HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-01-29, Page 12Page 12--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 29, 1986 528-2822 Deadline - Mon. at 12 noon 1. Articles for sale APPLES - FARM FRESH, Ida Reds, North- ern Spys, Fancy and C Gra°de. Andrew's Orchard, 1/2 miles South of Lucknow. Phone 529-7508. -50tf BUSINESS CARDS, STAG AND DOE TICK- ETS, rubber stamps, decals, wedding sta- tionery, magnetic signs, office . supplies, specialty advertising - pens, key tags, etc. Larry Cowan, Lucknow, 528-2730. -48tf TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tf CHRISTMAS CAKES - a few are still avail- able from the Lucknow Skating Club. If interested contact any member or call 395-5617. -5 1500 WATT GAS GENERATOR, $325.00. Phone 529-7598 after 6 p.m. -5 RIPLEY ABATTOIR Beef Specials Hinds - S1.891b. Front S1.31 ib. Sides - $1.59 ib. Whole or 'A Pigs .99c !b... HOMEMADE SAUSAGE Regular or Garlic 51.2911 . 10 lbs. or more 395-2905 3. Articles for rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive,' moving, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East of Kincardine on #9 highway. 395-2685. -42tfar 4. Articles wanted WANTED USED BUNK BEDS, good condi- tion to fit 39" mattresses. Phone 528.-6692. -5 5. Cars, trucks for sale t 1984 FORD TEMPO in good condition: Phone 357-2568. -5,6 • 6. Pets r rir TO GIVE AWAY to a good home, Doberman Shepherd pups. Phone 528-3634 . Sk 9. Accommodation to erff .,,. ,. Trr�g„M+r�ywirwr• THREE BEDROOM BRICK country home for rent near Kinlough. Phone 395:5241. -- -; THREE BEDROOM HOUS': Lucknow, available Februg 3157 evenings or 528,370; r rent :n one 395- lair TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, at Glennhaven Apartments on Inglis Street, available February 1. Phone 529:103Q. ltf THREE BEDROOM Hf Lucknow, available.Februa 2337 after '6 1 O. Wanted t-0, tint ®wwwwww¢ is.ai!a®Missflwr+rrt..l l WANTED TO RENT f 1 room house ar 40 nient�foi in writingto Drawer 28, c/o. Sentinel°, Rox 400, LUC NO�4 haute 00**0100* 12. Help wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" licence. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800-265-1260. ---41 tfar CLEANING LADY WANTED for once a month, beginning February 4 or 5. Phone 528-2224. -5 12. Help wanted SUNSTAR POULTRY SERVICE has full or part-time employment, night work catching chickens, travelling involved, transportation supplied, for fit and hard working people, chance for advancement to foreman avail- able. Call Mr. Clinton, 392-8192. --Stf Count on the Classifieds ,/ CURATORIAL ASSISTANT The County of Bruce Museum is seeking su individual with curatorial experience to work under the direction of the Curator. This museum is a modern facility consisting of some 22, operating budget in the range of 5150,000 - 5200,000 add has a full-time staff of four. square feet with an annual, This individual will research, organize, and prepare articles and catalogues on the museum's collection and exhibitions, will develop programmes, originate, co-ordinate and install in-house and travelling exhibitions, be responsible for :building and collections maintenance and gallery .renovations. This person will also serve as a resource person and will assist in the diverse tasks involved with the daily operation of the . museum,.. The preferred applicants will have a familiarity with acceptable museum practices, a strong aptitude for historical research, manual dexterity, a willingness to learn new skills and the ability to work well with people. SALARY commensurate with .experience $17,971 $21;091. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: MARCH 28, 1986. Applicants should forward a letter of application and a detailed resume with three (3) references to: B. Rlbey, Bruce County Museum P.O. Box 180, SOUTHAMPTON, ON., Ontario. NOH 2L0 THE B OF �D'CTC� AT 4 $0 Invites applications for the following position: HEAD CUSTODIAN LUCKNOW CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL This. is a full-time position. Applicants must be willing to do shift work if required and be able to provide a medical certificate of good health as well as proof. of a satisfactory chest,. x-ray or tuberculin test. Applicants should have a > broad _now ledge of school/institutional cleaning pro- cedures and experience in organizing -and supervising caretaking staff. Apply on or before Friday, ;.1986, to the undersigned nsin cation form which can Oe'01,400: at any school under our jurisdiction. in your municipality or at the Afitainistration adding in •Chesley, or by t'el'ephoning ,ar writing to the employer below „Oa ie �e, ley 0101 004 NO L Telephone: 362.014 q 14. Employment wanted ..awn • "00 IT-WRIGHT". HOUSECLEANING - need a helping hand aroundthe house? Ex- perienced help available. Call Colleen 395- 5130. --5,6x 18. Services available RIPLEY ABATTOIRABATTOIR 395-2905 CUSTOM C�EEIN BUT G5 - HogO, Cattle, .Lambs Mondays, of and Perk sold by the 14f % or whole. omernade Sausages our aped, OPEN DAILY 7 Allo. Ti SATURDAYS 7 A, 18. Services available REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SER- VICE - rebuilt appliances; cash for your used appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946. -4tf WB T.V. & APPLIANCE SERVICE - repairs to TVs and appliances, small appliances, vacuum. cleaners, razors, etc. Phone William Bolt, 528-3619. ---4,5x DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service. Tower and antenna instal- lations, refrigeration service, satellite sys- tems, sale and service. Ripley, 395-3466. -42tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licens- ed Auctioneers, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392-6170. -42tfar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION '& APPLIANCES SERVICE. Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-887.9062.--42tf ie.* N0000 to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS An claims against the estate of BERNADETTE CLELAND late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of December, 1985, must be filed" with the undersigned on or before February 19, 1986; thereafter the Executrix of the Estate will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to . the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated January .13, 1986. Mrs, -Margaret- Cleland, c/o GEORGE J. BROPH', barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0. -5,6,7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of ELIZABETH DALTON late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of December,, 1985, must be filed with the undersigned on or before February 5, 1986; thereafter the Executor of the Estate. will distribute the assets of the estate having regard onty to the claims: of which the under- signed then has notice Dated January 7, 1986. Father, Edward ,i. Dentinger, Executor, c/o . Dux 61.0,. L GEORGE J. 'B'HY:, Btrl& Solteltor, UEROHNOW,. Ontaarioatelr NOG 2110. 3,4,5