HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-04-07, Page 1547, Of Thanks RINTOUL Thanks to the Lucknow Midget hockey team for the Blue Jay tickets. Neil Rin - tog!. --14k MACDONALD Dave and Isabel would like to thank everyone for cards, flowers, visits and phone calls on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to Helen for making the day so memorable. Your kindness will always be remembered. Thanks again. --14x HACKETT We would like to express our thanks to Dr. McGregor and the 08 staff at Win- gham and Districthospital for the care and safe arrival of Cullen; To family and friends for all the flowers andvisits while in the hospital and since coming home. A very special thank you to Betty and Roy for their love and care to Am- ber and Wesley. Kathy and Ian. --14x SCOTT I would like to thank everyone who attended myfamily shower on Sunday and my community shower on Monday. Everything that I received was lovely and much appreciated. Thank you to those who hosted both showers. Lisa. 14gp 48. Coming Event KINCARDINE HOME AND GARDEN SHOW Don't miss itl April.23, 24, 25 (Friday 5,- 9; ,9; Saturday 9-6; Sunday 12,5) at the Davidson Centre.--14-16gp SINGLES DANCE Sunday, April 11,. Easter Sunday at Legion Hall, Wingham. Dancing 7-11 p.m.. Music by Tumbleweed North,. -- 14gp 10TH TORONTO TOY SHOW AND SALE Sunday, Apr. 18, 10 - 4. International Centre, 6906 Airport Roar, Missis- sauga. 350 tables, antique and collec- tible toys.. Adults - $6; seniors - $5; youths. (6-16) - $1. Bring the whole family) --14bc 40. Coring Event SCOUT PANCAKE BREAKFAST with !eat maple syrup, Lucknow Legion April 24, 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Adults $4.50 under 12 $3.00, preschoolers free. proceeds to Canadian Jamboree 93. --14-16x FORMOSA HOME AND HOBBY SHOW AND SALE Saturday, May 1 at the Formosa Com- munity Centre from 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Featuring the Fabulous talent of 35 Formosa families and friends. Admis- sion: adults $1; children $.50; pres- choolers - free. Spacious country kitchen serving lunches all day. Show hosted by Formosa Lioness with profits to Ronald McDonald House benefitting hospital patients.--14,15gp COMMUNITY •BRIDAL SHOWER for Helen Simpson, Apr. 10, 2 p.m., Ashfield Presbyterian Church. Everyone welcome. --11,14 CHANGE OF LOCATION Reception for Lisa Scott and clod MacLennan will be April 17, 1993, 9 p.m. -1 a.m., at Goderich Township Community Centre, Holmesville. -- 13,14gp AUXILIARY MEETING The Lucknow Ladies Auxiliary to Winter Sports will hold their final meeting for 92-93 on Wednesday, April 7, 1993 at 8 p.m. in the upstairs room at the arena. Elections will be held. A good turnout is vital to our continuation.--13,14ar LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH invites you toworship with diem GOOD FRIDAY April 9th, 10:00 AM and EASTER SUNDAY April 11th 10:00 AM & 7:30 -PM Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome • 4.6. Coming Event -HAM AND TURKEY SUPPER Dungannon United Church, 'Sunday, April 25. Adults $8, ehildren (5-12) $3. Sittings 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. For tickets catl> Penny 5.29-7932 or Kathy 529-7512. --14-16x BENEFIT DANCE for Ray Cunningham who lost his house , to fire will be held Apr. 17 from 9-1 a.m. at Lucknow Community Centre. Ladies please bang lunch.—13,14,15nx EUCHRE TOURNAMENT at Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Satur- day April 10. Registration 1-2 p.m., euchre at 2 p.m. Admission $,00 each. Cash prizes, lunch.--13,14ar HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SERVICE The Lucknow and South Kinloss Pres- byterian Churches Invite you to worship with them on: Apr. 8 - Maundy Thursday, Remembering The Last Sup- per in Lucknow P.C. 7:30 p.m.; Apr. 9 - Good Friday, A Tenebrae Service of Light; an ecumenical service for Luck - now and area. in the Lucknow P.C. 7:30 p.m.; Apr. 11 - Easter Sunday,• A Celebration of the Riesurrection, South Kinloss 9:30 a.m., Lucknow P.C. 11:00 a.m., (no church school classes). - 14ar Garage Sale Saturday April 104' 9:30 - ??? LUCKNOW LEGION HALL . *Refreshments and baked goods available Proceeds to Lucknqw Air Cadets Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 7, 1993 - Page 15 40. Coming Event ANNUAL MEETING The Huron Bruce Federal P.C. Assoc. annual meeting, 8 p.m., Tuesday, Apr. 13 at Blyth Festival Hall. Delegate Selection meeting 8 p.m. Thursday, May 6 at Wingham Town Hall. Membership must be purchased by Apr. 17, 1993. cost $5.00 available at annual meeting or by mail from Mary Donnelly, 103 St. George's Cres., Goderich, Ont, .N7A 2M1.—13,14gp HEALING FROM THE HURT OF SEXUAL ABUSE Audrey McRonald, from 'Hope for the Abused" will lead a seminar sharing her own story of abuse and going through seven steps of healing. If you are car- rying the burden of abuse or are ministering' to someone Who does, come out to this very worthwhile seminar, Apr. 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Lucknow Christian Reformed Church.--11-14ar • BINGO No Bingo Hoty. Thursday, April 8 - Goderich Knights.of Columbus, Thurs- day, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390. Parson's Court, $3450 in prizes. $1000.00 Jackpot must go.—13,14ar LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.. Sunday, April 11, 1993 Easter Celebration Worship Service 11:00 AM No Church School Rev. Margaret Kinsman Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome Scouts...our goals are as limitless as space. NA) wlp, jEtriCTRIIC R.R 1 Kincardine Kent Lowry. vpeitain s * REWIRING OLDER HOMES / 24 * COMPLETE FARM SERVICE HOUR * ALL ELECTRIC HEATING • * RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL * FULLY LICENCED ELECTRICIAN ( _ FMEIICYLIE(1 SEA 395=2615 or.395-0530 4,0 j_ 395-2616 N ' �0anOR TO0 S°pi. ONE STOP SHOPPING See Sylvia or Ross for that NEW KiTCHEN OR NEW FLOORING You've been looking So hard to find. In Home Personal Consultation & Design Ross' Country Carpets. & Kitchens Dungannon 529-7551 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Protect Your Business And_ Pr�ducts,And WatchYourProtiis,Grow! 528-2822 4 528-2823 host Dry Extraction /, .`FIRE RESTORATION CARPET CLEANING Supettialliaistleutuce &twice A Division of 682130 Ontario. Limited CLEANING ALL FLOORS, WiNDOWS, WALLS AND CONTENTS ,.Ralph & Fern Vilbert RR # 3 LUCKNOW , (519) 395-3478 R. 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