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Baby gets feel in barn
•from page 1
couldn't find a babysitter.
"Because Gary has an off -farm job, I'm
in charge of feeding the cows. And if I
wasn't expecting,. I would also be helping
with the milking."
During the evening chores, the children
accompany their mom and dad to the barn
and in the mornings, an intercom system
keeps the parents in touch with their
sleeping kids.
"We have an old baby buggy set up in
the milk house. If I'm breast feeding, I'll
even feed the baby in the barn, that's if the
baby is hungry. Babies adjust very well.
The kids love it in the barn.
"Some people say it isn't safe to have
kids in the barn, but our barn has tie stalls -
the kids can run around "more out .there
than in the house. ,Though a cow can kick
back, they're used to the kids now and
they've, never kicked."
Joan says she would like to see a drop-in
centre for rural kids even if only for one day
a week. That way her kids could socialize
with other kids.
"Rural kids don't get out much. It would
give us a day off if we had a drop-in
Back when she was growing up, Joan
can remember her mother working in the
field and the kids went along. "There were
10 kids in our family so the older kids
looked ' after the younger ones."
Rural mothers have made known the
need for child care. Now it's a matter of
time - to see how much government
funding is available and when a system can
be introduced to benefit farm families.
help on weediess Wednesday
Take the challenge and go smoke-free on
Weedless Wednesday, Jan. 22. This is the
final day of National Non -Smoking Week
1986 which is sponsored by the Canadian
Council on Smoking and Health.
Join the majority those 70 percent of
Canadians who are smoke free - this could
be the start of a healthier new lifestyle for
Here are some survivaltips which might
help smokers be- successful in meeting the
challenge on Weedless'Wednesday.
Get a group of ftiends=or co-workers to go
smoke free with you. ;
Marriage :,e1eIi.
*from page -4
Laidlaw spent New Year's Day with Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Bradley,.,-
-Maureen 'and John de Bruyn and family
spent New Years with Maureen's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harris of Dungannon.
Mr.. and Mrs. Doug Jphnston were
married Dec. 28. -
Belle Mole of Lucknow spent Christmas
with her aunt, Gladys Drennan of London
- You could challenge another group or
department where you work to go smoke
free on Weedless Wednesday. Make it a fun
- Put carrot and celery sticks and pieces of
fruit where the ashtrays are usually placed.
- Butterless popcorn without a lot of salt ad-
ded, is another low -calorie snack that could
help you get. through the. day.
- -Take • a walkat lunch - fresh air and ,a
change of pace will help reduce the craving
for a cigarette.
Additional information is available by
calling the Huron County. Health Unit at 524-
rated Dec. 28:
and her daughter Anna May Taylor. On
Boxing Day she travelled . to Courtright
with her daughter, Marion Sallows and
family to visit her son, Don Mole -and wife
Kaye and their son. Donnie. Site remained
with them for few days. Her granddaugh-
Dawn Mole, and great granddaughter' �.
Debbie arrived there from Toronto for the
weekend and Belle returned to London
with them on Monday. She returned to
Lucknow on Tuesday. "
Travel games
By James Friel
Travelling is one of the recreational
pursuits I really enjoy in this life. And
because I enjoy it, I never seem to do
enough. That's why, after a friend %
called, I took the opportunity to go td
Washington, D.C. for -a few days, a
result of New Year's scheduling at the
I usually travel by car. The isolation
experienced by people travelling by car
with nothing but conversation to break
up sometimes monotonous landscape
can produce some pretty odd results.
What happened oh the way -back
reminded me of a newspaper story I
read recently -about the behaviour of a
research' team stationed at Antarctica.
To battle the isolation, a number of
movi were left with them during the
long »bsv ter when . contact with the
outside world is held to a bate
minimum, - , -
After watching the movies dozens of
times each, the group cul off the Films
and spliced together one of their own
making. On the basis of this: movie, a
new language was developed with the
members of the. base `pickuig up the
phrases in the movie mid agreeing upon
By the tittle the base' was to be
restocked with a new batch of humans,
the language developed for fun had
progressed so far that when the switch
- over was to, be initiated, those oversee-
ing could hardly understand the group
at the base.. . ` -
On. New Tear's Eve we found a motel
in a primarily black section of- town,
which isn't hard to do because the vast
majority of people living in the U.S.
capital are black.
Ron and I were the only whites in the
motel, a motel filled with local denizens,
all with their own lingual quirks. Lots of -
them. In fact- so. many 1 couldn't under-
nder:stand much said.
We didn't talc to anyone else for any
length of time in the next 32 hours or so;
but when we did, I know it sounded
strange. _
We picked up a"lot of the slang Willie.
Dixon and his friends in D.C. " were
using. Later, in the meandering way
conversation -can get while isolated with
little else to do, we started discussing
commercials we didn't like, still Using
what we picked up in Washington. By
coincidence, : one ofthem featured
actors with French accents. •
Soon we had incorporated our own.
pretty bad French accents into the slang
we picked up. The "chili=' down man,
yearsr and. - �a I got torn"dorn New Year's,-
yeah" ma"' hear ya, yeah', and "I'm
a.TiT man, yeah" were All said with as
lilting and: sophisticated French -accent
as -we could mutter.
We talked ikeat for about 24 hours
until our twisted voice boxes began to
hitrt and we found it difficult to stop..
"We denet sound like tiaything," . Ron:
noted. In retrospect, though, I` can see
we sinded pretty dumb
Most sof that has gone away after
almost a week of speaking :`with -area
pe'opl'e thouigih -I still`tay'yeah" a lot. It
seerns a' silly thing to do now I can look
back gnat, but it vYas far mere challeng-
ing and more fun than the ,;old travel
game of my youth, counting Yolks-
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 8, 1986 --Page 5
Did you know it is important foryou to have your dentures examined regularly?
Your mouth is one of themost lnportautareas of yourbody
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Improperly flttingor maintained denturestcan .cause severe health problems.
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Your local -Denture Therapist (DENTURIST) is a: professional. specialising in the
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If you have any problems with your present dentures or are thinking of getting new ones.
see yourlocal Denture, Therapist,consultation: is usually free.
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You're Right:
There 1s
Adrrortise-'m. . .
1 -You have all the business in town! -
2 --Everybody loves you so much they just
can't trade elsewhere! .
3 -.children stop being born!
4: -You have more business than ytyu can handle!,
5—There ore no new people moving to your.. area!
6 -The econom rs so hex -.
�` � . healthy, y could •
make money irn buS ries! `
7 -You want to -keep` your lie it ventory!-
8--You have no. con:I7etitioiil
9 -You don't really want to work very hard -anyhow!.
10 -You hove netted four first million; (after taxes)!
11 -.You have to hire *bre help to haind!e business!
To START Adnortisig
do not agree with alt of the- above statements!.
1 :111e media that will get your message tothe most
families in your customer area!
.2—The media that is most reasonable in tost!