HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-10-20, Page 1731. Service Directory We Gear VERTICAL "SLATS" BLINDS coil 1S'T1tt�1Kt1TIC 524 2260 FREE n••.u..,..5.k�rv� 5271224 ESTIMATE`'11,Il/ 482 7615 We CebWHITE CEILINGS 4 j UCCO Or Tile 31: S1 W. 524 2260 FREE ''^• "W •w•^•• —• 52: 1 224 ESTIMATES �� 482 7615 MHW PLUMBING Qualified Licensed Plumber 10 Years Experience Reasonable Rates 24 HOUR SERVICE Michael H. Whitcroft LUCKNOW 528-3407 Dans Repair 8 Service * Steel Roofing & Repairs * Barn Board Replacement * Soffit, Fascia & Eavestroughs * Lightning Rod Repairs and Replacements Free Estimates Dan Schiestel 392-6995 TEESWATER 33. Mleceltaneoue POETRY CONTEST $12,00 in prizes Possible publication. Send one onginal poem 20 lines or less to: Nationa Library Of Poetry, Box 704 -ND. Owings Mills, MD 21117. -42bc 34. Personal ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath of an abortion/emotions you can't explain? Most post-abortal women experience trauma in their lives. Call our 24 - hr. hotline collect, (519) 323-3751 for con- fidential support. —42ar LOOKING FOR COMPANION willing to share golden years, and long days together. I have my own home and everything provided. Would like com- panion with drivers licence. Apply to 13ox 21, Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1RO. -- 42gp HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635: —400 WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada ter companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free information. State age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE IMO. --42bc 31. Service Directory 131iflewater Car. ret' & Tileo��� COMMERCIAL - RFSIDENTIAL • Carpet •Tile • Hardwood • Vinyl • Professional Installations - Large in store stock, carpet & vinyl MARK CHISHOLM GREG HAMILTON 299 Bayfield Rd., Goderich, Ont. N7A 3G8 524-6141 Maclyn Car Oiling /N EW OIL $35.00 + tax DRIPLESS OIL $50.00'+ tax CALL TODAY By Appointment Only. 395-3352. OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK - MON: TO SAT. 1 1/4 Miles north of Amberley, west of Hwy. 21 Quality Corrosion Control Products 36. Announcements 36.;Announcements THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HURON THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF RIPLEY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Huron and The Corporation of the Village of Ripley application will be made to the Lelis ative Asseinbiy-of the -Province -of Ont-atio for an Act, 35. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of ERNEST CARTER SR. who died on the 25 day of September 1993, must be filed with the under- signed on or before the 30th day of November, 1993 atter which date the estate will be distributed having regards Only to the elairns•then filed. Allan Carter, Executor, General Delivery, Formosa, Ontario. NOG 1WO. —40,41,42x '1d i' ���'NliYlilYrf�YNiY►kYY1REtl NOTICE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW Large Item Pick-up Tuesday, October 26193 Have your material out ON THE CURB BEFORE 8:00 A.M. CONDITIONS: NO BRUSH OR LAWN CUPPINGS OR LEAVES NO TIRES NO HAZARDOUS WASTES We encourage residents to help themselves to any items left on the curb., Someone's waste may be your treasure. Residents are advised that. effective January 01, 1994, all items going to the landfill site will be charged the tipping fee in effect at that time. LEAF RAKING First Locknow Pathfinders will rake leaves from your lawn, donation, no set_•price. For bookings call Joanne Atkinson 528-3218 38, Auction Sale REMINDER NOTICE Consignment auction sale of over 100 tractors • farm equipment - misc. items - etc at Brindley Sales Yard Dungannon, Ont. on.. Satrday, Oct. 23, 1993 aV9:30 am sharp See last week's paper for full listing. LATE ADDITIONS: White 262,(4 wheel drive) & loader; MF 265 & cab, (2) new MF 231's; MF 30 & loader; MF 265 & cab; Ford 7700 & cab; Oliver 550 c/w forklift; David Brown 990 & loader, Case 580E 4 WD trac- tor • loader -. backhoe Consignments welcome For further•information call: (519) 529-7625 (Business) (519) .529-7970 (Residence) To enable the proposed Amalgamated Municipality of the Township of Huron and Village of Ripley to contract with Ontario Hydro for the transmission and supply of power to the Amalgamated Municipality or any part thereof -and to permit the direct transmission and sup- ply of, power by Ontario Hydro to that part or area of the proposed .Amalgamated Municipality now known as the Township of • Huron. The application will be considered by the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Any person who has an intertst in the application and who wishes to make submissionS, for or against the application, to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills should notify, in writing, 'the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2. Dated at Waterloo, Ontario this 20th day of October, 1993. ALBERT L. OSTNER, WHITE, JENKINS, DUNCAN & OSTNER Solicitors for the Applicants ' 45 Erb Street East Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4B5 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 20, 1993 - Page 17 38. Auction Sale' SPECIAL Light & heavy Colt & Tack Sale • approx 50, to be held at Lucknow Community Sales Lucknow, Ontario Friday Evening October 29, 1993 7:00 PM 80% Heavy Colts. Approximately 30% Filly Colts. Also Ponies & Riding'Horses. For further information call: 529-762S (Bus.) 529-7970 (Res.) 39. Educational LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South western School of Auctioneering. Nex Class: November 20 - 26. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School o Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. -- 42bc EARN A LIVING PREPARING TAX RETURNS, Basic and Computer Cour- ses by self -study. Free brochure. Call 1- 800 -563 -EARN; fax (204) 254-6172; write: Jacks Institute, 902-167 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B OW 1. --42bc CHEF TRAINING. Full-time 17, week Diploma Programs offbring the best training- in Cooking/Pastry & Desserts. Student, loans and Job Placement. DUBRULLE' FRENCH CULINARY SCHOOL, Vancouver. (604) 738.3155 or 1-800-667-7288. --42bc A NEW CAREER Certificate Income . Tax or Bookkeeping courses by cor- respondence. Free brochures. No • obligation. U & R Tax Services Ltd., 1345' Pembina Hwy , Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 286, 1-800.665-5144. -- 42bc 40. Lost & Found LOST - Dark rimmed reading glasses lost in vicinity of Knechtels, Oct. 9th Call 528-3046. --42 41. To Give Away FREE TO GOOD country home, 2 year old female spayed Lab. Good •family dog. Phone 529-1077. --42x •TO GIVE AWAY, 3 adorable kittens, 2 months old, 1 charcoal, 1 orange and 1 multi - colored. Phone 529-7365. --42 46. In Memorlalp KEMP In memory of our friend Glen Kemp who passed away October 21, 1987. We miss you always. Remembered by the Lanesville Lords. -- 42 AUCTION SALE of household furnishing, snowblower, gun cabinet, numerous other items at Walkerton Agriculture Building Saturday, Oct. 23 at 10 a.m. AUCTIONEERS Charlie Schaefer 881-3232 Allan R. Miller 395-5062 47. Cards Of Thanks QUIRION I would like to thank everyone• for the • beautiful gifts 1' received at my bndal ' shower A special thanks is extended to the ladies who organized the event Chris. --42nx ' BURNS We would like, to thank everyone for their kindness shown at the time • of Jim's passing, for flowers, cards, food brought to the house and for all the help you folks gave. Everything was much appreciated. Eileen and family, Ellen and family and Ada. --42x RICHARDSON Words cannot express the gratitude I have for the excellent care, kind con- sideration and friendship given to my father Bill by the Nursing . Staff, residents and management of Braemar Retirement Centre, Wingham and also Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow. Thank you to friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy on the death of my father, Deepest appreciation to Captain Scott of Wingham Salvation Army for his thoughtful service. Gord. -- 42x PURDON - CLUNEY On September 11th, I enjoyed seeing friends, neighbors 'and relatives • at my Whitechurch shower.' 1 wish to extend my thanks to everyone involved and especially to those who participated in the Whitechurch community gift. Thanks also to those who attended and donated toward our Jack and Jill. My fiance Bruce and I appreciate it and will remember your support in our years ahead. Our sincere thanks, Kendra Purdon and Bruce Cluney. -42x. QUIRION We would like to thank everyone for helping make our wedding day a special one. The generosity shown to us is very much appreciated. Chris and Remi. 42nx - 48. Coming Event BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thurs- day, 7 .p.rrr Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $3450 in prizes $1000.00 Jackpot must go.--15ttar • RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, Octcoer 23 10 am - 5 p m • at the home of Mrs. Jack, McGuire (Huron Autowreckers) 2nd'Conc. Huron Township 1/ males north of Lucknow and 33 miles west. Rain or shine Proceeds for overseas adopted children sponsored by The • Huron ' Bruce Childrens Helpers Donations in. good condition accepted 395.2827,395-4150. --40-42 • LOPS • WEDNESDAY, OCT.•27 At 7:00 p.m. - parent information ses- • sion. Learn about. this •schoolwide problem solving approach "S.T.A.R." - Stop, Think, Act, Review. Guest • speakers. Babysitting provided. --41,42 • HOPE FOR THE ABUSED A "Christian Perspective" .of Recovery for victims of sexual abuse. Insight for those wishing to help and encourage the abuse. victim. Workshop leaders Audrey McRonald and Eleanor Magie. HENDRIKS - Sessions, Fri , Oct. 29, 7 - 9 p m and •c phone 395-5705 In loving memory of our son Peter, Who passed away, October 17, 1980. We think of you in silence,. We often speak your name. We have so many memories,. And your picture in a frame. Our hearts still ache in sadness. In,silence our tears still flow. For what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. Sadly missed by mom, dad, sisters, brothers and farhily,--42nxc KEMP In loving' memory of a dear son, brother and uhcle, Glen Kemp who passed away suddenly 6 years ago on October 21, 1987. What would we give if we could say, • "Hi Glen, how are you today, To hear your voice, to see your smile, - Just to sit and chat awhile, It's lonely here without you Glen, We miss you more each day, For life is not the same tor us, Since you were Called away, They say memories are golden, And well, we guess that is true, But we never wanted memories, We onlywanted you. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Bernice, Gail, Stephen, Gordon, Devin and Cody.--42nxe . • • •-• • --41,42x -3• LCPS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27 At 10:30 a.m - 11.50 am Schoolwide Workshops. Please drop 'in to see children involved in a variety of co- operative activities. --41,42 ST. MARY'S C.W.L. LUCKNOW BAKE SALE AND BAZAAR Saturday, October 23 from 10 a m 2 p.m. at the Church hall --42 COME AND GO SHOWER For Christine Gibson will be held on Saturday, October 23, 9:30 a.m 12 noon at • South Kinloss Church Everyone is invited. --42, "THE DOLL AND I" Show and sale of antique to modern dolls, doll furniture, clothing, acces- sories, teddy boars, complete range of doll making supplies, doll restoration and repairs. Hundreds of items, doll houses and doll house furnishings Lunch room. Don't miss this exciting show) Knights of Columbus'Hall, Hwy 9 South of Walkerton, Sunday, October 31st, 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $3.00. Phone 881-0345,--42,43gp