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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-12-21, Page 19Denise Hiller Classified Sales INDEX Classified 528-2822 Sports Centre& ,Recnation a utpment. 73 L l.rd ", jntod :o Rrr-.t '4 3 c.,c es MC,r:,r-v -F Sncw'r.ob Ps . '4.1 pm"•.! 7G Reis. yen 'S -r{ 7H Boals Molnr; & M. ne 7J Sery ce Parts & Reye rs 7k Swnnm ng Poo' & Supp' es 08 Computers 'I dens Etc .Ib •09 Automot've 10 Pets 7A-71( 1 IA For Sale Genera), 118 Wanted To Buy 1C Wanted 'ro Hue 11 D Employment Wanted •I1E veslock 1'F Farm Produce 1 IG Farm Equ,pme'l 11H Farm Serv'Ces 1J Fam •. and 111 .F aril Rea .stale 4111_ Wanted 'u Aent 11M For Rent 12 R1.. Estate For Sae '3 Mob e F tomes '4 Vac at,On Prope rt "5 6 For Beni 17 Apartments For Re^,I '8 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms Foi Rent 20 Room & Board 22 l 015 f Rent 23 Commer, ',r Prayer ty For Rent 4 Wanted To Rent 2S Wanted :, i±uy ;'6 Hep Wanted Wantec, 28 Bus ness JRPe'r1 in ty 9 lenders :10 Employment Wanted 31 St'rvct, H305 .11',y 33 14 l'rrson4 Not .'e ', n•.1'c •,,. 1 Mo114 1 )''. .111 Ao-1.o', Sue . .11 !J.,,,11,,•1.1 d,' ;a••dn 1.11 , .13 111,1'• 44 1 ',s,t4,"110 q.. 4'. Mari .,tit,,,. tt, 1'1 Mellor 1", .1' 1 ,iit1 15 '1u',"•, .18 t+.,i,,.•,,i vent-, 1. Articles For Sate BUY THAT snowmobiler in your family a pair ot Canadian made leather mitts to keep his hands warm on those cold days ot riding These mitts are at great- ly reduced prices due to large quantity purchases at Brophy Jacket and Snow- mobile Centre• Wingham 357-3712. -- 50,51ar Word Classified Deadline - Mondays 2:00 p.m. Word Classified Rates (25 Words) 1. week - $4.25 - 2 weeks $3.75 ea. - 3 weeks -'3.25 ea. incl. GST Additional Words at .16 each. Additional $2.O0 charge if classifieds billed after 7 days. (W01 RES SPECIAL AT"3.2-5 Thursdays and 3+3 (pay for 3' get 3 free) on person to person ads. f �i f,� ,� L.�y� 1a ,I '1 r/il CY... ' .l. wI A I li 71 /// //U J��� 1111 '1 • .i ,i , But True Sell it in � 11, • We'll run issues or it another V FREE Person to person ads only please. Run your classified word ad for 3 issues. if your article doesn't sell, we'll run it for another 3 issues free. Must be requested when placing ad. When your article sells, simply call to cancel. CALL DENISE AT 528-2822 THURSDAY is..... Drop onto our office any Thursday.with your word 1:lasslhed tmaxlmum 25 words? and pay only $3 25 (paid In advance) ' • mat s.$1 00 off regular rates. ntinel � 1. Articles' For Sale TYPING The Lucknow Sentinel does confidential custom typing for customers; resume's, letters etc. We can offer you a number of different print types and sizes. Call our office or drop in for more details. -- Btfnx RED POTATOES - 150/Ib. tor small quantities: $7 50 for 75 Ib. bag (10¢/Ib.). Call Larry Blake 529-3418 or Jack Wilkins 395-5693. --50.3 Pet Stocking only 1. Articles For Sate' CUSTOM FAXING Need to send or., receive a fax? The Sentinel does custom faxing for cus- tomers. Drop in or call 528-2822 .for details. --41 tfnx GAS - PROPANE RANGES can convert to natural gas in 5 minutes. No parts required. Stove Parlor, 2 km west of Tiverton, on Inverhuron Rd 368-5274. -- 12tfgp Industrial Energizer BatterieS 0 Pkg 6 $ . 00 Size ■ C Assortment of Gloves, Mitts Toques, Balaclavas Pock Your Bird Feeder We will fill it "FREE" Plus "FREE" Club Membership for 5% off • 1995 Seed Purchase LUCKNOW FARM SUPPLY 644 Campbell St., Hwy. #86 528-2331, 1. Articles For Sale STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS ,Straight sided quonsets 20 x 40 $3,675 00 25 x 30 $2,999 00. 25 x 44 $4,488.00. 30 x 42 $5,144 00 30 x 56 $6,859 00. 35 x 60 $8,269.00. 40 x 54 $7,944 00 40 x 88 $12,944 00 ends optional Pioneer 1- 800-668-5422.--51bc COURTNEY SEWING MACHINES - sale on new machines, and used; repairs to most makes and models Phone 395-5341 Mon. to Fri --37tfar EVERLASTINGS WREATHS, swags, arrangements etc Specializing In dried flowers Custom orders taken Showroom hours - Thursday, Friday or Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m, or call ahead. Call Tracy 395- 3328. --48-51 xc • FIREWOOD Dry and green hard maple; ash wood slabs. Cut to stove length. Delivery available by the truck load.' Cali 524- 7104 'or 1-800-727-9171 (long dis- tance). -51 tfgp WALNUT .CREDENZA, 2 pencil drawers; 2 file drawers with black shelf in centre, Perfect . for, office .$100.00 Phone 519-348-8520.--49-1nxe PLATES, PLATES, PLATES: Have a favorite photo of a loved one put on a beautiful plate. A treasured gift, ALSON, 776 Queen St. 396-3227.-47tfgp WALNUT DROP leaf table $125. Rattan 4 shelf etagere $125. Phone 519- 348- 8520.--49-1nxe THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is available at the following locations out of town: Holyrood General Store; Ripley Superior Market; Dawson's Store, Dungannon; MacNays Store, Amberley; Triangle Discount, Goderich; Wingham Stationery, Wingham, MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair.Service; White- church.--9ttnx 1. Articles For Sale WOODSTOVE & FIREPLACE glass, will not break from heat. Cut to any size or shape. • Carbon monoxide detectors. .Don't stay home without one The Chim- ney Sweep's Stove Parlor & Gallery Ind 368-5274--4ltfnbcpnx FOR SALE - Cash Draw Tickets - Chepstow Lions Club. Prizes 1 x $25,000 ; 4 x $1,000 , 6 x $500 5 Draws - July 2 and $500 monthly January to June Tickets - $100 each. 'Phone Bob 881-2854 Gary 881-1678 -- 50,51 gp SKATE EXCHANGE - bring In , your used skates. Also. new and used mens, ladies and children skates. CHAR - MANS, Lucknow 528-2011 --5 t ar Pick up your copy of •THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL at any of the following Luck - now. businesses: Beckers Milk, Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village Market, Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow Service Centre and C.E. MacTavish. -52tf • TRY C&E FURNITURE,.(new and used) Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. Highway 21 south Godench 524- 7231.. --30tf - ' ATTENTION SATELLITE• • DISH OWNERS No audio? Want a 1%'CI( plus board. Low monthly installments. Start getting money out of •your dish again. Call. today, Sc TECH 529-1026.--19tfgp DRESSED DUCKS. Phone 528-5554. -- 51x WIDE SELECTION of used appliances,, fridges, stoves, Washers and dryers., All serviced and including a warranty. Call Modem Appliance Centre, Hanover 364- 1011. --5ltfgp THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL •has the following papers available in our office on Wednesday. Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine News, Port Elgin Shoreline News Walkerton Herald Times Clinton News • Record, Mitchell Advocate, ONSAT = Canada's weekly guide to . Seaforth Huron Expositor, Zurich Ad - Satellite 'TV is available at The Lucknow ' vance.-16tfnx Sentinel $2.50'per issue.--4ltfnx, KRANENBURG'•S BUTCHER SHOP ' 612 Campbell St. . LUCKNOW 528-2242 Fresh Grade "A" Turkeys159LB Boneless. Football Style ' Smoked • Hums 2� LB Polish 7LB Sausage ' 1 9 • We will' be closed . for holidays December25 - January 2 FIREWOOD Dry hard maple and ash wood slabs, Deliveries available, any quantity. Call 524-7104.--43tfgp BRING YOUR memories to life. Put your favorite photo on a shirt, mug, cap and tote, bag.•Ideal gift tor a loved one. • Alson 776 Queen St„ Kincardine. Phone 396.-3227. --46tfgp LAST CALL! Dishwasher clearout. Greatly reduced prices on selected models. Portables from $439., built-ins from•$399. Modern Appliance 364-1011 --51 gp• [•PERSONALIZED 1995' calendars,' one photo or 13 photos. A gift of a lifetime. Plan now before the rush. Call 'Alson, 776 Queen St., Kincardine. Phone 396- 3227.: -46tfgp SAVE YOUR treasured documents, posters, certificates. etc. Laminating up to 24" • wide. Laminated ID cards too. Alson, 776 Queen St., Kincardine. Phone 396-3227, --46tfgp BAR FRIDGES. Great gift ideal 1 7 to 5.4 sizes. From $177 ' Modern Ap- pliance phone.364-1011. --51gp BOLLINGER'S FRESH homemade bread, no tat, no sugar, no 'preser- vatives,. every Saturday atm Dawson's General Store, Dungannon and Jana Natural Foods, 73 Hamilton, Goderich. - -51-11xc