HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-06-16, Page 20111 roaoaaaocioacoatiocaacaaacoo uron County s omp e e VEHICLE 1. RENTAL Headquarters co co 0 O n t Small and Mid -Size Cars ElPassenger & Cargo Vans, Pickup Trucks' a'L7 Daily, Weekly, Monthly (7 Insurance Rentals & More CI Free. Delivery , 0 CI Ask about our full v transportation service i CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Division of Suncoast Ford 500 Huron Rd. Goderich CALL cOLLECT Mk for 1 lelen 524-8347 neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo Page 20 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 16, 1993 Donna Raynard, daughter of Doug and Mary Lou, graduated from Guelph University on June 3, 1993 with a Honors Bachelor of Science Degree with Distinction in Human Biology. She is presently employed at Guelph University and plans to continue her studies at a later date. We, goofed! In last week's paper an confusing headline appeared above the South Kinloss WMS report. It was not • that group's 100th anniversary but was in fact the anniversary of the Kinlough WMS to which the Kin- loss WMS was' invited. Our apologies for the -confusion. Money vanishes 'from page 1 withdrawal purposes and within minutes of any money being sent, it is removed and the action becomes untraceable. Beware of any telephone offers and insist on written follow up as any legitimate company will be glad do this. Do . not allow yourself to become excited bythe prospect of immediate delivery and sen- ding money to cover the ship- ping When written confirmation is received check on the company through your local police department and better business bureau before -getting involved. No legally. operated company. should worry about your check- ing their background. If you have information about this or any other crimes call CRIME STOPPERS OF %IURON COUNTY, 1-800-265- 1777 and you could receive a reward of up to $1,000.00. The War Amputations of Canada, National Headquarters 2827 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0C4. The War Amputations of Canada is a registered chartable orgeniza ton operated by aril MI tees for am- putees on a non-profit hasis The, War Amps does not receive govern mens funds Should you wigh. fur Cher information, please do not hesitate to contact r,s Toronto (416) 488-0600; area codes 519, 613, 705, dial toll free 1800-268.8821, all other area codes dial toll free 1-800-268-8917. Charitable Registration Number 0286831 09 NOTICE. Township of West V\ awanosh Municipal Office' will be closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 21st, 22nd, 23rd. Shipmates reunite Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ritchie of Goderich, formerly of Lucknow, and Mr. end Mrs. John Bloy of Port Albert, attended a .reunion for the crew of corvette HMCS Sherbrooke in Sherbrooke, Quebec. This was the first reunion held in 48 years for these ship mates. The city of Sherbrooke welcomed the visitors at the City Hall. A three-hour bus tour revealed a city situated in a mountainous region with any lakes in the area. The. local branch of the Legion hosted a dinner followed by a dance. On Sunday there was a service at the cenotaph followed by a naval service where the crew members pinned poppies on a wreath as the names of lost crew and ships were read. This wreath was committed to the waters in their memory. The Legion provided lunch and there were many pictures and videos taken. Each member will receive a copy of the video. Lennoxville Army and Navy presented a very good musical program followed .by a sing song. A farewell dinner was held at the LeBaron Hotel where all the crew `UCKNOW by Mildred Loree and their wives were staying. A shuttle service to all the events was provided by the Legion. The Ritchies and Bloys also visited with another shipmate, Bob Hepburn and his wife, at Hem- mingford, Quebec. He was unable to attend the gathering. The Presbyterian painters were busy on Saturday . as they held an old-fashioned "bee" to paint the church and the manse. Austin and Mildred Loree visited in Brampton on Saturday, and saw their newest granddaughter Sarah. Big brother Alex came home with them to spend a few days with Grandpa and Grandma. There were eight tables of shoot in play at the Drop in' Centre on June 11. High lady was Donalda Moffat, with Stella Tilbrook in low position. High man was Harold Gardner with Art Ernewein in low spot. Vera Purvis had the most shoots. Single vehicle fatality claims life of Kincardine Twp.woman A 25 -year-old Kincardine Town- ship woman was killed June 9 after being thrown from her Tracker when it left the road. . Shelly MacKinnon of Rat 2 Kincardine was travelling north on County Road 4 when, the vehicle went off the road on the east side. The driver lost control of the vehicle, veering left across the road before veering right again. The vehicle rolled across the road, coming to rest in the-east,ditch.The woman, the only person in the Tracker,' was thrown from the vehicle. • ' She was travelling from her home to see her mother in Paisley when' the accident took place.. OPP Staff Sergeant Al Neville said there will be no inquest and the woman was not wearing ' her seat belt. . . BARRY W. REID B.A. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT •Auditing •Financia! accounting •Personal & Corporate Tax Consultation •Personal Financing Planning *Manual & Computerized Bookkeeping •Mortgage & Amortization Schedules 306 Josephine St. Wingham, NOG 2W0 Office; 357-1522 A special quilt display Quiltmaking, as an economic necessity, has come a long ' way since the early days of the pioneer. It has evolved into a decorative artform that many have been inspired to seek out, attempt, collect and, . most of all, practice. The Bluewater Quitters Guild is such a • group of women ranging in age from 20ish to over 80 years of age. On July 1, from 10 - 4 . p.m., at the Bruce County Musepmin Southampton, members . of the Bluewater 'Quilters Guild will be mounting their first major quilt show. Unlike a quilting exhibit, the quilt show will feature'the work of the 100 plus membership from Grey -Bruce counties. Although vintage quilts will be on display, the show goes beyond the bed • quilt according to Guild L--UCKN_/ • • M DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Dabber Biigo Lucknow Community Centre NO BINGO SUNDAY, JUNE 20/93 Bingo resumes June 27/93 $ 1000. Winner Nancy Gibson-Lucknow Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m., Bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. President, Carol Craig. The many facets that now comprise the art and skill of quilting can be seen in their examples • of wall hangings, miniatures, clothing, Christmas. items and much more. Many of the items are based on traditional 'pat- terns but use . modern . methods of construction. - In addition,.. quilting demonstrations will be given • 'by members on Saturday, July 3 from 10 a.m. - noon, and 2 - 4 p.m. and on Sunday, July 4 from 2 - 4 p.m. The demonstrations will focus on the more contemporary methods of construction; Admission to this ' impressive show is $3 per person. Refresh- ments will, be available. The quilts will remain on displayin the Ex- hibit Hall until July 19. ' • Cool CI0ThES FoR/\ Cool Dad .You. -r dad will' really look great in fashion- able polo shirts, casual pants and shorts, cotton sum- mer sweaters and. much more. All at discounted prices! CHA'RMAN'S *Clothing *Shoes *Accessories LUCKNOW • 528-2011 _Start Of Summer...j- Specials June 16 to 26th Coppertone Sport Suntan $ 99 Lotion SPF15or30 5a Sturdy Plastic Baskets $1 .29 • Great for Picnics vR. Picnic Carrier Set $3.39 of 4 dishes Planters . Cocktail Peanuts $ .99 300 g ' Hi-Dri Good. News or Napkins $ ♦ .89 ' Daisy 150's 1 Razors 5S Polaroid One Step Film 135-24 exp. $2.99 Tt.11bti.C1i I ii i1inaCy LUCKNOW 528-3004 LIB'BY'S 19 oz. 'Crushed, Chunks, Sliced Pineapple OLINDA 1,36 L Pure Apple Juice Prod. OF ONTARIO English Cucumbers 1.291h 1.1 9..