The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-05-19, Page 16Page 16 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 19, 1993 528-2822 INDEX Classified 528-2822 01. Articles For Sale 02.• 03. Garage/Yard Sale 04. Antiques & Art 4A: Crafts & Hobbies 05. Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sale • off ilani lit 7A. For Sale General, 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent • . 70 Bicycles • 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, Etc. - •7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles -Campers &Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08..Computers, Videos, Etc.' 09. Automotive 10.'Pets 11A. For' Sale General 118. Wanted To Buy 11C, Wanted To Hire 110. Employment Wanted 11E, Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G, Farm Equipment 11H, Farm Services 11J. Farm Land 11K. Farm Real Estate 11L, Wanted To Rent' 11M. For Rent r 12. Real Estate For Sale • 13. MobileHomes• 14. Vacation Properties 16, For Rem 17. Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20. Room & Board 22. Lots For Rent 23. Com mercial'Property For Rent 24, Wanted To Rent 25. Wanted To Buy 26. Help Wanted 27. Wanted General . 28. Business Opportunity 29, Tenders 30. Employment Wanted 31. Selvice Directory 32, Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34, Personal 35, Notice Tq Creditors 36 Announcements 37. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45. 46 47 48. Mortgages• Auction Sale Educational Lost & Found To Give Away Death Notices Births Engagements Marriages In Memoriam Card 01 Thanks Coming Events 1; Articles For Saler WordClassified Rates (25 Words) 1 week - $3.75 - 2 weeks $3.25 ea.'- 3 weeks - $2.75 ea. dditi nal Words at .16 each. Additional $2.00 charge if classifieds billed after 7 days. Mastered, J. l v -'SPECIAL RATES $2.75 Thursdays and 3+3 (pay for 3 get .3 free) on person to person ads.. Sell'it in issues or we'll run it another "Free" Person to person ads only please. Run your classified word ad for 3 issues. If your article doesn't sell, we'll run it for another 3 Issues free. Must be requested when placing ad. When your arti- cle sells, simply call to cancel. CALL PHYLLIS AT 528-2822 ' A buck in the hand is worth more than a garage full of junk $2.75 THURSDAY Drop into our office, any Thursday with your word' classified ' (maximum. 25 words) and pay only $2.75 (paid in: advance). Plus C.S.T. That's $1.00 off regular:. rates. . nune STEEL BUILDINGS, BEST BUILDING PRICES- Steel Strait - wall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11,690; 50x90 $16,622; 60x126 $25,375 - other sizes available • Final Spring clearance - Paragon -24 Hours 14300-263-8499.--20bc COURTNEY SEWING MACHINES -sale on new machines, semi industrial and used, repairs to most makes and models. Phone 395-5341 Mon - Fri. „-- _1422 LANDSCAPING OR FENCING RAILROAD TIES suitable for fence posts or landscaping. Various grades, very competitive rates. Call 'pow 529- 7691.'--14tfgp SCREENED TOPSOIL. • Call Huron Landscaping 529-7247.-17-39ar 'NORITAKE CHINA SALE! Terrific discounts on current pattemsl Delivered well -packed, insured„. For price list on your Noritake pattern Alexander's, toil -free 1-800-263-5896 (clip and save). --20bc JUMP INTO SUMMER WITH A 14' ROUND JUMPKINGtrampoline , Fitness and fun for the entire family. $550.00 includes padding. Offspring Enterprises (519) 638-3640 or (519) 638-2026. -- 20bc USED WASHER - KELVINATOR: Front FRESH ONTARIO LAMB for sale load, 5 temp., 4 cycle, CLEAN! Only delivered. Gall 529-3263,--16-21gp $249. Dave 364-4155. --20gp ' STEEL BUILDINGS " FIND OUT WHY more and more people buy and recommend Future for quality, integrity and service. Call now for special prices on Hay Storage Buil- dings.' 1-800-668-8653,--20bc STEEL BUILDINGS SELLING AT FACTORY COST: Two 40'x96' top-quality wood/steel buildings, never picked up, first -come -first-served, SPAN -TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. 24 hours, 1-800-561-2200. --20bc STEEL BUILDINGS A -Z PRE -ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm, storage, Commercial, industrial. New types, steel/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 FREE brochures. Clip - save. -20bc UNIQUE PRODUCT WASHES, SOF- TENS CLOTHES without detergents or chemicals for fraction of costs. Environ- mentally desirable, satisfaction guaran- teed! Individuals/Dealers welcome. Pan Tec Inc. Belwood NOB1J0? FAX/Phone (519) 843.4600. -20bc QUEEN SIZE BED - shelf head board with mirror in center $100., woodstove with pipes excellent for cottage or garage $60., 3 hp. heavy duty electric motor excellent condition $100. Please call 524-4476 after 4 p.m. or leave message. 20-22nxe PET FOOD SPECIALS MAINSTAY, SAVE Dog $ 2.39 Food 20 kg $2.48 - PRO PLAN "FREE" DO Or Celt FOOd Brass picture frame g. with purchase FLEA COLLARS ONLY , Dog or Cat $1.99 with any purchase of pet food ...Plus lots more for your dog, cat, fish, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, gerbel. ISIN LUCKNOW FARM SUPPLY LUCKNOW' Hwy. #86 528-2331 . Artictes Ffar Sale • RIECK I.D.A. Pharmacy, Goderich, carries a full line of breast prostheses After breast surgery our certified fitters can help. you. For more information cal 524-7241. collect --20gp USED FRIDGE/STOVE PAIR: 24" electric range, Kelvinator; 13 cubic foot fridge, Viking, frost free; Pair only $499. Dave 364-4155. --20gp MOVING SALE - 8 piece dining room set $700., portable dishwasher $100., large oak desk $150., Yamaha YPR-7 portable piano $150.; other miscel- laneous items. Phone 529-7936. -20x LAUNDRY PAIRS; Viking dryer, Keri; more washer, 5 cycle only $299. pair. Simplicity dryer, vari-cycle washer 2 speed, white•only $249. pair'. Dave 364 4155. --20gp • MID-SIZED FREEZER, runs good $100.; reconditioned etectrolux vacuum _cleaner $250. Phone 395-5817. -20-22, 23-25nx USED 'PORTABLE DISHWASHER: Inglis, Butcher block laminate top, ener- gy saver, Hot water. boost 5 cycle $199. Dave 364-4155. --20gp MAY '93 SHOW .AND SALE at Schuett's, Mildmay. New livingroom, dinette and bedroom suites: Splendid selection. Also mattresses; sofabeds, appliances 'and .pianos. Come to Schuett's Furniture Showrooms, Mildmay. 367-2308..Schuett's. deli"v, er free in a wide area. --20gp MOOSE LICENCES available Hotyrood Store. --20ar SMALL 'FRIDGE CLEARANCE: Left/Right door, 30 day warranty great Articles For Sate' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is available at the following locations out of town: Holyrood General Store; Ripley Superior Market; Dawson's Store, Dungannon; MacNays Store, Amberley; Triangle Discount, Goderich; Wingham Stationery, Wingham; MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair Service; White- church. -9tfnx FAX SERVICE The Lucknow Sentinel does custom • faxing. Drop in and see us or dal! 528-2822, for full details. -3l tfnx RAILWAY TIES for retaining walls,' planters, fence posts. Cali Huron Landscaping 529-7247.-17-26ar WOODSTOVE & FIREPLACE glass, will not break from heat. Cut to any size or Shape. The Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlour & ' Gallery Inc. 368-5274. 4ltfnbcpnx THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL now has the following papers available in our. office, on Wednesday. Goderich Signal Star, . Kincardine News, Port Elgin Shoreline News; Walkerton Herald Times, Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth 'Huron Expositor, Zurich Advance.--16tfnx . ONSAT Canada's weekly Guide to Satellite TV is now available at The Lucknow Senti. rel $2.00 per issue. -- 12tfnx CUSTOM -TYPING The Lucknow Sentinel does confidential custom typing for customers; resume's, letters etc. We can offer you a number of different print types and sizes: CaII , in for r mor - our office or drop e details. for cottage, apartment, CLEAN! firm 8tfnx • $149. MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE. 364-4155. Ask for Dave. Delivery available. --20gp . #2 CHATHAM DRY CORN... Available this weekend MAY 22 MAY 24 up to 1 .. on, well priced LUCKNOW FARM SUPPLY LUCKNOW Hwy. #86 528-2331 Evenings 529-3140 Don't close the book `on .your child's future. Read together tonight. ABC CANADA THE FOUNDATION TO PROMOTE LITERACY IN CANADA, Distnbution 91 this message was made possible by the Chnadian Advertising Foundation DEHUMIDIFIERS -- Seconds and recon- ditioned. Many sizesl Shop early for best selection. $149. and up. Dave 364- 4155. MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE --2Ggp CHEST FREEZER SALE: "New" Scratch'n Dent Model, 7 - 22 cubic foot. Low prices. Full warranty. Also Inquire about our current stock of all -fridges and uprite. freezers. MODERN AP- PLIANCE CENTRE, Dave 364-4165. -- 20gp Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL any of the following Luck - now businesses: Beckers Milk, Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village Market, Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow Service Centre and C.E. MacTavish. -52tf VACUUM SALES and service. Specialty - Central, Electrolux, Filter Queen, Kirby, .Compact, all other makes. Phone 305-5817. --45tf TRYC&E FURNITURE, (new and used) Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. Highway 21 south Goderich 524- - 7231. --30tf HARDWOOD SLABS- good clean hardwood slabs for sale $11.42 -$12.35 per cord delivered 'to Lucknow area. Call 529-7302.-19-21gp• 5 ASPARAGUS for sale. Phone 528-2393 F. MacKenzie. -19-21x FOR SALE IN TIME for Grade 8 graduation. Boys black 2 pc. suit, very sharp„ like new, size 16 husky, (bigger in shoulders and waist) asking 1/2 price, $80; Boys size 18 white on white striped dress shirt, $5; black dress pants size 16, $15, excellent condition, Call Jan Alton at 529-3103. --19,20