HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-07-07, Page 172. Yard Sale 11F. Farm Produce LARGE INDOOR YARD SALE ONE STANDING HAY for sale, 'MILE N. of Point Farms Provincial Park, Phone 395-3478. --27ar lakeside. Come take a look there's more ' than you thinkl Local importers' clearing - toys, clothes, new T shirts, jackets, sweatpants, used banding machine. Used office desk/chairs, steel shelving, various tables. New air con- ditioners/heaters (commercial). Hand tools, counters, display cases, children's new shoes. Books, household articles. Ken Brindley Farm..Every Sat. and Sun. WEEKLY 524-8092.--24tfgp • SATURDAY, JULY 17, 8 a.m. - ? 537 Rose St., Lucknow, rain or shine. Roto tiller, luggage, animal encyclopedia, baby change table, coffee and end tables, toaster oven, many good clean items. The house shrunk.--27,28nxe Cara For Sate 1990 FORD MUSTANG. Purchased spring 91 new, 4 cylinder fuel injected engine, 4 summer tires on car, 2 snow - tires on rims, rear wheel drive. Approx. 12,.000 k.m. Stored in garage. For more information call Porter's Septic Tanks. 528-3537. --22-24x, 25-27nx 1983 MAZDA GLC in good condition $1200 o.b.o. Also 1982 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT DIESEL in good condition $1200 o.b.o. Phone 528-2271. --26- 29nxc 1980 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, 4 dr, slant/6, with safety, new tires, good interior, body fair, .$995. Phone 528- 5303.'--26-29nxc 6. Trucks For Sala 1978 FORD BRONCO $1200 or bes offer. Call Wayne Hackett at 529-7710. -26,27 1981 DODGE WINDOW VAN,.6 cyl., 80,000 miles, new trans, starter, alt and exhaust. Needs rear shocks and minor body work to certify $350.. Phone 526- 3111. --27-30nxc CITATION TRAVEL TRAILER, Huron Ridge, Chariot Eagle, Northlander Park Models. Good selection of previously owned units on campground sites and safes lot. Also a variety of Trailer part supplies. One mile south of, Kinloss on Bruce County Rd. 1, Fisherman's Cove,• 395-2757. ,--14tf NEW AND USED — Golden Falcon, • Park, Cottager, Travel Trailers, Fifth •Wheels, Truck Campers and Caps. Open 9a,m..- 8 p.m. weekdays; 5 p.m. Saturdays; closed Sunday. Morry's •Trailer Sales and Rentals, Highway 4, between . Hanover and. Walkerton. 364- 3748.--19tfgp . ' 16' GOLDEN FALCON house trailer, sleeps 6, gas/electric and 12 volt fudge , and lights, excellent condition; $1,450"or best offer; also 16' older trailer, best offer. Call 529-7485.--26,27nxe 24" TAURUS TERRY TRAILER stove, fridge, furnace, hot water, 4 piece bath, antenna. Very good condition,•sleeps 6. Call 395-2419, —27,28x COACI•J>AEN CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardtop. - Foldown, Fifth -Wheel, Travel, Park models, Truckcampers-caps, Fibreline & Leer Fiberglass & Aluminum Truck Caps. Parts -Service for most makes including Bonair-Llonel-Lextra. 'Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviot- dale, Ont. (519) 343-2122. --27bc 10 FT. SLIP -IN truck camper, 'sleeps 4, good condition, clean, $800 or best offer. Phone 529-7028.--27-32nxe EVINRUDE 4 - 5 hp. and Mercury 6 hp motors, brand new. Phone 526-7142. - 24-26,27-29nx. • t 113• Wanted To BuY 6” GRAIN AUGER 46' to 52' long on wheels. John Miller, R. R. 2, Auburn. Lot 18, Concession 6, West Wawanosh Township, 1/2 mile east of Smyth Wel- ding.--27,28gp 11E. Livestock YxL GILTS and HxD Boars as well as purebred Yorkshire and Landrace Boars and gilts available, Tim and Rosa Small 529-3240. --48tfar 17 acres. 11G, Farm) Equipment FARM GATES - 7 bar, 1 3/4 tubule steel 4 ft. to 18 'ft, $45 to $100 hardware included. Phone Dave Watson 357-1978 4 miles west Of Belgrave on Huron Rd. 20. --25-29x INTERNATIONAL # 8 Crop Chopper. Please calf 529-7257. --25-27gp • 1948 WF ALLIS CHALMERS tractor totally restored. Make an offer. Call after 5:00 p.m. 524-6716.--25-30nxe 1950 FERGUSON tractor and plow, new tires and all overhauled. Contact Robert Campbell at 529-7417 just south of Lucknow.--27-30nxc 'Intl Farm: Mos GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz feed and manure handling systems - Agrimetal feed processing equipment, bale choppers. Service repairs. Custom belt lacing. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-2851. -- 8tfar LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed and grain handling re- . quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.--42tfar CUSTOM' SWATHING and combining. Phone 529-7459. --25-27 12 Reat Estate FO Satin GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? We'll, take: itl America's largest resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales International. 1-800-423- 5967 (24 hours). --27bc 5%. DOWN PAYMENT, NEW 3 - BEDROOM MOBILE •HOMES. $29,900.00, $1,500 down; $254 per month.. Free delivery and set-up. A-1 Homes (807) 937-5909. -27bc, BUILDING SUPPLY STORE IN REVELSTOKE' B.C. Good, clean family operation averages $600;000. Owner will train 'and offer some financing. Negotiable. (604) 837-9635. --27bc aA M C ®.D NAG H REAS cc•._.,c q „•�..�t',:E 4"' HOMES FOR SALE, ONE STOREY newly renovated; 5 & 3 piece bath, 2 bedroom, paved drive. 9% mortgage. FARMS FOR SALE Kinloss Township - Lucknow Area 250 ACRES cash crop land, 200 acres systematically drained, balance random drained, 8 acres bush. Vendor take back mortgage. DAIRY FARM 150 ACRES - 52 cow ti'e, pipeline, 2 upright silos, 2 steel granaries, 4 bed= room brick home. Asking $169,000.00. Call: Fraser MacKinnon..528-3013 Barry McDonagh 528-2031. RIVER CRUISING. Pamper yourself. Your own private stateroom and 4/5 nights aboard an elegant replica steam- boat cruising Canada's calm rivers. From $839.. Free brochure. 1-(800) 267- 7868. --27bc MYRTLE BEACH RESORT vacation rentals - Studios, one and two bedroom condos; housekeeping provided. Pools, tennis and morel Golf packages available. Summer rates from $506/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800- 448-5653. --27bc 1T. Apartm nts For Ree 2 BEDROOM GROUND level apartment with private entrance. Cresthaven Apts, $385.00 and utilities. 1-848-2215. --17tf IN SALTFORD, roomy three bedroom, two storey apartment in quiet village 5 minutes from Goderich. Private entrance. Ample parking. Fridge and stove. $439/month ,plus utilities, Available July 1. For viewing call 524- 2384.--25ttgp 17. Apartments For Rent AUGUST 1/93 - Apartment #1, 1020 Yonge St., $408.27. Bachelor. Apply to Joe, Apt. #7, 1016 Yonge St., 881-3794. --tfarbc. • NICE LOCATION IN LUCKNOW. One bedroom apartment, $260.00 per month plus hydro. Phone 528-3635 or 745- 2363. --10t1 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT available, Main Street, •suitable for mature person. Phone 528-3932. --25-27ar 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, fridge and stove included. Call Paul at 528-2411. -- 27tf BRAND NEW 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for rent . Available July 1st. Phone 528-2031.--16tfar ONE MONTH FREE available im- mediately, 2 bedroom duplexes for rent. Gas heat, fridge, stove, full size basement, washer/dryer hookup, private parking plus your own back yard with privacy fence. Call 524-5586.--22tfgp 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, fridge and stove included, heated, downstairs, main street. Phone 528-3723. --27-29 18. Houses For Rent: DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Three bedroom, 1 month free rent. Available immediately. Phone 396-9332. --03tf 2 BEDROOM, heated, - close to downtown, 351 Stauffer St., Lucknow. $375 per month. Ask for Dennis at 524- 9912.. --27x 25. Wanted: To Bud WANTED TO BUY' Top prices paid for medium andheavy trucks, gas or diesel, for wrecking. ONTARIO AUTO TRUCK (519) 843-1126 Fergus. --22- 29gp TEAK CHINA CABINET and buffet in good Condition. Modern Scandinavian style preferred. CaI1389-5540 after 5:00 p.m. --27-30gp • THERMAL WINDOW 40" - 45" wide, 60" 70" high, wood' or vinyl construction. Would prefer one that opens but -not essential. Phone 389-5661. --27-30gp 26. Heft) Wanted SALES AGENTS: Thousands already sold to companies, government, fundraisers, etc. Established producer of unique promotional item line seeks agents, familiar with advertising sale$ and specialties. Call (204) 663-4209. -- 27bc . MAINTENANCE PEOPLE to cut grass, clean, swimming pool, painting,. Han- dyman with some experience, in plum- bing, carpentry etc. Good wages for the right person. Please call 524-5343,',- . 27gp Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 7, 1993 - Page 17 28. Business Opportunity LAID OFF? OUT OF'• WORK? Have a great business idea? Contact Fort Fran- ces -Economic Development, Box 38, Fort Frances, Ont. P9A 3M5. (807) 274- 5323. --27bc WANTED! 1867 CONFEDERATION LOG HOMES all across Canadal Dealers required. To claim your reward, Call Richard Whitney (705) 738-5131. Fax: (705)'738-5283. R.R.#3, Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM IAO. —27bc EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, A.A.#1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR-2A0. (416) 643-4252. --27bc Oft ate: • "he Huron County Boars! of Education invites TENDERS for ADDITION TO WALTON PUBLIC SCHOOL SEALED 'I'ENI)ERti ad•d re„ed h' The flur.,'in V:uuntt' fiuurd of I:,lueulio,i ‘,tI! h,• r,4.4•1'.'''1 a rho olYire of title,- (;;u'r,tt �@ Marhlr�itr.. .il(, flacon Stre,•t. Stratl'ur,l_ llntai•,n'. \i:, 1 'TT. until I:01) 1).111. nn \C,•,In,•',,ki ..luly 21. , Rid Bond autniutt of ;t1 7,3011. require!' 'to aee.imp.:liiv„tender. Siierey..lml hi+ldei wi11 b,• t'eyt(ired to pro,idr•a 30'7, Performance Bond and' 30ti Labour an,.l Material Pu'vm,wl Bond. A 1united number i,l' tetulrr torn menti wdll he a ailahle to General Contra'fora onlVy from the office of Kyles, (;;u'ratt /4i Marklev,tz. up,ii deposit of a rertil'i'e,l ehrque in the amount of 8!00.I>4) per set.' Lowest or any' tender not nore,sarily aeeeptrd. ..ts la toe '�c rr m•,* Ilea Dawson ta)•iir Bob :1.Ilan Uircrtnr 30. Ettiptoyment Wanted MATURE WOMAN available for gar- dening, flower beds and light pruning. Apply to box 599 Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0. —25 -27x RESPONSIBLE TEENAGE girl seeking full or part-time summer employment in the Lucknow area. Will babysit, do light housekeeping or tend fawns. Please call 528-3425. --26,27 • • Help Wanted MARKETING FIRM looking for en- thusiastic people. Some travel. Must have own -vehicle. We train. Above average earnings. Call 1-800-565-5820. --27tfnx GENERAL MANAGER 'Phe Busirtes:. Development Centre of the Huron Community - Futures Program, whose goal will be to provide consulting and financial assistan('r.t(i small businesses, requires a• General, Manager wilt) will report to a • Board of Directors. • The General Manager is the kev •paid employee, of the' orga(- ni ,tion an(I will be responsible to the 13oar(l kr the. overall management and•direc'tinn of the k3usiness 1)evelopntent (:entre. The person will be a leader anti self-starter anal will have extensive knowledge with business Inanageruent,. finance, • loan evaluations, accounting, marketing and. public rela- tions. Computer familiarity will be considered an asset. .university degree in business administration• is desirable but not essential. t' tensive: experience in business ain(I man- agement, along with experience. with the pubGr ore. viewrtl • as' key v i•e((uirements.. Safary to be determined on the basis of and experien(•r. l.ntert'sfr(I canlli(latrs Should submit rr,unu'' to: • Huron County Bttsiuess Resource Centre Box 1.00.• Clinton, (lntaril, NOM 11,0 Draillinc for applications: I1'r•i(la%,.)tiI' • I,(t; I093. 1ppbrau)t' to br intrrviewr(1 will bt• notifie(1 by .July 30th. IOy;y• 29, Tenders TOWNSHIP OF KiNLDSS TENDER Is calling for tenders for the.cov- ering of material. at the Kinloss Township Waste Disposal Site Tenders to state hourly rate expected, size and make of machine, and state applicable charges for first move. A two hour minimum charge will be expected per cover. Tenders to be received in the Clerk's Office in Holyrood by July 19, 1993 by 4:30 pm. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mark L. Becker Clerk -Treasurer HOLYROOD, Ontario NOG 2B0 395-.3575 31. Service Direictory • STARTERS, generators, alternators, voltage regulators and batteries. Test- • ing, sales and 'service. Albrecht Auto Electric north of Whitechurch, 357-3495. --50tfar PORTABLE WELDING for farm and industrial repairs CWB certified welder. Reasonable rates.. 24 'hour answering service: CaII C and H Welding 392- • 8193. --26-28x CUSTOM SEWING and alterations, at reasonable rates. CaII Ruth Ritchie 528 - JOHN HICKEY CONSTRC>CTI.OM New homes, cottages, additions, renovations, replacement windows & doors, aluminum tnmwork, siding, ,, decks, farm buildings,' real estate house inspection. Licensed Carpenter for 17 years Bus. and Fax or Res.• 524-5961 524-45M CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovation -Windows - -Doors . *Siding •Cabinets '...Flooring -Free Estimates RR7 LUCKNOW 529-3164 WOOD SPECIALISTS HISH * LM W4 PRODUCTS LTD. DUNGANNON -.11/2 miles east of Dungannon *Kiln Dried Furniture Grade Lumber .. •Assortment of Lengths Widths & Thicknesses •For Hobbiests - Cabinet Makeits & Contractors •(;e' Plshner Will custom make trim & moldings , WILL CUSTOM.DRY YOUR LUMBER OPEN Saturday 9.4:30 p.m. Phone Shop Home atter 8m. 529-3138 529.7806 —• Since 1-976 . JAMES SYMES 4 PAVING ,.-- & MATERIALS ' ASPHALT and CONCRETE, DRIVEWAYS Paving of Roads, Parking Lots, Terns Courts Grading Gravel • Topsoil LUCKNOW 528-3047 �,�CAVAT/ 5 g ' _'OK.E.G. y • Trim -Dozer • Hy -Hoe • Gravel For more information and free estimates call Barry Johnston 395-5231 Paul Jerome 357-3275