HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-10-13, Page 23Birds and beef go hand in hand
Ask Ontario farmers if wildlife
and agriculture are compatible, and
you'll get answers ranging from
lukewarm to only slightly enthusias-
tic. Farmers agree that wild animals
and wildlife habitat are important
elements in our environment... `but,
a farm is a place where people
grow food to make a living. A
provincial park is maybe a better
place for wildlife.'
Ask the same question of Gil
Henderson, and you'll get a dif-
ferent answer. "We work with the
wildlife here. We don't see any big
conflict. Over the years we've had
to adjust our farming practices
slightly to accommodate wildlife,
but it's not a problem."
Henderson owns Onondaga
Farms, a registered polled Hereford
operation near St. George, Ontario.
Breeding stock from his owned and
leased thousand acre farm have an
excellent reputation across Canada
Many of Henderson's wildlife -
friendly farming practices are things
any farmer could do. He stands
large round bales on end in his
ponds to serve as man-made nesting
islands for waterfowl. He has been
cooperating with a local senior
citizens group who build wood
duck nesting boxes and mount them
on trees close to his ponds. This
year, he started to delay mowing
until ground nesting birds have
safely taken their young broods off
the nest and he didn't clip his pas-
tures until mid July.
When early haying is necessary,
he has another alternative. In '1990,
he began working with Ducks Un-
limited in the design and construc-
tion of a flushing bar which mounts
on the front of haying equipment to
scare hens off their nests so they
aren't killed by the mower. The
prototype was built in his own farm
shop with help from Ducks Un-
limited staff. He feels the flushing
bar is an excellent way of saving
hens, and it's something any farmer
can custom -build in his own shop
to fit his own equipment.
The flushing bar project wasn't
Henderson's first acquaintance with
Ducks Unlimited. In 1976, he ap-
proached the conservation company
with a request for engineering assis-
tance in putting control structures in
some of the creeks and drainage
systems on his land so he could
create new ponds and improve his
existing wetlands. Unlike most
farmers who drain water off the
land, Henderson felt that more
water on the property would benefit
the beef herd, the overall farming
operation as well as wildlife and the
He started damming natural
waterways in 1960. By 1976, when
he called in Ducks Unlimited en-
gineers, he had successfully created
a dozen ponds by himself. With the
assistance of Ducks Unlimited he
improved several of the original
projects and added another 23 struc-
tures. He has now restored or en=
hanced a total of 35 wetlands on
the farm.
The ponds not only replenish
local aquifers and provide a reliable
source of water for livestock, they
also host a variety of birds. The
short version of the Onondaga bird
Time to collect plot yields
The Huron and Perth Soil Crop
Improvement Associations will be
collecting variety plot yield data to
score varieties. The Association has
a new computer prdgram to sum-
marize yield, moisture, standability
data and also if the plot was no -till
or conventional. The summary
report will be available at the an-
nual meeting.
The more locations in which a
variety was tried, the better your
chances of picking a super star for
planting in future years. You can
help score. this year's winners by
sending in your variety plot results.
Deadline is Nov. 19.
In past' years, seed corn dealers
have been very co-operative in
sending in trial results. Please check
with your dealer about sending in
your results. Remember to include
the township in which the plot was
grown and if the plot was no -till.
Send the trials to Harriet Shil-
linglaw, R.R. 1, Londesboro, NOM
2H0 or to the Clinton or Stratford
OMAF 'office.
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list includes mallard, wood duck,
hooded merganser, .sandhill crane,
egret, wild turkey and a pair of
trumpeter swans brought to the
farm by the Ministry of Natural
Resources for breeding. The trum-
peter swans successfully raised five
young birds this year.
Onondaga Farms and Ducks Un-
limited are now making plans to
expand their 17 year relationship.
Ducks Unlimited recently an-
nounced a new conservation far-
ming program called Ontario Land
CARE (Conservation of Agricul-
ture, Resources and the Environ-
This six million dollar initiative is
designed to help farmers make
improvements to their operations so
they are more productive, and at the
same time beneficial to wildlife. Gil
Henderson has been doing that very
thing since 1960, starting without
incentives or technical assistance.
It's only natural that he will be
involved with Ontario Land CARE.
After all, he has proven that
Wildlife fit in as well on the farm
as they do in a provincial park.
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 13, 1993 - Page 23
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Since 1981 the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards Program has recognized the
best in Ontario's youth. With help from each of these communities we have been
privileged to acknowledge some of their outstanding young citizens.
We're looking for the
Is there one in your community? Do you know... a young person aged 6 to 18 years, who is
involved in worthwhile community service or a special person who is contributing while
living with a physical or psychological limitation... a youth who has performed an act of
heroism... someone whose name should to be added to this list of distinguished young
citizens, as a 1993 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year?
1981 Amber Anderson, 10, Parry Sound. Linda Anne
.Angus, 9, Cornwall. Rodney Barkley, 15, Williamsburg.
Omer Belisle, 11, Nipigon.Jo-Anne Emerson, 11, Parry
Sound. Trevor Hehn, 11, Pembroke • Sean Hovington, 14,
Pickering • Roy Martel, 15, Pickering.Steven Rollason, 11, "
Ilderton..Kelly Kirkham, 18, Elmira.Jod Rowan, 17,
Scarborough .Angus Warner, 17, Hamilton
1982 Lisa Andreassi, 13, Seaforth .Steven Barkley, 9,
Winchester. Patrick Carter, 15, Newmarket. Leah
Chorniak, 8, Brantford . Tim Christo, 15, Norwich .Annie
Janzen, 12, Stratton • Jose Madeiroe, 18, Toronto. Frank
Meyer, 18, Mississauga. Chantal Michaud, 13, Mattawa.
Faith Swann, 18, Mississauga . Brenda Vines, 18, Elmira.
Hack Waldon, 8, Thunder Bay
1983 Michael Brvggeman, 12, Pickering. Victor Define,
17, Worthington . Ronald Fontaine, 13, Port Colborne.
Melissa Howes, 12, Dalkeith • Bobby Inglis, 15, Kingston.
Douglas Irvine, 14, Uxbridge .Greg DeJong, 10, Iroquois.
Anthony Langsford, 15, Kingston • Michael Hall, 18, Sault
Ste. Marie. Eugene Mclnnis, 11, Iroquois.John
Richthammer, 17, Red Lake • Bobby Sedore, 10, Roblin.
Bruce Vandennolen, 15, Jarvis. David Vandermolen, 14,
Jarvis • Jason Weissbock, 4, Becton .Group Award: Eric
Farqhar, 13; Colin Lackner, 12; Jim Legge, 12; Stephen
Whitney, 12, Waterloo
1984 lion Bergsma, 15, Pembroke.Andrew Black, 12,
Priceville.Malcolm Black, 15, Priceville.Devid Howe, 18,
Trenton . Brenda Kristensen, 16, Oativille.Stephanie
LaForce, 12, Gananoque . Ryan Lewortby, 8, Milton . KeIIi
McGee, 16, Pott Elgin . Christine Nicholas, 17, Campbellford
.Jeff Parker, 7, Holstein .Kimberley Scobie, 12, Renfrew.
Sherry -Lynn Scobie, 8, Renfrew *Stuart Smith, 9, Renfrew.
Stephen_Turner,_L2,Renfrew_.-Riscylla_Walsh,_J 2 Utterton .
Group Awards: Clarkson Secondary School; Gananoque
Secondary School
1985 Cory Bendszak, 11, Windsor . David Brown, 8,
London . Kevin Button, 11, Stoney Creek • Kristopher
Button, 8, Stoney Creek. Kyle Button, 6, Stoney Creek.
Jennifer Geer, 11, Prince Albert .Darcy Metzger, 18,
Waterloo . Casey Monson, 7, Collingwood • Kevin
Peltomaki, 12, Huntsville .Sherry Peltomaki, 12, Huntsville.
Eddie Richards,•13, Demorestville.Diane Salter, 13,
Enterprise. Julie Salter, 14, Enterprise. Reginald Topping,
15, Windsor. Lauren Vancaeyzeele, 10, Newmarket
Group Award: W.J. Wood Vocational School, Mississauga
1986 Rivet Brown, .13, Paris . Jeffery Challe, 13,
Brantford. Maria Dalton, 18, Goderich . Mark Falzon,
14, Markham . Karen Goodfellow, 17•, Toronto. Melissa
Anne Hague, 16, Lakefield . Barry McArthur, 18, Corrie
.Janell Roth, 15, Tavistock • Rita Rudolph, 1I,
Hepworth . Carol Wood, 18, Newmarket
Group Award: South Fredericksburg Teen Committee
1987 Jena Bellisle, 14, Combermere *Geoff •
Carnegie, 14, Listowel . Joshua Davis, 10, Burlington .
Ryan Giddy, 12, Fergus. Brad Hattie, 9, Napanee •
Janice Johnston, 17, Oakville • Lisa Kuenzig, 18,
Teeswater . Susan Mitchell, 16, Bracebridge • Jeff
Phaneuf, 16, Tilbury .Yvette Pritchard, 14, Combermere
• Randy Thibeault, 16, Foleyet
Group Award: The Merry Mates, Mount Forest
1988 Douglas Anderson, 9, Lindsay • Christine
Barber, 16, Cambridge • Colleen Beattie, 13, Pefferlaw .
Nancy Featherston, 18, Hagersville . Tammilyn Leslie,
13, Millgrove . Brad Park, 14, Dungannon • Joe Philion,
15, Cumberland Beach . Melissa Rogers, 9, Sarnia.
Hannah Schoch, 17, Scarborough • Ian Shire, 7, Inverary
.Lara Wakegijig, 10, Wikwemikong.Group Award:
Andrea Drouin, 18; Nicky North, 16; Sayelle Plunkett,
18; Michelle Renaud, 13, Guelph
1989 Kurtis Arnold, 11, Essex • Trevor Beattie, 18,
Kemptville • Lance Benns, 18, Huntsville . Georgina
Blanas, 18, Tottenham .Chad Hamelin, 12, Barrie.
Roma -Lynn Kennedy, 17, Rockwood • Eric Larocque,
12, L'Orignal • Crystal Lavigne, 17, Val Caroti .
Jessica MacDougall, 17, Amherstburg e Andrea Joy
Ou-Hingwan, 16, Don Mills • Kerrie Ann Slesser, 7,
Tiverton . Debra Surman, 18, Nestleton
1990 Brad Adams, 14, Caledonia • Alison Agar, 9,
Fort Frances . John Angus, 18, Fort Frances . Scott
Douglas, 15, Caledonia • Kathleen O'Connor, 18,
Mississauga • David Richardson, 17, Orleans . Kathryn
Rutherford, 18, Thunder Bay .Jason Schriver, 8,
Oshawa • Matti Service, 8, Eganville • Scott Stoppard,
13, Hanover . Jennifer Walsh; 17, New Liskeard
Group Award: Haven House Hotline Teens, Mindemoya
1991 Patrick Anderson, 11, Fergus .Angela •
Donaldson, 10, Harriston . Sarah Kinsley, 13, London .
Ina Kota, 18, Oakville . Charles MacDonald, 18,
Prescott • Mark Montpetit, 10, Belle River • Christopher
Purvis, 11, Gore Bay • Dillon Smith, 9, Devlinn .
Jason Stewart, 16, Powassan . Joseph Stewart, 14,
Hamilton • Samantha Therrien, 14, Mattawa • Jennifer
Wesley, 13, Moosonee
Group Award: The Beehive, Niagara -On -The -Lake
1992 Donny Aiken, 15, Red Lake • Tuvia Borok, 14,
Richmond Hill . Laura Fisher, 10, Alvinston . Tom Hass,
17, Eganville • Chandra Hunter, 18, Whitby • Jessi-
Anne Irvine, 12, Ridgeway . Jinene Iversen, 17,
Copetown . Ron Kirkland, 12, Kitchener. Allain
Lauzon, 17, Timmins • Missy Little, 18, St. Marys . •
Jessica Manley,' 16, Kingston . Jay Poitras, 15, Stoney
Group Award: Thessalon Public School
For more information or to obtain a nomination form please contact this community
newspaper. Nominations for the 1993 awards will be accepted until October 31, 1993.
The Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards Program Is coordinated by the Ontario
Community Newspapers Association with financial assistance provided by Bell Canada