HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-04-27, Page 15Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 27, 1994 - Page 15 528-2822 Phs Matthews Helm Classified Sales INDEX Classified 528-2822 Ari,io:{,1S,a'!n 02 0:3 Gar tr),': {,,1,1 S,1 (kt Aril•q,re-, 8Ari IA Crafts R rinntues 05 Cars f or 5,4,o 01, Ir,l(ki I or S,4'e Sports •entre & Recreation tquiprnent 7A -7K 7A 1 r:r 744 7(7.• N.tnle,d,' Hr,'il 3;) • i3,r• v,.,,r, , 7F Mol,u'-,,/,"rs. AIV s ! J. '1 S'r,wmot'' F,, 1 rl i.prry^al 7(4 I?,'.• V,,.a.c.,r-;.r:,lmpi:,q�,rr.7..ur', McJ:nti 8 Mi,11,1P 7J . .,,• P.ut5 8 431.p. 7.k ;',v •nmgtri I0,n R t.•,?. thy t?t, .OA ((pit' V,rle'os, I t.• 041 Autamot.vr' 10 Farm Market . 11A.11K 'A.I-or S,a' Gon„r:3i • f3 Wontr'd • r R,:v 'I' '/.rnlr'd:o4HO 'i) F'•np!ny.111,4 Ntnlrrl • •4 I arm Prr,i,j, n ri 1G 4Ati.a,upv'at•q 11-1 F,ar m o,'ry t'J 4arm 1and +'k Form 110,1 %Ult. '• wantnzl In Rr--`r 1 I'M Fol Rent . '? Rea; E.slafe For bate 13 Moban Ftomes '1.4 Vac Alton r'ropert'e5 -- 16 I or' Rent 17 Apartments For Hent 18 Hooses.F. nr Hent '9 Rooms F or Rent 70 Room 8 F3o,vrd 77 !nts4orRen 72 Cnmm'erc,a1 Property f or'R.,1t 24 nulled To 0001 2s Wanted `., k3,rV 20 lop W,rp„d • 27 W.Inlnrl Genera':. •' [j C;,,, ., Op4,nrl,r„ ly , ,nl,. ,..r1, •,I„rtL,Pf ,.t r,1 . , r. l r. 1.1 rrrr n.. ,,. A ttt a „ ,l 6,1 1'1 • tr. 1. Articles For Sale TYPING The Lucknow Sentinel does confidential custom typing for customers; resume's, letters etc. We can offer you a number of different print types and sizes. Call our office or drop in for more details. -- 8tfnx Word Classified Deadline - Mondays 2:00 p.m. Word C ass! led Rates (25 Words) 1 week - $4,25 2 weeks $3.75 ea. - 3 weeks - $3.25 ea. incl. GST Additional Words at .16 each. Additional'2.Cr) charge if classifieds trilled after.7 days. VISA I SPECIAL RATES, $3.25 Thursdays and 3+3 (pay for 3 get 3 tree) on person to person ads. l% But True Sell it in We'll run issues FREE - or - it another • itittrit CALL PHYLLIS AT 528-2822 THURSDAY is Drop, into our office any r Thursday with your word classified (maximum 25 words) and pay only $3.25 (paid in advance), That's $1.00 off regular rates. n lie 1 1. Ai'tIICi�S; Ftlr.:SBfe ' For Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS Cut to stove length. Pick-up to large truck loads available. Phone P. Jacques at 524-7104 or leave orders at Stutzman Saw Mill, St. Helen's, KRANENBURG'S BUTCHER SHOP LUCKNOW 528-2242 Fresh Sliced Pork Liver Fresh•Sllced Side Pork 'Lean. Bacon .69b. '139. '1" Ib. ..Articles For Sale WOODSTOVE & FIREPLACE glass, will not break from. heat. Cut to any size or shape. Carbon monoxide detectors. Don't stay home without one.The Chim- ney Sweep's Stove Parlour & Gallery Inc. 368-5274. --41 tfnbcpnx GAS - PROPANE RANGES can convert to natural gas in 5 minutes, No parts required. Stove Parlour, 2 km, west of Tiverton; on InverhuronRd. 368-5274. -- 121fgp STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - 'QUONSETS, S. Models, straightwalls. Many sizes to choose from. .For Value, Quality and Integrity, call Future Steel Buildings 1- 800-668-8653.--17bc ALPS CREEK Trout'Farm - pond stock- ing and fresh trout. R.R.2 Teeswater 392-620 t. --16.18x THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is available at th'e following locationsout of. town: Holyrood General Store; Ripley, Superior Market; Dawson's Store, Dungannon; MacNays. Store, Amberley; .Triangle Discount, Goderich; Wingham . Stationery, Wingham, MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair Service; White- church.--9tfnx 1. Articles For Sale CUSTOM FAXING Need to send or receive a .fax? The Sentinel does custom faxing for cus- tomers. Drop in or call 528-2822 for details. --41 tfnx IMPROVE YOUR water quality. Use a pure and simple method... The Amway Water Treatment System. Call 1-800- .• 996-0948.--08-20xc OSTRICH/EMU/RHEA: Are you buying or selling? Birds from across Canada. Bluyers call "Free:" (evenings). Sellers, list with AdComp. Better, Results! Toll- free 1-800-361-3660. --17fc ONSAT - Canada's weekly guide to Satellite TV is available at The Lucknow Sentinel $2.50 per issue.--4ltfnx STEEL BUILDINGS . ' BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32'x 54 $7,899; 40 x 72 $11,924; 50 x 90 $16,954; 60 x 126 $25,883 - other sizes available - Miscellaneous clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 14800-263-8499. -- 17bc TOYS - CANADA'S LARGEST SELEC- TION of farm, vehicle, and contruction toys. For 28 -page catalogue, write to Country Heritage Products, Box. 941, Langenburg, SK, SOA.2A0. --17bc Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL any of the following Luck - now businesses: Beckers Milk, Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village Market, Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow Service Centre and C.E. MacTavish. -52tf TRY.0&E FURNITURE, (new and used) Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. Highway 21 south Goderich 524- 7231 30tf 1. Articles For Sale 6 FT. .PATIO door, good condition Phone 395-3691. --17x SMALL TOWN TRADITIONS, 84 Huron St., Ripley 395-4640 for Quality, Price, Style and Great Selection inhildren's wear see our fashions for kids of all ages (newborn to 18).-17tfgp PATIO FURNITURE 1994 STYLES & COLORS now in our giant showrooms. Top quality, value priced. Check us out 71 King West, Forest 1-800-465-2430. --17x SCREENED TOPSOIL blended to meet Your needs, We won't be under priced. CALL: E.L.K. Bushell 395-5478 anytime. • --17-22gp' SINGLE BOOKCASE waterbed; also greyrsectional couch in excellent con- dition. Phone 528-3345. --17,18x CHIPPER SHREDDER with 5 hp. B&S engine. Four years old, used twice in last/ two, years. $350 or o.b.o. Phone 529-7303.--15-18xc L SHAPED, grey metal office desk. Perfect to put a 'computer on, or just use 'it for extra des'k space for your ` children& homework. In perfect con- dition. Filing cabinet arid chair to go, as well. To view please call '524-4240: -- 13-17nxe . COOK STOVE, 4• months old, deluxe Heartland Oval, with water reservoir and water jacket. Save $1,000, Call 528- 3530:--14-17xc, SAND, GRAVEL, : and , excavating, bulldozing, backhoeing and trucking, For Free Estimates Call: E.L.K. Bushell anytime 395-5478. --17-22gp RAILROAD TIES for, barn repair, fen- cing, landscaping and retaining walls, 8 ft• - 22 ft. Phone 529-7691.--14tfgp WHEELCHAIR, good condition. Phone 528-3505. --15-18xc MOOSE, 'BEAR, deer, farmers deer, small game and fishing licenses available at Holyrood Store. Call 395- 5062.--15-20gp • STURDY KITCHEN table and 6•padded chairs; viscount kitchenrange in autumn • gold. Phone-529-7179.--16,17xc STEEL BUILDINGS QUONSET STEEL BUILDINGS: 21 x 24 $1,599; 25 x 30 $2,256; 27 x 34 $2,778; 30 x 44 $3,830; 40 x 56 $5,844; 44 x 64 ,$7,798; 46 x .66 $7,999; 50 'x 84 $10,724. End optional. Other sizes, Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. --17bc ANTIQUE SEWING machine made by Raymond Co., Guelph,'in good working condition. May'be•seen at 557 Havelock St. 528-3829. "�-17;18x PEAT MOSS, SHEEP AND CATTLE MANURE, grass seed, fertilizer ' and much more available'af Lucknow Home • Hardware. Free delivery in and. around Lucknow. 528-3008,--17-19ar . GRAY'S ,PERENNIALS OPENING this weekend April 30th. Our selection' of hardy, second year perennial ,plants is wider than ever! Favorltps.include many colors of Lupins, Dwarf and tall Del- phiniums, and Columbines: Unusual varieties include Lychnis, Coronaria, 'Buddleya and Campanula Takesimana. Perennial herbs and everlastings also available. We dig the plants from the field as you make your selections. Located 3 miles west of Walkerton on Kincardine Hwy. Hours: All day on weekends,.- weekdays after 4:30 p.m. 881-1522, --17gp BRIDESMAID OR GRADUATION DRESS - with•matchirtg headpiece, pink satin sheen with lace overlay bodice and back, can be worn on or off the shoulders, comes with crinoline, size 9/10. Excellent condition. (Just dry cleaned). New cost $250. will sell for $95. If interested please call 524-7586 (Goderich) after 6 p.m.---15-20nxe BULK GARDEN seeds available at Holyrood General Store. 395-5062. -- 15,16,17ar SEED POTATOES Now available certified seed, potatoes red, white and gold. Phone 528-2280. -- 16-21x • 100 GREEN PLASTIC, one litre beer bottles, used twice. Call 524-1394. -- 16,17gp SEPTIC SYSTEMS licenced installation; at competitive prices: For Free Es- timates Call; E.L.K. Bushell 395-5478 anytime, --17-22gp • 2, Yafd Sale YARD SALE Lucknow Christian School Highway #86 between Lucknow and Whitechurch Friday, May 6th 5-8 PM Saturday, May 7e4 9 AM