HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-07-07, Page 1944. Engagements DINDAR = ELLIOTT Farouk and Jamesla Dindar of Scar- borough and Ellwood and Wilma Elliott of Holyrood, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children. Nazneen and Bruce at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday, July 24, 1993 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Markham, Ontario. --27x 47. Cards Of Thanks CAMERON Thank you, to our friends and neigh bors, for the good-bye party. The com- munity will always hold many memories for us. The Keirstead painting and gifts will always have a special place in our home and our hearts. Douglas, Dixie, Jason, Sara & Rachet Cameron. —27x HEDLEY The family of the late Aileen Hedley wish to express their sincere thanks and • appreciation to friends, relatives and neighbors for flowers, visits, cards, food and memorial donations. Thanks to the MacKenzie' McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow and Rev. Glen Strome. Special thanks to the Kinloss U.C.W. for the bountiful lunch. Thanks, too, for the visits, cards and letters to Mom during her illness. She really appreciated your thoughtfulness. Jacqueleen Emerson, Marjorie Krikorian, Al and David Hedley and Families. --27x ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 309 We would like to thank all those who attended our July 1st celebrations and made it a great success. Special thanks to Dewayne Greig and Gale Schultz, "The Cooks" and their helpers, The Lucknow Legion Pipe Band and Branch members who pitched in to help on a very busy day. Branch 309 Executive. -- 27ar • CROWSTON We wish to thank Mom's neighbors and . friends for flowers, food and kindness during her recent illness also to Rev. Kinsman and Rev. -Henderson for their" comforting; words and visits; to the pallbearers and MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Hpme for their assis- tance. A special thanks to the nurses on second floor in Wingham and District Hospital. The Crowston Family. --27x COURTNEY Special thanks to Doctors and Nurses who looked after me while I was in Wingham and District Hospital. Thanks also to relatives, friends and neighbors for prayers, cards, visits, treats and telephone calls. I will always remember them. •Joe Courtney. --27 GAMBLE - SCHOEBL We would like to thank everyone who attended and supported us at the social evening held in our honor. A special thank you to our friends and relatives who organized the evening. Glenda Gamble and Mark Schoebl. --27 • CAYLEY I want to express my sincere thanks to the LCPS staff for arranging my farewell tea, to those who participated in the presentations and to all friends and family who made my special day so enjoyable. Thanks also to the many who remembered me with cards artd gifts. Gordon. --27x GALLOW - SIMPSON We would like to thank everyone who attended `our stag and doe on the weekend. We had a• great time and hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Special thanks to the wedding party and alt who helped to make it such a memorable night. Cathie and Duncan. -- 27gp • • ROSS • • I would like to express my love and gratitude to Doug; Lance and Judy; Lana and Steve, and Derek and Krista for all their special attention on my birthday. Thanks to Betty and Ella for hosting my surprise party on Wednes- day with the coffee girls; to Mac and Lorene and family for hosting my birthday bash on Friday; to Ella Lyons for guiding 50 clean pink flamingos from Hamilton to rest on my - lawn for three days; to Eldon, Lynn and boys and fellow workers tor their part and Lynn who video taped me in shock for three days. Special thanks to everyone who helped in anyway by organizing, atten- ding, sending best wishes, cards and the lovely gifts received at both events'' Thank you for making my 50th so beautiful and memorable. It will never be forgotten. Love Barb. --27 47. Cards Of Thanks GAMBLE I would.like to thank everyone for the gifts I received at my shower. Special thanks to Gail, Judy, Barb and Deborah, for hosting the shower. Glenda. --27 DUNGANNON SENIOR CITIZENS We were not successful in our attempt to retain local banking facilities. Ap- preciation is' expressed to Eugene Johnston and to all supporters. —27 47. Cards Of Thanks Winners in our . 40th Anniversary Sale I)raws 9'x 12' Bound Carpet - Arnette Thompson $100 Sunworthy Gift Certificate - Aubrey Weir $100 Sunworthy Gift Certificate - Bob Gilchrist 2 • 4L. C.I.L. Paint.- Pauline Pegg 2 - 4L. C I.L. Paint - Audrey Gardner Pair Silver Flute Goblets- Ruth Mathers Peri Sets - Helen Wraight ,Mar) Humphrey, Michael Walke, Lynda Currcin -, Duriq- Souvenir, Edition Postage Stamps - Raylene Rebryna. Irene Dickie, Richard Edmiston, Pat Chatham - k,piey Hats - Dean Duvall, Doug Clark, Beverley Thompson, Mae Raynard, Pat Livingston, Shirley Irwin We would like to thank evt:rvone for their support and 1 utronagc over the lias4 40 years and alsro Cor making Our anniversary celebration a success. \tart;; Paul & , Joan 'CARPETING. and VIXYLS WU-DOW TREATMENTS Your Complete 11 Decorating Centre IMAX DECORATORS - - WALLPAPER AND c.LL.. PALVFS • •LL'CI:XoW . • 52S-3434 48 Gaming Event "ZOO-RRIFIC Hey Kid's•l! Come to the Zoo-rrific Ark Park at,the Christian -Reformed church, 293 Place Street, Lucknow, Ont. July .19-23, from 9:00 - 11:30 a.m, All children ages 4 - 12 welcome. If pos- sible please pre -register by calling 357- 1688. or 357-3182. Are you driving your kids into town? Join us daily tor Ladies Bible Study and crafts`--26-28ar STAG and DOE for Jamie`Humphrey & Debbie Darcy Saturday, July 17 Teeswater Community Centre 9 PM -1 AM Family &. Friends Welcome Lunch Providd Come And Go Tea will be held for Bob & Ethel McAllister in' honour of their `50th-- „ Wedding Anniversary Saturday, July 10'/93 2-5 P.M. at the home of, Doug & Mary Lou Raynard; 411 Havelock St., Lucknow Best Wishes Only, Please 48. Coming Event BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thurs- day, "7 p.m. Columbus "Centre, 390 Parson's Court,. $3450 in prizes. $1000.00 Jackpot must go.--15tfar (f ltorJinp' lj ptrtt 6th ANNUAL ART EXHIBITION & SALE Lakeshore recreation 1177 Goderich St. North, 'Port.Elgin, Ont., NOH 2C0 FRIDAY, JULY 9th - SATURDAY, JULY 10th, 10:00.9.m. - 10:00 p.m. SUNDAY, JULY 11th 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. personal cheques & Visa accepted ATTENTION Ratepayers of Ashfield Township THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF . ASHF!ELD cordially invites you to attend the "Official Opening" of the new PORT ALBERT BRIDGE in Port Albert on Hwy. #21, Township of Ashfield on . FRIDAY, JULY 9T", 1993. Ribbon Cutting at Bridge 2:00 pm 4 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 7, 1993 - Page 19 148. Coming Event BRIDAL SHOWER Community shower for Lisa Feagan, bride-to-be of Gregory Nicholson at St. Helen's Hall on July 11 at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. --26727x KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 9484 ANNUAL BEEF B.B.O.. Sunday, July 11, 4-6 p.m. at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge, Tickets available at Lucknow Farm Supply or K of C members. $15/ couple, $4 school age, preschool free. --26,27 WOOD SHOW August 6 - 8. Widest variety wood- working tools, custom-made wooden crafts & furnishings. Free seminars & children's workshop, For brochure: Wood Show, Box 920, Durham, Ont. NOG 1R0 (519) 369-6902. --27bc HACKETT PICNIC July 11, at the end of the 12th Conces- sion. Dinner at 12.30 p.m.--27nxc LUCKNOW HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Bus trip will be July 29th Please call 528-3813. --27x COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER Honoring Dawn Fludder on Tuesday, July 13 at 7:30 p.m., St. Andrews United Church, Ripley. --27 MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN For information and/or to register for the Music For Young Children Program phone Marilyn at 528-3936.-27-30nxc SINGLES DANCE Sunday, July 11- at Wingham Legion Hall. Dancing 7 - 11 p.m. Music by The Wildwoods. No blue jeans please. -- 27gp ARE YOU INTERESTED in planning for the future needs of elder- ly persons and physically disabled adults in Wingham and North Huron? Come to a meeting on Thursday, July 8 from 7;00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Wingham Seniors Day Centre, 350 Josephine Street. .Share your ideas with con- sumers, caregivers, service providers and politicians. If .you need transpor- tation or help with someone at home to attend this meeting, call 1-800-267- 0535. --26,27 COMMUNITY & RELATIVE BRIDAL SHOWER For Trish Gavigan (bride-to-be of Brad Black) on Sunday, July. 11th 'at 1:30 p.m, at Nile United Church. Everyone welcome. --27 FAMILY PICNIC The Bruce County Family Coalition Party is holding their Annual Family' Picnic, in Chepstow, at the Lions Park, on Sunday, August 8 from 12 - 4 p.m. Food, friends, games, door prizes. Meet your executivel -27gp ' JEWELL PICNIC (Descendants of Richard Jewell). Sun- day, July 18 at St. Christopher's Beach Goderich, South Pavilion, 12 noon -7 Pot Luck, bring lawn chairs, plates and• cutlery.' For further info call Heather at 524-4672, .--27,28gp .• SUMMER READING CLUB Lucknow Library. Registration Tu198-- 10 during Library hours. Open to children Grades 1 - 8. (also a pre- school program). More details at the Library or Dayle Taylor 528-3910. --27x BAZAAR BAKE SALE AND TEA Ashfield Presbyterian Church', Saturday, July 17 from 1 - 3 p.m. Everyone wet - come: --27,28' • LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE • • Lions Bingo July 11/93 Saturday, July T93 • Madonna Bradley &;1'im Gilmore Saturday. Jul v 24,t)3 Kevin DeJ ng & Darlch'e kikkert OPEN DATES 1iiI\ 1 nd,n I n '1,iiil'IA "ONLY" (WA. 518-3531 t>,a.nt - 3 p.m Male youth is accomplice in theft On May 27, 1993 a light blue (dull finish) 1978 to 1982 car similar to a K. car style pulled into the UCO gas bar at 192 Huron Street, in Clinton, and purchased $5.00 worth of gas. While the attendant pumped the gas,r a male person, 11 to 12 years old. Four foot tall with long sandy colored hair entered the station and went towards the ice cream cooler. When the attendant had filled a five gallon Jerry can with gas, the youth exited the station and gave him $5.00 for the gas. The vehicle was occupied by a female 28 32 year with short auburn (reddish blonde) hair. As the vehicle left the pump area to drive away the attendant heard the woman ask the youth. if "he got it" and the youth replied "yes". When the attendant went into the office he thought it strange that the youth 'had not made a purchase of ice cream and about 15 minutes later noticed that a large amount. of, cash was missing from a unlocked brief case that had been left sitting on a chair in the office. If you have.,, information about these or any other crimes call CRIME STOPPERS OF HURON COUNTY, 1-800-265-1777 and you could receive a reward of up .to $1000.00. REMEMBER CRIME DOESN'T PAY CRIME STOP- PERS DOES. Birthday Club Robert Hunter July 9. 1991 2 Years Old Patricia Murray July 10. 1989 4 Years Old Bobbie Kennedy July 10, 1989 4 Years Old' !INTEE• JYANILE:. M.,_,:INN 200 ACRES Ashfield. 180 workable..3 bedroom name beef & hog barns, shed 3 BEDROOM bungalow family room addition. oil heat. 82 1:2 x , 132' lot. $68.000 2.5 ACRES - 4 edro0m brick - country hor Wtage; 18' x 30' . shed, nice se Trig. $65;000. STONE SCHOOL - 3 bedroom, maple floors, new ,roof and. win- dows, full attic,, 3/4 acre lot. $59,000. ASHFIELD - 1 8' acres, superb 1533 sq. ft. bungalow., base- .rrtent, family room, 24' x 48' shop. ' 2 STOREY, 4 bedroom home on • quality ,hill, new kitchen,' nice Woodwork. $89,000. ASHFIELD - 2,400 sq ft. bunga- low, 4 bedrooms, unfinished basement, workshop. 2, car garage, fenced yard with pond. TURNBERRY 99 acres, 4 bdrm. brick, 55 x 45 barn, 85 workable, $139,000. N. DELHI - 1 yr old bungalow,' 3 bedrooms, 2 cat garage, ,1 acre lot. $52,000 - 3 bedroom 11 • storey with carport, new windows. priced to sell. COMPLETELY RENOVATED 2 bdrm bungalow close to down- town $64,000