HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-07-14, Page 3Social contract: no Rae of hope by Don Jackson The Huron County Board of Education (HCBE) met in com- mittee of the whole, then held a special public meeting im- mediately following on July 5 to discuss the implications of the Social Contract. Paul Carroll, director -designate of the HCBE, outlined some of the impacts of the Social Contract in a statement. He said, "In some fashion, then, we must recover immediately almost $1 million in spending to accommodate these reductions." This figure is the .projection for what the HCBE must recover by the end of 1993. Carroll outlined that the 1993 Ontario budget, along with expected changes in grants from the province will add an estimated $1.5 million. "No matter how you juggle the figures, they add up just the same: 1 + 1.5 + 1.5 = $4 million - and thisis the 'best' case or minimum total," he said. The numbers represent the $1 million to be recovered before the end of 1993 in accor= dance with the social contract, the $1.5 million to be recovered in 1994 and the $1.5 million in Cuts from the Ontario budget" and reduced provincial General Legis- lative Grants from the province. He explained some of the pos- sible avenues the HCBE can .look at as ways to cut back and recover the required money. • He said the board could raise the mill rate by 'an unprecedented' double digit percentage, but added that several local citizens have already .con- tacted him to say that this is unac- ceptable, given the present economic climate. The second possibility Carroll presented was that the board could "choose to, ignore the predictions and hope against hope for some miraculous solution or some finan- cial windfall." He said that this approach was not feasible because, "There is no hidden source of funds which will emerge in the next four -and -a -half months to soften this multi-million dollar blow." He said the third possibility is to decrease operations spending to a bare minimum through rigorous board control of all spending, but added thatthe operating budget only accounts for about 20 per cent of the total HCBE budget and that it had already "felt the axe" over the last two or three years. Carroll said that the money will have to be made up through wage cuts, which account for about $50,000,000 of board . expen- ditures. He explained the options on how these cuts might be implemented. "Such a reduction can occur in only two ways: 1. There w.uld have to be fewer 1t.e �. 441 oide 1.4. ata MIM' •, 41W positions; layoffs would. be neces- sary because attrition in the short term would not reach these mas- sive dollar targets. 2. All of us whose salaries exceed $30,000 could choose, to share wage reduc- tion in some equitable fashion." He added that if wage reduc- tions aren't enough to reach the required cash recovery, . some system of unpaid leaves will have to be implemented. HCBE Chair Bea Dawson said that the process will be best achieved with partnership from staff. "While the board must take the legal responsibility for action, and must make the necessary decisions, there is no legal barrier, nor do we wish any perceived barriers, to prevent the full par- ticipation of the employee groups in this decision making process." U. AO 1.M a .1 1 Wiiats•MWS ix erg,' s. a ts4.alv:1 V4,4 rivacc?..-A hod wyipIYI1g01* The arena, fall of 1937 (courtesy of Rev. BM en erson) The arena, In the fall of ,1937 when the frames collapsed. (Courtesy .of Rev: BIII . Henderson) Luc•know Sentinel, Wednesday, July 14, 1993 - Page 3 Purchasing 8 vehicle Is a big decision! Let us help you make. the right one! 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