HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1994-02-06, Page 15At the locfl lanes
How they
Youth Bowling
Feb. 12, games over 125: Elyse
DeBruyn 141, Patrick Ritchie 130,
Kristina Johnston 157, 153, Tiffany
Bridges 133, 126 and Wyatt Kwan
Wednesday Night Mixed
Feb: 9: Games over 200: Carol
Phillips 200, Chuck Morris 230,
219, Lois Chaput 260, Janet Cas-
sidy 224, Dave Hackett 201,
Marion Jones 203, Gerald Rhody
254, 237,231, Antone Van Osch
228, Steve Van Osch 229,218.
Team Standings: Pussycats 94,
Chipmunks • 76, Woodchucks 75,
Beavers 66, Bunnies 58, Squirrels
H.S. to date Mens - Ron Cassidy
314, Ladies - Diane Archer 310. •
H.T. to date Mens - Gerald
Rhody 755, Ladies - Merle Rhody
Ripley •Bowlers
Feb. 7: Games over 150: Ed Fink
161, 169, Frank Mumig 163, Peg
Roome 176, Cliff Turel 231, Al
Schaus 220, 151.
scored in bowling
Team standings: Robins 30,
Bluebirds 29, Cardinals 29, Wrens
19, Larks 10 and Orioles 9.
H.S. to date: Mens - Cliff Turel
246, Ladies - Edna Stanley 196'.
H.D. to date: Mens - Ed Fink
399, Ladies - Joan McLeod 321.
Monday Night Mixed
Feb. 7: Ladies' H.S. Wendy
Ritchie 238, H.T. Merle Rhody 588.
Men' H.S. Gerald Rhody 261,
H.T. Enc Taylor 728.
Games over 200: Fred DeBoer
207, Wendy Ritchie 238, Merle
Rhody 211, Harold Elliott 212;
Robert Jones 212, John Van Diepen
229,208,'Terry Burt 238, Eric Hal-
denby 241, Gerald Rhody 261, Eric
Taylor 258,233, 237.
Feb. 10: Ladies' H.S. Tracey
Norman 244. H.T. Wendy Ritchie
Men H.S. and H.T. Eric Taylor
Games . over 200: Emerson
Howald 234, 214, Terri Wall 244,
Eric Haldenby 204,. Wendy Ritchie
200, Eric Taylor 289,226,221, Ger-
ry VanderKlippe 216, John Van
Diepen 219,212, Gerald Rhody 213,
Team standings: John's Joker 94,
Rambler 76, Noisy . Critters 73,
Pigeons 72, Bluejays 51 and Jokers
Town and Country Bowling
Ladies H.S. and 1-f.D. Anne
Anderson 188,343.
Men's H.S: Dave Swan, H.D.
Gordon Brooks 327.
Games 150 and over: Anne'
Anderson 188,155, Shirley Brooks
172,156, Caroline Menary 163,158,
Gordon Brooks 169,158,, George
Taylor 168, Eldert Oeertsma 161,
Dave Swan 173, Gordon Johnstone
162, John Snell 154, Jean Phillips
157, Gerda De Jong 153, Grace
Geertsma 150, Fern McDonald 157,
Kay McCormick 161.
Team standings: Daffodils 61,
Crocuses 57, Pansies 50, Hyacinths
48, Snowdrops 35, Tulips 34.
OMAF plans special courses
FarmPlus Plan - Rural Loan
Program '
The long awaited Rural Loan
Program has been recently launched
under the name the FarmPlus Plan.
Under the FarmPlus Plan, par-
ticipating Credit Unions and Caisses.
Populaires throughout Ontario will
channel the money from local GIC
deposits into a special spool which
will be used exclusively for farm.
related business loans and
For the investors, the rate of
return will be similar to standard
•GICs over a fixed term period and
they qualify for attractive RRSP
For ' the borrowers, ,another
institution will be .available to
provide • loans for debt con-
solidation, farm real estate pur-
chases, farm building construction
and value added capital projects.
The loanor mortgages can, be
amortized over 20 years and can be
renewed every five years.
The rate of interest will be deter-
mined by the security provided,
cashflow and repayment abilities of
the borrower. The ctlosest par-
ticipating Credit Union is. Durham.
For more information contact
Wayne Cargo at the Saugeen Com-
munity Credit Union in Durham,
369-2931 or theOMAF office, 881-
3301 or 1-800-3023.
Introduction To commodity
This three-day course is scheduled
for 'March 14, 21 and 30, 1994
from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the
OMAF Board Room in Walkerton
and will introduce participantsto
the basics of commodity marketing.
This course will cover the price
they receive for free market com-
modities, based on Chicago 'Board
of Trade futures price; seasonal
trends; pricing opportunities; market
planning; risk management and
market methods in preparation for
'Courses II and III. The cost is
$90.00, payable to OATI.
Negptiation Skills Negotiation Skills Course is set
for Mar. 9 anis 10 from 9:00 a.m.'to
4:00 p.m, at the United Church in
i Walkerton. The cost is $110.00,
payable to •OATI. This course will
assist participants to develop effec-
tive negotiation skills.
Pesticide, safet
For producers who need to obtain
their Grower Pesticide Safety Cer-,
tificate, but have difficulty finding
time to take one of the day courses
being offered, the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food office in
Clinton is offering an evening.
It . will be offered on two
evenings: Tuesday,. March 22 and
Wednesday, March 23 from 6:30
p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in, Seminar Room
. y.
A at the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, Clinton. The
,cost for the course is $40.00.
Brian Hall, Farm Management
Specialist for Huron County
reminds participants they may ob-
tain a course manual when • they
register, prior to the 'course. To
register, call the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food office in.
Clinton at,482-3428 or 1-800-265-
Crime .Stoppers•
look for info
Orime Stoppers of Grey Bruce are
seeking the public's assistance 'in
the investigation of a break, enter
and theft which occurred in Kinloss
The Kincardine Detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police report
that sometime between Nov. 26 and
27, 1993 someone broke into the
Chalmers Presbyterian •Church,
Highway #86 (Whitechurch), in
Kinloss Township. Unknown per-
son(s) broke a basement window on
the southwest side of the church
and stole the following:
The program is based on a win-
win negotiating philosophy. Par-
ticipants' will be provided ample
opportunity. to practise with ap-
plicable case studies.
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 16, 1994.- Page 15
There were Tots of loonie antics at the weekend Mushball •
tournament in Lucknow, like this contest which saw partici-
pants trying to place Loonies in a glass container, without
using their hands. ,
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • •, • • • • •
• •
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1. A 28" Seimitsu Color TV
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3.2 Microphones and a PA Control
Box '
The approdiknate value of the
stolen property is $1,500.00.
If you have any information on
this or any other case, Crime Stop-
pers of Grey Brpte are willing to
pay a reward up to $1000 for infor-
mation that leads' to ' an arrest.
FREE AT ' 1-800-265-3787. You
will never have to testify in court.
Crime Stoppers does not subscribe
to call display.
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