The Rural Voice, 1986-08, Page 66NEWSLETTER — Huron County Federation of Agriculture Box 429, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 Huron County Federation of Agriculture Members' Meeting Thursday, July 3, 1986 Huron Centennial School, Brucefield Vice-president Paul Klopp welcomed everyone to the meeting. Guest speaker Andrew Dixon of Ailsa Craig was introduced by Chris Palmer. Mr. Dixon graduated from OAC in 1929, taught science in high schools for many years, started farming in 1965 when he retired from teaching and, for the past several years, has been experimenting with planting and growing of walnut trees. Mr. Dixon gave a very interesting ac- count of his walnut tree ex- periences. He was thanked on behalf of the group by Wayne Elliott. Questions were then asked and a very interesting discussion followed. New Business: President Doug Garniss an- nounced the appointment of OFA's new executive director, Ms. Joanne R. Sutherland, a graduate of the University of Winnipeg in economics and science. She is ex- perienced in federal -provincial relations, with an emphasis on agriculture. Also, she is experienc- ed in departments of finance an agriculture with the Manitoba and Saskatchewan governments. She has also been special assistant to the Deputy Attorney General in Saskatchewan. Huron/Bruce Liberal Association: A letter from the association in- vited members of the HCFA to an open discussion in Brian Westbrook's shed on #8 Hwy. on Tuesday, July 8; John Turner and Ralph Ferguson to be in atten- dance. A motion was made by Wayne that Paul Klopp attend. Paul agreed to go. Wayne Elliott will also go. Seconded by Chris. Carried. Suggested topics to pursue were: re -action to the U.S. Farm Bill results of last spring's Task Force, opinion on marketing and financ- ing of agriculture, alachlor. No debt review discussion. Tools for Africa Co-op Program: Local Co-ops are collecting used tools and broken tools that can be 64 [HE RURAL. VOICE repaired to donate to Africa to help with planting and growing of their crops. Cash donations will also be expected. This program will be on until the end of July. CKNX Radio Program: Allen Cardiff of HCFA Public Relations committee was question- ing the program; he needs more contributions from members. Should he invite commodity groups or change the time (now 7 a.m. Sat.)? It was decided to ask the commodity groups to par- ticipate. Norm Alexander announced that the Federal Seed Act has been passed in the House, however, the Seed Act or Feed Act cannot con- trol bird seed and the spreading of weeds. A resolution on this topic will be looked into in the near future when history is searched on former resolution (Carol to look up old resolution). Fieldman Blaine Stephenson mentioned that our OFMA representative, Harold Peck from Varna, is going to be hosting an Open House of OFMA supplies this summer in late July. More in- formation will be announced soon. Resolutions: There were three resolutions passed at this meeting. 1. Whereas some disposal sites will not accept herbicide and pesticide containers as they will not burn or decompose, therefore be it resolv- ed that these containers should be returnable and reused by the manufacturer. Moved by Brenda McIntosh, seconded by Bill Wallace. Carried. (To be sent to OFA July Board meeting.) Resolution #2 Motion by Bill Wallace, second- ed by Wilfred Walker. Carried. WHEREAS the Student Employ- ment Experience Development ONTARIO FARM MACHINERY DEPOT August Special Overum knock-on plow points #74601 $12. Each CaII Harold Peck, Varna 482-9997 or 262-5867 519-482-9642 (SEED) program had 156 applica- tions from Huron County, 36 of these were from farmers. Of the 40 applicants approved, none were farms and WHEREAS agriculture is the predominant industry of Huron County and whereas not one of the 36 applications from farms was among the 40 approved under the SEED program. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that OFA examine the criteria by which the applications were ap- proved and be forwarded to the OFA Labour committee to further study and hopefully get govern- ment officials to make the pro- gram more available to farmers next year. Resolution #3. Moved by Doug Garniss, seconded by Norm Alexander. Carried. WHEREAS the OFA lacks policy on soil conservation and WHEREAS local groups are tak- ing action in soil conservation and WHEREAS governments are beginning to take limited action on this issue but have no long term policy THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. OMAF and Conservation Authorities should work together to integrate and co-ordinate action on soil conservation. 2. Steering committees be set up to oversee this action with OMAF taking the lead role with the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources, Conserva- tion Authorities, and farm groups as members of these committees. 3. OMAF direct both funds and employees to soil conservation work on a long term basis and that both employment and funding be new and above 1985 levels. 4. OMAF increase grants for ero- sion control and small -plot trials. 5. That soil and water conservation courses be taught at agricultural colleges and universities and that soil and water conservation courses be part of the agricultural curriculum in public schools, and further be it resolved that OFA's environmental committee use these points as a basis for discussion to create a policy on soil conservation before the 1986 Convention. Adjournment at 10:50 p.m. by Bill Wallace. Carried.