HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-01-15, Page 19 BEST ALL ROUND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPEFF.IN CANADA (Circulation Class under 2200) C.C.N.A. Better Newspaper Competition 1985 c *idler .e h Brophy Legion announces winner The Lucknow Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion announced its 1985 Essay, Poem and Poster Contest. Lucknow Central Public School, St. Joseph's Separate School, Kingsbridge and Brookside Public School all had students withn the top three placings. The topthree students in each of the Intermediate categories of essay, poem and poster were: essay - first, Sarah Brophy, Kingsbridge; second, Mark.Dawson, Lucknow; and third, Collin Clarke, Lucknow. Intermediate' poem category winners were: first, Sharon Askes, Lucknow; second, Sandra Van Osch," Kingsbridge; and third, Scott. Strawbridge, Brookside. In. the Intermediate poster ,division, the top three students were: first, Jennifer Jane Stanley, Lucknow; second, Diane.Broome, Lucknow; and third,, Jodi Hackett, Lucknow. Winners of the three categories in the Junior division were essay - fitst, Ainy ' Olson, Kingsbridge; poems - first, Rachel Brophy, Kingsbridge; second, Theresa Stanley, Lucknow;. third, Diane Ric ling, : Lucknow sters first, Art Brindle Lucknow; second, Sheila Strt ht. King sbrida and their Shane Inc ail Brookside. Amy Olson Why db 1Popp Grow? Byiethy Do you ever wbnner why things- are here? ie...:that ow in Flander's Like the poppies gr Pmelds: Well guess uat#:.Pfloppies. mof. , things; Like the soldiers who fought in.the ?, They foou ht for peace,. andfreedom Jews; . 1heyyfotutgtooht .forthe=r, f#nliies,..sn for ' year1�4Y, o u said again, don !tt.wa want to.. o.' We all ray to Hod :;you=, will We shouldremember th a *ellwho died • come back. for us: ,On • For they Were important too. So now you should know why, the pop -- pies in F'lander's Fields .gr o My Beloved nir W = By Amy Olson r Why did . you .have to de?' boat vie e my only son. Your friend camelback and told us what ha eneed..-.1: reme==mber you, pp so well. When youI wish therewas - were five .you said, o"`s'But in t e ` a war ii tnreases to rine per cent for Huron department heads By. Dave Sykes Huron County department heads will receive increases of up to nine per cent a_ year after Huron County Council endorsed a comprehens:!e 'salary ;package for its nine . department heads at its regular , monthly meeting Friday. ,`° • The salary increases, covering a three- year period to 1988, were ' granted =after 'council deliberated in closed- session at length.` By a vote ' of 18 - 13, council endorsed a salary schedule prepared by its executive committeewhich proferred the document after .=meetings' with the -depart, ment heads. A preface, -tom: the report suggested the salaries were arrived at by taking the average. paid to similar or comparative „positions " in the ;adjoining count es'� o ins Southwest ,r ' moo.. 1985` and4dtidYing cost of living increases' of four pert cent % in each year for 1986 through; to 1988 inclusive. The increase' means the county` Medicall. Offleer of Health wi11.. ear $6L,Cv72 nr 1986, er ce t increas; t , z ala flc ase by -per cent in 987 t "$66, 14 and:' pe, cent In r r`" , Thee...acli i1n041A i I i�r � f3o e for the Aged, carr ntly ening will get$41:,042 iu -1986, a , .2 per cent increase; $44,460'; n,r, 1987 whichrepresents" an 8.4°per.cent'increase Band .a .futther ..,.per cent increase in 1988 -will =boost the salary to $47,892. . Thetas social service..admini'strator; _cur rently,earning}S32 57$ . will, -receive.. 535,334 in 1986;, $38,09( :in -;1987' ar d $46;820. in 1988. The increases average •6ver4.8 per centover the three years. T.he.county clerktreasureer and badiminis- tratorz will have his. ;present salary of $51,974 boosted. to $55,172 this year.: In 1987 the administrator will receive a S 8 �. Soprano ass'I By James Mel B ln' the sante *ay she now devotes herself completely to her daughter and - husband, Renee Stalenhoef Van Haar- ' `lent applied herself to becoming a world class -soprano with the Dutch National- Opera, per cent increase to $58,370 and a 5.4 per cent increase to $61,542 in" 1988. The county engineer's salary, of $48,074 will increase by 6.7 per centto-$5i272 this year and by 6.2 .percent to S54,444 in 1987. The report suggests his salary increase by 5.9 per cent in 1988 to. $57,,642." The deputy clerk -treasurer, presently .earning $44,460, will receive a 6.7 per cent increase this year to $47,450 and 6.3 per. cent in 1987- 'to $50,440.. The salary will. incrase by 5.9 per cent in 1988 to $53,430. The county planning director, currently, earning $45,.188, will receive .a 7.4 per cent increase this year to $48,542 and 6.9 . per cent in 1987 to $51,986. A 6.4 per cent increase in 1988 will boost the annual sa55,.raria Thelary countyto$224 libn°'s ; f salary will in. > rease, A.8% •per" cent to $36;894 from $34,866. A 5.5 per cent increase in 1987 will boost the salary to $38,922 and a 5.2 per. cent increase in 1988 will push. the salami of the museum .dikector will`-: by four 'per cent eaclt year from. o•,$38 298 in 1988. ti ," . p ',reez+� Do arg ed t t re was no to gm, m;o • closed session ee CI' 'Pk' , ,to;,ldtx'00$ aalarteli tdepar''tmet�t- b=ear=s however,. • 'passed with fire , councillors, voting against. Both Doherty and Goderich Reeve Harry. Worsen voted against going into closed .session as did Goderich Town-• ship deputy -reeve Laurie Cox. - Warden ,Leona Ar=mstrong told Doherty the motion to close .the session . was introduced because there were several new members on county council and she "Min want them inttinidated" by report- ' ers' eport'.ers' . The salary increases passed by a margin of 18 - 13 9 ,%l ere • " my family. We used to lissten to the About four years ago, she felt she had reached 'a .plateau with her career and saw marriage and. a family as the next ail-consumin -thin on,which to' concen trate: g g.., "i was married four years ago and...... decided to stop my ;Pl.'s'('And •start; ; en=joying life," added., her - husband,; Walter). 1 -decided to ire, of the little girl (their ti gh�aG :Flom ence)."',,' ,She Yanks to the future for the time she iii ht'°a in g again get involved withher first love, afterthe 'demands of family lessen ° as children grow older:: "Actually, rt it's . very good to stop things for a while in arts and sports. Things change. all the tithe,artistically. You grow and the voice comes with it." interest starts She became interested in h ile growing up in Rolland. - `°1 til om childhood, it was in'y a raw. culture radio, go to the theatre in Amsterdam:.. That's how I, got involved. - . "Here you 'sta=rt with the 4-H Club, there you start with music lessons." Renee also knew while young that . opera was the styleofmusic-she wanted to study. Then, when she was '14she went- to high school for Music and finished after six years. After that she interned with the Dutch. National Opera. When she went to school, the Dutch, were required to -learn four languages as part of 'their- curricuhitn. ' This . assisted Renee in realizing her ambi tion. to become an opera singer because much of Opera is written, in .Italian or German. "I. got to know the exact meaning ofeve y world", tint was sun The.,Dutch National opera is modal- - led. along the lines of other opera companiesin Europe. "Every 'count has a. nationald opera,''' said Renee "They're heavily subsidized n- stitu*: tions: The huge .payrolls incurred by' the co==mpanies for a production ("every. ra house at leastpeople ,a has . 300 ale oir the payroll') result in the =much needed subsidies: eeer • • tl,