HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-04-14, Page 12i 9NTEE'
Page 12 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 14, 1993
Sirnps6n - Falls
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Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson
are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage
of their daughter
Helen Margaret
Gordon Albert
son of Margaret Falls, and the
late Bev Falls, on
April 24, 1993,
6:30 p.m.
Ashfield Presbyterian Church.
Reception to follow at
Lucknow Community Centre
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The Lucknow Legion Pipe Band as they looked In November 1992: back row, Pipe Major Frank
MacKenzie, Jean Elliott, David, Hamilton, Eleanor Harman, Gerald Mowbray, Sharon Cuilierier,
Archie Purdon, Ryan Greig, Joan Pollard, Hugh Simpson, Doug Stever, Anne Pritchard. Front row,
Mark Weir, Mathew Eadie, Duncan Campbell, Stephen Pritchard, Dillon Moore. (Marg Burkhart
A review of the Lucknow Legion Pipe
Band's very successful debut year
The Lucknow Legion Pipe Band's
debut year has been a "busy, suc-
cessful and fun one," says Doug
Stever, vice president.
With the nation celebrating its
125th birthday in 1992, the Band
was kept very busy in July. After a
mini -debut for the Horticultural
Society supper, hosted by Elmer
Umbach, band members nervously
but eagerly assembled on Canada
Day for their grand debut in front
of the hometown crowd. The group
also participated in the Ashfield,
East and West Wawanosh township
birthday celebrations, the Lucknow
and Dungannon Fall Fair parades,
the Girl Guide Regatta and for the
band's sponsor, the Lucknow
Legion Branch 309, for the,
Remembrance Day banquet and
cenotaph service. The final
engagement of the season was the
Lucknow Lions Annual Robbie
Burns Ball.
With some of the Kincardine
pipers putting away their pipes,
some membel% of the Lucknow
Legion Pipe Band joined that group
as well, taking part in both the
practises and the Saturday evening
parades down Kincardine's main
One highlight of the summer was
when the bands from Lucknow,
Walkerton, Clinton, Brussels, Lis-
towel, Toronto, Hanover and Bruce
County joined Kincardine for a
massed pipe and drum band parade
down Queen Street. An estimated
crowd of over 5,000 people filled
the main street as 70 pipers and 22
drummers filled the air with the
skirl of the pipes.
Some Lucknow band members
had. the honor of taking part in the
Kitchener -Waterloo October Fest
parade. Jim McArthur, of the Kin-
cardine Pipe Band, was instrumen-
tal in helping to form what is now
known as the Five County Massed
Pipes and, Drums. Anne Pritchard,
Hugh Simpson, Archie Purdon and
Doug Stever are a part of this band
along with members from many of
the area bands which took part in
the Kincardine parade during the
summer. This is an ongoing project
and the group has been asked to
take part in the Multiple District A
Lions Club convention parade on.
May 15.
A number of people have been
instrumental in the Lucknow Legion
Pipe Band's debut year being so
successful. There is Charlie Proctor
of Brussels, who continues to polish
and take away the group's rough
edges; Duncan Campbell who is a
great P.R..man and continues to
keep members in proper time with
his big bass drum. Gerry Fleet
keeps the drummers steadily
improving under his supervision,
while Greg Fleet, the Pipe Major of
the Walkerton Legion Pipe Band
has saved the group on more than
one occasion when they needed a
And perhaps the most important
is a man referred to as "our own
fearless leader, teacher, Pipe Major
and friend" Frank MacKenzie.
Others who have played a big
part this year are Marilou Cassidy,
Peter Roy, Jim McArthur, Sean
Kiely, Rob McKay, Lisa Moore,
Jane Buckingham, Pipe Major Mur-
ray Bone, Mary Anne Bone and
Kent Campbell.
Mr. Stever said, "We owe a
tremendous vote of thanks to the
Lucknow Legion for their support,
without which we never could hay:
been on the street this year, and for
their on-going support."
Donations from the Lucknow
Lions Ladies, Robert Scott, Harold
Gaunt, the Point Clark Oldtime
Fiddlers Association and the Village
of Lucknow for the town pins were
very much appreciated.
To Marg Burkhart for taking the
official band photograph and Bruce
MacDonald who entertained at our
Christmas Party - "a tip of the auld
glengarry to ye from the PiPe
Band," said Mr. Stever.
This years executive includes
Anne Pritchard as president, Doug
Stever as vice, Gerald Mowbray as
secretary, and Joan Pollard as
treasurer. A new member, Steven
Pritchard, will assume the position
of Quarter -Master, taking charge of
all the band equipment. Another
new member is David Hamilton of
Goderich, a very accomplished
The band practises Mondays at
7:30 p.m. at the Lucknow Legion
and Mr. Stever said they still have
room for more pipers and drum-
W1VIS worships with Teeswater, Lucknow
We hope you all had a happy
__ The_Presbyierian-WMS member,
were guests of the Teeswater WMS
Easter thankoffering on Tuesday
and the Lucknow WMS thankof-
fering on Wednesday.
Folks from here enjoyed the Can-
tata at the Bervie United Church on
Sunday evening.
Visitors with Edna and May
Boyle during the week were Jean
Hodgins of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs.
Clare Spading of Walkerton, Mar-
garet Christensen of here and the
Rev. Linda Hill of Lucknow.
. We send get well wishes to Jim
Haldenby and Douglas McEwan
who are patients in the Wingham
and District Hospital.
Alicia Thacker accompanied her
grandfather Berwick Bell to London
where they spent Easter with the
Ferguson family there.
The Presbyterian WMS was in
charge of the lunch booth at Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Nicholson's auc-
tion sale on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Young of
Wiarton visited with her mother
Nina McDonald.
Nina McDonald and her sister,
Esther Bloomfield of Paisley,
by May Boyle
the Wondrous Cross, followed by
u prayer.
U G N� Lynda_'hacker rezd_the_minutes
and correspondence.
Rollcall was a Bible verse or
poem with the thought. of Good
Friday and Easter. Lynda read a
special poem He is Not Here, He is
The spring deanery, meeting will
be on May 11 at Walters Falls.. The
1993 fall meeting will be on Oc-
tober 7. at Lion's Head.
Rev. Linda Hill brought us up to
date on a parish project in which all.
the church ladies will participate.
The program followed beginning
with the.Easter Story from SL John,
chapter 19, by Mary Haldenby.
Two hymns were sung and Mary
Haldenby gave poem entitled
Easter. Carol Cooper gave thoughts
on spring" and new life.
Edna Boyle and Lynda led in a
Bible quiz and Agnes Hodgins read
an Easter message, , followed by
Lynda reading Jesus is Alive Again.
Irlma Wall read the poem Geth-
semane and Alfhild Neable Be Glad
it's Easter Day.
Rev. Hill closed the meeting and
a time of fellowship followed.
visited on Easter with Dr. and Mrs.
Mac MacDonald in Kincardine.
Ralph Haldenby of Guelph spent
the weekend at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Nielsen, Mat-
thew and Daniel spent Easter with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don
The Presbyterian congregation
held their annual ' supper and
program on Friday evening.
Bill MacPherson, of Holyrood,
attended the funeral of Blyth
resident James Laurie, a Scottish
Mrs. Carl Scoffer visited with her
brother Bill and Lorraine MacPher-
son of Holyrood.
The Anglican Church women met
on Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Ron Neable with a good
Mary Haldenby was in charge of
the meeting and welcomed all. The
opening hymn was When I Survey