The Rural Voice, 1986-04, Page 57nn7xmuniimwTi 1miinun'i T iS EQUIPMENT MUST E�� No reasonable offer recused! MF 2705 w/cab, 1200 hrs IH 1086 w/cab......... IH 1206 w/cab IH 1468 w/cab & duals AC 7050 w/cab New McKee 460 w/Ldr . . MF 1105 w/cab Case 1690 w/cab, 700 hrs .. only Case 1490 w/cab & Ldr. 1000 hrs . $17,500 MF 255 w/cab, only 1000 hrs Cockshutt 1750 gas ... . SPECIAL New IH cultivators Two 181/2 ft .... ea. only $ 3,600 One hyd. wing 211/2 ft$ 4,600 Used 25 ft. Triple K cultivator $ 2,500 CULTIVATORS, PLOWS, DISCS, GRAIN DRILLS, ETC. ETC. $16,000 $12,500 $ 4,700 $ 7,500 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 $ 9,000 $15,200 $ 8,000 $ 4,000 FARM EQUIPMENT Consignment Sale Saturday, April 19, 1986 Consignments now being taken "You name it we have it!" BRINDLEY AUCTION 1/4 mile east of Dungannon Home Shop 529.7970 529.7625 PG. 16 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT SPECIAL, Crop monitoring from the air A Twin Otter aircraft fitted with sophisticated monitoring equip- ment is helping Agriculture Canada researchers show that large-scale crop analysis from an aircraft can be as accurate as ground-based measurements. Begun in 1980, the airborne monitoring system is part of the crop environment assessment pro- gram of Agriculture Canada's Land Resource Research Institute. Raymond Desjardins, a microrneteorologist with the in- stitute, is heading the airborne research. Because all growing vegetation absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) and gives off oxygen, the amount of CO2 absorbed by plants is a good indicator of crop growth. "Agrometeorologists have been monitoring CO2 uptake from ground-based systems for several years," Dr. Desjardins says. "The airborne system adds a new dimension by making it possi- ble to measure CO2 exchanges over larger areas." A specialized monitoring device, called an open path gas analyzer, was developed especially for the program by Agriculture Canada's Engineering and Statistical Research Institute. This device measures the con- centration of CO2 in each air parcel above a crop. The greater the dif- ference in CO2 concentration bet- ween the parcels of air, the higher the rate of crop growth. Dr. Desjardins and other resear- chers are in the process of testing the airborne system for accuracy by comparing their data with those collected from ground-based systems. "By understanding how crops interact with their environments, we will be able to assess more ac- curately which agricultural techni- ques are more energy and water ef- ficient, and which crops are best suited to local climate and land resources," Dr. Desjardins says. This may be done by relating CO2 uptake and other climatic fac- tors to crop growth. If data in- dicate that the crop is doing well, it may be possible to determine what management techniques would be most beneficial. ❑ APRIL, 1986 The Professional Mid -Size Saw for Heavy -Duty Cutting Rugged enough for field, woodlot and farmyard, built to cut through big jobs or small chores. Use it for limbing operations, stump removal, or firewood cutting. Anywhere you need a tough. powerful saw. A unique saw that features high power, low weight and the latest in human engineering. DOHERTY'S SMALL ENGINE CENTRE I block south of the stoplights DURHAM 369-2813 11:1 THE WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING CHAIN SAW TRACTORS 3 3140 John Deere 2&4 WD 1 3130 John Deere w/cab & Idr. 1 730 John Deere, Real Work Horse 1 8011 Zetor w/cab 1 624 IH, Real good 1 5000 Ford 67 hp 1 990 David Brown w/Idr. 1 6600 Ford w/cab, low hrs. USED SPRING EQUIPMENT White 10' Wheel disc John Deere 7000 Planter Several manure spreaders, single & tandem Terms: Interest free until Oct. 1, 1986 Special terms until Oct. 1, 1987 IVAN J.H. CARMICHAEL LTD. John Deere Sales & Service CHATSWORTH Hwy. 6 1 mi. S. 519-794-2480 JOHN DEEPI