HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-07-14, Page 20,r
Page 20 -'Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 14, 1993
Alesha Moffat passes
WEBER Clare and Fay. of,
B e!grave welcome with love their
daughter, $rittany Cara Myrtle,
horn on July 4, 1993 at Wingham
and District •Hospital, weighing 8
lbs, Proud grandparents are Orland
and Myrtle Irwin and Ruby Weber.
t)oR5CHT - Benjamin is pleased
to announce the safe arrival of his
sister, Shaelene Leona Irene, born
in Clinton Public Hospital, on June
ltl, 1993. Proud parents are Don
and Teto. Spoiling privileges go to
jinn and Yvonne Sinnett and Gerry
and Irene Dorscht.
BYE:R - Dan and Mary of R,R. 2,
,tcknow, are pleased to announce
rhe birth of their daughter, Annie,
oh July 6, 1993, at Wingham and,
District Hospital. Annie, who
weighed 7 lbs., 11 oz., is a wee
sister for Mosie, Martha,• and
R '+ cca.
Allan Girvin Eadie, formerly of
Holyrood, received his Masters of
. Science degree from the University
of Guelph on June 4, 1993. His
thesis research was involved with.
weed management in conservation
tillage crop production systems.
Allan received his B.Sc.(Agr.)
degree from the University of
Guelph in 1988. Allan is the son of
Doris Eadie of Wingham and the
late Lorne Eadie. He has been
employed by Hoechst Canada Inc.,
since 1991 where be conducts
research with crop protection
products. Allan currently lives in
Guelph with his wife Brenna.
Deer, Alberta was the selling of a
double -ring . ceremony uniting
Candice Ann, daughter of Stanley
and Ann Sweezey, Smithers,.B.C.
and William Pentland, son of
Ruth and the late Allan Farrell,
Huron Township on April 10,
1993. Guests were in attendance
from .Ontario, Saskatchewan,
British Columbia, Saudi Arabia
and Alberta
Lottery winners
. Recent winners in the Ripley and
District Lions cash calendar draw
were: Gordon and Marina Cameron,
Ripley; Susan Cooke, R.R. 2,
Auburn; Fraser and ' Dorothy
Lamont, Tiverton; F. Bullivant,
Southampton; M. Wachznuik,
Hamilton, and John Gowing, Tiver-
ton with $50 each. The $100 winner
was Hamilton. Fuels, Lucknow..
Grade 8 piano exam
Congratulations to Alesha Moffat,
who passed her Grade 8 piano with
the Royal Conservatory of Music.
Alesha is a pupil of Donalda Mof-
Birthday wishes go .out to Cliff
Kilpatrick who is celebrating his
80th birthday July 17.
There were six tables of shoot in
play at the Drop in Centre on July
by Mildred [ores
Eppie Lawrence and Jim Er-
rington took the high spots, with
Mary Lavis and,Herb McQuillin in
low- positions. Andy Scott had the
most shoots.
Loree family welcomes 235
to reunion over the weekend
From live provinces and eight
different stales, members of the
Loree faintly gathered in Lucknow
this past weekend at the home of
Bruce and Barb Willits. They
started arriving Wednesday, even
though the official opening was 4
p.m. Friday afternoon. _
It was around 1975 that. Blair
•Loree of Manitoba started working
on the family tree and in 1978 he
hosted. the first reunion at his home.
for all descendants of John Loree,
who had arrived at Long Island,
New York, in 1675. Since that time
reunions have been held every three
years in Nanton, Alberta; Guelph,
Ontario; . 'Ludington, Michigan;
Justice; Manitoba and Lucknow.
Except fora "hurricane" that went
through as everyone was lining up
for supper Friday evening, the
weather was excellent for the entire
week -end.
This year's chairman, Austin
Loree, welcomed everyone . and
conducted .a program of sing songs
and skits Friday evening, with a
bon fire and fireworks to conclude
the evening.
Breakfasts were served both
Saturday and Sunday mornings,
games for both children and adults,
history and family tree updates
were presented for those interested
and the pool was a popular place.
Saturday evening a banquet• was
held at the Community Centre with
a. short program and dance fol-
lowing. •
Sunday morning . there. was an
informal church service with Rev.
Bert Loree of London bringing the
message. ..
Everyone joined together on the
front lawn for picture taking, before
enjoying a barbecue lunch at noon.
The banner was lowered at 2 p.m.
to close off another successful.
Approximately 235 people were
present and Lucknow received a lot
of compliments on its town, the
friendliness of the people, and its
facilities. The enthusiastic, efficient
committee took their responsibilities
seriously and are to be commended
for an excellent job .Of .canying
them out.
Family history unveiled.
at Wall family reunion
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Hot Summer Savings
July 15th to 24th
BUTLER 89 H.P. • 1.391ourthht i h�� • �l�'ah S.�u��
('()LG VI'E ti E�"I'E.a
Baking ��rd t I4.L 1Ld
loot l),tstc r '� 11I� X3.29
(lel 1..89
13ar Soap • Marshmallows,
More than 160 attended the. Wall conducted, Plans were made for.the
Reunion held in the air conditioned next reunionto be held at the same
.Wingham Armories on July 4, • place on the second Sunday in July
hosted by. Gordon and , Marjorie 1995 with Grant -and Beth Wall as.
Wall. Lunch • .committee was the host family: Officers named
Florence Fry and Marjorie Wall. were Ken Wall,. president; Karen
The highlight of this reunion was Ribey, Secretary; Bernice Glenn,
the unveiling of the Wall Family . treasurer; lunch committee Jean
History! Descendants of Moses' Thompson and Donna Stobo.
Wall and Ellen Greene 1806-1992." The sports committee of ,Donna
A •Skit, depicting the- Moses Wall Needham and Mary Simpson gave
family was presented by Gordon out prizes to the oldest man Harry
Wall (Moses), Marjorie Wall (E` Wall, the oldest lady Elva Need -
lien) and their family ,of 10 David ham, youngest child Patricia Wall,
(Joseph), Cora Thompson (Anna corning the farthest Joyce (Wall)
Morgan), Elmer (William), Doris and Glenn Carlson and daughter
Needham (Margaret Culbert), Grant Lori and Dave Judgson., Portage
(John), Lorne (Thomas) Midford laPrairie. `
(Ned), Morley (Silas)„Bill (Henry) The children and parents with the.,
and Dr. Maynard Amelon (George). sports committee went to the park
Each gave •a brief sketch. to enjoy races and have a fun time
Unveiling in spite of the heat. There were
David Wall dedicated the family .prizes ' for all and a candy and
history book which was unveiled by peanut scramble.
F.lizahelh_WtlL1 Elva_Needam,;atld _,.__..Meanwhile atLthe-•armories--the-
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W ,rk In u,lc,
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1111 1111 ••••. 11 li•••=•• Llll.:•.�•l. 111
Pick Your Own
** Strawberries
Now Picking
** Raspberries ** Peas
/- Crop Information
528-2900.,__" -
Weather and Crop Permitting .
Karen Ribey. •
"Today for the descendants of
Moses Wall and Ellen Greene a
dream has come true. Our family
•history is now avaitable•in a printed
"For those of you who like num-
bers there are 236 pages, 10 chap-
ters, 304, pictures and over 2,800
names listed in the index. Four
hundred copies were published at a
cost of over $11,000.
"Thank you to the previous his-
torians: Elva (Wall) Needham,
Marjorie and Gordon Wall,
Elizabeth Wall, Karen (Wall)
Ribey; • to our Wall History Com-
mittee consisting of the. above and
Cora (Wall ) Thompson, Doris
(Wall) Needham, Bill Wall and
David Wall, and. to the many
relatives wh'o contributed to make
this hook possible.
"On behalf of the committee we
•now unveil our book and(make it
available to you."
Some old time music was played •
by Gordon Wall on 'the violin, Ken
Wall on the guitar and David Wall
at the piano while those in the skit
left the stage.
A . brief business meeting was
relatives socia ized. The book sales
began which were very rewarding:
Books are available from Gordon
Wall, 357-1016 at $35 each.
Monday Night Summer League
Ladies' H.S. Wendy Ritchie 195,
H.T. Merle Rhody 489.
Men's H.S. and H.T. Eric Taylor
285, 733.
Games over 200: Gerald Rhody
218, 222,. Eric Taylor 216, 232,
July 3: Ladies' H:S. and H.T.
Wendy Ritchie 27.2, 618.
Men's H.S. Eric Taylor 258, H.T.
Gerald Rhody 633.
Games over 200: Eric Taylor 258,
Wendy Ritchie 272, Jim Fraser 215,
Merle Rhody 216, Bob Jones 248,
William King 216, Gerald Rhody
202, 227, 204, Emerson Howald
Team standings: Alley' Cats 481,
Pinheads 48, Hot Shots 58, Tor-
nadoes 551/2.
`y, •2
Block Sweet Cherries
Green Beans
Bucket of .Chicken
Bologna. Mac & Cheese Luncheon, Headcheese
Meats r"
355 Mt. CANS
6 Pock
Pepsi Cola
300 9.
Regular Ground Coffee
lurkey or Ham 184 9
Flaked Meat
1 4 oz
Bean,, rrith Nth. Macaroni
&. Cheese, .Spaghetti