The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-05-19, Page 171. Articles For Seale GRAY'S PERENNIALS The only way to buy perennial plants, Plants sold from the field will bloom this year, fill in space quickly and have a 100% chance of survival. Many popular varieties as well as rare and unusual types. Open after 4:30 p.m. weekdays and all day weekends. 3 miles west of Walkerton on Kincardine Highway. 8811522.--20tfgp FIREWORKS FOR SALE at Holyrood Store.--19,20ar APPROXIMATELY 300 maple tree tops. Phone 528-2576. --20x BOXED PLANTS, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. and annual flowers. Call Heather Snyder 529-7793. --20,21 HOMELINE ENERGY SAVER 10 cu. ft. chest freezer, like new. Phone 528- 2087. --20x HOG FARMING ITEMS' Corn planter, liquid manure tanker, grain auger, hog panelling, feeders, stainless steel cement pig feeder; 7 1/2 hp. Farmatic feed mill, like new, gutter cleaner chain 1 1/2 years old; barn fans, wagons with hay racks, wagon with gravity bin like new, much more! Sale Sat. and Sun. May 22 - 23 Ken . Brindley Farm 1 nti. N. of Point Farm Provincial Park, Phone 524-8092. -- 20gp • NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALES, Sat. May 22 from 9 - 4 on South Delhi St. by the Nursing Horne. Follow the signs. -- 20x YARD SALE May 22, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., rain or shine; household and farm items. First place east of Holyrood on Conces- sion.8. -20 NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE Satur- day, May 22, 8:30 - 1 p.m., South of main street on Havelock, Lucknow; Furniture, clothing, books, toys, etc. --20 RIPLEY BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 2nd Annual Yard & Sidewalk Sale - •yard. sales throughout town & in the park & at Heinish Service. Centre Sidewalk Sales Downtown Saturday May 22/93 3. Qaragf�.,:Slaie `> GARAGE SALE- homemade sweaters, afghans, crafts plus many •miscel- laneous items. Friday May 21 and Saturday., May 22 at 732 Stauffer St., Lucknow. --20x GARAGE SALE- Sat. May 22 at 7:30 a.m. 698 Stauffer St., Lucknow. Many new and like new household items. --20 ---`""BUYS"-Ir -OFFtCE-EOUIPMEN- 1't + ecroatlanai Ve1110 17' GLENDALE travel trailer, sleeps six. Stove, fumace, washroom and sink. Has new refrigerator, awning and tires. - Propane or electric. Good condition - pulis easy. Asking $2200. Please call anytime (519) 524-7586 (Goderich) -- 16-22nxe CITATiON TRAVEL TRAILER, Huron Ridge, Chariot Eagle, Northlander Park Models. Good selection of previously owned units on campground sites and. sales lot. Also a variety bf Trailer part supplies. One mile south. of Kinloss on Bruce County Rd. 1, Fisherman's Cove, 395-2757.--14tfar NEW AND USED - Golden Falcon, Park, Cottager, Travel Trailers, Fifth Wheels, Truck Campers and Caps. Open 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. weekdays; 5 p.m. Saturdays; closed Sunday. Morry's Trailer Sales and Rentals, Highway 4, between Hanover and Walkerton. 364- 3748. --19tfgp AFFORDABLE - $1250 - Hardtop. 1975 Sunkamper trailer, very good condition, sleeps 6 comfortably. Fridge, stove and furnace. 368-5692. -20gp 1972 SUNSET TRAILER 17', sleeps 6, fridge, stove, bathroom, awning, must sell 524-7125 noon/after 5 or 482-7464 anytime. --20gp FREE TO GOOD HOME Female Springer Spaniel Collie pup, 13 weeks old. Has, had first shots and dewormed. Please call 528-2148.--19,20 WANTED TO BUY - 20 acres of quality standing hay in Dungannon, Carlow, area. Please call 524-4167.--20,21gp WANTED TO BUY- 3 pts. hitch adapter for Allis-Chalmer' model b-15. Please call 524-9227 best after 5 p.m. --20- 22gp YxL GILTS and HxD Boars as well as purebred Yorkshire and Landrace Boars and gilts available. Tim and Rosa Small 529-3240,--48tfar TWO-YEAR OLD CHAROLOIS BULL (R.O.P. test results) guaranteed breeder. Phone 529-7152 after 5 p.m.-- 19,20gp HORSES - WALSH PONY, well trained, excellent behavior approximately 12 years old. Ideal for young children, Dark brown and black, Asking $850. with saddle and bridle.Call Werner Ritgen 529-7783,--20,21gp i t G Farm, Equljpment 500 GAL. SURGE WHITE BULK TANK 4. hp. unit like new auto wash $5000. Complete 2" surge line, 4 mini orbits 75 and vac pump new motor, 285' ss line $4000. Patz stable cleaner good con- dition, chain and shute only 3 yrs. old - 190' clockwise chain 20' shute $1500. Ken Brindley Farm, 1 mile N. of Point Farm.Provincial Park lakeside, Saturday and Sunday May 22 & 23, Used office desk, chairs, steel shelving, table on wheels, office tables.. New air con- ditioner/heaters (commercial). Miscel- laneous hand tool, counters, weigh scales, display cases, (jewellery store), childrens new shoes, miscellaneous books, .household articles plus farm items. 524-8092, --20gp - • 5. Cars For Sale 1987 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham d'elegance only 37,000 miles, loaded, never winter driven, must be seen, asking $15,000. Phone d95-4714. --19- 21x,22-24nx 1986 SUZUKI SAMARAI 4x4 Conver tible, nice condition, Phone 395-6591.- 19,20 7E. Motorcycles 1991 HONDA XR200, excellent con dition, asking $1600, O.B.O. .Phone 395-5186, --20-22x, 23-25nx (519) 529 7-122-Dtingannon=20,21 JUNE 1 Apt # 1 1020 Yonge-St--18687-Call-collect.-4-705) 327-1350._ $389.20 (freshly decorated in Dec.) and Independent representative.--20bc Apt, #3; 1020 Yonge St,, Walkerton, Bachelor, ,$389.20 per month, utilities included. Swimming pool, garage, quiet exclusive complex, across from Bruce County Building, OPP, near school. Apply to Joe Apt. #7, 1016 Yonge St. 881-3794.-18tfgp GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? Well take it! America's largest resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales International. 1-800-423- 5967 (24 hburs). --20bc IDEAL RETREAT: Winterized cottage 28x48 on small acreage on 9 Mile River, near Lucknow. Shop and garage 20x30 insulated, $116,000. Phone'395- 2432--19,20x' NEAT 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in. Lucknow. Write Box 551 to arrange appointment and make an offer. --19- 21x IN GODER(CH ail on one property, house, retail store and one apt. 1,400 sq. ft, each. Income $22,200. asking $210,000. Call 524-5244 after 6 p.m. -- 19-21 gp MCDONAGH HEAL Ec'''E . Act : n.A\CE Ti.) HOMES FOR SALE ONE STOREY completely renovated, new oak cupboards, Close to main street - 869,000.00, ONE STOREY newly renovated; 5 & 3 piece bath, 2 bedroom, paved drive. 9% mortgage. 11/: STOREY BRICK, 3 bedroom, 4 piece bath, sun porch, paved drive. Asking159,500.00. FARMS FOR SALE • Kinloss Township - Lucknow Area • 250 ACRES cash crop land; 200,acres systematically drained, balance random drained, 8 acres hush. Vendor take .. back mortgage. 100 ACRES good production farm, 60 acres systematically drained, balance random drained. 4 bedroom yellow brick home. Barn is set up for beef, trench silo, 10 acres hard wood bush. Vendor take back mortgage. Asking $125,000.00: •'• 100 ACRES - 60-65 acres workable self '• drained land, balance bush..3 bedroom yellow. brick home, good barn with trench. silo,' 2 car garage. Asking $100,000,00, • DAIRY FARM 150 ACRES = 52 cow tie, pipeline, 2 upright silos, 2 steel granaries, '4 bed- . room brick home. Asking $169,000.00. Call: - • Fraser Mackinnon'528-3013 Barry McDonagh 528-2031 2 BEDROOM GROUND level apartment with 'private entrance. Cresthaven Apts, $385.00 and utilities. 1-848-2215. --17tf NICE LOCATION iN LUCKNOW. One bedroom apartment, $260.00 per month plus hydro. Phone 528-3635 or 745- 2363, --10tf 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT available, Main Street, suitable for mature person. Phone 528-3932.--19-20ar 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, Main Street, available June 1st. Phone 528- 2031.--16tfar Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 19, 1993 - Page 17 15 M.ouseS For Rotit 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, 1/2 mile from Lucknow. Available August 1st $450. per month plus utilities. Referen- ces required. Apply to drawer #13 c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400 Luck - now. NOG 2H0. --20 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, completely renovated'$600/month plus utilities, first and last months rent. References re- quired. Available May 1/93. Call Garry at Montgomety..'526-2813. --11tf . 24. Wanted To Rent HOUSE IN COUNTRY preferably with farm buildings.. Willing to do carpentry work on house if needed. Phone 528- 3238 after 6 p.m. and ask for Pat, --20x 25. Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - Tanks, torches, and gauges for oxy-acetylene. Please call 524-4167.-•19-21 gp 26. Help Wanted COMMUNITY - minded individua wanted to act as news correspondent for Dungannon and area. Call Pat at The Sentinel 528-2822--20-22nx CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT for maternity leave, experience preferred, starting June 1993. Send resume to Dr. Campbell. 33A West Street, Goderich, N7A 2K5. 524-9113. --20gp PART TIME/ FULL TIME Kitchen help required, Experiencean asset but riot necessary, will train. Apply to Mayfair Restaurant. Lucknow. 528=3932. --20ar EARN EXTRA MONEY while you work at home. Become a Jocus Toy consul- tant. Starter kit only $29.97. No monthly sale quotas. Call 1-8007361-4587.=20gp LUCKNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE requires SECURITY GUARD for functions ' at the Community Centre. approxi- mate tirne 10:00 pm to 2:00 am. Interested applic€ants may apply .in writing stating•quali- fications.. remuneration etc., to Drawer #12 Lucknow Sentinel, P.O. Box'400 • Lucknow. Ontario NOG 2H0 Business Opportunity GUESS. WHAT'S CANADA'S BEST . KEPT secret? The Watkins Business Opportunity! Low start-up cost. Guaran- teed quality household products since L!.._8. Business Opportunity FOR SALE - ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY service station, Parrsboro area, Nova Scotia. Busy two -bay pumps one million annually. Reason for selling: health. Phone (902) 447-2851 after six. --20bc GROUND FLOOR! No selling, meetings, fees! 100% guarantee on all products! Buyers Club - expanding, nationwide! FREE information package. 1-800-653-4637, refer to transit no. 33603.--20bc 31. Service Directory STARTERS, generators, alternators voltage regulators and batteries. Test ing, sales and service. Albrecht Auto Electric north of Whitechurch. 357.3495. --50tfar Ken Selkirk GENERAL BOOKKEEPING and TAX SERVICES Business, Farm Lucknow Personal 529-1037 NOR r KRUP KING •Seed Corn *Alfalfa Soybean Don Ritchie RR 5 LUCKNOW 395-2806 Northrup King Seeds CARL SLOETJES Sales, installation, Renovation -Windows •Doors •Siding . •Cabinets - •Flooring •Free Estimates RR7 LUCKNOW 529-3164 Since 1976 JAMES SYMES PAVING MATERIALS ASPHALT,and CONCRETE • ' DRIVEWAYS Paving of Roads, Parking Lots, Tennis Courts Grading - Gravel • Topsoil LUCKNOW - 528-3047 R.A. HAVENS ELECTRIC ik Residential - Farm - Commercial • Electrical Contractor.. i R • . Free Estimates 'ROD HAVENS • LUCKNOW • 528-2301. het GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY, Patz feed and manure handling systems - Agrimetal feed processing equipment, bale choppers. Service repairs. Custom belt lacing. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-2851. -- 8tfar LYNN LCQWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your , manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley.'We handle everything - almost.--42tfar 11J. Farm Land 50 ACRES of pasture farm land for rent immediately, west side of Lucknow. $1500, for the season. Please call 524- 9900.--19,20gp 11.M For Rent WHITECHURCH AREA; 85 workable acres, pasture land, Available im- mediately. Phone 578-1021 or 576-6625 after 6 p,m. --20tf 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT with fridge and stove, $310 per month plus futilities. Available June 1st.: Call Paul 528-2411. --20,21 APARTMENT FOR RENT located above Fincher's• store. First and last month's rent, references required, available approximately June 1. Contact Tom Fincher 524-6901. for inquiries. --20gp 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE with family room, nicely decorated. Located on 12 conc. Ashfield Twsp. just South of Am- berly. Available July 1,. $475,/ per month. Call Werner Ritgen 524-8331, -- 20, 21 gp 18. Houses For Rent DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Three bedroom, 1 month free rent. Available immediately: Phone 396-9332.--03,04tf CANADIAN COMPANY RAPIDLY. EX; P%1NDING has the fundraising and premium tool of the 90's. Distributors needed immediately. Minimum in- vestment $995. Federal Music and Video Club 1-800-26.3-1900. --20bc EF FOUNDATION seeks volunteer to co-ordinateinternational student ex- change program. Work w/young people,. explore new cultures, travel. Expenses paid. For information, call- Kathleen Meyer. 1-800-263-2825. --20bc CALLING ALI Network Marketing 13urntt►tits • -a11 part plan hust(•sses- & RIIUUINC ENTREPRENEURS...! 11f, hni r Year honer hnserl business, Ili rlr'tn urrl Jrrndirrr.+ unrl a r,r,nJrru.wrlluu. and ar r•nnsurnr'r Jrurrltrrsi4T 114(11 Will KNOCK YOUR°SOCKS OFF'! This call is worth they eit►rt: - 1)0 17' .\'Oil'! (;et1! - Delores 262-3114 .0r _ Karen 2.33-2419 12& zoLLiln> �0 • Itienings ��^L • it irt1i los • Atutibers,tries • aifpnrt • iPCttttai. 5tttg5 • *porting cZ' Concerttieitts Ask about our Wedding Specials A Classic Lincoln 'stretch formerly owned by Harold Ballard (519) 357-4111 �y��GpVA7fNad09 ZOK.E.G. 9� z • Trim-Dozerr • Hy -Hoe • Gravel For more information and free estimates call 4 Barry Johnston • 395-5231 Paul Jerome 357-3275