HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-11-03, Page 7Legion's service bureau will be major legacy Canada's war veterans are gradually disappearing. In fact, the average age of Second World War 'veterans is .now 71 years and Korean veterans are in their early 60s. • 'The Royal Canadian Legion Scr- vice Bureau was founded alter the First World War to help veterans get the federal government pensions to which they were entitled. Funded in part by donations made during the annual poppy caunpaigu, the Bureau has been in existence ever since providing no -cost assistance to all ex -service men and women with pension applications. and ap- peals. The decreasing numbers of veterans could mean the Service Bureau's days may soon be num- bered, but the Legion says "no". There, are still more than 600,000 veterans. Their numbers are shrinking and their needs arc chan- ging due to their increasing age, but •their demands, and those of their dependents, arc actually increasing. In addition, as word of the Legion's facilities spreads to members of today's armed seiviccs, Bureau officers are seeing younger ap- plicants every day - some who are still only in their 20s. ' Regardless of whether or not they have war -time service, such as those who served in the Gull' War, all armed forces members arc eligible for pensions for injuries or disabilities attributable . to military service. Service Bureau officers help these men and women, as well as older veterans, find their way through the often daunting maze of government legislation and regulations. They also represent ex - On the Road Again comes to Blyth Peggy and Grace, the two ageless ladies from the Lighthouse Festival Theatre's 1992 season smash hit Peggy & Grace by Bonnie Laing, hit the road, literally, this month during a cross -Ontario tour that brings them to the Blyth Memorial Hall for one night, Sunday, Nov. 28, at 8 p.m. Peggy & Grace chronicles the adventure of two life-long friends who sell everything, buy a Win- nebago, and hit the road. Their only destination is "anywhere but Florida" because that's where retirees' are expected to go. Peggy and Grace do not do the expected. "Grace is looking forward to the peace and quiet of the countryside, where she can paint to her heart's content," explains director Caroline Smith. "The only thing Peggy wants to paint is the town." Their friendship is put to the test when they meet Sam, a young hitchhiker who brings more ex- citement than either Peggy or Grace had bargained for. In the role of Grace is Araby Lockhart, an actor well-known to Blyth audiences for her outstanding performance in Another Season's Promise. The cast also includes Miriam Newhouse as Peggy and Robert Kennedy as Sam. David W. Juby has designed the set and cos- tumes; lightning designer is Graham Frampton. Playwright Bonnie Laing also works as a free-lance. writer, and advertising consultant in Toron- to. She has written articles and stories for , various Canadian publications. Tickets, are available by telephoning the Blyth Festival Box Office at (519) 523-9300 or toll- free at 1-800-263-3378. FIVE GENERATIONS gathered recently In Goderich for a baby shower. Seated (left to right) are grandmother Joanne Wilkins of Kinloss; great great grandmother Grace Lloyd of Alliston holding'Kaitlin McKay of Kincardine; great grandmother Irene Green of Goderich, add mother Stacey Hakkers of Kincardine. (photo submitted) MARIA' S %`i . 14 "A 11Ha1l'r Ps\111/r" \l.. , n (or oro r.,,. oe I r,,, ,IIlr,n ,R.elu W, Ana. ',kr, ',Ili, n. u.., I NI, r.,, 149 N'elltngton Md., London 673.1781 r COMMFUNITY SHOWER for .5hunon I)urnin SUNDAY, NOV. 14/93 at Brookside School From 2. to 4 ion Biritlt• to It, o tit'ntt nend- awl 1coghL,Iur.. N 01'111111' LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, Novenlbet-7th; 1-993-- 11:90 AM Worship Service Church School Rev. Margaret Kinsman Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome The family of Harold and Lyla Stewart of •Bervie would like to invite family and 'friends to a 25th Anniversary Dance Saturday, November 6/93 Ripley -Huron Complex 9:00 pm- 1:00 am. service members before -pension boards and appeals tribunals. Military service, even in. peace- time, is by its very nature. more dangerous than many other types of employment. Accidents are not uncommon occurrences. In recent years as many as 23 service person- nel have been killed at home and abroad in one year and many more have been injured while on duty. The need to provide assistance to these victims of peace -time mishaps, and to their dependents, will • provide challenges for the Legion's Service Bureau long after the last veteran has gone. In fact, the Bureau will eventually become one of the major legacies left by Canada's veterans to future generations of service members. Some Suntour coaster brakes may pose a risk Health Canada is warning con- sumers about a potential risk with certain Suntour coaster brakes which are used on children's bicycles. Clutch springs on these brakes are defective. The brake can fail completely after about 10 kilometres of cycling. These potentially . dangerous brakes, manufactured between December 1992 and June 1993, were installed on various makes of bikes. Owners of bikes with coaster brakes can check to see if their brakes are dangerous by looking for the manufacturer's markings on the outside brake arm: Suntour Com, Coaster Brake or Suntour Com, T. W. Coaster Brake. They are marked on the inside of the brake arm as follows: Taiwan I L, Taiwan T A, Taiwan J B, Taiwan J C, Taiwan J D, Taiwan J E, Taiwan J F. The greatest number of defective clutch springs have been found on I L and J D brakes. Coaster brakes are applied by pedalling backwards and are usually used on young children's bikes. If the Suntour brake fails, the pedals spin backwards freely :and the cyclist cannot stop, risking collision with people, cars or objects. Furthermore, the • child trying to brake is expecting to hit the resis- tance ofthe brake, and he or she could easily lose their balance and fall when the pedal spins backwards freely. Owners of bikes with these brakes should immediately ensure they not be used. The bikes should be brought to the retailer where they were purchased to have the clutch spring replaced. Gibson - Maclntyre Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 3, 1993 - Page 7 (NO, RICOMEMOELI FOPC,OFEN 1 Yawl, parr. It1E5PAr5: (iPoC Ilwar�NIINNG SCENES 1 THE MOST UNEXPECTED THRILLER OF THE YEAR! Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9 p.m Sun. - Thur. 8 p.m. LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1400.285-3138 FOR TOLL FREE MOYIE'INFO HURON SCHOOL OF ASSOCIATED DANCE ARTS Thanks to the Goderich Recreation Department for their wonderful kindness and help. Their generosity in taking and passing on messages. My heartfelt thanks. Jill Soffe • ACROBATIC •. BALLET •JR.JAZZ We still have openings For Information - CALL 529-3728 WINGHAM'& DISTRICT SNOWMOBILE ASSOCIATION 1993/94.O.F.S.C. TRAIL PERMITS „1 available from the following merchants. STEFFAN AUTO SUPPLY WINGHAM MINI -MART LYNN HOY ENTERPRISES LTD. BECKER FARM EQUIPMENT (LUCKNOW) Permit Prices: $65.00 before Dec. 1'93 $80.00 after Dec. 1/93 Note Snowmobile registration number required before permit is issued. Ontario Federation of °naMIlable Natio SledSmart Ride Safe • Ride Sober Jim and Eleanor Gibson and Nancy and the late Allan Macintyre • are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage 01 their children. Christine Marie and Paul Allan. • The wedding will take place, Saturday, November 131h, 1993 at'3:00 p.m. at the South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. A reception will be held at !1110 p m dt the 1 ueknow ('onnurtity Centre THEATRE -INCARDI-N.E___ wit ILLILL 11111 11111 IIL.11 396-3250 Nov. 5 & 7 at 7 & 9 pm — Nov. 8 to 11 at8pm "A good clean celebration for the whole family to enjoy. Hilarious!" 1 ullern tL,rtn \ll\1, PI 11111 \110,, BeVer1): From the Director of Wayne s World. ALL SEATS 350 MON. TO THURS. Sat. Nov. 6 BLUEWATER SUMMER PLAYHOUSE - presents 3 HIGHLIGHTS Of THE '94 SEASON