The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-01-29, Page 13®_.4.®=®4®6.4_i06150®.®0450.=_=®®02®a®_4®40_®M®w..,®090 20. Public notices APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED for grazing steers 500 - 700 lbs. on the A.R.D.A. pasture farm for the 1986 season. Applica- tions will also be received for heavy cattle 600 - 800 lbs. for the months of May, June and July. Entry fee - $3.00 per head to accompany application. Grazing fees 25c per lb. Application forms available from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Box 1330, Walkerton, Ontario - Telephone - 881-3301 or 1-800-265-3023. Application deadline March 14th, 1986. -5,6 MacNAY'S GENERAL STORE, AMBERLEY Store hours for Month of February will be 9 a.rn. - 6 p.m. daily. -Sar Watch for the re -opening of HOLYROOD GENERAL STORE. -Sar NOTICE Please refrain from using Fire phone 528-3131 for information. Any information regarding fires must be obtained from the Fire Department Chief. Thank you. Bud Hamilton, Chief. -4.5 21. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM' AA car help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. -40tf PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-1769 or London 432- 9197 collect. -tf 22. Lost and found LOST in front of Lucknow Bake Shop a Fujka 35 mm camera in black case. Phone 395-5126. -5 30. In memoriam . HALDENBY In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Norma (Ted) Haldenby, who passed away 16 years ago on Jan. 26, 1970. Sixteen years ago we had to part With a Dad we loved with all .our heart. You slipped away without a good-bye But memories of you will never die. We miss you Dad and always will, You left a place lid one can fill. There are other dads . in the world we know But you were ours and we loved you so. As long as we live we will always be glad That out of this world you were our Dad. Sadly missed and always remembered by his wife, Bertha, -family and grandchildren. --Sx 31. Cards of thanks PETRIE The family of the late William Petrie would like to thank the relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, charitable donations and other expressions of sympathy in, our recent .loss. Special thanks ..to Rev. Robert Ballfor his words of comfort, to the McCallum Funeral Home and to the women of Dungannon United Church who provided and served a delicious lunch and for the use of the church basement. We would also like to thank Dr. Hollingworth and Dr. Chan and the staff of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital for the care and comfort they proVided•; Allan, Ken, Marina and grandchildren RITCHIE We would like to say thank you to the Lucknow Fire Department and to our neigh- bours for their help at the time of our fire. Mel and Jayne Ritchie -5nx PERCY We would like to thank our relatives and friends for making our Golden'Anniversa'ry special. Their best wishes andifts • !ill always be remen bered. A.special tank you to the ladies of the church for helping with the open house, and our friends for their Alex and Myrtle Percy When You 31. Cards of thanks 4mim®®®®..mWW®Wam.a.®M=._ 4®.Om®_o®UW..a_..®®m.m®_®®®c. NICHOLSON The family of the late Dan Nicholson would like to thank relatives, neighbours and friends for their kindness and thoughtful- ness shown in the loss of a dear father. -5x FORSTER Many thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards, visits and -treats while a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin, Shalom and nurses on second ,floor and ambulance drivers at Wingham Hospital. Also thanks to those persons who helped out at the scene of my car accident. Sincerely, Bill Forster -5 IRWIN I want to thank Doctors at London's University and at Wingham Hospitals; to Ross and Beattie for takingme to University, to Beattie who brought me home from Wingham and for the care while I was at her place for a week. All the cards, flowers and kindnesses were apprciated. Thanks to Spence for keeping house while I was away. Mrs. Mildred Irwin -5x KRAEMER The family of David Kraemer wish to say a sincere thank you to all our neighbours and friends of Kinloss Township. Also 'a special thank you to MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home for all their help. Special thank you . to Father Ed and St. Mary's C.W.L. Jean, Don, Dan and Julie Kraemer -5x N_ 32. Coming events. ANNUAL MEETING HURONIA BRANCH ONTARIO HUMANE SOCIETY Annual open meeting of the Huronia Branch of the Ontario Humane Society, Wednesday, February 5 at 8 p.m. in the O.M.A.F. Office, Clinton. Everyone welcome. Volunteers needed for fund raising. -5 BENEFIT DANCE For Frank and Lorene Alton who lost their shed to fire, Friday, February, 7, 1986 at Lucknow Community Centre. Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.,.to .Allan Miller and the Hillbillies. Ladies please bring lunch. -5,6nx KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION BROOKSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL Thursday, February 6. Please phone for an appointment 529-7900. -5 LUCKNOW DISTRICT KINSMEN CLUB Invite you to dance to "Player", March 8, 1986. Music 9 - 1 at. Lucknow Community • Centre. Tickets 88.00 person in advance; $10.00 person at door. Tickets available at Buffy's Burger BM, Lucknow Farm Supply, McDonagh Insurance or any Kinsmen mem- ber. No minors admitted. Proceeds for Community betterment. -4;5,6.7ar MARCH OF DIMES CANVASS January 22 , 31, March of Dimes canvass in Lueknow and Dungannon and Rural areas mail campaign. Help 'breakthe bonds of disability. '-4,51 IyAPADES Kitchener, Sunday, February 16. Phone Helen lvfeBurney, $7-3424 or 357-301,1: -4 sCoTrlsH COUNTgY;.DANClrrG Every Thursday, LUcknow Public School, 8 10 p.m. Everyone welcome. No Charge. •--3,4,Sar . LUCKNOW A NOWT DROP IN CENTRE Meets each Monday and Friday, 2 - 4 p.m. Everyone welcome. f-43tf It Will visit V'y'edtiUsdsy evening. Sincerely, . cc To Your:. in St st Lucl®ow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 29, 19e6 --Page 13 Attention _ Farmers. l's. =e.G4®.40344===== 94a®®6 ==.4004W94m4 ===F =WID IMWOM9.D.===== A: For sale BREEDING AGE BOARS, York, Hamp, Duroc, and Hamp x Duroc, R.O.P. test information indexed from 100 - 143, normal inventory of 35 - 40 boars, guaranteed, reasonable prices. Bob. Robinson, R. R. 4, Walton, 345-2317. -5,7 C. Wanted MMMM..M.IMMWW .®M®MM®_Mianm®W=S®a®S..OW=WWPm_._.,c__Sa WANTED TO BUY - barbecue pigs, ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, any size; also sows and boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151. -48 Sxtf F. For rent omuumsa WamWa^iaai A.411==== .mmovapww==== IGS➢GSJYDPai®6Qi.met=Ci=== E. Farm services ec�m�®®_m��o4®4m®m4©m �®maame.o7®mmroa+4asmea�®mw�®®®m®Wa LYNN LOWRY FARM . SYSTEMS LTD., R. R. No. 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed, and grain handling require- ments call 395-5286 or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.-42tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT. Barn clean- ers; manure pumps, Vertical, horizontal; 8' to 15 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile. Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing. Bunk feeders, ventilation equipment, hog confinement, Ritchie heated water bowls. Farrowing crates. Weaner decks. Plastic slates and also farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390.-42tfar F. For rent 100 ACRES FARM LAND for rent. Phone 55 ACRES ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP, Dun- gannon area. Phone 529-7795. -5 529-7888. -51 tf Mollie Wh!teside sends her Christmas greetings to area December 17, 1985. Dear Editor, Staff and Readers, Again I'm late in sending you all my Christmas greetings but I know you'll forgive me and•understand. No day is long enough for all I want to do and suddenly the year is almost over. I think of you over there very often. Getting down to write is more difficult. But be sure you have my warmest wishes for a happy Christmas and a prosperous contented New Year.. Our wish for ourselves is Peace. What could be more. important? But times are sad for us and the killings go on. We have to remember that terrorism is a scourge the • world over and something we will all have to overcome together. Maybe some day. When I turn my thoughts to your Dungannon -and -District, one of the first I remember is -Mary Alton. Dear Mary Was such a friend and wrote to me very "often. 1.. miss her letters. The last one arrived only a few days before' she died. She so much wanted to move- back to Goderich and 'at least that. wish was fulfilled, even if . so very briefly, and I Was comforted that her passing was so quiet, without suffering or worry. My sympathies go to her husband Harvey, who will, I'm sure, be very lonely without her, to her daughter who so kindly sent word to me, to her grandchildren and to her great grandchildren of whom she .was so very proud, 1 hive to say I also Miss hearingfrom another lady who has been a most faithful - correspondent through so many years. Mrs. Sheila Campbell of Lucknow. It is many weeks since her last letter and 1 know she was not in gond health, having spent some time in hospital, so I would be glad if someone could sendme news of her. Please tell her I think of her and wish her well. My thanks to all those w►hotiave kept in touch with methrough,* year, especially Mrs. °MargaretiPri r�d of Nelson St. E., Goderich. We enjoy her letters enorm- ously . and her occasional Articles, too. 1 know how you value her as a writer and as one who recalls the" 'old days" all too easily forgotten. Here.. wheal talk of "-The Hungry Thirties", people look at me es though I have one foot in -the grave and yet those years : are as,clear to tyre now as yesterday. Special good wishes to Mrs. Phyllis Morrison, Lucknow, Mrs. Dorothy Ward- ell, Ripley, Mr. and. Mrs. John McDonald, Goderich, Mrs. Alma Black, Goderich, Mr, and Mrs. John Spivak, Dungannon, and everybody who remembers me. I enjoy getting news of you all and 'of. your families. Could 1 also say hello to Mrs. Murdie . and Mrs. Brown of Kitchener? What about another visit? And all the other, friends who've called Withus here. We'd be grad to see any .of youagain, so don't forget, 1 had ,a very nice letter from Mr. Alfred Menary of Gravenhurst to say , that as a eStilt of our correspondence, aa ha s been able to make contact with relatives in this country. I'm delighted to hear such good news. Manary or Menary is a very well know and respected name in both your Dungannon and ours. Please tell hitt I'll search for the map he wants as soon as I have time to catch my breath. Christmas is a great time of hustle bustle for me so I've not ,got round to it yet. We expect our son home next week for a quick holiday break. You can imagine how we look forward to seeing him even very briefly. He has to go back on Boxing Day. This will be his first visit since Christmas last year and the .first time he and my husband have been together since then. As you know, I whizz over to London . any time I can, meeting him from his work and spending super evenings with him. He's still working full time with a firm of Anglo- Ameri can'.publishers nd does translations for well known British publishers when he can fit it in, so he's a very busy young man. I was over again in September and strange- ly, walked into my cousin and her new husband who'd been with us in Dungannon from their home in Vancouver and had then gone off to the continent. We walked into each -other the very morning I arrived. in London which meant we could spend more time together, too. We're hoping to have them over again in '86. 1986 will be a special year for us as my husband retires at the end of March. We're both looking forward to the. prospect. I'M always the one to go dashing about so oar son is hoping hell celebrate by 03 log to stay with him in London which 1 think is a terrific idea. During the year, Shan has been in Germany, Greece, Italy and France so it would be nice. wodn't it, 0100 , these trips came up while his father was over and they could go together. , - We're havingdelections here in January. Nobody seems•tounderstand or accept that 70 per cent of the people in Northers Ilre- l4nd want to remail, part of.the United Kingdom., We vote and vote but they have to ask us again just to make sure and even then they. can't believe us. Maybe some day. This new ballot wilt make parliament- ary history, they say. We live in stirring times! ° My love to you all. until 1'write again. (Mrs.) Mollie Whiteside. LtitJuww wins Lucknow Peewees defeated Mildmay Peewees on Jan. 17 by the score of 7 -. 3. Adam'. Skillen played in net for Paul Helm, ' who along with several other player' were out- with the tart. Mike raridervelde had a good night scoring two goals plus three' assists. Brad Murray had,;orne goal and three assists, Donnie Gammie and Rod Crich two gassioalsstseach and Russell Sutton ,with two ,a: