrs. Robert Finlay; police officer, Mrs. Glen Walden; Prudence,<rs. Harvey Houston; Carmine - mother of two, Mrs. Allan Gibson; consumer, Mrs. Alex Andrew; housewife, Mrs. Gordon Cayley; woman, �c,izE. E.T. TRAVEL . TALK P `..`-,,,,"1A ,.. ..,. e,�oALD,,£+„Cr B Doug By EXPO 56 PRESENTATIONS For complete details on Expo 86 plan to attend our Expo 86 presentations on Wed., Feb. 26 at the Old Town Hall in Exeter or on Thurs., Feb. 27 at the Armories in Wingham, both starting at 7:30 p.m. Our presentation includes information on accommodation, transportation, tickets, tours as well as the Amazing West Ed- monton Mall. Call our office today to register. Admission is free! 9:*a:**********:*a:*:1::l:**a:**4:**a:*a:**************:f:a:*h:**h:**a:****a:*a.a•-1••l.a:a- 4-a'}•*y•}.}..}.l.y.3. FREE PASSPORT PICTURES Ellison Travel is pleased to announce that we now have in-house passport pic- ture cameras. Your picture is taken while you wait. Our passport pictures are free to all clients who book with Ellison Travel. 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Seats still available, Call today! 322 Main Street, Open 9 - 5:30; Exeter, Ontario sat. 9:30 - 4:30 {519) 235.2000 1-800-.7" t 250 Josephin265+ 02 Street, , t'l 1Ninghi rrr, Ontario 5 19 457 3330 , Mrs. Stuart Reavie; and feminist, Mrs. William Bolt. Each witness presented strong points of view upholding their position but the results showed five to thi°ee opposing the sale of such materials. All members entered a discussion period following the trial which showed a lot of concern with this problem in Canada. Members are glad to know that in 1984 the Fraser Commis- sion urged stiffer sanctions against porno- graphy using either children or violence. Hymn 356 and prayer by Mrs. McBride closed the program. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie presided for the business and read a New Year's poem challenging all members to a more dedicat- ed 1986. Minutes were read by Miss Norma Weatherhead and correspondence by Mrs. Ken Cameron. Mrs. Stuart Reavie gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Robert Finlay presented the proposed budget for 1986 showing $6,080 would be needed to fullfil the needs. A motion was made to donate $50 to "Meals on Wheels". Mrs. Allan Gibson reported 108 people were at the agriculture banquet. Mrs. William Bolt outlined the work to be done under the direction of the Supply and Social Assistance committee in 1986. Mrs. Harvey Houston, archivist, stated the two archive books were up to date. Mrs. Gordon Cayley reported for Amnesty. Mrs. Glen Walden said membership had been renewed in Avel, making films avail- able to all church groups. Mrs. Alex Andrew . and Mrs. Clayton Alton were appointed auditors. The meeting closed with hymn 611 and prayer by Mrs. Clarence Ritchie. January is a busy month ST. JOSEPH'S By Sandra Van Osch and Sarah Brophy The month of January has been very busy at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge. Grades K-3 will be going tobogganing later this week. On Jan. 23, grades 4 - 8 travelled to Goderich arena in order to go skating. Everyone enjoyed the trip. The senior grades are very busyprepar- ing for public speaking on Feb, 7. Some of the students in grades 4 - 8 are organizing a winter concert for Jan. 31. Everyone is invited to attend. The concert begins at approximately 1 p.m. On Jan. 15 St. Joseph's School hosted a volleyball tournament which determined who would be the zone champions. Schools attended from Wingham, Goderich and Clinton. The girls and boys teams from Wingham were both victorious. Grades 4, S and 6 are taking a drama course taught by Miss Tina Martens. Miss Martens is also teaching a puppetry course for Grades 7 and 8. oaf The $200,000 diffeience. An answer to the stress of RRSP investing, That's the difference between an Industrial Growth Fund RRSP and Guaranteed Investment Certificates over the past 18 years. 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