HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-07-14, Page 16Page 16 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 14, 1993 2. Yard Sale LARGE INDOOR YARD SALE ONE MILE N. of Point Farms Provincial Park, lakeside. Come take a look there's more than you thinkl Local importers' clearing - toys, clothes, new T shirts, jackets, sweatpants, used banding machine. Used office desk/chairs, steel shelving, various tables. New air con- ditioners/heaters (commercial). Hand tools, counters, display cases, children's new shoes. Books, household articles. Ken Brindley Farm. Every Sat. and Sun. WEEKLY 524-8092.--24tfgp ROSE STREET FAMILIES' Yard Sale, Saturday July 17, 8 a.m. - 7, rain or shine. Roto tiller, luggage, animal en- cyclopedia, baby change table, coffee and end tables, toaster oven, many good clean items.--28nxe 3. Garage Sale SATURDAY, JULY 17th, at 481 Rose Street - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Towels, wicker, baby playpen, gate, booster seat, furniture, mats, antiques, brass, mirrors, painted wooden doors, and camping gear. '--28x 2nd ANNUAL INDOOR sidewalk Garage Sale - Saturday, 8:00 a.m. (July 17) inside the Hanover Mall. Electronics, Major Appliances, 100's of Clearance Items. MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE, Radio Shack Authorized Dealer, 364- 1011. --28gp 5. Cars For Sale • 1983 MAZDA GLC in good condition '$1200 o.b.o. Also 1982 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT DIESEL in good condition $1200 o.b.o. Phone 528-2271. --26- 29nxc 1980 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, 4 dr, slant/6, with safety, new tires, good interior, body fair, $995. Phone 528- 5303. --26-29nxc 87 HYUNDI PONY 4 door, 5 speed, AM - FM cassette $1•,650., certified; also 84 FORD 1/2 TON, 6 cyl.. auto $2350, certified. Phone 528-3117. --28x 6. Trucks For Sale 1981 • DODGE WINDOW VAN, 6 cyl., 80,000 miles, new trans, starter, alt and exhaust. Needs rear shocks and minor body work to certify $350. Phone 528- 311'1.--27-30nxc 70. Recreational Vehicles CITATION TRAVEL TRAILER, Huron Ridge, Chariot Eagle, Northlander Park Models. Good 'selection of previously owned units on campground sites and sales lot. Also a variety of Trailer part supplies. One mile south of Kinloss on. Bruce County Rd. 1, Fisherman's Cove, , 395-2757. --14tf NEW AND USED ,-- Golden Falcon, Park, Cottager, Travel Trailers, Fifth 'Wheels, Truck Campers and Caps. Open 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. weekdays; 5 p.m. Saturdays; closed Sunday. Morry's Trailer Sales and Rentals, Highway 4, between Hanover and ' Walkerton. 364- 3748. --19tfgp ' -4-TAURUS TERRY -TRAILER -stave, fridge, 'furnace, hot watet, 4 piece bath, antenna. Very good condition, sleeps 6. Call 395-2419. --27,28x 10 FT. SLIP -IN truck camper, sleeps 4, good condition, clean, $800 or best offer. Phone 529-7028.--27-32nxe 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine EV.INRUDE 4 - 5 hp. and Mercury 6 hp. motors, brand new. Phepe 526-7142. -- 24-26,27-29nx 10. Pets FREE TO' A GOOD HOME - puppies. Mother is a tri -color Scotch Collie. Calf 395-2206. 28,29x TO GIVE AWAY - 5 Terrier cross pups,. four weeks old, looking for a loving home. Ready to be adopted next week. Come and 'pick yours now. Phone 528- 3525.-28-31nxc 11B. Wanted To Buy 6" GRAIN AUGER 46' to 52' long on wheels. John Miller, R R 2, Auburn, Lot 18, Concession 6, West'Wawanosh Township, 1/2 mile east of Smyth Wel- ding.--27,28gp 11 E. Livestock YxL GILTS and HxD Boars as .well as purebred Yorkshire and Landrace Boars and gilts available. Tim and Rosa Small 529-3240.--.48tfar 11 F. Farm Produce WHEAT AND BARLE6STRAW for sale. Phone after 5 p,m. 529\1106. --28-30gp STANDING HAY for sale, 17 acres. Phone 395-3478. --28ar 28 ACRES MIXED, standing hay. Call 529-7587. --28 11G. Farm Equipment FARM GATES - 7 bar, 1 3/4 tubule steel 4 ft. tb 18 ft, $45 to $100, hardware included. Phone Dave Watson 357-1978 4 miles west of Belgrave on Huron Rd. 20. --25-29x 1948 WF ALLIS CHALMERS tractor .totally restored. Make an offer. Call\after 5:00 p.m. 524-6716.--25-30nxe 1950 FERGUSON tractor and plow, new tires and all overhauled. Contact Robert Campbell at 529-7417 just south of Lucknow.--27-30nxc 11H. Farm Services GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz feed and manure handling systems - Agrimetal feed processing equipment, bale choppers. Service repairs. Custom belt lacing. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-2851. -- 8tfar LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario, For all your manure, feed and grain handling re quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.--42tfar CUSTOM FARMING! 60 ft. wick weeder - 4 W.D. Combine on tracks or tires, air reel, ' white bean lifters, plastic skid shoes, etc. - 750 J.D. no -till drill - Chisel Plow - 4 W.D. tractor. Phone (519)291 1471 or (519)881-0227.--28-30gp 12: Real Estate For Sale GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? We'II take itl •America's largest resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales International. 1-800-423- 5967 (24 hours). --28bc 5% DOWN PAYMENT. NEW 3 - BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. • $29,900.00, $1,500'•down, $254 per month. Free delivery and set-up. A-1 Homes (807) 937-5909. --28bc DRIVE AND LITTLE AND SAVE, 12' x 65' 2 bedroom mobile home in quiet park, newly decorated, 5 appliances, car port and many extras.'$34,900. Call 887-6885 leave message,--28-30gp MDONAGH FIE.\L f c'-.' E .1\C HOMES FOR SALE' STOREY newly renuvated, 5 & 3 piece bath, 2 bedroom, paved drive. 9% Mortgage. .FARMS FOR SALE Klnloss Township- Lucknow Area 250 ACRES cash crbp land, 200 acres systemattcallyidrained, balance random drained, 8 acres bush. Vendor take back mortgage DAIRY FARM 150 ACRES - 52 cow tie, pipeline, 2 upright silos, 2 steel granaries, 4 bed! room brick home Asking $169.000 00. Can: Fraser MacKinnon 528-3613 Barry McDonagh' 528-2031" MOBILE HOMES AND GRANNY FLAT - type units. Sizes 74' x 16' to 40' x i 2'. canadian made. Trailer Mart, , 1050 Wharncliffe Rd. S. London. (619)685- 1110. --28gp 14. Vacations RIVER CRUISING. Pamper yoilrself. Your own private stat^room and 4/5 nights aboard an elegant replica steam- boat cruising Canada's calm rivers. From $839. Free brochure. 1-(800) 267- 7868. --28bc 14. Vacations MYRTLE BEACH RESORT vacation rentals - Studios, one and two bedroom condos; housekeeping provided. Pools, tennis and morel Golf packages available. Sum'mer rates from $506/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800- 448-5653. --28bc 17. Apartments For Rent 2 BEDROOM. GROUND• level apartmen ' with private entrance. Cresthaven Apts, $385.00 and utilities. 1-845-2215, --17tf NICE LOCATION IN LUCKNOW. One bedroom apartment, $260.00 per month plus hydro. Phone 528-3635 or 745- 2353. --10tf 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, fridge and stove included. Call Paul at 528-2411. -- 27tf BRAND NEW 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for rent . Available July 1st. Phone 528-2031.--16tfar 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, fridge•and stove included, heated, downstairs, main street. Phone 528-3723. --27-29 IN SALTFORD, roomy three bedroom, two storey apartment in quiet village 5 minutes from • Goderich. Private entrance., Ample parking. Fridge and stove, $439/month plus utilities. Available July 1. For viewing call 524- 2384.--25tfgp AUGUST 1/93 - Apartment #1, 1020 Yonge St., $408.27. Bachelor. Apply to Joe, Apt. #7, 1016 Yonge St., 881-?794. =-27tfarbc 18. Houses For Rent DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Three bedroom, 1 month free rent. Available immediately, Phone 396-9332. --03tf i5. Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - Top prices paid fo medium and heavy trucks, gas o diesel, for wrecking. ONTARIO AUTO TRUCK (519) 843-1126' Fergus. --22- 29gp TEAK CHINA CABINET and buffet in good condition. Modern Scandinavian style preferred. Call 389-5540 after 5.00 p.m.--27-30gp THERMAL WINDOW 40" - 45" wide, 60" - 70" high, wood or vinyl construction. Would prefer one that opens but not. essential. Phone 389-5661.--27-30gp • 26. Help Wanted MARKETING ' FIRM looking for en- thusiastic people. Some travel. Must have own vehicle. We train. Above average earnings. Call 1'-800-565-5820. --27tfnx • 27: Wanted General YOUR OLD PIANO or chesterfield suite as a "TRADE IN" on new furniture, at Schuett's Showrooms, each side of #9 Hwy. 'at Mildmay. 367-2308. --28bc LOOKING FOR QUIET, responsible person (non-drinker preferred) to share rent of a large 3 bedroom house. Call 528-3238, ask for Pat. --28 28. Business Opportunity UNIQUE ONE OF A KINDI Dining lounge pub patio, 2 - 4 bedroom apartments. Flag's Roadhouse, Paken- ham, west of Ottawa. Stone building, Land chattels equipment. $305,000. (613)624-5409. --28bc 29. Tenders TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TENDER Is calling for tenders for the cov- ering of material at the Kinloss Township Waste Disposal Site. Tenders to state houirly rate expected, size and make of machine, and state applicable charges for float move. A two hour minimum charge will be expected per cover Tenders to • be received in the Clerk's Office in Holyrood by July 19, 1.993 by '4:30 pm. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mark L. Becker Clerk -Treasurer HOLYROOD, Ontario NOG 2B0 395-3575 30, Employment Wanted MATURE WOMAN available for gar dening, flower beds and light pruning. Apply to box 599 Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0. --28-30x ARE YOU BETWEEN the ages of 18- 30? Enjoy travelling and farm life? con- tact the International Agricultural Ex- change Association, 1501-17Ave..S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. 1-800-263-1827. --28bc 31. Service Directory CUSTOM SEWINib and alterations, a reasonable rates. Call Ruth Ritchie 528- 3141. --28ar 26. Help Wanted CHALLENGING APPLIANCE and TV sales position available immediately. We are looking for a sharp goal -oriented individual to train for a managerhent position. Must be able to work it fast paced environment with varied hours. Lucrative salsify plus ince'ntive bonus. No phone calls please.. Send written resumes only to: Modern Appliance Centre, 224 7th. Ave. S., Hanover, Ontario. N4N 2H1. Attn: Wayne Schnit- tker""Confidential". --28gp' GENERAL MAN -A -G t - fhr • liu,in.4 s. l)r v.t Iridnurnt (:411144 of ilii Huron (:un Intinit� Futures I'rurraln, 1810se goal will be 144 Irrn%41lr eunwtltin°n and financial assistance to. cnwIl bu'ine..r., requires a (;.i••neral will relr(rrl (0 :i 1341:1441 Of I),itweturs ' •I'Itr (;eneral 1/lanager is the key paid efrtlrlrr%ei• of tin' orga- nization anti will 1/4,; rt•sliuttSible tri the'Boarti for tip oNer'ulI management and direction of the Ihusine.. 1)4' t'Irrlrrnent Centre... . 'Fhr; person will he a leader and' self''tarter and will hate exten.i'‘e knowledge %lib business managenu•nt. hnirn4•r. Irian rvalt.Idtions, accounting, marketing .41141 11111)110 r•c•Ia iron~. (:441111 Iter• fatniliaritwill he i'nnsirlrrell an asset. iiniNer•sitV rdegt4ee in Illlslnt•ss a 4lntinistration i. •)1esirable hitt tint essential. h;Xtensi‘r experience in 'business and ntan- agement, along with t•‘Irerienri• with the public are viewed as kev requirements. Salary tri he 4letet•ntinrll 4,11 the.lraas of 41ualifie:ttirnt and 1'hlrt•rienre. ntere.te41 4•andiidates sliord41 >111intit t•t•.iiiiI' s to: III 'iron" (Counts' Iln.iur•,5 liesouret• Centel. Box 1.00 , (:lint011, Onta,riu IOM II,(► . )4•aI11inr frrr a141riieutinn,:'Frtlda\. JUIN .l('. 199.t, \1)I I'ieants rr 1)4' inter%irwerl will hr nirtilir rl h�' ,InR :tl)th. I1)')3. 31. Service Directory" STARTERS, generators, tplternatows, voltage regulators and batteries. Test- ing, sales and service. Albrecht Auto Electr,c north of Whitechurch. 357-3495. 50tfar PORTABLE WELDING for farm and industrial repairs CWB certified welder. Reasonable rates. 24 hour answering service. Call C and H Welding 392- 8193. --26-28x BLUEWATER CABINETS & TRIM LTD. 89 Don Street, Clinton For: • Cupboards • Vanities • Doors • Trims • Hardware & Accessories Paslode Distributor VISIT OUR SHOWROOM - Steve & Jim 482-3382 MHW PLUMBING Qualified Licensed Plumber 10 Years Experience Reasonable Rates 24 HOUR SERVICE Michael H. Whitcroft LUCKNOW 528-3407 CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovation •Windows - •Doors •Siding •Cabinets •Flooring •Free Estimates RR7 LUCKNOW 529-3164 Since 1976 JAMES SYMES PAVI N G & MATERIALS ASPHALT and CONCRETE . DRIVEWAYS Paving of Roads. Parking Lots. Tennis Courts Grading - Gravel Topsoil LUCKNOW 528-3047. • JOHN HICKEY corismantom New homes, ccttages. additions: renovations, replacement windows. & doors', aluminum trtmwork. siding. decks, farm buildings, real estate house inspection Licensed Carpenter for 17 years Bus. and Fax or Res. 524=5961 524-4561 .D 7 0 Excavating 25 Years 'Experiender For a lot of your excavating $L gravel needs. Specialty Fine Grading Cali • Dave Seabrook 528-3144 g��•fiGp►VArINa d C,p • Trim -Dozer" • Hy -Hoe •) G ravel For more information and free estimates call Barry Johnston 395-5231 Paul Jerome 357-3275 1"