HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-11-03, Page 6Page 6 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 3, 1993
"In a war, everyone sultan...
wr must nevi if happ.n again."
ms wor Amps
Lions Bingo
Nov. 7/93
Satunlay, November 13
C'hnulna Gibson • Paul Maclntyre
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Robert and Mary Ellen, upon
their return from their
Honeymoon in Montego Bay,
Jamaica. invite family and
friends to their wedding
reception on
Friday. November 5th, 1993
at the
Knights. of Columbus Centre.
(390 Parson's Court, Just off
Suncoast Drive - Goderich, Ontario)
9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Music by
The Country Companions'
Buckle up or you'll get two demerit points and fine'
Drivers convicted of not wearing
a seat belt will have two demerit
points imposed against their driving
record beginning Jan. 1, 1994,
Transportation Minister Gilles
Pouliot announced at the conclusion
of the province's annum seat belt
awareness campaign.
"The facts are clear, seat belts
save lives," said Pouliot. "Yet,
every day people are dying in col-
lisions on our roads because they
are not buckling up. And, too many
are 'travelling without making sure
children in their vehicles are
properi' secured in seat belts or
child restraint seats.
"Sadly enough, experience in
other jurisdictions indicates that -it's
not the risk of being killed, but
rather the penalty of demerit points
that convinces hard-core, non-users
to buckle up," said Pouliot.
Beginning in 1994, two demerit
points will be imposed on drivers
who do not wear their seat belts or.
ensure passengers under the age of
16 are properly belted or restrained
in a child safety seat. The demerit
points are in addition to the current
$90 fine for not wearing a seat belt.
Demerit points are used to en-
courage drivers to improve their
driving performance. As drivers
accumulate points a warning letter
is sent and a counselling interview
is required. When 15 points are
accumulated, a 30 -day license
This sign mysteriously appeared on a pole on Bruce County
Road 1, just north of Lucknow, on the weekend. It identifies an
area welt -known as Rapid City, however this editor was unable
to track down anyone who knew how the hamlet got its name.
Anyone with information about Rapid City is asked to call the
Sentinel and share a little bit of history with us and our readers.
(Pat Livingston photo) .
invites you to their
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suspension is invoked. The ac-
cumulation of demerit points on a
d• xiving record is also reflected in
higher insurance premiums.
Passengers over the age of 16 are
responsible for their own safety and
if convicted of travelling without
wearing a seat belt they will con-
tinue to receive a $90 fine.
In Newfoundland, Saskatchewan
and Quebec, where two demerit
points are assigned for ., non-
compliance of seat belt laws, more
than 90 per cent of the driving
population buckles up. In contrast,
the average in Ontario is only 84
per cent, below the national average
of 88 per cent.
"There are far reaching benefits
for us all if we can get more people
to wear seat- belts," said Pouliot.
"Lower health care, property
damage and wage loss costs are'
some of those benefits."
The imposition of demerit points
for seat belt offenses is a part of the
government's goal to make On-
tario's roads the safest in North
America. Other safety initiatives
under way include the introduction
of graduated licensing for all new
drivers beginning in spring 1994
and the use of photo radar to deter
drivers from speeding.
Canadian spots simple
solution for problem
• from page 4
example, a journey by train from
Halifax to W ir'dsor ins olved having
to re -set your watch '10 times!
Fleming had a talent for spotting
a simple solution to an inconvenient
He discovered that most ancient
civilizations had computed day and
night in 12 hour cycles, He com-
bined this into a 24-hour clock and
divided the globe into 24 equal
When he first presented the con-
cept of Standard Time to the -
Canadian Institute for the Advan-
cement of Scientific Knowledge at
Toronto in 1879,' Fleming was
denounced as a Utopian and a
promoter of . notions which were
"contrary to the will of God."
Ultimately, Canada adopted Stan-
dard Time in 1883, along with all
North American railway companies.
The following year 25 nations
adopted the proposition, at a con-
ference in Washington, D.C. Green-
wich, England was designated as
the Prime, Meridian (line of Lon-
gitude) as the base for calculation
since it had served as the standard
for two-thirds of the world's ship-
ping industry, for many years.
By the late 19th century, in-
of all but the remotest
corners of the world had adopted
Standard Time, Coordinated
Universal Time based on Atomic
clocks established in Paris in 1972,
has been the foundation of Standard
Time -since 1985.
Sandford Fleming was a man of
many accomplishments. He
designed Canada's first postage
stamp, the Threepenny Beaver in
1851. He also lithographed the first
accurate . large-scale surveyor's
maps of Canada and promoted a
submarine telegraph cable from
Vancouver to Australia.
In 1897, Sandford Fleming was
knighted but he always contended
that his greatest honor was to serve
as Chancellor of Queen's University
for 35 years.
. "Nothing can be recalled what is
past, no not even a second a go,"
the inventor of Standard Time once
wrote in his diary. "Every action is
as it were recorded on the minute
of time for ever and ever! I do not
regret the time I have spent."
A Special "Thank You" to .all who -
supported our campaign •
Your participation is part of an on-going project to return fiscal
and democratic accountability to. Canadians.
Please continue to. communicate with us, as your knowledge is
Canada's greatest resource
Congratulations to the successtll Liberal aarnpaign team and to
the other parties who have made the 1993 Election an
interesting democratic experience.
Sincerely .
Len Lobb
Huron -Bruce
oyat oution
Heritage -' Buy Now & Savt, 40°'°
`Henley' heralds an important new
collection of four Limited Edition figures,
each expressing the society appeal of
typically English sporting events and
pastimes from days gone by. The
remaining three prestigious figures will
feature 'Ascot', 'Wimbledon' and 'Croquet'.
The figures will be introduced at yearly
internals, each in a limited edition of
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