HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-04-28, Page 19HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 624-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635. —40tf PERSONAL LOANS/DEBT CON- SOLIDATION. Borrow up to $100,000 with no credit or collateral. 12% interest. Must be employed full-time. No upfront fee. Gall today. Fidelity Acceptance 1- 800-872-5899.-17bc NEO -LIFE PURE SALMON OIL. When you're not a fish lover, but want the health benefits of more fish oil in your diet. Call 364-4664-17-20gp CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE - Are you pregnant? Need help? Call our 24 hour hotline collect 323-3751 or drop in at 178 Main St. S. Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counseling and sup- port, childbirth coaches, clothing. -16ar 35, Notice:o>Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate • of JOHN FRASER HENDERSON late of the Town of Walkerton, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day or February, 1993, .must be filed with the under- signed on or before May 31, 1993; thereafter the Executrix of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated April 13, 1993. c/o George J. Brophy, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ont NOG 2H0 16,17,18 OPEN BOWLING ONLY LUCKNOW BOWL Week Days 6-1OPM Friday 6-11 PM Saturday 1-11 PM Sunday 1-5PM CLOSED All Day Wednesday Sorry for the inconvenience during our renovation The Mid -Huron Landfill Site Board Invites applications of interested individuals to form a Public Liaison Committee to the Board. The purpose of the Committee • would be to meet and submit rec- ommendations/suggestions on mat- ters pertaining -to the Mid -Huron Landfill Site Bo.ard maintenance and operation and related Waste Management issues to the Board. • Please submit your application to the attention of the undersigned on or before May 12, 1993. Larry J. McCabe Secretary to the Miif%Huron Landfill Site Board 57 West St. Goderich, Ont: N7A 2K5 AS OF MAY 1, 1993 Agnew Jewellery and Gifts will be located at. 590 Campbell St., Lucknow two doors East of present location. Phone number will remain the same.-17ar 39. Educational LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- western School of Auctioneering. Next Class: March 13-19. Information, con- tact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR 5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. -- 17bc AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE Friday, May 21 If you have something to sell give us a call. Grant McDonald 395 -5353 - Wallace Ballagh 392-6170 AUCTIONEERS SPECIAL STOCKER SALE at - Lucknow Community Sales Barn Lucknow Monday, May 3, 1993 1:30 P.M. Already consigned: 35 Charlois Heifers approx. 650 lbs. 25 Limo Cross Calves For more information call: 519-529-7970 Res. 519-529-7625 Bus. 519-528-3211 Sales Barn Monday & Wednesday CONSIGNMENTS STILL WELCOME CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE of over 60 tractors & 300 pieces farm equip- ment; 50 riding lawn mowers, to be held at Brindley Auction Yard Dungannon Saturday, May 8, 1993 9:30 A.M. Sharp TRACTORS: 2 - Ford 4000's; MOF 2675 - cab & air; 2 - MF 265; 2 - 1H 8275; 3 - MF 180's; 2 - MF 165; 10 - Ford 8N's; D B 1212; 2 - MF 20 & loader; JD 2355 - 700 hrs.; IH 1466; IH 706; IH 756; DB 880 & loader; 2 - CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Lucknow Arena Early June Good clean items welcome until filled. Allan R. Miller Licensed Auctioneer 396-5062 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Livestock, Grain, Hay . & Stray for JOHN MARK HUBER RR #2 Teeswater, Lot 33 Conc 4 Kinloss Twp 2 mi N. of Whitechurch,, 1/2 mi. W Wednesday, April 28/93 5:00 PM For information call: • John Mark Huber 357-3331 Auctioneer: Brian Rintoul 357-2347 See last week's paper for listing MCQUILLIN The family of the late Frank McQuillin would like to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for .their visits, floral tributes, cards, food and memorial donations at the time of Frank's death. The comforting message and support of Rev. Albert Cook, the lovely lunch provided by the ladies of the Lucknow UCW, the special service by the Luck - now Legion and the professional assis- tance of Joan Pollard, MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, were very much appreciated. Special thanks to the many people who provided care during Frank's illness including Dr. Shubat, nurses at Wingham and District Hospital, Community Nurses, Town And Country Homemakers,. Homecare, Pal- liative Care and Professional Respiratory. Your support and kindness at this time was very much appreciated. Laurine McQuillin, Terry and Jane Wil- son, Steve Silcock. -17 MARTIN Thank you very much to friends and neighbors for your kindness during my , recent illness. A special thank you to staff of hospital and medical centre for their care and expertise. Sincerely Joan. -17x SCOUTS YARD SALE Saturday May 8 at the Kinsmen Park starting at 8 a.m. Alternate rain location - Lucknow Legion. Anyone with Items to donate for sale please contact any Scout or Linda Andrew at 529-7508 evenings. -17,18 NOTICE Effective immediately the Lucknow & Area Food Bank hours are: • Monday Evenings 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Thursday Mornings 9:00 AM - Noon Itis necessary to contact a committee member prior to going to the Food Bank. Call: 528-2833 - 528-2034 or 395-4204 Ford 4000; MF 135 gas; White 1365; MM Z; JD 820; IH 484 - 500 hrs.; MH Pony; MH 333; MF 50 gas; plus many more. EQUIPMENT: 10 sets of wheel discs; 10 - cultivators; 6 grain drills; 3 - mixmills; .5 - manure spreaders; 40 - new Hi -Co roto mowers; 4 corn planters; 20 plows; 5 - haybines; 5 - hayrakes; 6 hay wagons; MF 750 combine c/w grain header. TRAILERS: New 5th wheel equip- . ment trailer; 2 - travel trailers. LAWN MOWERS: Approx. 50 riding & push lawn mowers; plus many more items by sale day. You Name It - We Have It CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME TERMS: Cash or cheque with prop- er I.D. - 8% sales tax and 7% G.S.T. where applicable. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for acci- dents or loss of purchase day of sale. Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising. Lunch booth on .grounds. AUCTIONEER: Gordon H. Brindley • For further information of consign- ments call: (519) 529-7625 Bus.; 529-7970 Res. LUCKNOW LEGION GARAGE & BAKE SALE Saturday, May 1, 1993 8:30 AM-??? All donations accepted. Will pickup. Call 529-7686 We invite you to attend GOSPEL MEETINGS in the Lucknow and District Christian School 1 1/2 mi East Of Lucknow on South • Side of Hwy. #86 Each Tuesday & Thursday . 7:30 - 8:30 Speakers: • Mr. Lorne Mitchell - Oil Springs Mr. George Patterson - Clinton A WARM WELCOME - GIVEN TO ALL Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 28, 1993 - Page 19 T.T.F.F. Tupperware Tax Free Friday, Apr. 30, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Mother's Day, wedding and shower gift suggestions; coffee and calories at Bernice Glenn's, Dungannon 529-7934.--16,17 BALL PARK SCHEDULING All parties interested in use of the four ball parks (Lucknow and Dungannon) should have representatives at a meeting to schedule ball diamonds on Apr. 29, 9 p.m. upstairs in the arena Complex. -17ar HANOVER SINGLES DANCE Saturday, May 1/93 I.W.A. (Woo- dworkers Hall), 405 - 10th St., Dancing 9 - 1; Dress code. -17gp BRIDAL SHOWER A Bridal Shower for Debbie Raynard of Newfoundland will be held at Trinity Church Ashfield on Tues. May 11, at 7:30 pm. Relatives and friends wel- come. -17,18x RUBBER DUCK RACE 1st Lucknow Boy Scouts Rubber Duck Race Sat. May 8th - 2:00m - Luck - now Kinsmen Ball Park -Sponsorship tickets available from all Scouts. -17,18 OPEN HOUSE MAY 2 Maple Leaf Motel and Trinket Shoppe, . Goderich invites 'you Sunday 2 - 5. Locally handcrafted items. View our clean comfortable rooms. 54 Victoria St. N. (Hwy 21). In time for Mothers Dayl 524-2302. -17gp FIDDLE JAMBOREE Blyth and District Community Centre, Sunday May 23, 1:30 - 8 p.m. Admis- sion $3.00, cold dinner, $5.00, overnight camping, $9.00. Sponsored by Blyth Lions Club.-19,20gp RIPLEY'S 2ND ANNUAL YARD & SIDEWALK SALE Sat. May 22, 8 a.m. Spaces available for out of town participants For more information call Leann 395-5057 BUSINESS ASSOCIATIQN MEETING The Lucknow Business Association will meet May 5, at 8 a.m. at the Mayfair Restaurant. All members are urged to atiend. -17ar MANOTICK ARTISTS' STUDIO TOUR (south of Ottawa), May 8 & 9, 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Free admission. Draw prizes. Maps at local businesses. Info: (613) 489-2878, (613) 489-3514. 17bc ELMIRA HOME AND CRAFT SHOW Friday May 7, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Saturday May 8,9 a.m-5 p.m. Over 80 vendors. Adults $2.50. Elmira Arena/Community Centre, next to Raceway. --17bc LUCKNOW SCHOOL CONCERT BAND Lucknow Community Centre, Friday, May 7 at 8:15. Public s.chool $1.50, Adults $3.00. Proceeds for 1993 tour. -- 16-1Q SAY NO TO VIOLENCE Keynote address by Dr. Pat Kincaid 'Reaching out to Children Who Witness Violence". Thursday, Apr. 29, 7:00 p.m., Kincardine Township -Tiverton Public School.--16,17gp BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thurs- day, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $3450 in prizes. $1000.00 Jackpot must go.—15tfar 50TH ANNIVERSARY Come celebrate Wilda & Harvie. Thompson's 50th Wedding Anniversary. May 1, Come & Go Tea -Ripley Legion 2 4 Dance -Ripley Complex 9-1. Tiffin's Orchestra. No gifts please.—16,17gp 138th ANNIVERSARY Dungannon United Church, Sunday, May 2, 11 a:me Rev. Robert J. Roberts, Ridgetown, guest speaker. Special music, refreshments to follow. —16,17 FAMILY DANCE Whitechurch Community Hall, Fri. May 7, Tiffins Orchestra. Lunch provided. Adults $5.00, children under 12 free. - 17,18 r SHAKE, RATTLE AND STILLROLL. • Unique Anchor -Loc epoxy anchoring ill Case IH batteries reduces. plate vibration and helps prevent short circuits that can end the life of a.battery. Group 30H 625 C.C. Amp. Th.et means when you shake and rattle through fields and down rough country roads, you can still depend on a Case IH battery - regardless of the color your equipment is painted. . Stop in today and roll on home with a dependable, long -life Case IH. battery. C.A. BECKER Equipment Limited LUCKNOW 529-7993' Aiimminnommnow