HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-09-21, Page 3On the education scene
Work -to -rule continues during talks
Bruce County's secondary
teachers staged an information
picket outside the board office
The two sides in thetwo-year-old
contract dispute sat down to talks,
Friday,. September 16, for the first
time since negotiations stalled over
• social contract issues in June.
Meanwhile, a work -to -rule cam-
paign by the 280 teachers that
started last May is continuing. The
job sanction means students are
getting regular classroom instruc-
tion; but no after-school help or
extra -curricular activities like
sports, drama or music:
District 44 president, Mark
Ciavaglia said the hour-long
demonstration Tuesday was meant
to give the board a message that
teachers endorse their negotiating
committee's position.
"There's been some comment
that we lack support. 1 think , this
demonstration should show that in
fact that's not true," said Ciavaglia.
Board negotiating committee
chair David Inglis said he did not
secthe picketers. Inglis was in a
meeting preparing for the Septeni-
' her 16 negotiating session, and said
the board is going into those talks
"in a positive sense".
At the heart of the dispute is how
the board intends' to implement
social contract legislation. Teachers
say that attrition and understaffing
means they have already met the
target savings imposed by the social
contract, and they want 'annual
increments for young teachers not
yet at maximum salary reinstated.
The board said those increases
are exactly what the social contract
was intended to cut. It says the
teachers' proposals would cost
taxpayers nearly a million dollars,
and claims it has little room to
manoeuvre on social contract is-
Complicating matters is the fact
that the two sides are negotiating
for a contract period that pre -dates
the social contract. Ciavaglia said
the board is rolling all negotiations
under the social contract banner and
trying to institute social -contract
type • cuts and savings "in per-
Inglis said the board has offered
teachers options that would see
increases for younger teachers, as
long as those increases were.
financed by the 75 per cent of
teachers already at maximum salary
through unpaid Leave days or other
cost-saving measures. He said
teachers agreed to pay partof the
bill, but still wanted taxpayers to
pick up sonic of the tab.
Trustees rejected that proposal.
Ciavaglia said Tuesday that
leachers arc not talking about
911 plans back on track
Plans for a 911 emergency ser- Costs for the 911 service will be
vice arc back ort track in Bruceshared by county and municipal
County. budgets. The .system could be in
The proposal stumbled in June play by 1997. '
when Kinloss Township refused to
--endorse it. Since then the 911 com-
mittee met., with Kinloss Council
and answered its concerns. 991
chair Pail Eagleson.. said the
proposal now •has the unanimous
support it needs. '
Kinloss reeve Jim Boyle said his
council never opposed the issue of
having a 911 service, but had ques-
tions about proposed costs
Boyle also' read a staterrlient from
one village councillor asking why,
if the original 911, proposal needed
unanimous support to proceed,
Kinloss, was told service would
proceed.. with or without the
mwlicipality''s support?
Boyle did not get a response to
the statement.
Eagleson said the next step in the
911 process is to set up a technical 1
committee to go over details of the '
best dispatch and niim'bering system
for the county. The committee,
which will have revresentatives
from fire, police and ambulance
services, will also look at how 911
will be integrated on rural party line
Extra billing vetoed
An attempt by Bruce County's,
planning department to extra -bill
municipalities for planners' time
failed by a narrow 41-33 recorded
vote on Sept. 13.
The planning committee 'asked
for $200 per meeting when planners
attend advisory committee or coun-
cil meetings and act as secretary.
The idea wasroundly denounced
by several members of council, who
said the county has a responsibility
to provide planning services. Some
reeves noted their municipalities
have set up joint planning advisory
committees' to save council and
planners' time, and should not be
held hostage" by having to pay
extra for the county planner to
attend those"meetings.
Ironically, county council decided
several months ago to abolish what
were known as PACs or Planning
Advisory Committees. The PACs
hat! members , from a group of
neighbouring municipalities, and
gave local comment on develop -
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increases in this contract. They
know cuts are coming, he said, but
added he's worried about how
extensive the cuts will. be.
"The knife is getting bigger all
the time," said Ciavaglia.
Meanwhile, the recent Grey
County teacher§' settlement should
give the Bruce board something to
consider, said Inglis.
"The Grey settlement isn't too
bad a deal," said Inglis, adding that
the agreement allowed increments
for young teachers, but at no cost to
the taxpayers and with no "ba-
llooning" or catch-up period after
the social contract expires in 1996.
The two sides met with mediator
Doug Lawless for 18 hours in Kin-
cardine Friday, starting at 9 a.m.
and ending around 4 a.m. At that
time, Lawless called a recess until
Tuesday, Sept. 20.
Contacted Saturday, Inglis said
they were "making some headway."
Inglis declined to comment on
details of the talks, but said the
,board is "lookjng forward to getting
at it again" on Tuesday.
Ciavaglia agreed with .Inglis that
progress was being' made Friday,
but also refused to make more
specific comment.
"There's a lot of work to this,"
Ciavaglia said about the marathon -
length session Friday.
in Bruce
hent and zoning issues. They were
scrapped because some
municipalities wanted more local
controLand less input from neigh-
bouring couhcils.
It now appears that municipalities
in some areas have reestablished
planning advisory groups at the
grassroots level.
County planner Malcolm McIn-
tosh said ..the .problem is that his.
budget has been cut and planners
are already working overtime. He
said he can't afford to send staff ,to
extra meetings. 1
"We're trying to keep -the
department running with reduced
dollars', that's what I'in°faced.with,"
he said.
Ladies slo-pitch
winners l
After. a one -day tournament to
establish the champions in the
ladies's slo-pitch league on Sept.
10, Ashfield took the "A: and
the Phantoms took the "B".
• Darlene Smeltzer had the most
home runs for the year, and the
Cindy Smyth Trophy, for the
most dedicated to the sport, was
awarded•to Doreen Mali.
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