HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-10-12, Page 14Page 14 — Luckn,ow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 12, 1994
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UCW units hold joint meeting
Units 1 and 2 of Lucknow UCW
met in the church with 23 members
and two visitors present.
Anna Mae Hunter opened the
meeting with a Call to Worship and
prayer. Evelyn Cook was the
pianist for the meeting.
The worship service was the
Gathering of the Least Coin. Those
taking part were Anna Mae Hunter,
Ella Hackett, Edna Alton and
Evelyn Cook. Two ' other
Thanksgiving hymns were sung.
The Least Coins were presented and
the prayer given by Mrs. Hackett.
Mrs. Hunter gave .an interesting
article from the 'Mandate magazine
- "Fire in the Rose" - telling about
congregations across Canada
working to develop educational and
worship resources on family
violence and abuse.
At Westside United Church in
Owen Sound, Rev. Douglas
Kaufman and the 300 families in
his congregationare in the midst of
coming. to grips with their own
experiences of abuse. Since the
committee started this program,
Rev. Kaufman has had about hall'.a
dozen people come to him and
'speak ,about their situations. He
was not able to give any
counselling until he was
'This program is part of a long
process to prevent, address and heal
the problems associated by family
Marion Zinn showed her pictures
from Costa Rica. She has been
there twice, the last trip, being in
March 1993.
Costa Rica is a Democratic
country 'with health and education
being important issues. It is a
beautiful country with ninety per
cent of the land owned by farmers,
with many dairy farms and coffee
Lois Walden . gave the
announcements. One of interest is
saving of Campbell Soup labels.
They are saved for various projects;
one is for Ronald MacDonald
House. The labels bearing the
R.M.C.C. (Ronald MacDonald
Children Charities) "helping hand" -
can be saved and returned to any
MacDonald Restaurant across
Canada. With these specially
marked labels, Campbell Soup will
donate 10 cents for each label. The
13 Ronald MacDonald Houses have
opened their doors to thousands of
family members since 1981.
Unit 2 had a successful hobby
sale with Lois Walden as 'the
capable auctioneer.
The lunch committee Elia
Hackett, Anna Mae Hunter, Helen
Todd and Allene Bradley served
sandwiches and beverage and .a
social time was enjoyed.
The two units separated for
individual short business periods.
`Truth'. was topic at WMS Thankoffering
' Ladies from the Whitechurch and
Kinlough Women's, Missionary
Society groups joined with the
'Lucknow Presbyterian WMS to
celebrate • their Thankoffering
meeting, held in the church, on Oct.
President Shirley. Hawthorne
welcomed everyone that ' was
present and opened . the meeting.
with a poem "I Thank Thee, Lord"
and prayer. .
Norma Raynard accompanied the
Thanksgiving hymns that were sung
throughout the meeting. •
The Scripture and meditation
were given by Grace Gammie,_
reminding us to thank God for all
His blessings, not only at
Thanksgiving time but every day.
She concluded . with , a poem
"Thankfulness" and prayer.
Dianne Hawthorne contributed
two beautiful solos, accompanying
herself on the .guitar.
Special speaker for /the day was
Gladys Robertson. • She chose for
her topic "Truth,".commencing with
the poem "Truth by John G. Whit-
tier. She_ spoke of the, many truths
found in the Bible and told us the
word Bible means Little Books.
One writer likened it to a mansion
with 66 different rooms. To
conclude her message we all joined
in singing "Father of Mercies, in
Thy Word."
Shirley gave a. reading "Three
Priceless Gifts" which were seeing,
hearing, and speaking. She
reminded us we were invited to
Kinlough, South Kinloss and
Whitechurch thankofferings.
Following the closing hymn and
prayer everyone enjoyed a time of
"fellowship around the table. '
View ' slides of Europe and Ontario
Ruth Bell was hostess for. the
' South Kinloss WMS fall Thankof-
fering meeting held at the church
on Oct. 5. Trinity UCW and Luck -
now Presbyterian WMS were in-
vited guests.
President Sharon MacDougall
opened the meeting reading from
Glad Tidings "In Spirit of
Seed Collection
The Ministry of Natural Resources, Wingham Area Office,. is
issuing contracts to persons wishing to collect black walnut
A contract is mandatory and all seed must be collected within
the Wingham .Administrative District. The seed must be
received at the address below by October 18, 1994.
For further information, including contract rates, please
contact: .
Ministry of Natural Resources
Wingham-Area Office
R.R. #5 •
Wingham, ON NOG 2W0
Tel.: (519) 357-3131
O Ontario
The Huron County Board o! Education
Learn to Learn
Do you want to learn
to read, write, and do
We can help:
For information call Darlene Williams at
482-5428 ext. 353 or
Graeme Craig
Part of our lifelong learning initiative.
Paul Carroll
The Bible study was done 'by
Doris MacKinnon and Ruth Bell
reading from the Glad Tidings. the
' offering prayer was given by Olive
Rollcall was answered by telling
of our "visits with a shut in."
Guest Speaker for the evening
was Margaret Keith who is no
stranger' to our WMS. Margaret
now lives in Goderich.
She had . an enjoyable trip to
England and Europe in the month
of June. She . told of her cruise
down the Thames, River / and the
Rhine River which we were all
interested to hear. ••
Ruth Bell also showed slides of
her trip on the "Ackert Boat"
through the Ontario waterways.
She travelled the waters from
Peterborough to Big Chute. Ruth
made us appreciate the beauty we
have in our own province. .The
Ackert family used to live at
Doris MacKinnon read "The Lord
of Harvest."
Mary Buckton said the courtesy
remarks and gave the closing
Ruth and Doris and Mary were
the, directors and served a delicious
The next meeting is to be held at
the church on Nov. 2.
Check out the
Port Albert Woodworking Club
How much wood, would a wood-
chuck chuck, if a woodchuck could'
chuck wood? Who knows? But
maybe by the end of Port Albert's
Woodworking Club, the 4-H mem-
bers will know the secret,
The first meeting of the wood-
working club was held on Oct, 5 at
Donna Hayden's.
After the 4-H pledge, the meeting
started by- catching up on all the
summer's events and provoking our
minds . with thought games, all
dealing with the word 'wood'. The
essentials .and safety of wood-
working were covered.
Election of officers resulted in
Colleen Dalton as president, Della
Hayden vice, Martina Poganatz
secretary, and Jennifer Black as
. press reporter.
To aid the busy leader, youth
leaders for. the club are Colleen
Dalton, Jennifer Black, Suzanne
Schultz and Dree Park.
CGIT learning . about
families this year
In honor of the International
Year of the Family, the CGIT
group has shared about their own
families, done family .skits,
learned about some Bible
'families and had a ' famous
'family quiz.
Information about the CG1T's
foster sister, Beatrice in Kenya,
was shared and the video
"Children in Kenya" was
The new executive includes
Margo Abbott as president;
Valerie Weber as vice, Melinda
Donnan as secretary and Kim
Harper is treasurer.'
Leaders Karen Spanswick and
Laura Lee Caylcy, along with
leaders from Dungannon and
Wroxeter, recently attended a
leadership weekend at Shadow
CGIT members will again
sponsor the UNICEF collection
on Halloween and will count
money collected by students.
The Christmas Vesper Service
will be presented on Dec. 4.
The Lucknow CGIT welcomed
six new girls this fall. The ser-
vice for these new members will
be on Oct. 24. Mothers and
friends are invited to hear about
Romania Today from / Jackie
Coulbeck, who lived there for
two years.
by Jean Ross
Merle McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Gaunt of Wingham, and
Sybil Gaunt of Vancouver were
recent visitors with Don and Jean
Mildred Purdon, Kathleen Elliott,
Dora Neilson and Jean Ross at-
tended the Luckrlow fall Thankof-
fering in the Presbyterian Church
on Tuesday.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Beecroft on their 50th wed-
ding anniversary.
Joyce McNay of Kttchener was a
visitor on Wednesday with Mildred
Carmen and Brian Farrier of
Toronto spent a few days last week
with Agnes Farrier.