HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-10-12, Page 5Looking for WW II memorabilia To the editor: Do you have memories of the Second World War tucked away in a drawer? Producers of No Price Too High, a television series on Canadians and the Second World war, are searching for first-hand accounts that date from the period. Because No Price Too High is based on such documents,. its producers are actively soliciting letters, diaries, photographs, audio recordings and film footage written or made during the years, 1938 to 1945, covered by the series. Selected documents will be used to tell the story of the Second World War from the viewpoint of a representative cross section of Canadians whose lives were deeply touched by the events of those momentous years. An example would be correspondence between a. serviceman overseas and his parents or wife back in Canada. Anybody with information regar- ding such letters, diaries, photographs or private ' , audio Writer doesn't want curbs in Lucknow To the editor: Last spring there was a little talk of curbs on Lucknow sheets. 1 think the snow removal and sweeping the street and the way. things are for walking is good the way it is. If curbs were putin from Bains store to County Road 1, there would be one drive-in at the funeral home. If you are in a car you have to park three feet from the curb to get out the passenger side, then if you can't manoeuver or jump the curb you would have to walk to the comer of the funeral home to get on the sidewalk and back again. The south side wouldn't have any break in the curb from the Super Scoop to Inglis Street. Now what happens to the people in wheelchairs, children's buggies and wagons, trikes and three -wheel battery driven carts? I think if anyone wanted to vote on it, they could vote on their hydro or tax bill. Andy. Scott. LCPS students canvass for CNIB The LCPS 'Grade 7 students will be conducting a canvass for the CNIB again this year. Students calling at village homes between Oct. 17 and 21 will have buttons that identify them as CNIB canvassers. It Fall Clearance Sale All Trees, Shrubs & ' Perennials 20-5Iroff Bareroot Norway Maples & Newport Ash (Bundles of 5) 10-12' Reg. $49.95 Now 339.95 Perennials 25''oft .Crimson King Maples (8.t(1' Potted) Reg. $27 00 $10.00 Norway, Sugar & Red Embers Maple (8-1II' Potted) Reg. $19:5( 110.00 Sunburst Locust 1(1 (8-10' Potted) Keg. $29 00 .110.00 i Black Cedars • 34' ht $5.00 (2 Grade) & :Rt.}; $29 uu 115.00 i I llTlt/1 I 1 Lc[ ultSCc!/1t11 y h- 1 unlit EC/ R.R.112 LUCKNOW - 529-7247 *MON.-FRI.8.5 • SAT. 8-3 41 :I" M '4$ 0 lik TO THE EDITOR records or film footage, or who has access to such documents, is asked to contact the Research Office of No Price Too High, 95 Penetang Street, Orillia, Ont., L3V 3N4. The no charge long-distance telephone number from anywhere in Canada is 1 (800) 524-3528. The fax num- • ber is (705) 325-5596. All original material forwarded to this address will be returned. Please consider sending photocopies. Information or submissions would be appreciated by Oct. 31, 1994. No Price Too High will make available to all Canadians an ac- curate, moving account of Canada's contribution to victory in the Second World War, covering all services and all phases of the war effort, at home as well as abroad. No Price Too High will be broad- cast nationally on television in the fall of l995, and it will he available • subsequently for educational and home use on video cassette. The television productioa com- pany making No Price Too High, Norflicks Productions Ltd., recently produced Battle Diary: a day in the life of Charlie Martin, an emotionally evocative and intimate one-hour documentary aired the evening of June 6, 1994 on CBC for the 50th anniversary of the Canadian landing in Normandy. A comprehensive and accurate perspective of Canadian invol- vement in the Second World War is assured by the participation of the No Price Too High Foundation and its Advisory Board. Membership on the board includes its Chairman, Honorable Barnett J. Danson, Honorable Willard Z. Estey, Honorable Alastair Gillespie, St. Clair Balfour, BGen. Denis.. Whitaker, Robert G. Dale and Honorable Hartland de M. Molson. Anderson Charters Executive Producer Bike helmets a must in '95 In July 1993, the province passed a private member's bill to make wearing a bicycle helmet mandatory on Oct. 1, 1995. Since then, the ministry of transportation has formed the bicycle safety team, a task force to 'promote safe cycling and helmet use. The team includes partners from the cycling community, health and safetygroups, police departments and other ministries. In 1993, the ministry also forged ahead with a full range of activities including safe -cycling, educational and marketing materials. During the next year, the industry intends to continue to form partner- ships with other governments, the private sector and special interest groups to raise public awareness about proper safety equipment and safe cycling practices. Police officers will continue to remind cyclists about the upcoming helmet law during their normal enforcement activities. Nominate a volunteer Nominations for the Canada Volunteer Award are now being accepted to recognize and en- courage those Canadians who have made outstanding voluntary contributions towards improving the health and social well-being of their fellow. citizens. Since 1977, the award has been presented to over 800 Canadians. There are two levels. The 'honor' level consists of a medal, a lapel pin and certificate of honor and is presented annually in Ottawa by the Minster of National Health and Welfare. The 'merit' level consists of a certificate of merit. Nominations must be received at The Canada Volunteer Award Secretariat Health and Welfare. Communications Branch, Public Relations Division, Tunney's Pas- ture, Ottawa, K 1 A OK9. Infor• ugggggggggOggggggo Ell Huron County's Complete o VEHICLE 0 CI 0 RENTAL o oHeadquarters o 0 Q Small & Mid-sized Cars O 3 Q Passenger & Cargo 13 0 Vans, Pickup Trucks E 0 Q Daily, Weekly, Monthly 13 aQ Insurance Rentals & 116 0 More ' 1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q Free Delivery (7 Ask about our full OD transportation service ID 1130 0 CAR & TRUCK RENTALS ri 0 Dtvlston of Suncoast Mord 13 0 500 Huron Rd., Goderich 0 CALL COLLECT Ask for Helen 13 CI CI 524-8347 f, 'aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo mation is available by calling 1, 613-957-2977. Raise $1322 for CF To the editor: Once again the Lucknow and area has shown their generous. financial support during the Lucknow and District Kinettes' annual cystic fibrosis toll booth held on Sept. 30. We collected a total of $1,322.40 which will be donated to cystic fibrosis in hope that a cure can someday be found for this disease. Thank you for your support. Kim Phillips, CF chairperson, Lucknow Kinettes Lucknov. Sentinel, 1lednesdav, October 12. 1994 - 1'age 5 1,610 HQ11J 136tJilli ,S ��SLeIIIS li,e•y (.e-gr.tttrl ,u;4,/ /rt sI'/ .._n c(Nd t F�,x I's .1K S,!1 $$s$$ $$ $ is Thurs., Fri. & Sat. October 13th to 15'" • $ l Pay No G.S.T. or P.S.T. an New Fall Arrivals �� I :L• Inane �. LUCKNOW '528.3320 Come and check out our Specials Our new hours are Mon:-Thurs. 8:00 - 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 8:30 - 3 p.m. Located just oft a. Line at 100 Pine St. Kingham 3574550 BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES'' MONEY PROBLEMS" ACCOUNT OVERDRAWN'' BEHIND IN YOUR P.A\ NIENTS:' FOR FREE CONSULTATION Caul PAUL J. PICKERING TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY AND FiN.ANCIAL CONSULTING J. Paul Aitken, Manager 3 RA -III -AM Rl' ST. E.. CLINTON (519) 482-1241 lir Tull free 1-800-561-7451 [lead Office 111 Waterloo Street, London 672-2494 P,, .-,asang a ,eh,/t,,• �FFN� N^OG•'.'7C� muck; We C. -.r .a Y�•,, Money Dn.e 4 ...rte Save 4 Lot LUGKNOW IIVIONTGOMERY1 528.2813' f19hd...u1 ..•—.' `.•�; 1.800.567-2012 FARMERS! FOR FREE INFORMATION ON PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS FOR EROSION CONTROL AND WILDLIFE HABITAT, Contact ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANGLERS & Ill N'TERS rib^ • 1,01 fi±inel Birthday Club Preston Drennan October 12, 1985' 9 Years Old Angela Ritchie October 13, 1985 9 Years Old Patrick Miltenburg October 14, 1987 7 Years Old David Maclnnes October 15, 1988 6 Years Old Paige Gammie October 15. 1990 4 Years Otd Caitlin Hamilton October 16, 1988 6 Years Old Kyle Terry Jamieson October 16, 1989 5 Years Old Travis MacPherson October 16, 1990 4 Years Old Chase Hackett October 17, 1993 1 Year Old Sarah Mann October 18, 1982 12 Years Old Calin Searle October 18,1988 6 Years Old INFORMATION MEETINGS The following area meetings have been scheduled to discuss a proposal by the County of Bruce General Hospital to provide a CT scanner for patient care in a rural setting. All meetings will commence at 7:30 p.m. Your interest and input are sought in discussions clarifying the role of technology in a rural hospital setting. For more information or clarification contact Guy Kirvan 519-881-1220. October• 27 November 1 November 3-. ; aug en Memorial Hospital, Southampton, Ontario - Affecting Room Wingha 1. and Area Seniors Day Centre, Wingham, Ontario Hanover FireDepartment Hall, 437 10th Avenue, Hanover, Ontario •