HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-05-25, Page 20Page 20 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 25, 1994
Tigert - Linda and Bill, of Fergus,
are happy to announce the arrival of
their first child, John Ancone, born
May 9, 1994, weighing 7 lbs. 9 oz.
He is a first grandchild for Antone
and Delores Van Osch, R.R. 7,
Lucknow and a seventh grandchild
for Jack and Rita Tigert, Port Al-
bert. Proud great grandmother is
Yvette Heffernan, Goderich.
-Shoot winners
Betty Anne Aldridge and. Ross
Errington were high shoots 'players
at the May 17 party sponsored by
the St. Helen's WI. Elaine Er-
rington and John Lyons were in
second high positions with Ross.
Taylor having the most shoots.
• Lottery winners ..
Last week's„ $40. winners in the
Belgrave Kinsmen's cash calendar
lottery , were:.Ralph Machan, Lis-
�` towel; Joan Ritchie, Markham;
Audrey Elliott, Listowel; Ken Stoll,
Seaforth; Tom Chappell, Wingham;
Ron McClement, Forda'ich, and
Gordon Wall, Wingham..
leads UCW
The general meeting of the Luck=
now United Church Women was
held . May 17 with the stewardship
committee in charge. Anne Ander-
son chaired the program, the theme
being "Giving of Ourselves".
Deanna Reavie gave some high
lights front the address Bill Stead-
man, nlission and service represen-
tative for London Conference gave
at the May meeting of Bruce Pres-
byterial. He spoke .about the volun-
teer in the church today..'
• Scriptures about . "Sharing or
hiding our gifts" were read by Kay
Crawford and • Margaret Cameron
and hymns written by Mr. Stead-
man were sung during the worship
service, accompanied by Laura Lee
Grace Gibson took the offering
and the offertory prayer was given
by Marlene Struthers.
Joan. Martin gave a reading
"Stewardship is Open Training'rand
Elaine Steer a reading. on
"Stewardship is Open Choice."
Mrs. Cayley 'introduced a video
"Charlie Takes The Pledge", star-
ring Don Harron as Charlie Far-
quharson. Charlie learned that
• stewardship has changed over' the
years and that stewardship means
more than giving money; but that it
can also be part of other things
such as faith, time or land.
Mrs. Reavie, president of the
UCW presided for business. She
commented how everyone is 'a part
of stewardship, not just the
stewardship committee. She gave
reports from three Presbyterial
meetings she attended. Offering
taken at the World Day of Prayer
was $152. Five ladies from Luck -
now UCW attended the
Whitechurch Thankoffering. Mrs
Reavie explained how the copyright
law is being enforced. Lois Walden
reported there are new books in the
Resource Centre and she offered to
take orders for UCW pins..
It'was decided to have the fowl
supper on Oct. 18. Other coming
events are: June 6 - Bruce Pres-
byterial at Southampton Am-
" phitheater; Sept. 12 - Bruce Pres-
byterial at Lucknow; Sept. 20 -
UCW General meeting; Oct. 16 -
Carol Ferguson will be guest
speaker at Anniversary Services.
Former Lucknow resident
honored at church service
On Sunday, May 1.5, there was a
special anniversary held to honor
Rev. W. Robert Johnstone for 25
years as an ordained minister, at
Christ Church, Mississauga. Rev.
Johnstone spent the first 11 years of
his life in Lucknow, then moved to
Parkhill with his parents, Harold
and the late Laura (Conn)
Johnstone. He is a nephew of
Eileen Ashton and Clare Johnstone.
Following the special service he
was joined in the reception line by
his children Marc, Sara, Martha and
Alice. In the afternoon there was a
program when letters were read
from members of churches where
he had served. At 6 p.m. the im-
mediate family enjoyed dinner at
the Old .Mill in Ancastcr.
Present for the celebrations were
by Mildred Loree
Eileen Ashton, Mamie Wilkins of
Ashfield, several relatives from the
Wingham area and members of
Ancastcr, London, and Parkhill
churches where he had served.
Congratulations to Cora Barr, of
Pinecrest Manor, who is
celebrating her 92nd birthday on
May 27.
Winners at the Drop in Centre's
shoot party last week were Rita
Gilmore and Joe Courtney in high
spots, with Evelyn Phillips and
Dave Swan in low positions. Kay
McCormick had the most shoots.
Meals on Wheels now in
its tenth year of service
Withoutvolunteers many en-
deavors in small communities such
as•Lucknow would be impossible.
• Last week volunteers with the
Meals. on Wheels were recognized
for , their efforts, when an ap-
preciation night was held at
Pinecrest - Manor Nursing Home.
This" included the committee,
drivers and dietary staff, with
residents at . the home invited to
participate as well.
A fun evening of cards was en-
joyed with around 35 drivers atten-
ding. •
This* is the. ninth year for the ,
Meals on Wheels program in Luck -
now. The first meal was /delivered
'on May 16, 1985,
Ruth Thompson is chairperson of
the committee and the correspon-
dence person with the Home and
Community Support Services, and
along with Maimie Roulston make
arrangements for the drivers. Mary
Boyle, treasurer and Bernice
Johnstone, secretary, also sell the
meal tickets to those citizens taking
part in the program. Janice Van
Osch, food supervisor at Pinecrest,
works with the committee and
Pinecrest dietary staff on meal.
• The full course meals, including
dessert,. cost $3.50 ,and can • be
delivered up to five times a week at
supper time.'
If anyone is interested in
receiving meals through this or-
ganization, or would like to become
involved as a volunteer, please
contact Janice at • Pinecrest 528-
306 Josephine St.
357-1522. 357-1551 (Fax) 1-396-7977
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Meals on Wheels marked its ninth anniversary last week with an
appreciation night for all the drivers. The organizational
committee includes, back row, Bernice Johnstone, secretary;
Maimie Roulstpn, driver committee; Mary Boyle, treasurer; and
Ruth Thompson, chairperson. Front row, Janice Van Osch, food
supervisor and Brenda Koornneef, Pinecrest administrator. (Pat
Livingston photo)
Take a look into the past
history has played a critical role in
discussions and debates as to what
Canada should mean to its citizens.
Our past has formed the present and
the structure through which we
understand Canadian society.
It is in this spirit that the. National
Archives of Canada has organized a
travelling exhibit called "A Future
The exhibit will be on display at
the Bruce County Museum & Ar-
chives between June 8 and 30. It
allows a birds eye view at the cul-
tural and physical environment of
the land and society from 1849 to
1873, the period when con-
federation was being debated.
Over 70 reproductions of water-
colors, drawings, historic
photographs, journal accounts and
political documents showcase the
daily concerns of settlers, the
beauty and harshness of the
landscape, Native -settler relations,
engineering feats and relations
between the United States and
Canada, A set of catalogues from
the National Archives series
"Records of our History" includes
four books which records Canada's
history from the time of the first
European settlers up to 1873. At to
close of the exhibit, a draw will be
organized to give these books to an
individual or institution.
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