The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-05-19, Page 10Page 10 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 19, 1993 our htha.urite Fin are celebrating 's Lucknow Western Days May 20th -22nd GIGANTIC SAVINGS Selected Place Mats 1/2 price t i11kfta 4i`ri Selected �e ; Kitchen Towels z Reg. 9.98-7.98 �` Now 4200 41s' 1 ;a LUCKNOW 528-3016 Lucknow & District Chamber of Commerce Thursday May 20th to . Saturday May 22nd' Western Days Specials Agnew Jewellery, Gifts & Children's Wear . LUCKNOW .. . 528-3532 Demonstrators Some local people attending Saturday's demonstration on Parliament Hill were among tens of thousands of protesters who united against Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and his government. Christopher, Brent, Marcus, Theresa and Donald Bowyer of Wingham are surrounded by the "graveyard" of factories attributed to free trade. (Tony McQuail photo) Fellow employees shower Lyons baby Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom -Vannus and family of Lam- beth. • Agnes Farrier visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and family of Windsor. The staff of Shoppers Drug Mart in Wingham held a baby shower for Judy Lyons •and baby Bradley Robert at the Lyons home recently. On Mothers Day, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lyons had Bradley Robert baptized at Belmore Presbyterian Church. Family and friends gathered after at the Lyons home for dinner. Don and Jean Ross, Brian and Laura Ross,Agnes Gaunt, Roy and Betty Pennington . attended the church service .at Forrest Hill United Church, Kitchener, on Sun- day, when Alexander Robert Ross was baptized. Also attending the THIS is IT FINAL EVERY MUST GO STILL OVER 114 THINGMILLIONINSTOCK MONTH. 72 LIVING ROOM starting as !ow as 29919 14.15 per month Rent to Own OVER 20 RECLINERS starting as low as 14999 WING CHAIRS 2Z999 6 PC. BEDROOM SETS at 399 99 18.87 per month Rent to Own 5 STYLES OF. BUNKS starting at 26999 13.21 per month complete with mattress. Rent to Own KITCHEN SETS from 1 6999 HIDE ABEDS AT 29998 OR 14.15 per month - Rent to Own BOX & MATTRESS FROM 9999 Everything must GO! GO! GO! GO! I.a CilW! NOW! NOW! COLOR TV'S, VCR'S, WASHER, DRYERS, FRIDGES, STOVES, DISHWASHERS ALL MUST BE LIQUIDATED IJ\TCLAIMI'sD F1iTIGII'1' R.R. #5, OWEN SOUND 371-0931 WHITECHURCH by Jean Ross family dinner held at the home of Bob and Lois were David, Kin, Andrew and Brandon Ross, Allan Pennington and friend, and Lorne Pennington. John Murray Simpson, infant son of Murray and Kim Simpson, was baptized Sunday morning at'Chal- mers Presbyterian Chruch. ' Also attending. the service was Jean McLeod of Lucknow, :Elsie Simpson of Toronto, and Hugh and Mary Simpson. All attended dinner with Murray and Kim and family. Betty Armstrong and Edythe Lockridge of Wingham, Nellie Brock of Londesboro spent Wed- nesday in Port Huron, Michigan. UCW The. United Church Women held their May 6 meeting at the home of Mts. Clifford Laidlaw. The topic was Christian stewardship and .. finance with Pauline Adams and Gertrude Durnin as leaders. The call ' to worship was Gathering Words from the Mandate magazine., . .. Psalm 104 was read by Mrs: ^ Adams and Mrs.. Durnin read poems pertaining to Mother. Mrs. • Adams gave a reading on Elizabeth Barrett. The rollcall was answered by eight with an article on mission and service. Agnes Farrier presided for the business. • The June 2 meeting will be held at the home of Margaret Sieightholm with a pot luckdinner at noon. NOTICE Due to the Victoria Day Holiday falling on Monday, May 24th the... HOLIDAY SCHEDULE ...wily be as follows: Editorial 2:00 PM Friday May 21, 1993 Advertising Classifieds - 2:00 PM Friday May 21 Display - 3:00 PM Friday May 21