HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-09-07, Page 7• Motocross enthusiasts from as far away as Ohio gathered ata farm near.Doonybrook on the weekend for two days of racing. (John Peevers photo) Caregivers retreat. planned On August 31st the Board of sent to press. • Director's of the Alzheimer Society A cleaning person has been hired to clean the office on a once a month basis. Fund raising projects were dis- cussed, namely the Tag Day Sep- tember 10th' and the 'Forget Me Not" quilt. The new. design for the • of. Huron County met for their regular monthly meeting at their offices in Clinton. The minutes of the July meeting were adopted as. read and. the Treasurer's report was accepted as presented: It was brought out that a Weekend Retreat for Family Caregivers is being held .October 21,22,23 at Port Stanton, SeveRn. Bridge . with Guest speaker Dr. Geila, the cost being $260. This includes accommodation and meals: More information, can be obtained. by callings 1-800-561-5012. A video tape has been received compliments of the Eastem Star, Bluewater Chapter, Goderich titled "Just for the Summer." Membership to date is 50. The "Wandering Patient" booklets are in the process of being up -dated and LUCKNOW & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Dabber Bingo Lucknow Community Centre Sunday, Sept. 11/94 $1000. Jackpot Winner Don Ducharme Windsor Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:15 p.m.' letterhead was shown and everyone approved. Theplans for the October 12th Membership Meeting to be held, in the Clinton building were reviewed and members will be contacted. Next Board. Meeting will be Sep- tember 28th. Meeting adjourned. ATTENTION PARENTS/GUARDIANS .. Registering Children For Hockey and Figure Skating Oyer the Iasi few years, the Lucknow Laches Au,xilitry to Winter Sports, who operate the arena food .hoolh, have had iricrcatiutg difficulties with getting par- ents/guardian, to Staff the booth. It was decided by the committee incl ;tpprovcd by the Recreation ('ontmittcc,. that beginning to 1993 when parcntti.guardians register their athletes for ,hock• ev, nngclte„and figure skating they should write a cheque for fifty dollar,, ($5(1.11)) made payable 'lo "The Lucknow Ladies Auxiliary to Winter Sports". • II' the parents/guardians are N01' v`'iming to work in the booth at all, this cheque is 10 he dated November 01. 1994. This money would he used to hire replacement staff. If the parent's/guardians al willing to work to t•hc booth, this cheque would he dated April 01. 1995, If the parents/guardians work when asked - possibly time throughout •the winter, depending on the length of the season, then the' cheque will he destroyed. 'As wc11 as regularly scheduled games, there arc tournaments which will need staffing and/or baking to be donated. •ncere will he plenty of opportunities to accomplish work quotas: Lists of all the teams will he posted in the arena with their work weeks marked. Please feel free to ea11 the team captain in advance to arrange mutually comic - mem schedule. We look forward to your cooperation in this endeavour. Lucknow Ladies Auxiliary to Wihrer ,Sports P.S. Would anyone who still has team sweaters at home from pre- vious years. please return them to the arena A.S.A.P. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 7, 1994 — Page 7 BDO DUNWOODY WARD MALLETTE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1 Offering a lull range of services auditing accounting business planning, income tax planning persr,nal hnanc ai planning, computer and management services HANOVER WALKERTON • MOUNT FOREST WJ Aldersley, FCA B F Thomson. FCA K L Drier, CA • L H VollettCA . • R J Millen, CA J J 'Hunt CA r H Munro CA 364-3790 P Thor. CA R Thomas. CA 881-1211 323-2351 PORT ELGIN M S Bolton CA H E Kibier CA 832-2049 ,1111111111 IAZ 111111 111111 11111 11111 1 1 1 I I THEATRE KINCARDINE 3963250 Sept. 9 to 11 at 7 p.m. - Sept. 12 to 15 at 8 p.m. IN THE ARMY Sept. 9 to 11 at 9 p.m. WOLF • HOCKEY REGISTRATION • NOTICE HOCKEY >- w 0 w U 1- 0 z z 0 cc F— N W LUCKNOW MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATIO Thurs. Sept. 8th, Fri. Sept. 9th, Sat. Sept. 10'\ at Lucknow Arena.Thurs. & Fri. 7 - 9 Sat. 9-3 $75/child, 2 children $130 Families 3 children or more $170 House League Costs �• $50/child, 2 children $90 Families 3 children or more $120 Equipment Exchange - Same dates & times as Also available season pass $25.per person good.for all scheduled season and exhibition games until Jan. 31/95 1! r, 411 %•t m G) N O z z 0 m 0 2 n m registration. cc30I10N • N0IIVW.S1031:1 A3)i3OH 30110N • LUCKN0W-SKATING CLUB -Figure Skating Registration Sept. 8th, 9th,& .10th Wednesda 5-6 pm Badge 5:15 - 6 Beginner 6 - 8 pm Senior 8 - 9 pm Adult Thurs. & Fri. Saturda 8-9 am Jr.,Precision • 9-10 am Badge 9:15-10 am Beginner .10 am -12 pm „Senior 7-9pm 9-3pm Sat. LUCKNOW ARENA Bake Sale - Saturday Skate & Dress Exchange - Saturday 1041414 UN V•plAl FRIDAY &, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER. 9 & 10 7 p.m. Only "Flawless casting. Perfect direction. Another winner from Joel Schumacher." -Bob MacAdorty/GLOBAL TELEVISION CLIENT FAN THE Brsrsnn46 4ttsoA Or THE FIRM ai THE PELICAN BRIEF FRI - THURS. SEPT. 9 -15 FRI & SAT. 8:45 P.M. SUN - THURS. 8 P.M. 14!.R.bira4.01,"' LONG OISTANCErC'IRl 1-600-285-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO.