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This group shot shows some of the guests and their attendants. Lynda Is the front row, third
from the left. Her attendant, Sandy, Is the lady on the far right in the back row. The gentleman
in the front row was a former disc jockey at Wingham when he was 23 years old. He now lives
In Toronto, as does Lynda.
Dream comes true
was a thrill
of a
by Pat Livingston
A two-week sailing trip aboard
the Lutgerdina was "heavenly" for
37 -year-old Lynda McQuillan, of
Toronto. Lynda, formerly of Kin-
loss Township, was disabled with
cerebral palsy at a young age.
Her dream, to experience what
some of her brothers feel about
sailing, came true with the adven-
ture arranged through the March of
Dimes. The Lutgerdina, a 110 ft.
double -masted clipper ship was
built in 1897, and was completely
refitted in 1979 as an accessible •
teaching sailboat for persons with
disabilities. Cruising Holland's
historic waterways from Amsterdam
to the north, an active, fun holiday
is a unique opportunity for people
with a variety of disabilities to learn
how to sail.
Lynda's original attendant was, at
the last minute, unable to accom-
pany her. A family friend, Sandy
Skrien, willingly stepped in to fill
the void. Sandy said it was "an
incredible experience for me."
The Lutgerdina, navigated by a
crew of four, was home to eight
people with disabilities and six
attendants for nine days, as they
Rates Effective Mon., July 19; 1993
Lucknow Phone 528-2213
. ,sszu
PAUL /INN 528824+1
PALMERSTON ST. - 4 bedroom
brick large landscaped lot ,walkput
basement garage shows well
12 ACRES - borders on 9 Mile River
near Lucknow. mixed bush building
site 539 000
KINLOSS - 3'bedroom bungalow on
4 acre treed lot overlooking Dixies
creek Secluded setting '105,000
150 ACRE DAIRY - 36 ties 3 silos.
excellent •4 bedroom brick house.
treed setting
200 ACRES - Ashfield. 180 work-
able, 3 bedroom home, beef & hog
barns, shed
3 BEDROOM bungalow family room
addition oil heat 82 1 2 x 132' 101
$68 000
STONE SCHOOL - 3 bedroom
maple floorsgetDf and windows
full attic 3 4 acre lot $59 000 •
ASHFIELD - 1 8 acres superb 1533
sq tt bungalow. basement family
room 24' x 48' shop
2 STOREY, 4 bedroom home on
quality hill new kitchen nice wood-
work 589.000
ASHFIELD - 2.400 sq ft bungalow
4 bedrooms. unfrnish.ed. basement,
workshop 2 car garage fenced yard
with pond
TURNBERRY - 99 acres, 4 bdrm
brick. 55 x 45 barn. 85 workable.
N. DELHI - 1' yr old bungalow. 3
bedrooms. 2 car garage. 1 acre lqt
552,000 - 3 bedroom 1, : storey with
carport. new windows, priced to seli
bdrm. bungalow close to downtown
Residential - Farm - Commercial
Lynda MCQUIIIin In her wet suit
sailed and stopped over at various
small ports. The rest of the time
was spent on the Robinson Crusoe
Island, 10 miles south of -Amster-
dam. It is a recreation area•
comprised of five lakes, canals,
waterways, islets and nature reser-
ves. It is operated by Holland's
Aquatic Sports Foundation for the
Disabled, which also owns. the
Lutgerdina and the Zonnetij; an
accessible catamaran day sailer.
Sandy said, "Lynda is an amazing
woman. She is a very independent
lady, who was at first concerned
that she couldn't take her electric
wheel chair with her, and would
have to rely on someone to push
her in a manual chair. Lynda tried
with a guide from JOS Sailing.
everything on the trip including
physically sailing the Lutgerdina.
She actually waterboard skied, and
.canoed for four hours, resulting 'in
blisters to her hands." Expert
training in the independent
operation of accessible trimarans,
sailboats, canoes, kayaks, row
boats, motorboats and sail boards is
offered on the island. Wet suits and
fishing are also available.
Sandy gave high praise to the
crew. "They gave 125 per cent of
themselves to the guests."
For Lynda the 14 -day adventure
was a thrill of a lifetime; one she
will review often in hermind and
through photos.
McQuails attend Quaker Gathering
The McQuail family from
Lucknow recently returned from
Stillwater, Oklahoma, where in
early July they. attended a gathering
of over 1,250 Quakers (members of
the Religious Society of Friends).
These Friends came together
from 44 states; three Canadian
provinces, Australia, Scotland,
Lithuania and Cost Rica. During the
week-long gathering 60 workshops
were given on a variety of subjects
from Quakerism to re-examining
the Bible, from concerns on unity
with nature to the use of laughter in
our lives, and envisioning future
Quaker action to singing with joy.
Rachel and Katrina McQuail
participated in the junior gathering
which was held for pre-schoolers
throughirhigh school students. There
were a total of 156 young Friends
who participated in classes and
activities. The 91 high schoolers
attended their own workshops
which ranged ' in content from
conflict and community, to theater.
The theme of this gathering was
Riding the Wind of Spirit.
Oklahoma is the home of 37 Native
American Nations and the theme
acknowledged their spirituality
which is closely tied to the natural
Speakers at the plenary sessions.
included Alan Kolp, former dean of
Earlham School of Religion, and
Quaker author Margaret Hope
Bacon, who reflected on "Springs
of the Spirit" for Lucretia Mott
(1793-1880). Mott was a woman
who followed clear leadings in her
efforts to abolish slavery, to get fair
treatment for Native Americans and
in her work in the early women's
rights and peace movements.
Thomas Banyacya of Arizona
brought the group Hopi prophecies
which call human beings to live in
harmony with the earth and at
Central Vac Installation
New Services
Rewiring of ekisting
houses, garages, barns.
New lighting fixtures,
decorative receptacle
and light switches
peace with each other.
At the final meeting for Worship
several Friends spoke out of the
gathered silence. Tony McQuail
shared a message, which built on an
earlier one, to love our neighbors.
"To love our neighbors as ourselves
we must first know and love and
accept ourselves. As we share love
in our worship, workshops and with
family and Friends, old and new,
we tap into the spring and fall the
reservoirs of love within us. Let us
live love as we go forth from this
gathering to love our neighbors," he
The Gathering location changes
each year. Plans are being made to
hold it in. Southern Ontario in 1996.
The McQuails are members of the
Lucknow Friends Worship Group
which meets in the Lucknow and
Wingham area, and they are looking
forward to having the Gathering in
their region,
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