HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-04-14, Page 20rage Zu - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 14, 1993
Welcome •back
snow birds
by Mildred L ena°
Welcome home to our snow birds
that have been spending the winter
in warmer places.
On Saturday, Apr. 3, Harold
Gardner of Maple Breezes, Marlene
and Roy Keane of Newmarket, and
Larry Hunter of Pefferlaw enter-
tained Beryl Hunter at a surprise
dinner party in honor of her 80th
birthday. Friends and relatives
attended. Later, a social hour was
held at the Town Hall where friends
brought greetings to Beryl and
Elsie Houston_ enjoyed attending
the 45th annirsary party of Mr.
and Mrs. Arth Garland at Pinker-
ton on Satur y, Apr. 10.' It was
held on the farm where Elsie had
lived as a girl.
Sympathy is extended to Arnetta
Thompson and Ruth Jardine in the
passing of their brother, John Dah-
mer of Elmira; also to the Chisholm
family in the passing of Grant's
mother, Bessie of Goderich.
Several families enjoyed having
visitors home for the Easter
Bob and Marion McComb, Mat-
thew and Olivia of Castleton were
home with Gordon and Bernice
Johnstone. -
On Saturday Pat and Kristy Bell,
Dianne, Bill, Jane and Jonathan
Swann, all of Guelph, also Bill and
Joyce Shepherd of Camlachie all
gathered at the home of Ken and
Elleda Laidlaw.
Rhoda MacKenzie had her two
sisters, Eliza and Edna Cook of
Owen Sound to visit' her, then on
Sunday Rhoda enjoyed Easter din-
ner with Neil and Judy Mackenzie
in Ashfield.
Rev. Bill and Peggy Henderson
enjoyed visits from Rev.. John,
Dorothy and Daniel Henderson of
Waterloo on Friday; Sandy and
Patty Henderson and family of
Gormley on Saturday •and Sunday,
"and . also Margaret Henderson of
Stan, Pam and Alex Loree of
Branlpton were home for the
weekend with Austin and Mildred.
Alpines and
Snowdrops are
out in front
Monday Night Mixed
Ladies' H.S. Donna Pepper and
Shirley Kennedy tied with 232;•
• H.T. Donna Pepper 567.
Men's H.S. Fred DeBoer 252,
c Taylor 690.
Games over 200: Fred DeBoer
252, Shirley Kennedy 232, Eric
Kennedy 235, 238, 217, John Van-
Diepen 215; 201, Donna Pepper
232, Shani Webb Ziegler 211, John
• Andrew 244, 207, Dave Saunder- •
cock . 227, 203,. Emerson Howald
Standings: Alpine 27, Canadians
24, OV 19, Silver Bullets •19, Crys-
tals 19, Steelers 18.
Town and Country
Ladies' H.S. and H.D. Evelyn
Henderson 224, 420.
Men's H.S. and HD. Gordon
Brooks 178, 321.
Games 150 and over. Evelyn
Henderson 224, 196, Fern
McDonald 200, 176, Kay Crawford
150, 163, Shirley Brooks 162, 177,
Agnes Farrier 200, Joyce Swan 201,
Lois Chapin 164, 207, Jean Phillips
193, Dorothy Hamilton 175, Lois
Farrish 157, Evelyn Phillips 157,
Marg Nettleton 151; Gordon Brooks
178, Herb CLark 151, 150, Dick
Nettleton 162, George Taylor 155.
Team points: Snowdrops 10,
Crocuses 8, Daffodils 5, Pansies 5,
Tulips 2, Hyacinths 0.
At last year's fall fair, area school children were invited to
participate in a Bus Safety Poster Contest, sponsored by G.T.
Montgomery Bus Lines. Michelle VanderVaart, a Lucknow and
District School student was the winner. The management at
Montgomerys was so impressed with the design they decided
to Incorporate Octopus Wally on the bus drivers' jackets. an
Montgomery Is shown presenting a jacket to Michelle in honour
of her winning poster and design. (Pat Livingston photo)
Amelia Byler
Amelia Byler, of R.R. 2, Luck -
now, St. Helen's, died at her
residence on Apr. 6, 1993, at the
age of 53 years.
Mrs. Byler was born in Ohio on
Sept. 24, 1939..
She is survived by her husband
Dan; two sons, Eli of RR. 2, Luck -
now, Rudy of Greenville, Michigan
and a daughter Ada, at home.
Interment Bethel Cemetery, St.
John Henry. Dahmer
John H. Dahmer of Elmira,
formerly of Lucknow, died at his
residence on Apr. 8, 1993: Mr.
Dahmer, in his 71st year, was
retired from the Air Force.
He was born on June 25, 1922, in
Wellesley Township.
Mr. Dahmer is survived by his
daughter Trish Golding and her
husband Bert of Elmira, and a son
Shawn of Elmira;. his mother Effie
Milne and step -father Fred Milne of
Kitchener, and two sisters, Arnetta
a ee'e't•
Spring Fashions
O (10
0 O
to off
[,LT,(..K) *Clothing *Shoes *Accessories
Thompson and Ruth Jardine, both
of Lucknow.
He will be missed by
grandchildren Bradley Golding,
Laura, Mary and Michael Dahmer.
Mr. Dahmer was predeceased by
his father William Dahmer, a son
Michael, an infant daughter Kath-
leen, and his sister Verna.
Visitation was at the MacKenzie
and McCreath Funeral Home, Luck -
now, where Lucknow Branch 309
of the Royal Canadian Legion held
a memorial service on Apr. 10.
Rev. Albert Cook conducted the
funeral on Apr. 11 at 2 p.m.
• Honorary pallbearers were Joe
King and John Klein.
Active "pallbearers were Ken
Jardine, Ken Houston, Keith
Fleming, Dave Conrad, John Doher-
ty, Sue McCormick, Kevin Stortz ,
and Steve Brown.
Spring ' interment South Kinloss
Bessie -Chisholm
Elizabeth MacLean (Grant) She will be sadly missed by 17
Chisholm, of Goderich, passed grandchildren and 24 great
away at Alexandra and Marine grandchildren.
General Hospital, on Saturday, Apr. Bessie's "lessons" in the school
10, 1993 in her $9th year. She was of life, were by example, her good
a former member of the Colborne natured decency in good timds, her
WI, IODE and a life member of St. stoic dignity in suffering. She will
Peter's Catholic Women's League. be ever remembered and sadly
Bessie was one of eight children missed by her family and all those
born to Roe Allan and Barbara privileged to have known her.
(Fairish) Grant of Ashfield Prayers weresaid at the McCal-
Township. lum and Palla Funeral Home,
She graduated from Stratford Goderich on Apr. 12 at 8:30 p.m.
Normal School in 1924. The funeral mass was celebrated at.
Bessie -exchanged wedding -vows -St. Peter's -Roman -Catholic -Church
with Benson (Ben) R. Chisholm in on Apr. 13, at 11 a.m. with Rev. T.
1930, with Father Harry Chisholm McNamara officiating. Hymns were
officiating. She was actively in- sung by Eugene Frayne and Mary
volved in their fuel business until Anne Hogan.
retiring at 20 Albert Street, , Active pallbearers were grandsons
Goderich. . William Chisholm, Peter Chisholm,
She is survived by her husband Mark Chisholm, Jason Bellchamber,
Ben of Goderich, daughters Michael Edwards and • Joseph
Marybelle (Mel) Edwards of Toron- Chisholm. Honorary pallbearers
to, Dianne (Nigel) Bellchamber of were granddaughters Lynda Splan
Goderich, sons* Grant (Wilma) and Laurie Goetz. =
Chisholm of Lucknow, Donald Internment St. Peter's Cemetery,
(Fran) Chisholm of Toronto, and a Colborne. Pipe Major Frank MacK-
sister Jean (Carl) Pollock of Kincar- enzie.
Receives director's award
Director of Education Paul Mar-
tindale has been given the
"Educator Award for 1993" by the
Ontario Federation of Home and
School Associations. • He was
nominated by the Bruce Council of
Home and. School Associations in
return for his support in promoting
the group, '
Nancy Copeland, president of the
County Home and School Group
said Martindale's leadership . is "
positive and caring promotion of
(out). motto "The Best for Each
Copeland gave trustees an
explanation of the role of Home
and School Associations and their
members, and stressed that the
Association serves with the board,
teachers, parents and the Ministry
of Education as "partner's in
a education."
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