HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-09-28, Page 1326. Help Wanted 26. Help Wanted County of Huron PAYROLL CLERK IN Tl H.. CLERK -TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT A Payroll Clark is required for the Clerk- Ireasurer's Department, elteclive immediately. Responsibilities; lu maintain a full range of employee records, process employees' pay cheques (approx. 500) •using in-house computer. Calculate and remit a viriety of deductions including union dues, income tax, L' IC, CPP, ()MFRS pension plan premiums, health plan premiums to insurance carrier and journal expenses to proper depart- ments. Calculate vacation entitlements, Compile -and submit T4 supplementaries, T4A's and T4 summaries to Revenue Canada. Calculate WCB, assessments for rate numbers, Provide backup to Receptionist and Office Manager/Accountant as required. Hours: 8:3(1 a.m. - 4:31) p.m. 'The present salary range is $23,241 - $27,609. Applications and resumes will be received by the undersigned, clearly marked APPLICATION: PAYROLL. CLERK, until Tuesday, October 11, 1994 at 4,31) p.m. Information collr accordance with of Privacy Act. selected for an m W. R. Alcock Treasurer - County of Iluron Court louse Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 cted as a result ol.this advertisement will be handled in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection We thank all applicants, but only those candidates terview will be contacted, • 29. Tenders 29. Tenders The Huron County Board of Education invites lenders for A1)n1'r1ON & ALTERATIONS TO I11.YTH PUBLIC S('11001, Sealed tenders addressed to The 1(11ron County Board of Education will be received al the office of Garratt & Matlklevitz, 516 fluron Street, Stratford, Ontario, NSA 5T7, until 1:00 p.m; on Wednesday, October 12, 1994. A Bld. Bond arnorint of $15,000.00 Is regilired to accompany the lender. rhe successful bidder will he required to provide a 51)% Performance Pond and 50% Labour and Material Payment Bond. • A limited number of tender documents n111 he available to General Contractors ,only, at the office of Garratt & Marktevlfz, upon deposit of a certified cheque In the anlnunt_of $50,00 per set. Lowest or 04 lender not necessarily accepted. (;memo Craig (hair t,11u 14. a e I'i iI ('arroU 1)1rl•('Inr VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW TENDERS SNOW REMOVAL Seated tenders clearly markers as to contents will be received by the undersigned until' 4.00 p m October 1 1 , 1994 for the 1994• 1995seAson • , LoyWest or any tender not necessar• ily accepted. Whitcroft • Box 40 • .Lucknow. Ontario NOG 2H0 31. Service Directory DIVORCES/PARDONS/NAME CHAN GES - no court appearance, reasonable cost, legal.aid welcome: Luigi E. Circel- Ir, Peggy Wilson (Paralegal). Call collect '1•-434-1691,--20tfgp MARRIAGE ANC PERSONAL COUN- SELLING W. Turvill .B A., M.S.Ed., Private. Practice. Evening appointments available. Kinhuron' Medical Centre, 1004•Queen St., Kincardine. Call 396- 3384.--35-48gp 4 31. Service Directory PIANO LESSON'S available at Brook- side Public School. For mor) infor- mation please .call Debbie Culbert a, 529-7120 or 9,29-7900 (Brookside). 39,40 DON THOMPSON TV & Appliances, Refrigeration Servicre - 24 hour emer- gency service. R.R. 3 Ripley. Shop 395- 3147, Residence 395-3393,-=32-39gp CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors • Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities • Carpet and Linoleurn • Roofing Free Estimates . RR 7 LUCKNOW .529-3164 CARPET. INSTALLATION and RESTRETCHING. Workmanship guaranteed. Call anytime, for free in- home estimate, 881-4324.--38lfgp EXPERIENCED PLUMBER an'd car- penter available for new jobs or renovations. Call Ken MacDonald 395- • 5565. --30-40x r ❑00❑❑❑02o0c❑000❑20c❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑o❑c6000 131wewater• Carpet Er Tile co • Residential'"• C'ommer'cial • Major Brands at Low Prices Professional I''Inoring Installations 1 tie• (arpet, 5 my I and I Iardwood (hrnersl(Iperalnr.t (,rt).:ffnn1ihI),l & S1ark'CInshnbn, 524-6141 o❑❑❑❑❑o❑❑❑❑❑c❑Cc❑❑❑c❑❑❑o❑❑❑❑❑c❑ouuio '❑❑❑❑ C❑CC ❑ Vrslt Our. 5hdwro0t1 29 Aoyfletd dU �Uf �;ICh ®Ontario SEAT BELTS SAVE 31. Service Directory CAR OILING - Get your car or truck ready for winter. Dnpless oil. Trucks $55.00, Cars $50.00, Small cars $45.00. Call Nile Garage 529-7355. Call ahead, appointments not always necessary. -- 35.439p HORSE BOARDING Facilities. Quality standard bred training track. Also sad- dle horse trails available. Daily turnout. Professional training available. Enquire 395-5250, 392-8005.--37-40xc DAVE'S CAR OILING Drummond St., Blyth We use NEW ACID FREE HOT OIL. Cars $32, Trucks and Vans to $38. Call 523-4343. --37tf TIM EATON PIANO SERVICE TUNING • REPAIRS REGULATING 111.1100r 1.1 ,..n u.,ew nl 1n. It R. #2 Cargill NO(; 1.10 (51 J) :153-55.5a (.ralismwl Alcnlhcr ONTARIO GUliO 0, PIANO TECHNICIANS IhC MACLYN CAR OILING New 00 &• Dripiess �.avaitable•- -DUST CONTROL - Grading of lanes & parking Pots 395-3352 NOW OPEN l RALPH'S 7 BARBERING Teeswater 392-6667 , • Open • Thursdays 9-6 (by appoint. in evening) Fridays 9-6 Saturdays 7:30-4 )OHN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION LTD. New hOmos Cottages additions renOvntlrins ,rerilact'ment wEedows & dears dlllrnlnunl 1' II11wor k sldlnlj decks to, buildings I1 ,11 estate' !IOUS,' inspection Licensed Carpenter since 1976 . Bus. and Fax or Res. 524-5961 524-4561 Specialized Woodworking Just bring us a picture or your idea! ijGpNNON cu v� BUILDERS troki •( ,l.tl'nl 11114 Ill'll. •' .toll: -s •11,11. •!1',111 Ilan. •Pllr)l,tli' ('It•nl. •R11111 111 CrIlm 'tc •('r'llwlr•Itn11• Call Ian Hackett 529-3129 oss�XCpVATING G� e K.E.G . 4`F< • Trim -Dozer • Hy -Hoe • Gravel For 'more information and free estimates call Barry Johnston 395-5231 Paul Jerome 357-3275 Lucknow Sentinel. Wednesday, September 28. 1994 - Page 13 31. Service Directory J DAVE SEABROOK EXCAVATING Screened & Unscreened Top Soil and Gravel * Dozer * Trucks * Loaders *1 1/4yd. Hye Hoe Reasonable Rates RR #5 LUCKNOW 528-3144 32. Babysitting PART-TIME babysitter needed for 2 year and 6 month old in my home, Call Diane at 528-2949. --39-41x RESPONSIBLE MOTHER of two willing to babysit in her home. Nonsmoker. Nutritious lunch and snacks. Call Bev 528-2081. --39-41 34. Personal OVERCOME ALL erection problems caused by aging, medications, surgery, diabetes etc. Get the facts: Perfor- mance Medical, Box 418, Valemount, B.C., VOE 2Z0. 1-800-663-0121. --39bc DATING SERVICE: Designed for people ,serious about compatibility in a relation- ship. For confidential interview, Call 1- 800-899-0182. --39bc WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for r ompanionshipor marriage? S.A.S.E. Free information. State age Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE IMO. --39bc PSYCHIC CONNECTION Gifted 'Psychics tell your future. Love, Romance, Money, Career. Live/24 Hours 1:900-451.-3530 Ext.- 2295. $3.99/minute. 18+ years. Newcall Ltd. 1-800-488-3088, --39bc HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635. --39ar ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath of an abortion/emotions you can't explain? Most post-abortal women experience trauma in their lives. Call our 24 - hr. hotline collect, (519) 32,3-3751 for confidential support. --39ar 36. Announcements GOODWILL Lucknow United Church will not be accepting. any Goodwill articles until the month of June due to /lack of storage space. --38,39 • THE WINNER of the Sentinel's free draw during Fair Days was Nancy . Aitchison, who receives a three year subscription.. --39nx NOTICETO TOWNSHIP OF KIN•LOSS RESIDENTS I he hlt.'tt.hlp V.'.l.te 1)l'pl''-.11 .1tt' 1t'ttl hr ,'pen S iturd,n'. s'nly Ir1tfn U 110 ,,m fe 3110 pot t'tIoNly' October 1 1`4'14 Until further notice \1,u -k1 I/t't kc, \ \1‘.21 Lien.• Lr,r urs.. 11011 R((tI1 On/.m. \rlt; 'RI) 38. Auction Sale 36. Announcements PUDDLEDUCKS Fall spaces available tor Puddleducks Can start at 18 months Need not be toilet trained. --39ar WANTED CRAFTERS AND CRAFT CUSTOMERS. Following our opening of Pickering, we are opening stores in Mississauga, London, Burlington. The Crafters Marketplace, Box 26029, Guelph, N 1 E 6W1, 519-763-2750. -- 39bc 37. Mortgages 1st & 2nd Mortgage Money • Available At 10% Interest or Less Personal Loans Totally Unsecured If you qualify, monthly payments as low as the following examples: Amnt App Mnthly Pymnt S5,000 $41 66 $10,000 ' 583 33 $15,000 5125.00 Consolidate Your Debts CALL (519) 364-5256 1-800-387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. 38. Auction Sale AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE Friday, -October 21, 1994 If you have something to sell give us a cal Grant McDonald 395-5353 WallaceBallagh 3.92-6170 • AUCTIONEERS SPECIAL STOCKER SALE at Lucknow Community Sales Barn Monday, October 3/94 1:30 p.m. Expecting. approx. 300 head. Consignments still welcome. For further information' call: (519) 526-7625 Bus. 529-7970 Res. Wednesday§ (519) 528-3211 Ifk�r-...,...-,.,-.,.,_,s+r„.,,+n,,,,,•x',+�.,.^.n-•n..n.,w...rr..t,�T,tm, �,�........--..:..r----n•...----•� r• "F AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUES. 1l0l.'SLHOI,D. FURNISHINGS ANI) APPLIANCES, GLASS ANI) CHINA. ('OI,LE('-1',\ 3LES. AND MISC. ITEMS. Coy Mr. 1,. BOL. Mr rs. 1.. .ane. O1' Winghalii and Mr.& Mrs. J. Carmichael of Belgrayc. Sale to he held at the WINGHAM SALES ARENA. (Just North of Winghanl on Hssey. #4) THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 6 /94, 7 P.NI. Auctioneer: Jake Kikkert - 357-2')87 AO, W.-.,,mss•-•.+b...;,,.►...t... •4st� frit .u. Wu. I_;1- / � .�4r/ la.�LYN+66.d.J