HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-10-27, Page 7Raise $12,000 for Participation Lodge
The 16th annual Participation
Lodge quilt auction, held in con-
junction with the Meaford Apple
Harvest Craft Show, raised almost
$12,000 for the Lodge.
Fifty quilts were auctioned on
Oct. 2 by Chesley area auctioneer
James Jacklin in a crowded
auditorium at Meaford Elementary
Glenn McNabb, Director of
Development for the lodge,
expressed the group's feeling
saying, "Jim Jacklin is a very enter-
taining auctioneer and I'm sure
many people come to this event to
hear him, as he works the crowd
for the top bid. He's also a great
friend of the Lodge, who has
donated his talents each year since
the auction started."
Quilts were donated by women's
institutes, church groups and in-
dividual quilters from southern
Ontario, with the top price of $790'
obtained for a quilt donated by
Sunnyview Women's Institute of
Verna Maluske, committee chair-
person, stated, "The array of quilts
and quality of needlework continues
to be very good and I'm so thankful
for the many, many hours of caring
that goes into this event each year.
In addition, numerous quilts are
donated for use at the Lodge, which
add a nice touch to individual
rooms. These contributions are
greatly appreciated by everyone.
associated with the Lodge."
Participation Lodge, located near
Holland Centre, provides a variety
of programs and services for
physically and mentally challenged
people. Visitors come from across
Ontario to enjoy a holiday while
giving their families a much needed
break. Funds raised .at the quilt
auction are used to provide these
Nominate someone for Order of Ontario
Nominations are now being ac-
cepted for candidates for the 1994
Order of Ontario --the highest dis-
tinction conferred by the province.
This prestigious annual award
Thieves busy
in Ripley
Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce are
seeking the public's assistance in
the investigation of a series of
break and enters which occurred in
the village of Ripley between the
June 6 and 7, 1993.
The Kincardine Detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police report
that .. during this period unknown
person(s) attempted to break into
the Ripley District School as well
as the Ripley -Huron Central School,
by tearing off window screens and
forcing open several windows.
Unknown person(s) also broke into
the Ripley Legion and stole two 40
oz. bottles of liquor and 14 pack-.
ages of cigarettes.
Three area churches were the
scenes of thefts, as the Knox Pres-
byterian Church, the United Church
and the Anglican Church were all
broken into, causing damage and
resulting in items including a VCR,
cordless microphone, cash and a
golden Chalice being stolen. Van-
dals also pried off some boards at
the Ripley Agricultural Society
Building and damaged a sign.
If you can help in these or any
other cases, Crime Stoppers of Grey
Bruce are willing to pay a reward
up to $1000 for information leading
to an arrest. CALL CRIME STOP-
PERS TOLL FREE AT 1-800-265-
3787. You need not identify your-
self. No one will know who you
are. You will never have to testify
in court, and you could be eligible.
fora cash reward.
honors Ontarians who have reached
the pinnacle of success in their
chosen fields and contribute to the
province's international reputation
as a centre of innovation,
achievement and excellence.
Since its establishment in 1986,
144 outstanding individuals have
been invested in the Order of On-
tario including: former Lieutenant
Governor of Ontario, Lincoln
Alexander; internationally renowned
author Margaret Atwood; Discovery
Space Mission crew member Dr.
Roberta Bondar; prominent
newspaper publisher and television
producer Daniel Iannuzzi; and
world champion figure skater Brian
The deadline for nominations is
Oct. 31. Nomination forms are
available at MPP constituency of-
fices and The Ontario Honours and
Awards • Section, Ministry of
Citizenship, 77 Bloor Street West,
15th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A
2R9. Telephone: (416) 314-7528.
Nominations will be considered
by an advisory council comprising
the Chief Justice of Ontario, the
Speaker ' of the Legislative As-
sembly, and the Secretary of the
Cabinet and Clerk of the Executive
Council. Those nominees who are
selected for this honor will be in-
vested in the Order by the
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario at
Queen's Park in the spring.
Carolyn Schutt was one pet owner who brought her cat to the
rabies clinic last week Dr. Allan Hawkins gives BoOts a
reassuring pet prior to inoculating him. (Pat Livingston photo)
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 27, 1993 — Page 7
The Lions Club-, of
Lucknow is accepting
applications from
youths in the Lucknow
area, who are interest-
ed in visiting another country
under the -Lions' Youth Exchange
Program. Ages are 17 to 21.
Contact: Allan Hackett, 528-3435
to obtain an application form.
From the Director of Wayne's World.
OCT 29- NOV. 04
FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9:10 p.m
SUN.-'THUR. 8 p.m.
OCT. 29 & 30 at 7 P.M. & 9 P.M:
OCT. 31 to NOV. 4 at 8 P.M.
ALL SEATS x3.50 Mon. to Thurs.
ONE NIGHT ONE SHOW - Sat., Oct. 30, 11:15 p.m,
Thc- family of
t 1� (;S J('un t�1irn k+C�n
Invito vou•tC) join +xilh lfic'm
Ill ;1 ht\ lal 11mC' III lioik`Ul
)( I hcil'
4l h 1t'c'Ci lin`; .1nni�.'rh;IrC
�;Ilunia�. ( 1 Lc ik..lh.
horn 2. 4 (an ;II 1 hc
1hh!icl.i (. hn'
It's the
funniest show
in town
Yuk Yuk's
Lucknow &District Community Center
k1;..\•.•.•,.,y, ..+Lc ;";?,:..;: ..\:. v ,c, .;,:ti. ,c: \.:,MCj�,.. .:MI,'+C,,. •.:in'•:. ..t,•.,, r'+fi"':x:•.
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Doors open at 8:00 pm - Show starts at 9:00 pm sharp
'8.00 Advance or '10.00 at door, Available from any Lucknow Kinsmen
or call 528-3834 - 528-3108 or 529-3333
DANCE to follow SHOW
Remaining tickets will be sold Thurs.. Oc.t. 28/93 Age of Majority
. Margie's Specialty Shoppe 8 pm 10 pm
Sponsored by TME LIrC KNOW & DISTRICT KINSMEN Proceeds to Community Betterment