HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-10-13, Page 22Page 22 - Luc.know Sentinel, Wednesday, October 13. 1993 47. Cards Of Thanks 47. Cards Of Thanks CARD OF THANKS To all the supporters and sponsors of the 1993 International Plowing Match Farm Machinery Show and Country Living Exposition in Bruce County a special arid sincere thanks to each and every Individual who assisted in making this great event a reality and a success Thanks to the large number of peopye who worked so long and so hard to plan for and host the 1993 Match in Bruce County Thanks to the landowners who made it all possible Thanks to the service clubs, fraternal organizations, clubs, groups and Individuals who assisted prior to and during the week of the Match in selhng.ot promotion ileitis, parking cars, driving tractors and wagons. operating the gates, operating the lounge and help- ing in the many "behind the scenes" jobs Thanks to the Bruce. County Council and the County of Bruce, the municipalities, companies, groups and individuals for their finan- cial support and donations of goods and services to the Local Committee and to the many individual committees. Thanks as well to the "Township of Brant and the Town of Walkerton for their generous hosting of the Awards Banquet on Friday, September 24th Thanks to those who supplied their equipment, tractors, wagons, vans, trucks, trailers, A.TV.'s and tools for use at the Match. Thanks to the talented musicians. and entertainers for making our Special Events so•much fun and enjoyable. Thanks to the many Bruce County residents .who took the time and spent the money to beautify their properties and helped to show- case Bruce County in 1993 Thanks to the Media - the newspapers,.. the radio and television stations - for their excellent coverage of all the events and activities lead- , ing up to the Match, and 'during the Match itself. Thanks to the over 800 exhibitors who supported the Match by making their displays so interesting, colourful and in many cases "news- . worthy" Thanks to the farm machinery dealers in Bruce County and the sur- . rounding counties for their support of "Machines in Motion" and -ensuring that all the major machinery.companies were represent - .ed in the Tented City Our Match began with an interdenominational church service in Formosa which affirmed the spirit of this great community effort, Many people prayed for good weather and good fellowship during the Match, and we would like to thank God for answering our. prayers. The Local Organizing Committee for the 1993 International Plowing Match, Farm Machinery Show & Country. Living Exposition 48. Coming Event HURON1BRUGE SWINGERS Modern Square dancing, starting Wed- nesday, 'Oct. 6 at Brookside' School from 8 p.m..- 10,:30 p.m. Beginners welcome. Partners not required; 40,41 gp LC PS WEDNESDAY, OCT, 27 At 7:00 p m .1 parent information ses- sion. Learn about this schoolwide, problem solving approach "S.T.A.R," - Stop, Think,. Act, Review. Guest speakers. Babysitting provided. -:41,42 II you own ecologically valuable land. and would like it to stay that way, we can help. 11 li NATURE CONSERVANCY 1)1 r •\\ \I b\ Stewardships Easements Purchases Gifts Bequests I he N .,tun 1 n ,'rv,rta ,, 1 C .rn•rdn :••i IA Broads to ,- Ave 1„r„nh, l,. • A1.1 .'•r'T 141E 4,) 1"01 i ONTARIO . JUNIOR CITIZEN, OF THE YEAR • l AWARDS • We're looking for the "good kids" 'of Ontario Contact this community • newspaper for details. Deadline for nominations is October 31`t, 1993, Mignon. Be" No -till cropping has advantages . No-tillcropping hok many ad- vantages for use on the farm today. Not only does it save time by reducing tillage hours, but it also saves on fuel costs and reduces soil compaction. No -till breaks the soil open by use of a coulter directly in front of the. seeding units. This means that the ground is opened only seconds before the seed is planted and thus reduces moisture loss due to the soil being open and exposed for short periods of time. Because you do not need to plough or cultivate before planting with no -till, soil moisture is retained and the time previously spent on tillage can now be spent working at other farm duties. Less fuel is used on the farm due to fewer passes, also reducing compaction. By not working the soils prior to planting the potential for soil erosion is greatly reduced as the soil is not as exposed to the elements, and crop residue cover holds the soil in place. Crops can be planted directly into the residue of the previous crop, - using the no -till method, even only a short time after the harvest. This holds a great advantage when plan- ting winter grain crops. During the busy harvest season crops can be planted no -till in a minimal amount of time, as compared to conven- tional methods. As well no -till equipment can be used with small tractors leaving larger machinery available for the harvest. With soil erosion being such a problem in this area of southern Ontario, there has been a move towards conservation tillage prac- tices. No -till is one of these prac- tices that greatly contributes to the reduction of soil erosion. By limiting the amount of soil tilled to only a small trench into which the seed is placed, no -till leaves very little soil susceptible to erosion. Because no -till goes directly into crop residues, the residue cover helps to hold the soil in place. No - till planting is not only a time saving method, but also a good means of preventing soil erosion. Recycle those pesticide containers this week Fifty-one sites across Southern Ontario will' accept empty agricul- tural and commercial pesticide containers for recycling during the weeks of Oct. 12 to 15 and Oct. 18 to 22. The collections are a part of a joint industry -government program to recycle the empty con- tainers. In this area pesticide containers meeting the criteria may be taken to the Lucknow and District Co- operative during regular business hours between Oct. 12 and 15. Only clean,'triple or jet -rinsed and emptied plastic and metal agricul- tural and commercial containers will pass inspection and be accepted at the sites. Clean containers meet Ontario standards for non -hazardous waste, and reduce the cost of recycling. During the June collection over 104,000 containers were delivered to the various sites. Plastic containers, up to 23 litres, will be chipped, and metal con- tainers, 20 litres or less, will be crushed for recycling. The con- tainers will be shipped for proces- sing into rural end-useproducts, such as plastic fence posts. • L` ATTENTION SNOWBIRDS It's that time of year again! • We .specialize in out of country Health Insurance ncrea! U tarn Please Call Today! WAYNE McDONAGH Life Insurance 528-2274 528-2031 (Home) 529-3333 SALTFORD - Colborne Township "CHRISTMAS' COUNTRY FAIR” Me Original Western Ontario Craft, Show to promote Craftsmen and a Community. Sponsored by Blue Water'Chapter - Order of the Eastern Star #284, Goderich SATES:Friday, October 22nd, 1993 - 10:00 (1.in. 'to 9:00 p.m Saturday, October' 23rd, 1993 - 10:00 a.tn. to 5:00 p,m. Sunday,. October 24th, 1993 - 12:00 noon to 5 p.m. PLACE: SALTFORD VALLEY HALL 1, kni. north, of .Goderich East off Fiighwoy 21 For further, information contact: DONNA CR'AWI'ORI) R.R. 4, Grxle>rich. C)ntrrrio N7A 3Y1 Phone (5 l')J 524 8038 MEALS & REFRESHMENTS SERVED 4 *DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION: Adults 'POO Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult In the Huron'County area a no -till program has been established by the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. The program offers a Great Plains solid stand ten foot no - till drill to farmers for planting plots of up to ten acres in size. The drill is also equipped with a native grass seed box for underseeding. The equipment is delivered to the farm by a staff member who will go over its operation as well as set it up at the desired rates for plan- ting. The farmer is required to have his own tractor of at least 60 horse power to do the planting and there is a twenty five ($25.00) dollar service charge on the drill for ten acre plot. The no -till drill will be available this fall for anyone wishing to plant up to 10 acres of winter wheat. Interested farmers can call Chris Hoskins or Ron Strome at the Mait- land Valley Conservation Authority in Wroxeter at (519) 335-3557. If you are looking for a way to save time and reduce fuel costs, soil compaction and erosion, then no -till is definitely worth a try. Input needed for directory FBruce County OMAF ARM REPORT r. emmirue • The Grey Bruce Commu n Information Directory Committe is creating an Information Directory geared to help increase awar:.ucss and networking among service providers. This directory will also provide answers to questions about • services needed by the public in Grey and .Bruce Counties. If i you are interested in getting involved or have questions that need to be answered we need your input. A meeting has been set for Oct. 19, 8:00 p.m. at the Walkerton -Library. This is your personal in- vitation to attend. BVD INFORMATION MEETING A Bovine Virus Diarrhea (BVD) information meeting has beenset for Nov. 4,.at 8:00 p.m., t be held at the Paisley Community Centre. This meeting is being sponsored by the South Bruce Cow -Calf Club, Bluevale man has top lean yielding steer A very successful Huron County Beef Carcass competition concluded with 1.1T` ducatiTmal meting ib Seaforth an Sept. 29. Beef producers 'had the opportunity to team about lean yield, dressing per cent, average fat, grade fat,' etc. through pictures and figures. . Thirty-eight animals were graded at Dorr Brothers in Stoney Creek: The average carcass Weight was 727 16s. with a rib -eye arca of 13.95 square inches, average fat of 11. 2 mm and a per cent lean yield of 59 per cent. Per cent lean yield is the amount of lean meat that a carcass will, yield. As within the industry, the carcasses varied in lean yield from 46 per cent to 67 per cent. To a packer this represents quite a difference in the amount of meat they have to sell. The top lean yielding steer v'as a Charolais Angus entered by Darren Johnston of Bluevale. This steer had a lean yield of 66.5 per cent and rib -eye arca of 18 square inches. This heifer was a Belgium Blue, Limousin cross animal_ Both animals were born and raised on their respective farms. Complete results from the competition are available from the OMAF office Clinton.