HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-12-08, Page 3Zettels head separate school board;
trustees discuss special education
by Pat Halpin hard to teach," commented trustee Program is "not all rosy", but said
Trustees for the Bruce -Grey Christine Zettel during, an annual th administration "hears good
Separate school board have chosen review of the Board's special "It's a lot of work," she said of
a team of Zetteis to head the board education program. integration. "Often it is easier to
in 1994. Sdperintendent Rosemary Ken- pull kids out and put them in their
Bill Zettel was acclaimed to a nedy agreed. "One area that is own classroom.
fourth term as chair of the board, dragging (on integration) is excep- The annual review compiled a list
while Marie Zettel was elected as tional students," she said. of teachers' comments on what
vice -chair. Kennedy explained that there are makes integration easier to ac -
Incumbent vice -chair Helen strong views on both sides of the com fish and what still needs to be
Waechter declined nominations to debate whether gifted students done. Teachers ranked planning,
both the chair and vice -chair jobs. should be in the regular or theirhelp
Len Kelly and. Ken Waechter were own classrooms. "We're right in Students Servicesrt of arents and staff ashelpful to
also nominated for chair, but line, giving some gifted separate integration, while finding time for
declined in favor of Zettel. programs and some integrated, she meetings, teacher support and full
Bill Zettel has served 13 years on said
the separate board, including the Kennedy said part of the problem thenceepclassrooof m needs tional students
last three terms as chair and one with offering integrated programs
term as vice -chair. for gifted students is that parents of P
Marie Zettel defeated Len Kelly those children, unlike the. parents of Givintegration,en the continued emphasis on
and Tom O'Dwyer in the race for 'special needs' children, don't want vwheth Kennedy o said the debate
vice -chair. Nominees Delores Bros- their kids to be treated the same as over whether or not to integrate the
ky, Alf Keiffer, Helen Waechter their peers. ' Parents of 'special gifted program will continue at the
next Educational Service meeting.
and Ken Waechter declined to run. needs'students want their children "This program, like others, is
ten -ns ofzexperienceettel has t no the vices reviouparents ofto be tgifted children want their as normal kids; while
subject to review," she said. "At
chair position. students to be treated as special. some point we may have to make a
decision on which way to go."
The newty-acclaimedchair of the Kennedy said the province is In the meantime, Kennedy pointed
board declined to make any com- giving confused messages on the out that the board is one of seven in
ments'on the coming term, saying issue. She wonders` why the board the province that was recognized
those comments will be part of his didn't eliminate the gifted program for its effort in special education.
inaugural address at the next at Carlsruhe in 1989-90 when in- "Your board is known for its
meeting. tegration of exceptional students, outstanding work and contributions
Special Ed was high on the, agenda. But at the in this field," said a letter from
Some Separate School . trustees same time, the board was. praised Education Minister David Cooke. "I
wondered at the November meeting by the province for its "outsta- invite you or your designate to
why gifted students aren't in- nding" program for the gifted, attend this meeting and during the
tegrated into the classroom the way Kennedy said. group discussions, to share with us
that special needs pupils have been Trustee . Zettel ,questioned the your experiences in implementing
over the past few years. overall effectiveness of integrated programs for exceptional students in
education for special students. "Are neighborhood schools."
"Is it not strange that we pull out they doing better with integration?" Director of Education Dr. Joe
gifted kids and put them in their she asked. Waters attended the September 20
own classroom? They're just as Kennedy admitted that the meeting, with the Minister.
RNA facility
to be used for
other activities
•from page 2
Tibbits also .hopes to expand the
use of the facility for short-term
vocational programs and to make
use of the facility when it is not
busy -- such as night, or weekend
programs. s
Koch said he did not see a
problem of RNA graduates getting
jobs. We see cutbacks, but RNA
positions will ,survive. Bill Jeffrey,
dean of the Conestoga's School of
Health Sciences, said since 1990
provincial mandates have expanded
the RNA role "quite substantially."
He said with the changing role of
health care, there is a need for
better trained people within the
community. Jeffrey hoped the per-
sonal support worker program could
be initiated within the next year and
a.half. The college already provides
training assistance to local home
care groups. -
Pffers distance education and one
aspect, which may be investigated is
CD-ROM technology to provide
more options for teaching and
Of the potential for expansion,
Koch said "it is exciting to see this
'Ps part of Conestoga's commitment
to this area."
Chamber of Commerce
efforts continue on ABM
Continued efforts to obtain an
automated banking machine for
Lucknow was one of the items on
the Lucknow and District Chamber
of Commerce's agenda when mem-
bers met on Dec. 1. Although no
solid commitments have been made,
as yet, by any financial institution,
the executive continues its aggres-
sive exploration of all avenues.
The success of the annual banquet
and dance was discussed .with
various recommendations made for
The tree lighting was deemed
"wonderful and exciting", for all
ages with a largerturnout this year.
Chamber of Co,mmerce gift cer-
tificates are now available at Mar-
gie's Specialty Shoppe. These cer-
tificates can be used at participating
merchants, who then redeem the
voucher at the Chamber's outlet at
Margie's Specialty Shoppe.
J.olly.O1' St. Nick will be making
himself available for photo oppor-
tunities at Huron Bruce Auto Glass
on Dec, 4, 10, 11, 17 and 18 al
various times. Check the Chamber's
calendar. of , events in last week's
Sentinel for the times your children
can have a keepsake photo taken.
The next meeting of the Chamber
will take place on Feb.. 2, 8 a.m. at
the Mayfair. The executive urges all
businesses to senda representative
to these informative meetings. Your
support is necessary for future
decisions in the successful progres-
sion of the Chamber. The 1994
executive will be also be named at
the meeting.
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 8, 1993 - Page 3
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