HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-09-21, Page 168111. • Page 16 - Lueknow Sentinel, 1. Articles For Sale ATTENTION LANDSCAPERS M.F. 1655 Garden Tractor, front, mid, and rear P.T.O., 54" mower deck, 3 pt. hitch, 42" tiller. Phone 529-7105, --35- 37,38-43gp STAINED GLASS SUPPLIES - Half Moon Studio hasA all the supplies needed for the stained glass hobbiest. Lowest prices on glass, supplies, tools and even special orders and NO G.S.T. Located at Nile. Open evenings and weekends. Call (519) 529-3265 after 6 p.m. --37-39gp ATTENTION HUNTERS Camo gear, lacrosse boots, scents, game calls and tree stands now in stock, Complete bow hunters pkg. on sale now. Huron Sports Outfitter, Seaforth, 527-0303.--38-41gp 3. Garage Sale SATURDAY/SUNDAYS, Lakeside Flea/Farmers' Market, , Hwy. #21, 4 miles N. of Goderich. • Buy/Sell • - New/used. Bakery open. Ven- dors/individual yard sales welcome. 524-1740.--23tfgp 5. Cars For Sale 1990 RED HONDA PRELUDE S. Ai conditioning, spoiler, am/fm cassette stereo, ,power sun roof, 80,000 kms., excellentcondition. Asking $11,900. o.b.o. Call 395-4756. --37-38gp 6. Trucks Fdr Sale 1986 DODGE 150 full site 1/2 ton truck, V8 auto,. radio, 84,000 original miles. .. Good work or winter truck. Phone 395- 5186 evenings.--38-41xc 713. Wanted To •Buy TRACTOR LAWN mower, needing engine. Please call 529-7203. --38- '42nxe , rlD.Bicycles ADULT 3 -WHEEL bicycle. Like new • Asking $250 o.b.o. Phone 528-2906. - 33-38x 7©. Recreational .Vehicles GOLDEN FALCON - Cottagers park models, Travel trailers, 5th wheels. Used trailers and truck caps. Open 9 - 7;' Saturday 9 - 5; closed Sundays. Canada's Largest Golden Falcon Dealer. Morry's Trailer -Sales and Ren- tals, Highway 4 between Hanover and Walkerton. 364-3748:--17tfgp 1•Q.. Pets FOUR PEKING ducks •and 3 Embden geese. Call 529-7776.--37-40xc Wednesday, September 21, 1994 KITTENS FREE to a good home. Suitable forets or barn.' Phone 392- 6276 after 6 P.m. --38-41 xc 11 E. Livestock YxL GILTS and HxD Boars as well as purebred Yorkshire and Landrace Boars and gilts available. Tim and Rosa Small 529-3240. --48tfar 11G. Farm Equipment WHITE COCKSHUTT 504, 10 foo swather, 4 cylinder water cooled engine. Never conditioned hay. Asking $1,000. Phone 395-5635 around 7 - 8 a.m. --35- 38xc 11H. Farm Services GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz feed and manure handling systems - Agrimetal feed processing equipment, bale choppers. Service repairs. Custom belt lacing. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-2851. -- • 8tfar LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. • RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your' manure, feed and grain 'handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or John Thompson 357-2018, or see us in Am- berley, We handle everything - almost,' --34tfar LOOSE BARN BOARDS or need new ones? Roof steel missing some sheets? Soffit, facia, Steel Seamless • Eavestroughing. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Dan 392-6995.--25tfgp 11H. Farm Services FOR FALL Fertilizer and Custom Ari plication of Roundup contact H. & B Elphick Chemicals, R.R. #3 Lucknow Ont. Phone 395-5307.--36-39xc CUSTOM COMBINING of white beans, soya beans and corn with 1680 Case IH, 20 ft. flex head with air reel and field tracker; 6 row corn head: Trucking available. Custom planting wheat, and ploughing., Wayne 565-5344, Greg 263- 5393. --37-43gp HORSE BOARDING AVAILABLE - Large box stalls, outdoor exercise area, hilly pasture. $125. month. Riding les- sons available. Phone' 392-6785. Location: #9 highway. --38gp 11M. For Rent BARN FOR rent. Great for hay storage. Make offer. Call 395-4026. 'Leave mes- sage. --33tf 12. Real Estate For Sale INCOME PROPERTY for sale. Nice ocation in Lucknow, seven units on '/ acre Igt•528-3635 or 648-2299. --24tf GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take itl America's largest, oldest resale clearing house. Resort Sales International 1-800-423- 5967. Timeshare rentals needed. Call,. 24 hours a day. -,38bc SEVENTEEN ACRES, 5 bedroom house, stone fireplace, oak cupboards, office, horse barn, fenced paddocks, insulated workshop, on the 18 mile river. Phone Paul Greenwood at 395- 4219.--33-35-36-38nx ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE Kitchener bungalow - near Fairview Mall: 12,000 sq. ft. basement apartment rents for $500. best offer over $122,000. mortgage $106,000. at 71/4 % for 54. months: 519-357-2751 or 396-5741. -- 3B-39gp LUCKNOW COMMERCIAL Buildirig: 4 businesses, 3 apartments with room for more. Excellent condition, prime location, with good income. Marlene Gibson, Broker Lake Range Realty 395- 0620. --38-43x ticOONAPH LUCKNOW HOMES THREE BEDROOM - 1 1/2 storey, oil heat Asking $49,000. -. 591 CANNING ST. - 3 bedroom home on a large lot, nicely carpeted, 5 appliances included, Just move in. Make an offer, • 7 UNIT APARTMENT - New hot water fur- nace, 2 storage sheds. Asking $115,000.. 1 1/2 STOREY BRICK • 4 bedroom, full basement, large insulated sunporch, deck, asking' $85,000 FARM . 2 miles from Wingham, 106 acres, 2 storey; five bedroom brick home Asking $89,000 CALL: • Fraser MacKinnon 528-3013 Barry McDonagh 528-2031 13. Mobile Homes AMBERLEY AREA: Manufactured home situated, along with owners home, on 13 acres of quiet country property. Call 395-4046 for information. --38-41 xc 14. Vacations MYRTLE BEACH RESORT VACATION RENTALS, Availability for Winter Ren- tals remains - From $400/monthl Golf packages plus daily and weekly .rates also available. FREE BROCHURE: 1- 800-448-5653. --38bc 16. For Rent 45 FT. PORTABLE van trailer available for storage. Phone 528-3500. --48tfar 17. Apartments For Rent LUCKNOW - Ground floor, 2 bedroom apartment, 4 pc. bath, completely renovated, Available now. Farm house 4 bedroom, 4 pc. bath, close to Luck - .now. Phone 528-2031.--35tfar • 17. Apartments For Rent THREE BEDROOM apartment located on main street Lucknow. Newly renovated. Call Sue 357-2732 between. 11 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. --35-40x ' CENTRALLY LOCATED one bedroom apartment, $275/m.onth plus utilities: Available Oct. 1/94. Phone 528-3320 (daytime). -370 PORT ELGIN BEACH FRONT - 2 bedrootn, fridge and stove, laundry facilities available, asking $500. per month plus, Phone Angela evenings 395-4439. --37-43gp TWO BEDROOM apartment. Heated, fridge and stove supplied. Ground floor. Located on main street Lucknow. Phone 528-3723. --37,38. ONE BEDROOM downstairs apartment, $400./month, includes heat and hydro. Available Nov. 1, 1994. Phone 528- 2146 after 6 p.m. --37,38,39 TWO BEDROOMS, heat included in .rent. Close to downtown Lucknow. Call' 524-9.912. --38-40 TWO BEDROOM apartment. Lucknow, ground floor, private entrance. Suitable for seniors, $385 plus utilities. Available Nov. 1. Phone 357-1847. --38-43 ONE BEDROOM apartment located on main street. Upstairs, perfect for adult renters. Please contact 528-3948. -38tf THREE BEDROOM apartment above Beckers. Available immediately. $350/month plus utilities. Call Paul 528- 2411.--38tfar JULY 1/94 - Apartment `#16, 1016 Yonge St. Walkerton. $410.97/month plus utilities, One bedroom. September 1/94 - Apartment #11, 1016 Yonge St. Walkerton. Two bedroom.' $464.20/month plus- utilities. September 1/94 - Apartment #,a, 1016 Yonge St., Walkerton, Three bedroom. $501.16/month plus utilities. October lst/94 - Apartment #5, 1014 Yonge St., Walkerton $504.87/month plus utilities 3 bedroom. October 1 st/94 - Apartment - #9, 1012 Yonge. St, Walkerton. One bedroom, $394.72/month. November 1/94 - Apartment #3,1020 Yonge Walkerton. Bachelor $421.33/month, heat and •hydro included. Swimming pool, garage, quiet exclusive complex, across from Bruce County Building, PPP, near school. Apply to 'Joe, Apt. #7; 1016 Yonge St., 881-3794.--26tfgp TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment. $425./month, includes heat and hydro. Available immediately. Phone 528-2146 after 6 p.m. -37,38,39 TWO 2 BEDROOM ground floor apartments with appliances. Available Sept. 15 and Oct. 1. $310 plus utilities. One bedroom available $280. plus utilities, Call Paul 528-2411.--37tfar 1 S. Houses For Rant' DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new management. Freshly painted and renovated. Two and three bedroom, 1 month free rent. Available immediately. Phone 396-9332. --03tfar FOUR BEDROOM executive house at 1018 Yonge St., Walkerton. 2 fireplaces, pool, utilities not included. Available Sept. 1, 1994. To view call 881-3794.--32tfgp LOOKING FOR two persons to share 'house located 2 miles north of Port Albert. $250 monthly per person, kitchen and laundry facilities included, References required. No lease required. 529-3556 after 6 p.m. --36-38gp THREE BEDROOM house in Ripley. Newly renovated, $500 monthly plus utilities. Available Oct, 1. Phone 395- 2852 or 396-2335. --38,39 THREE BEDROOM SCHOOL house with targe living/dining area and woodstove just outside Dungannon. $450. plus utilities. Available . im- mediately. Call 529-7783. --38-43gp FOUR BEDROOM farm house on High- way 9, 1 mile west of Kinloss. Lane kept clear of snow in winter, Wood and oil heat. $450. plus utilities. Phone 396- 9043 after 7 p.m. --38gp 18. Houses For Rent THREE BEDROOM home - available Oct. 1. $500/month plus utilities. Call Paul 528-2411. --33tf 19. Rooms For Rent ROOM.FOR rent in Point Clark. Large bright clean room with kitchen privileges. Private entrance. $55. week- ly. Call after 8 p.m. 395-2453.--38-41gp 23: Commercial Property STORE: 576 Campbell St., Lucknow. Available immediately. Phone 528-2146 after.6 p.m. --37,38,39 PRIME RETAIL/SERVICE Location beside new Subway Restaurant in Kin- cardine. Beauty Shop, office, retail, etc. $475/month. Call 396-5959 for infor- mation. --38gp 25. ' Wanted To 'Buy OLD BARNS, BRICK HOUSES - wanted to buy. Phone after 2 p.m., 233-5539. -- 11 tfgp 'CHILD'S. STARTER guitar. Call 395- 3134. --38 - 26. Help Wanted JOB OPENING in Construction Trade required: welders, carpentry, concrete repair experience, laborers, mechanics, .lob supervisors, Send resume to Box 111, Goderich, Ont. ,N7A 3Y5•.--37-45gp $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of money selling chocolate Ears in your area in your spare time. Nothing to pay • in advance, fast delivery 1-800-38- DELUX. --38bc PART-TIME help required after school hours possible. Valid drivers license required. Apply with resume to Lucknow Farm Supply.--38,39ar 28. Business Opportunity PERSON OR persons to lease and operate the., kitchen and dining room facility or both plus bar at Kelly's Place . Hotel in Hensall. Call 262-2314 after 12 noon.-=32tfgp FOR LEASE - Butcher Shop - Newly renovated. Complete processing facility and retail area. Excellent location on busy. highway in Bruce County.. Equip- ment in ' plant . to be purchased, by leasee. Call 519-392-6346,-37,38gp DISTRIBUTORS/RESELLERS wanted. VIP; Vehicle Industrial Protection. For fleets; factories, repair shops. Training/Demo included. Contalct John Launcelot Ent. (Kitchener). Tel: (519) 893-9522, Fax 894-4589.--37,38gp ARE YOU ready to own your own •business? Are you ready for Watkins? For hassle -free information on the Wat- kins Business Plan, call Independent Director, Claude balcourt 613-546-2550, 360 Arrowhead Place, Kingston, Ontario K7M 3L3. --38bc 29. Tenders VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW . TENDERS SNOW REMOVAL Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned untl.l 4:00 p.m. October 11, 1994 for the 1994- 1.995 season. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. B.M. Whitcroft Box 40 Lucknow, Ontario NOG.2H0 BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDER Snow Removal 1991-95.. Season Sealed app ications rnarked 'Snow Removal" (snow blowers prelerredl will be received until September 30 1994 for snow removal at the follow ing schools Lucknow Central Public Ripley -Huron Central Ripley District Tender forms are available at each school and at the•address below Lowest or any tender not necessanIH accepted The information provided is governed by the Freedom -of Information and Protection of Privacy Act For information contact, . Maintenance Department The Bruce County Board of Education PO .Boil 190. 351 lst Ave N Chesley. Ontario NOG 1 LO' Tel No 363-2014 ' IMAGINE'S•New Year's Resolution 441 • This year; I'm going to tose that same old twenty pounds - and 'gain twenty new friends by doing some volunteer work." 28. Business Opportunity KINCARDINE OPPORTUNITY Food Business - Lease or Lease to awn: Equipment, financing and training available. Write to L. Hilsden, 748 -2nd Ave, E. Owen Sound, Ont., N4K 2H1. -- 38gp ' FABRIC STORE FOR SALE by owner. Family operated in beautiful ParksVille, Vancouver Island - 25 years. Reduced 'to sell @ $30,000 plus stock. Phone: -1 (604) 248-2567, Fax: 1 (604) 248-3297. •--38bc PETROCANADA RETAIL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Our vision is dear, our strategy is •established, and our implementation plons are in place. We require hands on.Retail'Associates to turn these plans into results.. Previous experience in gasoline retoiling is not essential. To be considered for an exceptional retail chollenge at our Retail location in Goderich you must possess the desire and energy, combined with the following capabilities. • strong leaclei ship skills, entrepreneurial flair, anda.commitment to developing rt profitable business • dedication and commitment to the delivery of competitively superior • service to our customers • the motivation and ability to build and maintain a strong, customer foru'ed, team driven environment 11 you are interested in pursuing this business opportunity and are willing to make a financial investment, we will provide you with support and business expertise Please contact Jennifer Melisek • Petro Canada Retail Opportunities Goderich ,File # JM 94 10 • 5140 Yonge Street, Ste. 200 North York, Ontario M2N 616 or telephone lennifet directly at (416)730 2444