The Rural Voice, 1986-06, Page 32fItlIIIU TO BE THE BEST flSl FOR llllSltY WHEN YOU MR 10R LIQUID T11IT1URE IVfifnDLIn( EQU1PT1Erlf HUSKY FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. ALMA 519-846-5329 Sliahespeare ttrms Breeders of • Superior • • ROP Tested • • Durocs • • Landrace • • Yorkshire • OMAF Health Rating "Good" Gerry & Linda Knechtel & Family Shakespeare, Ont. 519-625-8717 (First farm east of Shakespeare on Hwy.7 & 8) We invite your Breeding Stock Inquiries WEANER EXCHANGE Purch2ser of Quality weaners to supply fast gaining pigs to swine feeding operators Order buying: Veal calves for slaughter up to 600 lbs. Buying or Selling call 3Qarr butt R.R. 1 Gorrie 519-335-3234 30 THE RURAL VOICE 11,k STABILIZATION PLAN FOR HOGS Deadline: June 15, 1986. Premium: farrow -to -finish and finisher, $2.90 per hog paid through the OPPMB, premiums due monthly if non-OPPMB; weaners, $1.02 per head per quarter through the enrolled finisher or premiums due monthly if sold to a non -participating finisher or out -of -province buyer. Coverage: from January 1, 1986; 2,000 hogs per quarter, 8,000 per year. Registration requirements: startup for weaner producers requires a quarterly sales summary for April 1 to June 30, 1986 due July 15; thereafter, monthly sales sum- maries due by the 15th of the following month. "Monthlies" also due for weaners and hogs sold to board -exempt abattoirs. Livestock Criteria: hogs must grade 80 index or better, weaners must be eligible to be sold for finishing. Quarter 1 (1986) Support Price: $66.95. - MANAGING THE WEANLING The routine practice for weaning pigs in Ontario is to remove the pigs from the sow at 3-5 weeks of age and place them in a separate area until they reach approximate- ly 25 kg Iiveweight. The environment into which the pig is weaned is critical. It must be clean and dry, with an initial temperature of 25-27°C (80°F), which can be adjusted slowly downwards to 70°F. It is impor- tant to maintain a steady, constant temperature free from drafts. Failure to do this results in cold stress, poor performance, scouring and death. An adequate supply of fresh, clean water should be available at all times (one drinker per ten pigs). Space requirements are a minimum of 12 kg of pig per sq. ft. (25 lbs./sq. ft.). Ideally pens should accom- modate one litter but realistically two litters (18) pigs are most often mixed. This minimizes fighting since any pig will know half the pigs it is penned with. It is apparent in most litters that some pigs are too small to be wean- ed. Any animals less than 12-14