HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-09-07, Page 1731. Service Directory 31. Service Directory o ❑ 1314+eater Carpet Er Tile 0,❑❑❑❑q❑ w ? 0 ❑ O a❑❑ • Residential • Commercial • Major Brands at Low Prices Professional Flooring Installations Tile. Carpet, Vinyl and Hardwood • OwnerslOperators Greg Hamilton & Mark Chisholm `524-6141 000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000. ❑❑❑B Visit Our Shdwroom 299 Bayfield -Road Go Bench ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 O ❑ DAVE SEABROOK EXCAVATING Screened & Unscreened Top Soil and Gravel * Dozer * Trucks * Loaders *1 1/4yd. Hye Hoe Reasonable Rates RR #5 LUCKNOW 52F-3144 Since 1976 JAMES SYMES PAVING & MATERIALS `ASPHALT and CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS Paving of Roads, Parking Lpts, Tennis Courts LUCKNOW -528-3047 FRED FRIENDORF/ Associates Teeswater TIM EATON PIAN() 'Tuning-kepails-Salus ''ilsed & New Pianos Iur sale 1-800-636-7252 .. 353:5553 o5soCAVATING 4 C9 K.E.G. .S( • Trim -Dozer • Hy -Hoe • Gravel For more information and free estimates call Barry Johnston. 395-5231 Paul Jerome 357-3275 33 Mlscellaneous POETRY CONTEST $24,000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or less: National Library Of Poetry, Box 704-1364, Owings Mills, Md 21117. --36bc "FIREFLY FABRICS" mail-order catalogue, $4.28. Sales representative inquiries welcome. Phone 1-902-477- 7695 or Fax 1-902-477-8879. --36bc 34. Personal RETIRED MAN seeking relationship with an established lady. Please reply to Box 72, Lucknow.--34-37xc MEET LADIES from Orient & Worldwide, Friendship Office, box 42117, Acadiaa;P.O., Calgary, Alberta T2J 7A6. --36bc CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE - Are you pregnant? Need help? Call our 24 hour hotline collect 323-3751 or drop in at 178 Main St. S. Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counselling and support, childbirth coaches, clothing. -- 36ar 35 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of ESTHER WILHEMINE COLLINS late of the Township of Huron, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of July, 1994, must be filed with the undersigned on or before October 10, 1994; thereafter the Executrices of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed then has notice. Dated August 26, 1994. c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, - .. Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, • LUCKNOW, Ontario. NOG 2H0. --35,36,37 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS' All claims against the estate .of MARGARET HALDENBY late of the Village of Lucknow, in the' County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of June, 1994, must be filed with the undersigned on or before October 15, 1994; thereafter the Executors of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed then has notice. Dated August 22, 1994. c/o GEORGE J: BROPHY,. Barrister & Solicitor, BOX 610, -LUCKNOW, Ontario. NOG 2H0. --35-37 36. Announcements CORRECTION. Lucknow Fall Fair Class 360 (Folk Art) - Junior Specials - Section 3. Please delete "cover with plastic, tack down material for easy cleaning." --36,37 DAVE'S CAR OILING Drummond St., Blyth We use New Acid Free Hot oil. Cars $32, Trucks and Vans to $38. Open Daily starting Sept. 10, 1994. Call 523- 4343. --36gp - TOWNSHIP OF - WEST WAWANOSH Notice Of Registration Under Section 139 of .The Municipal' Elections Act, 1990, any person who intends to be a candidate for office in the 1994 Municipal Election, must file • a Notice of Registration prior to accepting any.campaign contribution or incurring campaign expenses. Registration must be filed on the pre- • scribed form which is available at the clerk's office. LAST DAY for filing Notice of Registration and Nomination is OCTOBER 14, 1994. Joan Armstrong, • Clerk 30. Auction Sale' AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE • Friday, September 16, 1994 If you have something fo sell give us a call Grant McDonald 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh 392-6170 AUCTIONEERS 7.,MOrtglageS. Personal Loans 2nd Mortgage Money Available At 1O% Interest If you qualify, monthly payments as low as the following examples: Arent. App Mnthly Pymnt $5,000 $41.66 $10,000 $83.33 $15,000 $125.00 Consolidate Your Debts CALL (519) 364-5256 1-800-387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. 38, Auction Sale.. CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE to be held at BRINDLEY SALES YARD Dungannon Saturday, September 17/94 9:30 A.M. CONSISTING OF: Over 100 tractors - 100 pieces of equip. .. SALE ORDER: 9:30 a.m. equipment. '1:00 p.m. tractors. Consignments welcome. See next week's paper for full listing. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. -11% Sales Tax and 7% G.S.T. where applicable. Owner . or Auctioneer not responsible for 'acci- dents or loss of purchase day of sale. Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising. AUCTIONEER: Gordon H. Brindley (519) 529-7970 .Res.. 529-7625 Bus. AUCTION SALE of Household Furnishings, Antiques, • Car; Farm Items, Misc. Items from Kincardine and Lucknow"area homes. Friday, September 9 6:00 p.m. Lucknow Arena PARTIAL LIST: Bed'chesterfield, platforrh'rocker (both like new), several table & chair sets, dressers, freezers,' Westinghouse fridge, 21 • colour T.V., Whirlpool washer, dryer, electric stove, loveseat, rocking chair, student desk, dishes, chesterfield, marble top table,. upholstered chair, heaters, stacking chairs, leather. chair, arm chair, wood frame mirror; twin box spring & mattress, headboard, footboard, Beatty fridge, antique telephone, spin washers, ,toys, cups & saucers, pickling crock, app._150 sealers, Bauer hockey skates, pantry cabinet with shelves, knick knacks, playpen, wire hangers, wash tub stand, CAR: 1989 V6 Olds Cutlass Ciera, 'air, new rad., p.1., cruise, AM/FM cassette. FARM & MISC. ITEMS: 7 farrowing crates, steel trailer frame with 14 tires 8, rims, 40 ft. wooden extension ladder, axehead, . ensilage fork,, manure fork, small feed cart, cross cut saw, wooden boxes, furnace fan, curray combs, Coleman camp heater. portable tire balancer, rims, tires, car radios, battery charger, sunroof, stove dampers, 17" John Deere chainsaw, walk behind garden tiller, cast iron woodstove, scythes, table saw, blow torch, several older tools. • TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. day of sale. Listing subject to change without notice. Owners, arena board or auctioneers not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising AUCTIONEERS JOE ZEHR 887-9599 ALLAN R. MILLER 395-5062 • Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 7, 1994 — Page 17 39. Educational A NEW CAREERI Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping, Taac deductible certificate courses. For free brochures, no obligation: U & R Tax Services, P,O. Box 6052, London, On- tario, N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144. En- quire about exclusive franchise ter- ritories. --36bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- westem School of Auctioneering. Next Class: Nov. 19 - 25. Information, con- tact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. -- 36bc 48, In Memoriam ULCH In memory of Carl Ulch who passed away two years ago, September 7, 1992. Never more than a thought away Quietly remembered every day No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts he is always there. Lovingly remembered by your family. -- 36 SMYTH In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Cindy, who passed away three 1 years ago September 10, 1991. Little did we know when we awoke that morning. The sorrow the day would bring. The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. You didn't have time to say farewell Or for us to say goodbye. You were gone before we realized, and only God knows why. We think of you in silence, and often speak your name. And all we have are memories And your picture in a frame Your resting place we visit and place flowers there with care, But no one knows the heartache as we turn and leave you there. Our hearts still ache with sadness Our silent tears still flow. For what it meat to lose you ° No one will ever know. Sadly missed and always remembered by husband Barry and son Ryan. --36 MCQUILLIN In memory of Richard (Dick) McQuillin who passed away two years ago Sep- tember 7, 1992. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard but always near, Still loved, still missed, still very dear, No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts he's always there. Lovingly remembered by wife Emily McQuillin and family. --36xc SMYTH In loving memory of a dear daughter and niece Cindy, who passed away September 10, 1991. No one knows the heartache we try so hard to hide. No one knows how many times we've broken down and cried. To us you were so special what more is there to say. Except, Cindy, we miss you more and more each day. - Sadly missed and always remembered by Mom, R. J., Larry, Joanne and Brett and Kirk. --36x BUTTON Ten years ago Russell F. Button passed away September 4, 1984. What we would give if we could say hello Dad in the same old way. To hear your voice to see your smile to sit with you and chat a while. So you who have a father cherish him with care For you'll never know the heartache until you see his empty chair. Miss you Dad. Steve and family. --36 McKim, Dr: Jack Collins May 19, 1934 - Sept. 7, 1984 "To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a rose garden, or redeemed social condition; to know one life has breathed easier because you lived - that is success" Lovingly remembered by Carroll, Kathryn, Lori, Scott' and Darren. 47. Cards Of Thanks BRINDLEY - GLENN Vile would like to thank everyone who attended the community shower held for us. Thank you to Diane Park, Lynda McNee, and Marina Park who organized it and to everyone who helped with the entertainment. The gifts will be wonder= ful in our home. Thank you again. Elwyn and Angela. --36nx ERRINGTON We would like to thank everyone for making our celebration a beautiful, and memorable one. David and Laurie. -- 36xc IRWIN We would like to thank family and friends for all the cards, gifts and Best Wishes we received for our wedding. Thanks for thinking of us on our special day. Mary Lou and Bob. --36x FARRISH I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and relatives for the lovely surprise house warming parry and for the beautiful flower arrangement and gift. Thanks "Gang" for yet another memorable evening. Jean. --36xc 48, Coming Event WINGHAM & AREA PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICE Is offering an eight week volunteer training course from Sept. 13 - Nov. 1, 1994. Open to the public, no fee re • - quired. Excellent guest speakers. We welcome both male and female ap- plicants. For more info call our office at 357-2720 or Lorraine Poulin 357-3723. - -35,36 COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Nominations are being accepted for the Lucknow and District Chamber of Com- merce Community Service Awards. Forms available at The Sentinel: Dead- line Sept. 30. --36ar COLLECTORS OF POTTERY Moorcraft, Worcester, Doulton, Wedgewood. Don't miss Canada's Premier Pottery Show. Canadian, American, UK Dealers. Sept. 16, 17, 18. Sheraton Toronto East (416) 609-2236. --36bc 1 DART LEAGUE FUN NIGHT For adults Sept. 7, 8 p.m. at Lucknow Legion. Regular season starts Sept. 14. New players welcome. —34,35,36 GIRL GUIDE REGISTRATION Thurs., Sept. 8, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Legion. Register Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers. For more info call 528-2370. --35,36 ' BAINTON'S OLD MILL You are cordially invited to attend our 100th Anniversary Birthday Celebrations at Bainton's Old Mill, downtown Blyth, September 17 from 2 - 4 p.m. Please join us.--36,37gp j ART EXHIBITION New work in various media by Huron Society of Artists, ,September 15 - 18, Thurs, Fri., Sun., 12 - 5, Sat., 10 - 5. • Free admission. Bayfield Town Hall on the Square in Bayfield, Ont7, 345-2184. --36gp ONTARIO 'YOUTH CHOIR In concert, Wednesday, Sept. 28th at Blyth Memorial Community Hall, 8 p.m. and afternoon Mini-Concert/Workshop at 1 p.m. Evening concert admission: Adults $8,00 advance sale/$10.00 at the door; youth $6.00. Tickets available Blyth Festival Box Office 52319300 and local ticket outlets.--36-38gp CHURCH SCHOOL REGISTRATION . Sunday, Sept. 11 for South Kinloss (9:30 a.m.) and Lucknow Presbyterian Church (11 a.m.). This is Rally Sunday Service will include Awards Presen- tation and Commissioning of Church School Teachers, --36 4-H If you are 10 years old and want to have fun join 4-H. Next project starts. Sept. 10. Call Sharon Weber for more information 528-3345. --36,37x SCOUT REGISTRATION Monday, Sept. 12, 8:00 p.m. at the Scout room, upstairs ,of the arena Please bring all information that will be needed. Health card numbers are a must. This is the registration for all sections, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. -- 36