HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-10-20, Page 1PUBLISHED IN
Wednesday, •
October 20, 1993
G.S.T. Included
will visit
on October 31
Lucknow Village council, at
last week's meeting, discussed
the question of changing the date
for trick or treaters in the vil-
Reeve Stuart Reavie told The
Sentinel that no change will be
made. Halloween will be recog-
nized on Sunday, Oct. 31.
Oct. 31 is also the day we
revert to standard time.
A chance to
play hockey
in Sweden
The manger of The
Heartbreakers, an adult hockey
team based in Winnipeg, is
looking for players to participate
in a recreational tour of Finland
and Sweden this coming season.
Dave Springett is organizing the
March tour and would like to
find some Ontario players to
sign up.
Players are responsible for
their own travel expenses while
the club provides uniforms and
makes all the arrangements.
Players from every province and
from the United States have
participated in the past.
The team is filled on a first
come first serve basis and will
play five no contact exhibition
games during the nine -day tour.
All area players are welcome
and can get more information by
calling' Springett' at 204-694-
LCPS students
for CNIB
The annual area canvass for
the Canadian National Institute
- fvr-the-Blind-gets-underway-in-
Lucknow this week.
Floyd Stanley, principal at
Lucknow Central Public School,
told The Senrtinel that Grade 7
students at the school will once
again canvass for the CNIB. The
campaign gets underway
Thursday, Oct. 21 and will last
for about one week, Mr. Stanley
said. Each student, during the
door-to-door campaign, will be
wearing a badge, that identifies
them as a CNIB canvasser.
The village is divided into
sections and students are given a
designated area to call on. Mr.
" Stanley said if there is no one
home on the first call, the
students will return a second
time. If they still have no luck in
finding someone at home, an
envelope will be left at the door
for a direct mail -in, contribution.
Friday, Oct. 22 is a Profes-
sional Development Day and Mr.
Stanley said children, will be
evident • that day during school
If you have any questions
about students canvassing, feel
free to call the school.
SAMPLING THE WARES: Clint Gunter and Dan McDonagh took time out to sample the apples
they were selling .during the Scouts apple drive last Saturday. Declaring them "mmm good" the
boys continued on their door-to-door campaign. The Scouting association raised close to $600
during the apple and bottle drive to be used towards such things as defraying camp expenses
and leadership registration. (Pat Livingston photo)
Wanted: 'good home for float
by Pat Halpin
WALKERTON--The county float
is looking for a permanent home.
The bronze -colour depiction of a
pioneer and team hauling out a
stump was featured in many
parades and in the courtyard of the
county pavilion at the IPM, and will
be ptit on display at the county of
Bruce Museum in Southampton
over the winter.
At county council's October '12
session, Bruce Township reeve Ron
Andrews said there's "no doubt"
the museum should be the
sculpture's permanent home, while
Brant' reeve Dave Thomson sug-
g est d it could ire-rrrounted--irt--a-
weather-proof display between Park
Street and Highway 4 in front of
the county administration centre in
Walkerton. '
"That's the kind of comment
we're looking for," said paisley
reeve Andy.Cormack in welcoming
the ideas.
It will take more work than an-
ticipated to. install airconditioning
at the Cayley Street complex in
Walkerton and owned by the county
and rented by provincialcourt
The county has hired a consultant
to look into the increased'electrical
service that will be needed before
the improvements can be made.
Cost estimates and schedules are
not -available yet; -but the --shun -
says the extra cost will be covered
by rent and a transfer from reser-
ves, while a new transformer
needed for the electrical upgrade
will take four months' for delivery.
Meanwhile, the county has firmly
declined to help Walkerton with the
cost of reconstruction on Park
Street The finance committee said
it has 'a letter saying the town's
director df public works is "disa-
ppointed" with the county's
decision, but the committee claims
it has no authority to help with
costs for local roads.
There will be.no more elections
for the county highways committee,
but all county committees will have
to elect both a chair and vice -chair
ty----aeeordin g -to -changes- approved -for
the .procedural by-law October 12.
The changes got no debate Tues-
day, but earlier councillors objected
•turn to page 2
Army helps
in time of
by Pat Livingston
The Salvation Army has always
been known as a haven for those in.
need. .
That • 'helping hand', for those
who find themselves in an emergen-
cy situation, is as close as your
phone. The dissolution of the Luck -
now Food Bank and the transfer of
all remaining foods to the Salvation
Army, Wingham, does not mean
there is no where to turn. Captain
Roy Scott, of the Salvation Army
told The Sentinel that Lucknow and
Ripley areas are in "our service
area. We're here to help anybody in
need." The phone number of the
Salvation Army is 3V-1951.
Captain Scott said emergency
situations arise for. people in instan-
ces such as late arrival of UIC or
social assistance cheques. "We're
here to help, but don't want people
to becomedependent upon the
Salvation Army." In .instances.
where the emergency situation
appears to be an on-going problem,.
Captain Scott, said they look at the
family's circumstances and offer
help in other ways. Perhaps through
budget counselling or meeting with
the family's social worker to find
other alternatives.
Captain Scott said he hopes to
have a local contact to work as an
agent for the Salvation Army, and
is aiming for November to have
such. a person in place.
With Christmas on the horizon,
The Salvation Army woald be most
grateful for donations of food, cash
and toys, particularly toys for the
older age group, said Captain Scott.
Water is
as key issue
by David Wood
At'a public meeting in Walkerton
last Wednesday, a draft report was
presented that identifies key issues
that -the --public and -municipalities -
want addressed in a new official
plan for Bruce County.
John Kennedy, a consultant who
prepared the report, told a small
public group, made up mostly of
members of Walkerton council, that
water was the key issue identified
bythe public.
Later in response to a question
regarding the future urban sprawl of
Walkerton, he said that it does not
appear to be an issue addressed in
the report.. "We did not receive a
tot of comments regarding that in
our public meetings in Walkerton or
Kincardine," said Kennedy in reply
to counsellor Eldon Yundt's ques-
tion. "It does not seetn to be a
burning issue." •
The report, called . Issues Iden-
tification Phase - Issues Report, was
drawn up from numerous question-
naires from the public and
municipalities. There arc four
general areas regarding environ-
ment, physical, economic and social
issues that will be considered when
county council enters the next phase
of revising the plan.
•turn to page 2
Approves zoning amendment
TOWNSHIP - At the Oct. 5
meeting of West Wawanosh
Township council a public meeting
was held to consider a proposed
zoning bylaw amendment to change
the zoning on Part of lot 15, Con-
cession 8.
Following discussion, council
passed the bylaw amending the
property from Natural Environment
to Natural Environment ' Special,
which restricts any building being
Peter Lantinga approached council
seeking advice and assistance with
regard to a neighboring swine
operation which is causing him
annoyance due to offensive odor.
Mr. Lantinga was.inforrned that the
operation is not illegal in any aspect
at this point in time.
Council voted in favor of
.donating the proceeds from the sale course. Mrs. Cere will also be
of souvenirs at the Lucknow Fall reimbursed the tuition fee paid for
Fair to the Lucknow Agricultural attendance at the Municipal Ad -
Society. ministration course in Brussels.
Twenty shirts will be donated to Council recommended that the
the Dungannon Agricultural Society . Joint recreation committee proceed
to be ,used as prizes at the up- with repairs to the Lucknow swim -
coming Hallowe'en dance. ming pool.
Business Computer Services in' The bylaw providing for the
London will have .the contract for transfer, maintenance, management
processing the 1994 taxation infor- and control of the Bethel Cemetery,
mation and notices. by the Amish Mennonite Com-
J.A. McBride, P.Eng., of Maitland munity, under the Cemeteries Act
Engineering Services, Wingham was passed.
was appointed to act on behalf of The, reeve and clerk were
the municipality in providing authorized to sign an agreement
professional services fpr the repair between Harold Glenn, Ronald
and altering of the Murray drainage MacCrostie and Ross. and Lois
works. Durnin. This agreement allows Mr.
Council agreed to pay the tuition Glenn to put gravel and till on an
and text book cost incurred ,by the unopened. road allowance to give
clerk's assistant, Jane Cere, to him acceis to his landlocked
attend the Municipal Administration property.